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Endocrine System Hormones FILL IN Handout

*Make an appointment with the ACTC if you need help with this handout!

Hormone Name Function What releases it? Where does it go?

and Abbreviation
Growth Hormone Stimulates the release of
Releasing Hormone Growth Hormone (GH)

Corticotropin Hypothalamus
Releasing Hormone

Stimulates the release of Anterior Pituitary

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone

Stimulates the release of Hypothalamus

Follicle Stimulating Hormone
(FSH) and Luteinizing
Hormone (LH)
Prolactin Releasing Anterior Pituitary
Hormone (PRH)

Prolactin Inhibiting Hypothalamus

Hormone (PIH)

Stimulates the growth and Anterior Pituitary

repair of tissues throughout
the body

Anterior Pituitary Thyroid

Triggers ovulation and Ovaries or Testes

development of the corpus
luteum and the production of
Triggers testosterone
Triggers growth of ovarian Anterior Pituitary
Triggers sperm production.

Adrenocorticotrophic Adrenal Glands

Hormone (ACTH)
Endocrine System Hormones FILL IN Handout
*Make an appointment with the ACTC if you need help with this handout!

Prolactin (PRL) Breast

Antidiuretic Hormone Controls the mineral

(ADH) concentration of blood
through WATER
RETENTION in the kidneys
Affects uterine contractions in Uterus and
pregnancy and birth and Breasts
stimulate the release of
breast milk.
Hormone Name Function What produces it? Non-Steroid or
and Abbreviation Steroid?
Thyroxine (T4) and Thyroid Follicular
Triiodothyronine (T3) Cells

; needs iodine to properly

Calcitonin Lowers blood calcium and
phosphate ion levels and
increases the rate of bone
Parathyroid Parathyroid
Hormone (PTH)

Aldosterone Adrenal Cortex

Affects glucose metabolism, Adrenal Cortex

increases blood
concentration of amino acids,
promotes release of fatty
acids from adipose tissue,
increases blood glucose
concentration by stimulating
liver cells to undergo
Adrenal Androgens May play a role in early
development of reproductive
Endocrine System Hormones FILL IN Handout
*Make an appointment with the ACTC if you need help with this handout!

Epinephrine and Adrenal Medulla


Glucagon Pancreas alpha cells

Insulin Pancreas beta cells

Somatostatin Pancreas delta cells

Melatonin Regulates circadian rhythms

Thymosins Thymus Gland

Estrogen Plays a role in the

development of secondary
sex characteristics, bone
growth and development
Progesterone Ovaries or Testes

Testosterone Testes

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