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Always Mine All Mine 2 1st Edition

Lauren Wood
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Copyright © 2017 by Lauren Wood
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
photocopying, recording or other electronic or mechanical methods,
without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the
case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain
other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.
This is a work of fiction. While, as in all fiction , the literary
perceptions and insights are based on life experiences and
conclusions drawn from research, all names, characters, places and
specific instances are products of the author’s imagination and used
fictitiously. No actual reference to any real person, living or dead, is
intended or inferred.
Always Mine: A Bad Boy Next Door Romance
Published by Wood Publication, CA


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19







Chapter 1


“Hold the door?”

I looked back at the tall man in a leather jacket that was talking to

me in such a gruff voice. He had his hands full, but the problem was

that I didn’t know who he was. The door was usually locked for

safety reasons and I didn’t want to be the one to let him in.

“I’m sorry Sir, but if you don’t live here, I can’t let you in.”

“I am moving in today, so hold the door.”

He gestured to all of the items in his hands and there was a moment

that I thought it would be best if I did let him in. But there was

another side of me that was sure that he didn’t live here. I had lived

in the building for many years and I would have remembered a man

like him. He was hard to forget with his tattoos and dark brown


“I’m sorry, but you should have a key then. I can’t let you in, but I

will give you a number to call the manager if you want.”

He looked at me as if I was a little crazy and I ignored the look that

he gave me. I closed the door behind me and there was a bit of

noise when I did so. I looked back over my shoulder once to catch

his dark gaze. If I would have been wax, I would have melted right

then and there from the stare. It was clear that he wasn’t the least
bit happy with me. The man’s dark brown eyes bore into me until it

was hard for me to speak, let alone go up the stairs to my own

apartment. What if he was telling the truth? There was no way that

we were going to be friends or anything short of enemies.

I tried not to think about it again as I opened the door to my

apartment. The city wasn’t as safe as it had been and if I was

wrong, there was no telling what could happen. Besides, he looked a

little rough for this neighborhood. Whoever the man was, he didn’t

look like he belonged. It was men like him that I tried to stay away

from. That was why I lived in a place that had better security than

my last place and I paid a premium in rent.

Forgetting about the man from the door, I took a shower and got

ready to go out for the evening. Carol had invited me to drinks and it
had been one of those weeks that I needed one. It wasn’t long

before I was making my way back down the stairs and I stopped

short when I saw the landlord and the rude man from before. I

cringed inside. Of course he was telling the truth.

“Cameron. How are you doing?”

I smiled at the old man and told him that I was fine. I tried my best

to ignore the look that I was getting from the dark-haired man

standing next to him. It was obvious that he wasn’t very happy with

me and I didn’t blame him now. In my defense, I didn’t really know

who he was. He could have been anyone.

“I wanted to introduce you to the new complex manager Joel. You

know that I am getting long in the tooth, so I finally hired someone

that will be taking care of everything for me.”

It was getting worse by the minute and all I wanted to do was

scream a little inside. It was my luck that he was the new manager.

That meant that it was going to be impossible to get anything fixed,

not when I hadn’t let him in.

“Nice to meet you Joel.”

I moved to shake his hand and there was a moment that I thought

he wouldn’t take it. Mr. Johnson was standing right there though and

must not have known about us meeting earlier.

“We have already met Ron. This is the one that wouldn’t let me in

earlier and made me call you down here.”

Mr. Johnson chuckled and the grip on my hand was a bit tighter. I

pulled away after a moment and bid them both a goodbye. I wanted

to get out of there as soon as possible. I was more than a little

embarrassed and I knew then that I wasn’t going to be calling for

anything unless it was an emergency.

“Oh, Cameron? When do you want Joel to come up and take a look

at that air conditioner of yours?”

I had forgotten about it and I turned around slowly. “You know, it is

working better now. I wouldn’t even worry about it.”

“Now come on. You have been telling me about it for a month. I had

meant to come over, but my old knees have been acting up. That’s

part of the reason that I had to hire my nephew, Joel.”

“Really, don’t worry about it.”

“Are you sure? It is going to be hot next week.”

I hadn’t seen the forecast, but in New Orleans in the middle of July

was always hot. I was just going to have to deal with it. I told him
that I was sure and retreated into the muggy air outside before he

could say anything else. Why hadn’t I just let him in? There were so

many apartments in the building. It wasn’t like I would have known

everyone. It was a mistake that I was going to have to pay for by

sweating this summer with no air conditioner.

Looking back before I moved down the sidewalk, Joel was looking

after me and I thought to myself how much of a shame it was that

earlier had happened. I was more than a little attracted to the man,

even when he was giving me a dirty look and now it would amount

to nothing. He wasn’t my type, not by a long shot, but a guy like

Joel could make a woman forget for a little while that fact.

Pushing it from my mind, I tried to focus on the night and called

Carol to see where she was. She was supposed to be here already
and since I now had an enemy at the door, I decided to have her

meet me away from the apartment. Walking to the bistro, I waited a

few minutes before I saw her silver car pull up and I took her out a

drink that I knew she liked. There was no better way to start the

night of dancing, then with a White Russian to go.

“Cameron, what is going on with you? Why are we meeting here?”

I told her about the man at the door and the new manager. I was

frustrated and I knew by the look on her face that I was blowing it

out of proportion. I wasn’t sure why, maybe it was the way he

looked at me, but I knew that it was going to be a problem.

“So it’s the landlord’s nephew?”

“Yeah, just my luck.”

“Well was he cute?”

It wasn’t something that I was really thinking about. Joel was cute,

really cute in a bad boy sort of way. But that wasn’t the point. Carol

was a little man crazy, so I figured that she would want to know

about him for that reason.

“I guess he is, if you like that biker sort of look. He is just not my


As we drove to the club, I sipped on the drink and thought about

Joel. He was cute, but I knew that it was going to be trouble. I was

already thinking about the heat and what I was going to do about

the air conditioner. I could do a lot of things, but fixing mechanical

things was not one of them. I was just going to have to find

someone else to help me or replace the whole unit.

“Man, you are quiet. He must be a little more than cute.”

I looked over at Carol and shook my head. “I wasn’t even thinking

about him. I was just, I don’t know.” I wasn’t a good liar, so I

stopped while I was ahead.

“Well stop thinking about it or whatever it is that is making you

frown. You know that is just going to give you wrinkles.”

She was right and I wasn’t sure why I was so worried about him. I

was out to have fun and it was something that I needed. “You’re

right. I guess he just put me in a bad mood.”

“Well drink some more of that and we will be there in a minute.

There isn’t anything that some liquor and a little dancing will solve.”

I knew she was right and I tried to do what she said, pushing the

man from my mind and not thinking about him anymore. I wasn’t
going to think about the dark-eyed man that was now thrust into my

life. I was going to focus on the drink and the night ahead of us.
Chapter 2


There was a racket out in the hallway by the front entrance that

woke me up from a deep sleep. I lay in bed with my eyes cracked

open and a soft, warm body snuggled up to me. Trying to will

whatever the noise was to stop so that I could get back to sleep, I

pulled the girl next to me closer. I didn’t remember her name,

though I knew that she had told me the night before.

It had been a longer day than I had expected and with all of the

work I had to do the next day, I was sure that it was going to be

even longer. Staying up hadn’t helped and now it was clear that a

restful night was going to be harder than I thought.

Finally I sat up because whatever the banging and rattling was, it

wasn’t going to stop. It reminded me of my cousin Carlos and how

loud he used to be when he was coming in from a night at the bar. If

I didn’t know any better, I would have had to guess that someone

was drunk in the hallway just like he would be. It brought back

memories of Chicago and the old life that I was trying to leave


Pulling a pair of jeans on, I went out of the apartment to see what it

was that was making all of that noise. I was trying my best to get

back to sleep, but it was clear that it wasn’t going to happen until I

did something about it. My mind went to the blonde in my bed.

Maybe I would wake her up when I got back.

I smiled when I saw what it was that was going on. The person in

question was the rude woman from before and since she hadn’t

seen me yet there was a moment where I thought about just

walking away. It was its own kind of poetic justice.

When she saw me, her face fell and even though I was right about

the drinking thing, it seemed like she wasn’t so drunk as to not have

a reaction to me. Walking towards the closed and locked door, I

smiled back at her and her face fell. She was not happy to see me

and that made my grin a little wider on my face.

It was a shame she was so difficult because the woman was so

beautiful. When I had first seen her, I had thought of Eve, a woman

that I had fallen for the year before. I didn’t win her heart, most

likely because I was too nice of a guy, but things were different. I
wasn’t the same guy that my wife divorced and I wasn’t the same

guy that lost the girl. Moving to New Orleans was my change of

scenery so that I could be someone else. Taking notes from my

cousin Carlos, I had learned that nice guys really do finish last.

“Fancy seeing you here, on that side of the door.”

She didn’t smile back at me and I had to chuckle a little at her

discomfort. I could tell how much she hated me right then.

“Do you need help?”

It was clear that Cameron was trying to get in the building. She had

a big keyring in her hand and I wasn’t sure if she was too drunk to

get it into the keyhole or if she had forgotten which one it was that

she needed.

“No, I am fine, thanks.”

“Well you woke me up with all of this racket, so now I am here. I

can tell that you are going to be a problem.”


“I bet. I bet you are wishing that you had let me in before, don’t


The words were slurred and so help me she sounded adorable. What

was it about this woman that set me off so much? I shouldn’t help

her, not like she had helped me at all, but I wasn’t going to get any

sleep if I didn’t. Every time I was around Cameron, she caused me

trouble. Someone needed to bring her down a notch.

Pushing the door open, Cameron almost fell in because she was

leaning on it. I had to move to catch her and there was an instant

attraction when her body fell into mine. I don’t think that I was very
worried about if she fell or not, I was more worried about getting a

feel of her soft curves that I hadn’t been able to ignore.

“Thanks, sorry about that.”

She was pushing herself off of me and for a moment I didn’t want to

let her go. I wanted her against me as she was, but I had a feeling

that it would just make things worse between us. There was the

surge of curiosity of what she would do if I copped a feel. Pressing

off of her, I made sure to brush my hand against her large breasts.

She didn’t even seem to notice.

Watching her start towards the stairs, she was wobbly and it made

me nervous. I didn’t want to be responsible if she fell and then tried

to sue my uncle. I needed the fresh start and the job that was on
offer. I wasn’t going to let her hurt herself because she was too

stubborn to get a little help.

“I told you that I am fine Joel.”

I liked that she remembered my name, even if she said it in a tone

that wasn’t that nice. At least she remembered me. That was how I

was going to look at it. I wasn’t going to notice the attitude or the

roll of the eyes. Cameron was complicated and I didn’t want to get

involved. I reminded myself of that several times before I couldn’t

help myself.

“Let me help you Cameron. You are pretty drunk and I don’t want

you to fall down the stairs. I’m sure my uncle wouldn’t approve of

me just letting you go up by yourself. My cousin Carlos would have

approved, but this was business.”

She shook her head and insisted that she was fine. Maybe she was

and she would make it, but the nagging feeling inside of me was

hard to shut off. I tried to think of what Carlos would have done. He

would have left her there and told her to have at it. It is what I

should have done, but I couldn’t. I was still trying to turn off that

part of me, but it was hard to do. It was hard not to care about

Cameron, even though I had another woman in my bed.

Taking her arm, I wasn’t going to take no for an answer. It was clear

that she needed help and even if she didn’t want it, I wasn’t going

to let her hurt herself. It was going to be easier if I just helped her

up there and then I would be able to get back to sleep.

“Take your hands off of me Joel!”

I wasn’t expecting the strength of the refusal and I did as she asked.

Cameron wasn’t ready for it and she leaned into the wall to stop

herself from falling. I was trying to figure out what it was that I was

doing trying to help her. It was obvious that she didn’t want my help,

even though she needed it and I was getting more and more irate

with her.

When I tried to help her again, she pushed against me and sent

herself into the wall again. It was funny to see, but I knew that I

was going to have to do something. Picking her up, I ignored her

protests and started up the stairs with her. Even though she was

squirming in my arms, I could smell her perfume filling my nostrils.

She smelled as good as she looked and I felt a tightening in my

pants. Why was I always attracted to the difficult ones?

“Put me down!”

We were up the two flights of stairs and she wasn’t that far from her

door. I didn’t do what she wanted immediately, when we were in

front of her door, I finally put her down. She swayed and I let the

wall help prop her up.

“Do you need any help getting inside?” I was more than willing to

help her to bed if that meant I would get to relieve myself of the

perceived duty that I had. I was trying to become more like my

cousin that just didn’t care, but it was harder than I thought when it

came to certain people.

“I don’t need your help Joel. I told you that I was fine.”

Not believing her, I waited for her to fumble with her keys and then I

just grabbed them and slid the key in for her. Neither one of us was
going to get any sleep the ways she was going about it all and it was

hard to be around her when I knew that my attention wasn’t


“There. Now I am going to go back to sleep now. If you decide to go

anywhere, don’t. You are too drunk to be walking around.”

“You can’t tell me what to do.”

She was being childish and the slur in her voice made it a little more

entertaining to me. I just shook my head and walked away. All I was

trying to do was help her and I was learning that no good deed ever

goes unpunished and this was one of those times.

Going down the stairs slowly, I looked up once to see that Cameron

had made it into her apartment. I hadn’t seen much of the inside,

but it was far more put together than she was at that time. Was I
the reason that she was so drunk? Our altercation earlier had

bothered me, but I liked the idea better that it may have bothered

her as well.

Stripping off the jeans that I had thrown on when I had thought

there was something going on in the hallway I laid back down and

stared up at the ceiling. I didn’t want the unnamed woman that was

next to me. I asked myself the same question that I had since I

arrived in New Orleans. What was I doing here? Was I really ever

going to get to start over fresh and if I was, would it be here? I just

wasn’t sure and before I could think much more into it, my mind

went to Cameron. While it was clear that she didn’t want anything to

do with me, I was sure that I was going to be able to change her

Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
In Egypt, 498.
The chief ⸺ in England, 506
Science, Egyptian aptitude for, 37
Scotchman’s opinion of Heliopolis, 120
Sebennytus, 280
Secession of military caste, 273
Semites, their monotheistic tendency, 30.
Their view of law, 31.
Not unimaginative, 204
Semnéh, Nile registration at, 5
Serpent-charming, 340
Sesortosis not first dresser of stone, 72-81
Sethos, his hypostyle hall, 129.
His tomb, 134, 138.
His temple-palace, 147
Shadoof, 445
Sheep, 434
Shoes taken off in holy places, 338
Shops, Eastern, 263
Silsiléh, Cataract once at, 7
Slavery, its abolition not contemplated by the first Christians,
Sluices of Lake Mœris, 108.
At Suez, 477, 478
Solanum, a handsome one, 416
Solomon’s Pools and Aqueduct, 50.
Has no doctrine of a future life, 194
Sparrows, 437
State, relation of, to Church, 513.
Stops the usurpations of the Church, 519.
Does not see its own duty, 520.
Neglected national education, 521.
What it should teach, 523.
Why it should enforce moral training, 528.
The sphere of the, 528.
Its ability to give moral training, 529
Statue, wooden, at Boulak Museum, 72-74.
Of Chephren, 74
Stone, date of building with, 75-81.
Why large stones used in building, 293
Street, the Royal, at Thebes, 151
Suez, 477, 478, 484
Superstitions, Arab, 359-364.
The evil eye accounted for, 360-363
Sycamore, 117

Tablet of Abydos, 101

Tacitus’ account of Germanicus’ visit to Egypt, 165
Tamarisk, 412
Tanis, 267.
Hyksos at, 269.
Connexion with the Exodus, 269
Tax on palm-trees, 23
Temples fortresses, 286
Testament, relation of New to Old, 235
Thebes becomes the capital, 125.
Sources of its wealth, 130.
Necropolis of, 133-143.
Its temple-palaces, 144-153.
Grandeur, 151
Theology and religion, 67.
Not religion, 321.
Of Alexandria, 451
This. See Abydos
Tombs, pictures and sculptures of, 134-142.
Why larger in Egypt than elsewhere, 296.
Of the Memlooks, 467
Transmigration of souls, 188
Travel, effects of Eastern, on belief, 244-256.
An aid to understanding the Scriptures, 249.
Affects different minds differently, 253
Trees in Egypt, 410-413
Truth identical with religion, 237
Turanians, Egyptians not, 41
Turtle, how treated, 441

Unclean, the, animal, 431

Unconformable stratification of Nile mud, 9
Upper Egypt in post-Pharaohnic times, 289

Veil, the, 338

Venice, 492
Vertebrate skeleton, belief in a future life the ⸺ of thought,
Vespasian’s excise on scouring, 367
View from citadel of Cairo, 460.
In London, 506
Villages, wretched houses in the, 405
Wagtail, 436
Wall-space for records, 290-298
Warburton’s Divine legation, 238
Water-jars, 402-404
Wells, suggestion for, in Egypt, 459
Westminster Abbey, what it suggests, 508, 511.
What palace of, suggests, 512, 514
Wheat, mummy, cultivated by early settlers in central Europe, 44
Wife, an unfaithful, drowned, 384
Wisdom of Egyptians, 299-321.
In what it consisted, 306.
What overthrew it, 320
Women, Oriental, why frail, 386.
Water-carriers, 402
Wood, want of, in Egypt, 405-409
Woollen, why Egyptian priests did not use, 367


Egypt of the Pharaohs and of the Khedivé.


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