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‫الجزء ‪4‬‬ ‫‪1.


‫مناذج اختبار مزاولة مهنة‬


‫دبلوم مـختــــــربات‬

‫حقــوق الطبع محـفوظة لدى‪ :‬مكتبة حيكان‬


‫من إعداد وتنسيق د‪ /‬أصيل يوس‬

‫حقوق الطبع محفوظة لدى‪:‬‬ ‫تنسيق وإعداد ‪:‬‬

‫تلجرام ‪@medicaL02022‬‬

‫‪By: ASEEL Ali YOUS‬‬

‫مكتبة حيكان‬ ‫د‪.‬أصيـــــــــل عــــــــــلي يــــــــــوس‬
‫ت‪+967 733443846 -:‬‬
‫للمستلزمات القرطاسية واإللكرتونية والتصوير‬
‫شكر خاص‪:‬‬
‫صنعاء – شارع حدة – جولة ريماس‬ ‫د‪ .‬عمار هناف‬
‫أمام بوابة المجلس الطبي – جوار الياباني للصرافة‬ ‫د‪ .‬محمد الطيب‬
‫ت‪+967 777577512 -:‬‬ ‫د‪ .‬ندى‬
‫اختبار دبلوم مختبرات صنعاء‬
4. Dysentery is caused by:
a) Shigella spp. 2022.3.24
b) E coli.
c) All of the above.
d) None of the above.

5. Blood transfusion can transmit the following virus, Except

a) HCV.
b) HBV.

‫ مكتبة حيكان‬:‫حقــوق الطبع محـفوظة لدى‬

c) HEV
d) HGV
e) All of the above

6. The following belongs to the Liver function test:

a) Creatinine.
b) Uric acid.
c) Urea.
d) A&C
e) All of the above.

7. Hyperparathyroidism hormone cause:
a) Decrease in Ca level.
b) Increase in Ca level

‫ أصيل يوس‬/‫من إعداد وتنسيق د‬

c) Decrease in Na level.
d) Increase in Na level.

8. The normal range of specifie gravity in urine is:

a) 1:015 to 1:030.
b) 1:010 to 1:020.
c) 1:005 to 1:015.
d) None of the above

9. Importance of AST enzyme is to detect abnormal in

a) A kidney disease.
b) A heart disease.
c) A liver disease.
d) C&B
@medicaL02022 ‫تلجرام‬

e) None of the above.

10. Blood components include

a) Erythrocytes.
b) Thrombocytes.
c) Leukocyte
d) All of the above.
e) None of the above.
11. The ANA test is used for detection of:
a) Allergy
b) Autoimmune disease.
c) Hypersensitivity
d) All of the above.
e) None of the above.

12. Normal saline is used for examination of:

a) Sputum.

‫ مكتبة حيكان‬:‫حقــوق الطبع محـفوظة لدى‬

b) Stool.
c) Urine
d) All of the above.
e) None of the above.

13. The in Sputum Culture the media that used is

a) Blood agar
b) Maconcky agar
c) Choklate agar
d) A& C

e) All of the above.

14. Giemsa stain is used for stain of

a) Protozoa

‫ أصيل يوس‬/‫من إعداد وتنسيق د‬

b) Bacteria
c) All of the above.
d) None of the above.

15. In the pregnancy test, one of the following hormone is measures

a) Estrogen.
b) Progesterone
c) Prolactin.
d) All of the above.
e) None of the above.

16. bacteria is be normal flora

a) skin
b) intestine
@medicaL02022 ‫تلجرام‬

c) stomach
d) None of the above.

17. In serological diagnosis, one of the following fluids is used:

a) Plasma.
b) Serum.
c) Whole blood.
d) A & B
e) All of the above.
18. The counter dye of Gram stain is:
a) Crystal violet
b) Safranin.
c) lodine.
d) None of the above

19. ESR test for

a) specific inflammation
b) specific infection

‫ مكتبة حيكان‬:‫حقــوق الطبع محـفوظة لدى‬

c) specific inflammation
d) non specific inflammation

20. The most Hb found in adults is

a) Hb A
b) Hb B
c) Hb C.
d) None of the above

21. A non-capsulated gram +ve rod organism is:

a) Shigella spp.
b) Campylobacter spp
c) All of the above.
d) None of the above.

‫ أصيل يوس‬/‫من إعداد وتنسيق د‬

22. Which of the following can be sterilized in a hot air oven?
a) Glass wares.
b) Stainless Steel utensils.
c) All of the above.
d) None of the above.

23. A normal clotting time is about:

a) 1-3 mins.
b) 4-8 mins.
c) 9-12 mins.
d) None of the above.

24. The infective stage of A. lumbriciodes is

@medicaL02022 ‫تلجرام‬

a) Larva.
b) Cercaria,
c) Fertilized ova
d) None of the above.

25. Identification of malaria parasite is done by:

A) Thick blood film
b) Thin blood film.
c) All of the above
d) None of the above.
26. Which of the following is used to protect from a biohazard in a
a) Mask.
b) Glove.
c) Gawint
d) All of the above.
e) None of the above.

27. Leukemia in CBC means:

a) Increase in RBC.

‫ مكتبة حيكان‬:‫حقــوق الطبع محـفوظة لدى‬

b) Decrease in RBC.
c) Increase in WBC.
d) Decrease in WBC.

28. One of the following electrolytes is effected by hemolysis

a) Ca.
b) Na.
c) K.
d) None of the above

29. CPDA anti-coagulant used to store blood for:
a) 25 days.
b) 35 days.
c) 21 days.

‫ أصيل يوس‬/‫من إعداد وتنسيق د‬

d) 15 days.

30. The optimum temperature for growth of pathogenic bacteria

a) 30 °C.
b) 35C.
c) 25 °C.
c) None of the above.

31. Rh-ve patient means he dose not have:

a) antigen
b) D antigen
c) B antigen
d) C antigen
e) Non of the above
@medicaL02022 ‫تلجرام‬

32. An animal is a definitive host:

a) E.histolytica
b) E.coli
c) Toxoplasma gondii
d) Giaradia lamblia
‫للمشاركة ف التعديل وحل النماذج‬
e) Typanosoma cruzi
+967 733443846
33. malaria transmitted by :
a) mospuito bit
b) blood transfusion
c) contact with another person
d) A and B

34. infective stage of Ascaris lumbricodes :

a) Larva
b) metacercar

‫ مكتبة حيكان‬:‫حقــوق الطبع محـفوظة لدى‬

c) Ovum
d) None of the above.

35. Sodium citrate is one of the anti-coagulant used in the

a) CBC.
b) ESR.
c) FBS.
d) None of the above.

36. In stool conce. Method should not use with:-

a. Evermicularis
b. tenia
c. H.nana

‫ أصيل يوس‬/‫من إعداد وتنسيق د‬

d. A & C
e. Ascaris

37. In ABO blood group test kit, the color of anti B container:
a) Yellow.
b) Blue.
c) Red.
d) Colorless.

38. Which of the following Gram -ve organisms are not capsulated :
a) Shigella spp.
b) Salnonella spp
c) Klebsiella spp.
d) None of the above.
@medicaL02022 ‫تلجرام‬

39. leishmania is transported by?

a) mosquitoes
b) pugs
c) sand fly
d) None of the above.
40. The best method to sterilize a culture medium is applied
a) A hot air oven.
b) An autoclave.
c) A Millipore filtration device.
d) None of the above.

41. Polycythemia means

a) Decrease in Hb
b) Increase in RBC

‫ مكتبة حيكان‬:‫حقــوق الطبع محـفوظة لدى‬

c) All of the above
d) None of the above

42. to sterilize culture media we use?

a) Dry heat
b) wet heat
c) autoclave

43. The normal value of Na in serum is:

a) 135-145 mg/dL.

b) 135-145 mEq/dL.
c) 135-145 mEq/L.
d) None of the above.

‫ أصيل يوس‬/‫من إعداد وتنسيق د‬

44. Poikilocytosis is:
a- variation in red cell size
b- Variation in red cell number
c- Variation in red cell shape
d- non of the above

45. Loops & forceps are sterilized by:

a) Flaming until red hot.
b) ???
c) A and B
d) non of the above

46. If you see this sign (symbol) in the lab it means:

a) Flammable
@medicaL02022 ‫تلجرام‬

b) Corrosive
c) Oxidizing
d) Toxic

47. cryoprecipitate is used to treatment:

a) hemophilia A
b) anemia
c) leukemia
d) thrombocytopenia
1. Polycythemia means
a) Decrease in Hb ‫اختبار دبلوم مختبرات إب‬
b) Increase in RBC
c) All of the above
d) None of the above

2. Leukemia in CBC means: :‫حقوق الطبع محفوظة لدى‬

a) Decrease in ESR

‫مكتبة حيكان‬
b) Decrease in RBC.

‫ مكتبة حيكان‬:‫حقــوق الطبع محـفوظة لدى‬

c) Increase in WBC.
d) None of the above

3. Hematocrit test measure: ‫للمستلزمات القرطاسية واإللكرتونية والتصوير‬

a) HB ‫صنعاء – شارع حدة – جولة ريماس‬
b) PCV. ‫أمام بوابة المجلس الطبي – جوار الياباني للصرافة‬
c) RBC.
+967 777577512 -:‫ت‬
d) WBC

4. ESR test measured:

a) MM
b) MI
c) CM.
d) All of the above

‫ أصيل يوس‬/‫من إعداد وتنسيق د‬

5. Identification of malaria parasite is done by:
a) Thick blood film
b) Thin blood film
c) All of the above
d) None of the above.
6. Blood components include:
a) Erythrocyte
b) Leukocyte
c) Thrombocyte.
d) All of the above
7. deferential test is used for:
a) Erythrocyte
b) Leukocyte
@medicaL02022 ‫تلجرام‬

c) All of the above

d) None of the above.

8. A normal Coagulation time is about:

a) 3-4 mins.
b) 10-15 mins.
c) 40-120 mins.
d) None of the above.
9. CPDA enzyme are present in :
All of the above

10. Infective stage of Entrobius Vermicularis is:

a) Larva
b) Metacercaria

‫ مكتبة حيكان‬:‫حقــوق الطبع محـفوظة لدى‬

c) Egg
d) Cyst

11. the best sterilization of culture media

a) hot air oven
d-Bunsen burner

12. Gram negative bacteria can be differentiated from Gram posative

a) Capsule
b) cell wall
cell membrane

‫ أصيل يوس‬/‫من إعداد وتنسيق د‬

13. one of the following is capsulated bacteria?
a) salmonella
b) E.coli
c) Klebsiella
d) All of the above

14. one of the following electrolytes is effected by hemolisis?

a) Ca
b) Mg
c) K
d) All of the above

15. The retain test used before transfer blood ?

a) Aids
@medicaL02022 ‫تلجرام‬

b) Viral hepatitis
c) malaria
d) All of the above

16. The pregnancy test of the following hormone is measured by :

a) testosterone
b) HCG
c) estrogen
d) None above.
17. hypoparathyroidism hormone cause:
a) Elevated ca level
b) Decrease ca level
c) All of the above
d) None of the above.

18. The different between plasma and serum , plasma contain:

a) fibrogen
b) non contain fibrinogen

‫ مكتبة حيكان‬:‫حقــوق الطبع محـفوظة لدى‬

c) has more water
d) None above.

19. The following belong to kidney function test :

a) creatinine
b) Urea
c) Uric acid
d) All of the above
20. The lamb used in spectrophotometer:
a) Lazer

b) halogen
c) All of the above
d) None of the above.

‫ أصيل يوس‬/‫من إعداد وتنسيق د‬

21. one jaundice patient has yellow skin, his billrubin is:
a) 2.5mg/dl
b) 1.2mg/dl
c) 5.0mg/dl
d) None of the above.

22. a semen specimen, contain sugar source of the spermatozoa energy is:
a) Glucose
b) Lactose
c) Fructose
d) All of the above

23. In the emergency case the blood group safety trensfer:

a) Rh O negative
@medicaL02022 ‫تلجرام‬

b) Rh O positive
c) AB negative
d) A negative

24. Dengue fever caused by:

a) Sand fly
b) mosquito
c) mosite
d) ticks
25. the common type of anemia :
a) hemolytic anemia
b) Iron deficiency anemia
c) Post hemolytic anemia
d) none of the above

26. the best media for sputum culture :

a) blood
b) chocolate

‫ مكتبة حيكان‬:‫حقــوق الطبع محـفوظة لدى‬

d) A and B

27. the optimum culture for bacteria :

a) 22 C
b) 25 C
c) 35 C
d) none of the above
28. Leukemia is characterized by :
a) Cancer blood

b) Present immature cell and abnormally cell
c) Present anemia and some symptoms
d) all of the above

‫ أصيل يوس‬/‫من إعداد وتنسيق د‬

29. Infective stage of S.hematobium is:
a) Larva
b) Cercaria
c) Egges
d) all of the above

30. Toxoplasma in transfer :

a) Dog
b) cat
c) all of the above
d) none of the above

31. Which of the following can be sterilized in a hot air oven?

a) Glass wares.
@medicaL02022 ‫تلجرام‬

b) Stainless Steel utensils.

c) All of the above.
d) None of the above.

32. The normal value of Na in serum is:

a) 135-145 mg/dL.
b) 135-145 mEq/dL.
c) 135-145 mEq/L.
d) None of the above.
33. Poikilocytosis is:
a) variation in red cell size
b) Variation in red cell color
c) Variation in red cell shape
d) non of the above

34. cotch type test used to detection: -

A) Ascaris Lumbricoides
B) Entrobius Vermicularis

‫ مكتبة حيكان‬:‫حقــوق الطبع محـفوظة لدى‬

C) An clostoma
D) All of the above.

35. The counter dye of gram stain is?

a) Crystal violet
b) Iodine
c) Safranine
d) none of the above

36. the ANA test used for detection of ?

a) allergy
b) auto immune disease
c) All of the above.
d) None of the above.

‫ أصيل يوس‬/‫من إعداد وتنسيق د‬

37. the most "main" HB found in adult is ?
a) HBA
b) HBA2
c) HBF
d) All of the above.

38. Bacilly is caused by?

a) shigella
b) E.histolitica
c) HBF
d) All of the above.

39. ALT important enzyme to detect abnormality in :

a) Liver disease
b) Heart disease
@medicaL02022 ‫تلجرام‬

c) Liver and heart disease

d) all of the above

40. Hematopoiesis component of:

a) Erythrocyte
b) Leukocyte
c) Thrombocyt.
d) All of the above
‫‪41. The entric viruses infected mainly:‬‬
‫‪a) GGT‬‬
‫‪b) Kidney‬‬
‫‪c) Liver‬‬
‫‪d) All of the above‬‬

‫حقــوق الطبع محـفوظة لدى‪ :‬مكتبة حيكان‬

‫التنسونا من خالص الدعاء‬
‫عب الرابط التال‬
‫جميع النسخ لمختلف التخصصات محفوظه عىل التلجرام ر‬
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‫للمشاركة ف التعديل وحل النماذج ‪+967 733443846‬‬

‫الدليل الشامل في اختبارات‬ ‫نماذج اختبارت قـــــبالة‬ ‫نماذج مختبرات‬ ‫تمريض ‪ +‬مساعدين اطباء‬ ‫نماذج طب عام‬ ‫نماذج صيدلة‬
‫مساعد طبيب – تمريض – قبالة‬

‫من إعداد وتنسيق د‪ /‬أصيل يوس‬

‫حقوق الطبع محفوظة لدى‪:‬‬

‫مكتبة حيكان ‪2022‬‬

‫للمستلزمات القرطاسية واإللكرتونية والتصوير‬
‫صنعاء – شارع حدة – جولة ريماس‬
‫أمام بوابة المجلس الطبي – جوار الياباني للصرافة‬
‫ت‪+967 777577512 -:‬‬
‫تلجرام ‪@medicaL02022‬‬

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