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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII
Division of Samar
Gandara II District
Gandara, Samar
School ID:313734

Minutes of the First Homeroom PTA Meeting

(September 1, 2022)

The First homeroom PTA Meeting for S.Y. 2022-2023 was held on September 1, 2022 at
the Grade 7 classroom. There were 12 parents who attended the meeting. It started at 8:30 in
the morning.
The first part of the meeting was formally started with a prayer led by Mrs.Danica K.
Bacarra. It was followed by the singing of the National Anthem conducted by Ms. Arlene Joy V.
Donadillo- class adviser. The welcome address was then delivered by the teacher/adviser.
At 8:45 in the morning the meeting proper commenced. The first agendum of the
meeting was the election of the homeroom PTA Officials.
The result of the meeting was the election and recognition of the new set of homeroom
PTA officials, namely:
President: Danica K. Bacarra
Vice President: Ma. Teressa A. Piloton
Secretary: Dominga A. Dumayan
Treasurer: Niňa Bev L. Estrelles
Auditor: Nora Docil
Sgt. At Arms: Maricel Galvan
P.I.O: Nora Sambalilo
Bus. Manager: Paz Sefuentes
M.M.O. Charmalyn Docil
Muse: Frlicetas Donadillo
Escort: Rufino D. Capilyan

During the meeting, the matter about the learners’ concern, particularly their behavior
was brought to attention. It was agreed that the parents would follow up children’s attitude on
attendance and class interaction. Furthermore, as per the agendum of the school’s
development and maintenance, it was communicated to the parents that the local community
and the school will coordinate to clean with the beautification and cleanliness of the classroom
and school surroundings. The parents were assigned locations for which they will be held
responsible for. Details have yet to be agreed upon.
As all other pertinent concerns were dealt with for the time being, the meeting was
adjourned at exactly 10:30 in the morning, with the same number of attendees.
Prepared by:

Homeroom PTA Secretary
Attested by:


Grade 7 Hestia Adviser

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