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Martin Luther's Legacy: Reforming

Reformation Theology for the 21st

Century 1st Edition Mark Ellingsen
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Reforming Reformation
Theology for the 21st Century

Martin Luther’s Legacy
Mark Ellingsen

Martin Luther’s
Reforming Reformation Theology for the 21st
Mark Ellingsen
Atlanta, GA, USA

ISBN 978-1-137-58757-2 ISBN 978-1-137-58758-9 (eBook)

DOI 10.1057/978-1-137-58758-9

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For Betsey
The special one who accompanies me in all my journeys with Luther
and most everywhere else

Nobody studies Luther alone, especially if they are Lutherans like myself.
The footnotes in this book just begin to hint at my numerous intellectual
debts in understanding the first Reformer. Add to that the hundreds, no
thousands of conversations I have had about this Reformation Father for
over 50 years with Luther scholars from across the globe, Lutheran theo-
logians of most every stripe, and even colleagues in Lutheran ministry
who love his heritage. This book is a “thank-you” for all I’ve learned.
One of its main messages is that these colleagues are pretty much cor-
rect. Martin Luther really taught what almost all of them said he did. His
thought is so rich that most interpretations of the Reformer are correct,
at least in part about him. Most everybody is right about Luther—in
part—because the other interpreters are right about him too.
What Philip Schaff wrote over a century ago about Augustine
(Luther’s great influence) applies to the Reformer: “In great men, and
only great men, great opposites and apparently antagonistic truths live
together. Small minds cannot hold them.”1
What Schaff said about Augustine as being such a person can apply
to Luther, that he may still hold a mediating place between the great
traditions of Christendom, the prospect of a future reconciliation in a
higher (more pastorally sensitive) unity.2 Letting Luther teach us about
the diversity in his thought and its pastoral implications, an invitation to
learn more about him from most of Luther’s interpreters, is in large part
what this book is about.

viii Preface

My song of praise to my fellow-students of Luther in this Preface

would be woefully incomplete if I failed to mention the one who has
been with me most every year, through most every new insight I’ve had
about the Reformer in all the years I have known him. I refer Betsey, the
one I live with, who has been with me in all my journeys—the ones with
Luther and all the other journeys of life as well. As we talked about this
book we considered some other book dedications I want to write some-
time, like to a couple of beloved newer spouses of two of our children
not to mention some grandchildren we love a whole lot. They deserve
some books too someday, if I don’t run out of gas. But there was no
way I was going to let a book on the theologian I so dearly love, the
man whose writings have helped make my life so sweet, without this
book being for the one who has been with me in these journeys, through
all the ups and downs of a life in ministry, and who when talking about
them together has made what Luther taught me even better and a lot
more fun. Now you know why this book is for Betsey, even though I’ve
had a lot of other helpers.

Mark Ellingsen

1. Philip Schaff, “Prologomena: St. Augustine’s Life and Work,” in
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, First Series, Vol.1 (1886; reprint
ed.; Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1995), p. 23.
2. Ibid., p. 24.

1 Introduction: Luther the Reformer, Past and Present  1

2 Scripture and Theological Method  19

3 God and Trinity  75

4 Christology 97

5 The Holy Spirit  109

6 Creation and Providence  119

7 Human Nature, Sin, and Free Will  135

8 Atonement 157

9 Justification 167

10 The Christian Life (Sanctification)  217

11 Church  269

x Contents

12 Ministry 279

13 Sacraments 287

14 Eschatology 299

15 Social Ethics  307

16 Conclusion: How Luther Still Reforms Us Today  335



Texts by Luther
Ab.Chr.  Confession concerning Christ’s Supper [Von
Abendmahl Christi, Bekenntnis] (1528)
Act. Aug. Proceedings At Augsburg [Acta augustana] (1518)
Adv. Advent Sermons [Adventpostille] (1522) (1525)
Adv.bull.  Against The Anti-Christ’s Bull [Adversus exerabilem
Antichristi bullam] (1520)
Ambr. Cath. A Response to the Book of Master Ambrosius
Catherines [Ad librum eximii Magfistri Nostri
Magistri Ambrosii Catharini, defensoris Silverstri
Prieratis asccerimi, responsio] (1521)
Anbet.Sak.  The Adoration of the Sacrament [Von Anbeten des
Sakraments des heligen Leichnams Christ] (1523)
Ander Ep.Pet. Sermons On the Second Epistle of St. Peter [Die
ander Epistel S. Petri, und ein S. Judas gepredigt
und augelegt] (1523–1524)
Antinom. (1) First Disputation Against the Antinomians [Die
erste Disputation gegen die Antinomer] (1537)
Antinom. (2) Second Disputation Against the Antinomians [Die
zweite Disputation gegen die Antinomer] (Jan.
Antinom. (3) Third Disputation Against the Antinomians [Die
dritte Disputation gegen die Antinomer] (Sept.

xii Abbreviations

Ap.Conc.  Call of Martin Luther For a Council [Appellatio f.

Martini Luther ad Concilium] (1518)
28 Art. Action On the 28 Articles [An der Rat zu Erfurt:
Gutachten uber die 28 Artikel der Gemeine] (1525)  Response to the Bull of Leo X [Assertio omnium
articulorum M. Lutheri per bullam Leonis X novis-
simam domnatorum] (1520)
Auff.Ed.  Commentary On the Alleged Imperial Edict [Auff
das Vermeyut keiserlich Edict Ausgangen ynn]
Auff.Ems.  Answer To the Hyperchristian, Hyperspiritual, and
Hyperlearned Book By Goat Emser in Leipzing [Auff
das uberchristlich ubergeystlich und uberkunstlich
buch Boks Emszer zu Leypczick Antwortt] (1521)
Auff.Leip.  Concerning the Answer of the Goat in Leipzig [Auff
des bocks zu Leypczick Antwort] (1521)
Aus. Joh. Another Interpretation of John 1–14 [Ein ander
Auslegung uber Joh. 1–14] (n.d.)
Aus.Mos.  An Interpretation of Some Chpaters of Other Books
of Moses [Auslegung der etliche Kapitel des andern
Buchs Mosi, gepredigt zu Wittenberg] (1524–1526)
Aus.Vat.  An Exposition of The Lord’s Prayer for Simple
Laymen [Auslegung deutsch des Vaterunsers für die
einfältigen Laien] (1519)
Ban.  A Sermon On the Ban [Ein Sermon von dem Bann]
Bapt. Rom. On the Papacy in Rome: Against the Most
Celeberated Romanist in Leipzig [Von dem Bapstum
zu Rome: widder den hochberumpten Romanisten zu
Leiptzck] (1520)
Beid.Ges.  On Receiving Both Kinds in the Sacrament [Von
beider Gestalt des Sakraments zu nehmen] (1522)
Bet. Personal Prayer Book [Betbuchlein] (1522)
Betr.Leid. Christ A Meditation On Christ’s Passion [Ein Sermon von
der Betrachtung des heiligen Leidens Christi] (1519)
Bib.DB  Bibliograph of Prints [Bibliographie der Drucke mit
Jahresangabe] (1546)
BR Letters
Br. auf.geyst. Letter To the Princes of Saxony Concerning the
Rebellious Spirit [Eyn brief an die Fürsten zu
Sachsen von dem auffrurischen geyst] (1524)
Br. Schwarm. Letter To the Christians in Strasbourg Concerning
Enthusiasts [En Brif an die Christen zu Strassburg
wider den Schwärmgeist] (1524)
Abbreviations xiii

Brief. Card.Al. Letter To Cardinal Albrecht (1518)

Brief. Rech. Letter To Hans von Rechenberg [Ein Sendbrief An
Hans v. Rechenberg] (1522)
Brief Schieich. Infliltrating and Clandestine Preachers [Ein
Brief D. Martin Luthers von den Schieichern und
Winkelpredigern] (1532)
Brief. Staup. Letter To Johann Staupitz (1518)
Bull. Bep. Bis. Against the Spiritual Estate of the Pope and the
Bishops Falsely So Called [Die Bulle Des Ecclesiastic
Wittenbergk Wider die Bepstischen Bichoff, Die da
gibt Gottes genade zu lon allen den, die sy haltenz,
und in volgen] (1522)
Butz.  Seven Psalms of Penance [Der sieben Butzpsalmen]
Capt. Bab. The Babylonian Captivity of the Church [De
Captivitate Babylonica Ecclesiae] (1520)
Christ. Adel To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation
[An den Christlichen Adel deutscher Nation von den
Christlichen Standesn Besserung] (1520)
Christ.Bish.  An Example of How to Consecrate a Christian
Bishop [Exempel, einen rechten christliche Bischof zu
weihen] (1542)
Christ. ver. That a Christian Assembly or CongregationHas the
Right and Power to Judge All Teaching and to Call,
Appoint, and Dismiss Teachers, Established and
Proven by Scripture [Das eyn Christliche versamlung
odder gemeyne recht und macht habe, alle lere tzu
urteylen und lerer zu beruffen, eyn und abzusetzen,
Grund und ursach aus der schrifft] (1523)
Christ. Vorm. Christian Exhortation to the Livonians Concerning
Public Worship and Concord [Eyne Christliche
vormanung von eusserlichem Gottis dienste unde
eyntracht in die yn lieffland] (1525)
Con.lob.  Consolation for Labor and Load [Tessaradecos con-
solatoria pro laboruntibus et oneratis] (1520)
Cont. Lov. Against the Thirty-Two Articles of the
Louvian Theologists [Contra asinos Parisienses
Lovaniensesque; also titled Wider dei XXXII Artikel
der Theologisten zu Löwen] (1545)
I Cor. Commentary on I Corinthians 7 [Das siebente
Kapitel S. Pauli zu den Korinthern ausgelegt]
xiv Abbreviations

Deut.  Lectures on Deuteronomy [Deuteronomion Mosi cum

annotationibus] (1525)
Dial.Pri.  A Dialogue With Silvestri Prieratis [Ad dialogum
Silvestri Prieratis de potestate papae responsio]
Dict. Ps. Lectures on the Psalms [Dictata super Psalterium]
Disp.Christ.  Disputation on the Divinity and Humanity of
Christ [Die Disputation de divinitate et humanitate
Christ] (1540)
Disp.Ec.  Disputation Against John Eck [Disputatio et excu-
satio F. Martini Luther adversus criminationes D.
Johannis Ecci] (1519)
Disp. Heid. The Heidelberg Disputation [Disputatio
Heidelbergae habita] (1518)
Disp.hom.  The Disputation Concerning Man [Die Disputation
de homine] (1536)
Disp. indulg. The Ninety-Five Theses [Disputatio pro declaration
virtutis indulgentiarum] (1517)
Disp. just. Disputation on Justification [De Disputation de
iustification] (1536)
Disp.miss.priv.  Disputation Against Private Masses [Die
Disputation contra missam Privatam] (1536)
Disp.nup.  Disputation on the Wedding [Die
Zirkulardisputation de veste nuptiali] (1537)
Disp.potest.  The Disputation on the Authority of Councils [Die
Disputation de potestate concilii] (1536)
Disp. Schol. Theol. Disputation Against Scholastic Theology [Disputatio
contra scholasticam theologiam] (1517)
Disp.Verb.  The Disputation Concerning the Pasage: “The Word
Was Made Flesh” [Die Disputation de sententias
Verbum caro factum est] (1539)
Disp. Wider. Kais. Disputation on the Right of Opposition Against the
Authority [Die Zirkulardisputation uber Das Recht
des Widerstands gegen den Kaiser] (1539)
Dol.  On Translating and on the Intercession of the Saints
[Sendbried vom Dolmetschen und Furbitte der
Heiligen] (1530)
Dr. Hier. Concerning the Three Hierarchies [Von den drei
Hierarchien] (n.d.)
Dr. Sym. The Three Symbols or Creeds of the Christian Faith
[Die drei Symbola oder Bekenntnis des Glauben
Christi] (1538)
Abbreviations xv

Dtsch. Kat. The Large Catechism [Deutscher Katechismus]

Dtsch.Ord.  An Exhortation to the Knights of the Teutonic Order
That They Lay Aside False Chastity and Assume The
True Chastity of Wedlock [An die herrn Deutsch
Ordens, das sie falsche keuscheyt meyden und zur
rechtenehlichen keuscheyt greyffen Ermanung]
Dup. just. Two Kinds of Righteousness [De duplici iustitia]
Eel.Leb.  The Estate of Marriage [Uom Eelichen Leben]
Ehe. On Marriage Matters [Von Ehesachen] (1530)
En.ep.  Explanations of the Epistles and Gospels
[Enarrationes epistolarum et euangeliorum, quas
postillas vocant] (1521)
Ep.Jes.  The Epistle of the Prophet Isaiah [Die Epistel des
Propheter Jesaia, so man in der Christmesse lieset]
Ep. 1.Joh. Lectures on 1 John [Vorlesung über den
1.Johanesbrief] (1527)
Ep.Pr.  Epilogue to a Pamphlet of Sylvester Prieras [Epitoma
responsionis ad Martinum Luther (per Fratrem
Silvestrum de Prierio)] (1520)
Erm. Fried. Admonition to Peace, A Reply to the Twelve Articles
of the Peasants in Swabia [Ermahnung zum
Fridenauf die zwold artikel der Bauernschaft in
Schwaben] (1525)
Ess.9  Account of Isaiah 9 [Enarratio capitis noni Essaiae]
Ess.53 Account of Isaiah 53 [Enarratio 53. Captis Essiae]
Ev.Joh.1-2  Sermons on the Gospel of John 1–2 [Auslegung des
ersten und zweiten Kapitels Johannis im Predigten]
Ev.Joh.3-4  Sermons on the Gospel of John 3–4 [Auslegung des
dritten und vierten Kapitels Johannis im Predigten]
Ev.Joh.6-8  Sermons on the Gospel of John 6–8 [Wochenpredigten
über Joh.6–8] (1530–1532)
Sermons on the Gospel of John 14–15
[Reihenpredigten über Johannes 14–15] (1533)
xvi Abbreviations

Ev.Joh.16  Sermons on the Gospel of John 16 [Das XVI Kapitel

S. Johannis gepredigt und ausgelegt] (1538)
Ev.Joh.16-20  Sermons on the Gospel of John 16–20
[Wochenpredigten überJoh.16–20] (1528–1529)
Ex.  Sermons on Exodus [Predigten über das zweite Buche
Mose] (1524–1527)
Fast. (1518) Two Lenten Sermons [Zwei deutsche Faternpredigten
von 1518]
Fast. (1525) Lenten Sermons [Fastenpostille] (1525)
Fest. Festival Sermons [Festpostille] (1527)  The Acquisition of Infused Faith [De fide infusa
acquisitia] (1520)
Form. Miss. An Order of Mass and Communion for the Church
At Wittenberg [Formula Missae et Communionis pro
Ecclesia Vuittembergensi] (1523)
Gal. (1519) Commentary on Galatians [In epistolam Pauli ad
Galatas M. Lutheri commentarius] (1519)
Gal. (1535) Commentary on Galatians [In epistolam S. Pauli ad
Galatas Commentarius] (1535)
Geist.Aug.  Exhortation to All Clergy Assembled At Augsburg
[An der gantze geistlichkeit zu Augsburg versamlet
auff den Reichstag] (1530)
Gen. Lectures on Genesis [Genesisvorlesung] (1535–1545)
Gl.Ed.  Commentary on the Alleged Imperial Edict [Glosse
auf das vermeinte kaiserliche Edikt] (1531)
Gr. Serm. Wuch. Longer Sermon on Usury [Grosser Sermon von dem
Wucher] (1520)
Grnd.  Defense and Explanation of All the Articles [Grund
und Ursach aller Artikel] (1521)
Grnd. Bull. Defense and Explanation of all the Articles Which
Were Unjustly Condemned by the Roman Bull
[Grund und Ursach aller Aritkel D. MartinLuthers,
so durch römische Bulle unrechtlich verdammt sind]
Gut.Werk.  Treatise on Good Works [Sermon von den guten
Werken] (1520)
Hab.  Lectures on Habbakuk [Der Prophet Habakuk ausge-
legt] (1526)
Hagg.  Lectures on Haggai [Vorlesungen uber die Kleiner
Propheten: In Haggeum] (1525)
Haus. House Sermons [Hauspostille] (1544)
Abbreviations xvii

Heb.  Lectures on Hebrews [Die Vorlesung über den

Hebraerbrief ] (1517)
Henr.  Against King Henry VIII of England [Contra
Henricum Regem Angliae] (1522)
Himm.Proph.  Against the Heavenly Prophets [Wider die himmlis-
chen Propheten von den Bildern und Testament]
Hndb.  Observations on Augustine’s Writings [Luthers
Handbermerkungen zu Augustins Schriften de trini-
tate und de civitate dei] (n.d.)
Hndb.Sent.  Observations on The Sentences of Peter Lombard
[Handbemerkungen Luthers Zu den Sentenzen des
Petrus Lombardus] (1510–1511)
Hspost. House Postil [Hauspostille]
Inst.min.  Concerning the Ministry [De instituendis ministris
ecclesiae] (1523)
Jes. (1527-1529) Lectures on Isaiah [Vorlesungen über Jesaja]
Jes. (1527-1530) Lectures on Isaiah [Vorlesungen über Jesaja]
J.Christ.  That Jesus Christ Was Born a Jew [Dass Jesus
Christus ein geborner Jude sei] (1523)
1.Joh.  Sermons on I John [Etliche schone Predigten aus der
ersten Epistel S. Johannis Von der Liebe] (1532)
Jon.  Lectures on Jonah [Der Prophet Jona ausgelegt]
Jud. und Lug. On the Jews and Their Lies [Von den Juden und iren
Lugen] (1543)
Kat.pred.  Ten Sermons on the Catechism [Katechismus pre-
digten herausgegeben von G. Buchwald] (1528)
Kauf. und Wuch. On Trade and Usury [Von Kaufshandlung und
Wucher] (1524)
Kirchpost.E.  Church Postil for the Epistles [Kirchen–Postille–
Epistel–Predigten] (1522/1544)
Kirchpost.G.  Church Postil for the Gospels [Kirchen-Postille-
Evangelien-Predigten] (1522/1544)
Kl.Ant.  Short Answer to Duke George [Klein Antwort auf
Herzog Georgen] (1533)
Kl.Kat. Small Catechism [Kleiner Katechismus] (1529)
Kl. Proph. Lectures on the Minor Prophets [Vorlesungen uber die
Kleinen Propheten] (1524–1526)
xviii Abbreviations

Kl. Serm. Wuch. Short Sermon on Usury [Kleiner Sermon von dem
Wucher] (1519)
Kl.unt.  A Brief Instruction on What to Look for and Expect
in the Gospels [Eyn kleyn unterricht, was man ynn
den Evanglijus suchen und gewartten soll] (1521)
Konz.  On the Councils and the Church [Von den Consiliis
und Kirchen] (1530)
15.Kor.  Commentary on I Corinthians 15 [Das 15.Kapitel
der Ersten Epistle S. Pauli an die Korinther] (1532)
Kr. leut. On Whether Soldiers, Too, Can Be Saved [Ob
Kriegesleute auch in seligem Stande sein konnen]
Kr. Trk. On the War against the Turks [Vom Kriege Wider
der Turken] (1529)
Kurz. Bek. A Short Confession of the Holy Sacrament [Kurzes
Bekenntnis vom heiligen Sadrament] (1544)
Kurz Form A short Form of The Ten Commandments [Eines
kurze Form der zehn Gebete, eine kurze Form des
Vaterunsers] (1520)
Kurz Vat. A short Form of The Lord’s Prayer [Ein kurtze form,
des Vater noster zu verstehen und zu beten, fur die
junge kinder im christenglauben] (1519)
Latom.  Against Latomus [Rationis Latomiae confutatio]
Leid. Christ. A Meditation on Christ’s Passion [Ein Sermon
Betrachtung des heilige Leiders Christi] (1519)
Leip.Disp.  The Leipzig Disputation [Resolutiones Lutherianae
super propositionibus suis Lipsiae disputatis] (1518)
Letz. Wort. Treatise on the Last Words of David [Von den letzten
Worten Davids] (1543)
Lib.christ.  The Freedom of a Christian [Tractatus de libertate
christiana] (1520)
Lib. Ex. Cath. On the Book of Ambrose Catharini [Ad librum
eximii Magistri Nostri Magistri Abrosii Catharini,
defensoris Silverstri Prieratis accerimi, responsio]
Lied. Hymns [Lieder]
Magn.  Commentary on the Magnificat [Das Magnificat
verdeutschet und ausgelegt] (1521)
Mar. Ges. The Marburg Colloquy [Berichten von Hedio, Des
Marburger Gesprach] (1529)
Abbreviations xix

Matt. Ann. Annotations in Some Chapters of Matthew

[Annotationes in aliquot capita Matthaei] (1538)
Matt.5-7  Commentary on the Sermon on the Mount [Das 5.,
6. Und 7. Kapitel S. Matthaei gepredigt und ausgel-
egt] (1530–1532)
Matt.11-15  Sermons on Matthew 11–15 [Wochenpredigten über
Matth.11–15] (1528/1529)
Matt.18-24  Sermons on Matthew 18–24 [Matth.18–24 in
Predigten ausgelegt] (1537–1540)
Men.  Avoiding the Doctrines of Men [Von Menschenlehre
zu meiden, und Antwort aud Spruche, so man
fuhret, Menschenlehre zu starken] (1522)
Mis.Mess.  The Misuse of the Mass [Vom Mistbrauch der Messe]
Mos.  How Christians Should Regard Moses [Ein
Unterrichtung wie sich die Christen in Mosen sollen
schicken] (1525)
Mos. Dec. Moses’ Holy Exclamations [In Genesi Mosi librum
sanctissimum Declamationes] (1525)
Ord. gem. Kast. Ordinance of a Common Chest [Ordnung eyns
gemeynen Kastens] (1523)
Papst. Mit. The Papacy and Its Members [Das Papstthum mit
seinen Gliedern] (1526)
Pfar.Wuch.  Treatise on Usury to the Pastors [And die Pfarrherrn
wider den Wucher zu predigen] (1540)
1 Pet. Sermons on the First Epistle of St. Peter [Epistel S.
Petri gepredig und ausgelgt] (1522)
2 Pet. Sermons on the Second Epistle of St. Peter [Die ander
Epistel S. Petri und S. Judas gepredigt und ausgelgt]
Pot.leg.  On Magisterial Laws in the Church [De poteste legis
ferendi in ecclesia] (1530)
Prae.Witt.  SomeWittenberg Precepts Made Public [Decem prae-
cpta Wittenbergensi praedicuta populo] (1518)
Pred. Sermons [Predigten]
Pred. Deut. (1529) Preaching on Deuteronomy [Predigten über das
fünfte Buch Mose]
Pred. Deut. (1530/1564) Sermons On Deuteronomy [Predigten über das 5.
Buchs Mose]
Pred.Gen.  Sermons on Genesis [Predigten über das erste Buche
Mose] (1526–1528)
xx Abbreviations

Pred. Kind. A Sermon on Keeping Children in School [Eine

Predigt, dass man Kinder zur Schulen halten solle]
Pred.1.Mos. (1523/1524) Sermons on Genesis [Predigten über das erste Buch
Pred.1.Mos. (1527) Sermons on Genesis [Uber das erste Buch Mose,
Pred.2.Mos.  Sermons on Exodus [Predigten uber das zweite Buch
Mose] (1524/1527)
Pred.Sol.  Notes on Ecclesiastes [Vorlesung uber den Prediger
Solomo] (1532)
Pref. Proph. Preface to Prophets of the Old Testament About
Christ [Prophetiae veteris testament de Christo]
Promodisp.Fab.  The Promotion Disputation of Theodore
Fabricius and Stanislaus Rapagelanus [Die
Promotionsdisputation von Theodor Fabricius und
Stanislaus Rapagelanus] (1544)
Promodisp.Heg.  The Promotion Disputation of Peter Hegemon [Die
Promotionsdisputation von Petrus Hegemon] (1545)
Promodisp.Kopp.  The Promotion Disputation of Heironomus Kopp
and Friedrich Bachofen [Die Promodisputation von
Heironomus Kopp und Friedrich Bachofen] (1543)
Promodisp.Mar.  The Promotion Disputation of Johann Marback [Die
Promotionsdisputation von Johann Marback] (1543)
Promodisp.Pall.  Preface to the Promotion Disputation of Palladius
and Tileman [Vorrede zur Promotionsdisputation
von Palladius und Tilemann] (1537)
Promodisp.Pet.  The Promotion Disputaton of Peter Hegemon
[Promotionisdisputation von Petrus Hegemon]
Promodisp.Schmed.  The Promotion Disputaton of Heinrich
Schmedenstede [Promotionisdisputation von
Heinrich Schmedenstede] (1545)
Promodisp. Scot. The Promotiondisputation of John Scotus
[Promodisputation von Johannes Macchabaus Scotus]
Prop.Sat.  Propositions against the Synagogue of Satan
[Propositiones adversus totam synagogam Sathannae
et universas portas inferarum]
Ps. Lectures on the Psalms [Psalmenauslegungen]
Abbreviations xxi

2.Ps.  Second Lectures on the Psalms [2.

Psalmenvorlesungen] (1519/1521]
Ps.2  Commentary on Psalm 2 [Enarratio Psalmi
secundi] (1532/1546)
8.Ps.  Commentary on Psalm 8 [Der achte Psalm Davids
gepredigt und ausgelegt] (1537)
Ps.45  Lectures on Psalm 45 [Vorlesungen uber die Psalmen
2, 51, 45] (1532/1533)
Ps.51  Exposition of Psalm 51 [Ennaratio Psalmi LI]
Ps.68  Commentary on Psalm 68 [Deutsche Auslegung des
67. (68) Psalmes] (1521)
82.Ps.  Commentary on Psalm 82 [Der 82. Psalm ausgelegt]
90.Ps.  Commentary on Psalm 90 [Ennarraio Psalmi XC]
Ps.101  Commentary on Psalm 101 [Auslegung des 101
Psalmos] (1534–1535)
Ps.110  Sermons and Commentary on Psalm 110 [Der CX.
Psalm, Gepredigt und ausgeleget] (1535)
118. Ps. Commentary on Psalm 118 [Der hundertun-
dachtzehnte Psalmen] (1521)
119. Ps. Interpretation of 119 Psalms [Der 119 Psalm, ver-
dolmeticht und ausgelegt] (1529)
127.Ps.  Exposition of Psalm 127 [Der 127.Psalm ausgelegt
au die Christen zu Riga in Liesland] (1524)
Questions on the Strength of the Human Will without
Grace [Quaestio de viribus et voluntate hominis sine
gratia disputata] (1516)
Rad.  To the Councilmen of All Cities in Germany That
They Establish and Maintain Christian Schools [An
der Radherrn aller Stedte deutsches lands: das sie
Christliche schulen auffrichten und halten sollen]
Rath.  To the Councilmen of All the cities of Germany That
They Establish and Maintain Christian Schools [An
die Ratherren aller Städte deutscheslands, das sie
christliche Schulen aufrichten und erhalten sollen]
Reich.Gott.  On the Kingdom of God: What It Is and How [Vom
Reiche Gottes, was es sei und wie] (1525)
xxii Abbreviations

Reih. Gen. A Sermon Series on Genesis [Reihenpredigten uber

1.Mose] (1523–1524)
Res.  Explanations of The Ninety-Five Theses [Resolutiones
disputationum de indulgentiarum virtute] (1518)
Res.Cath.  Response to Ambrose Cathanni [Ad librum eximii
Magistri Nostri Magistri Ambrosii Catharini defen-
soris Silverstri Prieratis acermim responsio] (1521)
Res. pap. Resolutions on the Propositions of the Power of the
Pope [Resolution Lutherana super propositione sua
decimal tertia de potestate papae] (1519)
Rom.  Lectures on Romans [Die Vorlesung uber den
Romerbrief ] (1515–1516)
Schlus. On the Keys [Von den Schlüsseln] (1530)
Schmal.Art.  Smalcad Articles [Adie Smalkaldischen Artikel]
Sch.Reisz.  Christian Text to W. Reiszenbuch [Christliche Schrift
an W. Reiszenbuch] (1525)
Send.Al.  Open Letter to Lord Albrecht [Sendschreibenan
Herzog Albrecht von Preuszen] (1532)
Send.Buch.  An Open Letter on the Harsh Book against the
Peasants [Ein Sendbrief von den harten Buchlein
wider die Bauern] (1525)
Send.Rech.  A Letter to Hans von Rechenberg [Ein Sendbrief
Liber die Frage, ob auch jemand, ohne Glauben ver-
storben, selig warden wage (An Hans v. Rechenberg)]
Sent.Lom.  To The Sentences of Peter Lombard [Zu den
Sentenzen des Petrus Lombardus] (1510–1511)
Serm. (1514-1517) Early Sermons [Sermone aus den Jahren 1514–1517]
Serm.Bereit.  A Sermon on Preparing to Die [Ein Sermon von
Bereitung zum Sterben] (1519)
Serm.Bu.  Sermon on the Sacrament of Penance [Ein Sermon
von dem Sakrament der Busze] (1519)
Serm.dr.gut.  A Sermon on the Three Kinds of Good Life for the
Instruction of Consciences [Sermon von dreierlei
gutem Leben, das Gewissen zu unterwichten] (1521)
Serm.ehe.St.  Sermon on the Estate of Marriage [Ein Sermon von
dein ehelichen Stand] (1519)
Serm. G.K. On Rogantide Prayer and Procession [Ein Sermon
von dem gebet und procession von der Kreutz
wochen] (1519)
Abbreviations xxiii

Serm. H.M. A Treatise on the New Testament, That Is The Holy

Mass [Ein Sermon von den neuen Testament. Das its
von der heiligen Messe] (1520)
Serm.heil.Leid.  A Sermon on the Meditation of Christ’s Holy Passion
[Ein Sermon von der Betrachtung des heiligen
Leidens Christi] (1519)
Serm.hoc.Sak.  The Blessed Sacrament of the Holy and True Body
of Christ and the Brotherhoods [Eyn Sermon von
dem hochwürdigen Sakrament des heiligen Wahren
Leichnams Christi und von den Bruderschaften]
Serm.poen.  The Sacrament of Penance [Sermo de poenitentia]
Serm.Ruch.  Sermon on Soberness and Moderation [Ein Predig
Von Ruchterfait und Wassigkait] (1539)
Serm. S. P. P. A Sermon on the Festivalof St. Peter and St. Paul
[Ein Sermon gepredigt zu Leipzig auf dem Schloss
am Tage Petri und Pauli] (1519)
Serm. S. Steph. Sermon on Saint Stephen’s Day [Sermo in die S.
Stephani] (1515)
Serm. S. Thom. Sermon on St. Thomas’ Day [Sermo die S. Thomae]
Serm. Sak. The Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ –
Against the Fanatics [Sermon von Sakrament des
Leibes und Blutes Christi, wider die Schwarmgeister]
Serm. Tauf. The Holy and Blessed Sacrament of Baptism [Eyn
Sermon von dem heyligen hochwirdigten Sacrament
der Taufte] (1519)
Serv.arb. The Bondage of the Will [De servo arbitrio] (1525)
Som. Post. Summer Sermons [Sommerpostille] (1526)
Som. Post. (Cruc.) Cruciger’s Summer Sermons [Crucigers
Sommerpostille] (1544)
Sp.OT.  Sayings from the Old Testament [Spruche aus dem
Alten Testament] (n.d.)
Sterb.  A Sermon on Preparing to Die [Ein Sermon von der
Bereitung zum Sterben] (1519)
Stuf.  Lectures on the Psalms of Ascent [Vorselung über die
Stufenpsalmen] (1532/1533)
Sum. Ps. Summaries on the Psalms, and Causes of
Interpreting [Summarien über die Psalmen und
Ursachen des Dolmetchens] (1533)
xxiv Abbreviations

Sup. ann. Computation of the Years of the World [Supputatio

annorum mundi] (1541)
Tauffbuch.  The Order of Baptism Newly Revised [Das tauff-
büchlein auffs Neue zugericht] (1526)
Taul.Serm.  Marginal Notes on Tauler’s Sermons [Luthers
Randbemerkungen zu Taulers Predigten] (1516)
Tess.Con.  FourteenConsolations [Tessaradecas Consolatoria pro
laborantibus et onerantis] (1520)
Thes. Antinom. Theses against Antinomians [Die Thesen gegen die
Antinomer] (1537–1540)
Thes. Wel. Theses Concerning Faith and Law [Die Thesen für
Promotionsdisputation von Heironymus Weller und
Nikolaus Medler] (1535)
I Tim. Lectures on I Timothy [Vorlesung über den 1.
Timotheusbrief] (1527–1528)
Tit.  Lectures on Titus and Philemon [Vorsesung über
dieBriefe an Titus und Philemon] (1527)
Torg.  The Torgau Sermon on Christ’s Descent Into Hell
[Die Dritte Predigt Von Jesu Christo ein Predigt zu
Hohe zu Torgau gepredigt] (1533)
Tract. Ec. Treatment of In What the Church Is to Take Refuge
[Tractatulus de his, qui ad eccleias contugiunt]
Trost. An. Comfort When Facing Grave Temptations [Trőstung
für eine Person in hoher Anfechtungen] (1531)
Trost. Christ. A Letter of Consolation to the Christians At Halle
[Trőstung an die Christen zu Halle über Herr
Georgen ihres Predigers Tod] (1527)
TR Table Talk [Tishreden]
Uber.  Answer to the Hyperchristian, Hyperstpiritual,
and Hyperlearned Book by Goat Emser in
Leipzig—Including Some Thoughts Regarding His
Companion, the Fool Murner [Auff das ubirchrist-
lich, ubirgeystilch und ubirkunstlich buch Bocks
Emszers zu Leypczick Antwortt D.M.L. Darynn auch
Murnarrs seynsz geselln gedacht wirt] (1521)
Und. beich. A Brief Instruction, How One Sould Confess [Ein
kurz underwensung, wie man beichten soll] (1519)
Unter. Art. Instruction on Some Articles [Unterricht auf etlich
artickell, die im von seynen abgunnern auff gelegt
und zu gemessen Vuerden] (1519)
Abbreviations xxv

Unter.Buch.  An Instruction to Penitents Concerning the

Forbidden Books of Dr. Martin Luther [Ein
Unterrich der Beichtkinder über die verbotenene
Büucher] (1521)
Unter. Visit. Instructions for Visitors of Parish Pastors in Electoral
Saxony [Unterricht der Visitatatorn an die Pfarhern
ym Rursurstenthum zu Sachssen] (1528)
Ver.Kor.  Publication of the Koran [Verlegung des Alcoran
Bruder Richardi] (1542)
Verm.  Admonition Concerning the Sacrament of the
Body and Blood of Our Lord [Vermahnungzum
Sakrament des Leibes und Blutes Christi] (1530)
Verm. Zu Aug. Exhortation to the Clergy Assembled at the Diet of
Augsburg [Vermahnung an die Geistlichen, versam-
melt auf dem Reichstag zu Augsburg] (1530)
Verm.Christ.  Exhortation to All Christians [Eine true
Vermahnung zu allen Christen, sich zu hutten vor
Aufruhr und Emporung] (1522)
Verm.Fried.  Admonitition to Peace:A Reply to the Twelve Artices
fo the Peasants of Swabia [Vermahnung zum
Friedeen auf die zwölf Artikel der Bauerschaft in
schwaben] (1525)
Verm.Geitst.  Exhortation to All Clergy [Vermahnung and die
Geistlichen, versammelt aud den Reichstag zu
Augsburg] (1530)
Verm.Trk.  Appeal For Prayer against the Turks [Vermahnung
zum Gebet wider Türcken] (1541)
Vor. Brent. Preface to on the Prophet Amos [Vorwort zu In
prophetan Amos Iohannis Brentii] (1530)
Preface to the German Edition of Luther’s Writings
[Vorrede zum.1. Bande der Wittenberger Ausgabe
der deutschen Schriften] (1548)
Vor. D.T. Preface to the Complete Edition of a German
Theology [Vorrede zu der vollstandigen Ausgabe der
“deutschen theologie”] (1518)
Vor.Emp.  A Sincere Admonition to All Christians to Guard
against Insurrection and Rebellion [Eyn trew vor-
manung Martini Luther tzu allen Christen sich tzu
vorhuten fur auffruhr unnd Emporung] (1522)
Vor.Hist.  Preface to Galeatius Capella’s History [Vorrede zu
Historia Galeatii Capellae] (1538)
xxvi Abbreviations

Vor.Kor.  Preface to the Koran [Vorrede zu Theodor Bilianders

Koranausgabe] (1543)
Vor.Lat.  Prefaces to the Complete Edition of Luther’s
Latin Writings [Vorrede zum ersten Bande der
Gesamtausgabensein lateinischenSchriften] (1545)
Vor.Lib.  Preface to the Book of Rites and Customs of Turks
[Vorwort zu dem Libellusde ritu et moribus
Turcorum] (1530)
Vor. N.T. Prefaces to the New Testament [Vorrede auff. Das
neue Testament] (1546/1522)
Vor. O.T. Prefaces to the Old Testament [Vorrede auff das Alte
Testament] (1545/1523)
Vor. Ps. Lectures on Psalms 2, 51, 45 [Vorlegungen über die
Psalmen 2, 51, 45] (1532)
Vor. Rheg. Preface to Urbanus Rhegius [Vorrede zu Urbanus
Rhegius, Prophetiae verteris testament de Christo]
Vot.monast.  Judgment of Martin Luther on Mastic Vows [De
votis monasticis Martini Lutheri iudicium] (1521)
War.Papst.  Why the Books of the Pope Were Burned [Warumb
des Papsts und seiner Jungernn Bucher von Doct.
Martino Luther vorbrant seynn] (1520)
Wein. Christmas Sermons [Weihnachtpostille] (1522)
Wellt. Uber. Temporal Authority: To What Extent It Should Be
Obeyed [Von welltlicher Oberkeit, wie weit man ihr
Gehorsam schuldig sei] (1523),
Widder.  Dr. Luther’s Retraction of the Error Forced Upon
Him by the Most Highly Learned Priest of God, Sir
Jerome Emser. Vicar in Meissen [Ein Widerspruch
D. Luthers seines Yrrthums, erczwungen durch
den allerhochgelehrtesten Priester Gottis Herrn
Hieronymo Emser, Vicarien Zu Meiszen] (1521)
Wider Antinom. Against the Aninomians [Wider die Antinomer]
Wider Bau. Against the Robbing and Murdering Hordes of
Peasants [Wider die rauberischen und morderischen
Rotten der Bauern] (1525)
Wider Hans Against Hanswurst [Wider Hans Wurst] (1541)
Wider Pap. Against the Papacy: An Institution of the Devil
[Wider das Papsttum zu Rom vom Teuffel gestiffet]
Abbreviations xxvii

Wider sabat. Against the Sabatarians [Wider die Sabbather an

einen guten Freund] (1538)
Wider Turk. Sermon against the Turks [Heerpredigt wider den
Turken] (1529)
Wider Wuch. Pastoral Admonition against Usury [An
die Pfarrhern wider den Wucher zupredigen
Vaermahnung] (1540)
Wied.  On Rebaptism [Von der Wiedertaufe an die zwei
Pfarherrn] (1528)
Winck.  The Private Mass and the Consecration of Priests
[Von der Winckelmesse und Pfaffenweyhe] (1533)
Wint. Winter Sermons [Winterpostille] (1528)
Worm. Diet of Worms [Verhandlungen mit D. Martin
Luther auf den Reichstage zuWorms] (1521)
Wort.  That These Words of Christ, “This Is My Body,” Still
Stand Firm Against the Fanatics [Das diese Wort
Christi “Das ist mein Leib” noch fest stehen wider die
Schwarmgeister] (1527)
Zach.  Lectures on Zechariah [Der Prophet Zacharja ausgel-
egt] (1527)
Zeph.  Lectures on Zephaniah [Vorlesungen über die Kleiner
Prophetens: Zephajab] (1525)
Zirk.c.c.  The Circular Disputation of the Council of
Constantinople [Die Zirkulardisputation de concilio
Contantiensi] (1521)

Collections in Which These Texts Appear

BC  The Book of Concord. Robert Kolb and Timothy J. Wengert,eds.
Minneapolis: Fortress, 2000.
CS  Collected Sermons. John N. Lenker and Eugene Klug, eds. Grand
Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2000.
LW  Luther’s Works. St. Louis-Philadelphia: Concordia Publishing House—
Fortress Press, 1955ff.
W2  Dr. Martin Luthers Sammtliche schriften. Johann George Walch, ed. St.
Louis, 1880–1910.
WA  D. Martin Luthers Werke. Kritische Gesamtausgabe (Weimarer
Ausgabe). Weimar: Hermann Böhlaus Nachfolger, 1883ff.
Dr. Martin Luthers Briefe, Senuschreiben und Bedenken. Berlin: Georg
Reimer, 1825–1856.
xxviii Abbreviations

D. Martin Luthers Werke: Die Deutsche Bibel. Kritische Gesamtausgabe
(Weimarer Ausgabe). Weimar: Hermann Böhlaus Nachfolger, 1906–
D. Martin Luthers Werke: Tischreden. Kritische Gesamtausgabe
(Weimarer Ausgabe). Weimar: Hermann Böhlaus Nachfolger, 1912–

Introduction: Luther the Reformer, Past

and Present

We are well acquainted with Martin Luther, we think.1 Some read-

ers will already be familiar with the story of how this young man, born
to an upwardly mobile peasant couple (at least his father) in 1483 and
planning on a career in law, vowed to become a monk, joining the
Augustinian Order, after safely escaping a frightening thunderstorm.
Others will also be aware of how as a brilliant student and protégé of the
Order’s leader Johann von Staupitz, trained in Nominalist thought and
Augustine’s theology, the subject of our book was called to the faculty
of Saxony’s Wittenberg University. And most everyone knows that dur-
ing his first years on the faculty of this new university, after (some think
it happened prior to) a Tower Experience which changed his understand-
ing of St. Paul’s concept righteousness of God, this young professor
went on heroically to challenge the selling of Indulgences, leading to the
Reformation. Luther’s own account of his breakthrough in the Tower
suggests it happened in 1519, as the other events he describes in the nar-
rative as happening at the time of his life-changing experience (including
his having lectured on Galatians and Hebrews as well as initiating a new
round of lectures on the Psalms) transpired in that year. However, the
essence of what he learned from The Tower Experience already appears
in a 1516 sermon, as he claimed that God’s work is creating righteous-
Many historians and social critics even think of Luther as the first
modern man, asserting individual judgment and conscience over the
norms of the medieval establishment.3 Others insist that he was a

© The Author(s) 2017 1

M. Ellingsen, Martin Luther’s Legacy,
DOI 10.1057/978-1-137-58758-9_1

thoroughly late medieval German.4 For some, he is a great theologian,

the father of Protestantism. For others he is a heretic. And still others see
him as a Catholic theologian. Most everyone on all sides would concede
the importance of Justification by Grace Alone in his thought. Usually
the Luther we encounter says a great deal about the views of the one
interpreting him.5
With the 500th anniversary of the Reformation now upon us (there
is no evidence, though, that Luther himself actually nailed the Ninety-
Five Theses on the Wittenberg church door as myth would have it), it
is crucial for the sake of historical accuracy that we break with these old
paradigms of interpreting the first Reformer.6 These older paradigms
transform Luther into a systematic theologian, even if he becomes sys-
tematically paradoxical.7 The rough edges in his thought are suppressed
in favor of the themes dearest to the interpreter’s constructive think-
ing. Yet, as we shall see, when Luther is interpreted in this modern, sys-
tematic mode, we are led to misinterpret what the Reformation was all
about. It is hard to make a systematic theologian out of him, since he
never wrote a complete systematic treatise summarizing all his teach-
ings. (The closest thing to such a treatise, his Smalcald Articles, does not
include a developed hermeneutic and discussion of biblical authority.)
Yet if we remain committed to systematizing him, we are likely to join
the media and modern historiography in viewing the events of October
31, 1517 and what follow s as the dawn of modernity and its celebration
of individuality over traditional norms, the struggle against corruption in
the Church, the Protestant break with Tradition in favor of the authority
of Scripture alone, and as an expression of Luther’s psychological tur-
In fact, as we shall observe, the Reformation might not have hap-
pened had Luther himself not broken with a systematic model of theol-
ogy. Yet we still need handy summaries of the richness of his thought,
resources for preaching and teaching the Reformer’s insights without so
simplifying him as to result in a book which is more about the interpret-
er’s views than Luther’s.
Providing such a handy summary is one aim of this book. Its
other rationale emerges when we clarify what Luther is doing
Methodologically as an alternative to doing theology systemati-
cally. The pastoral–contextual model of doing theology that we will
observe in Luther was not only reforming in his sixteenth-century
context. I am going to demonstrate how his approach might help his
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