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COCONUT (Cocos nucifera) HUSK-BASED


A Research Presented to the Faculty of the

Senior High School Department
Sariaya, Institute, Inc.
Sariaya, Quezon

In Partial Fulfillment
of The Requirements for the K – 12
Senior High School Program

Zyraneth R. Buhat
Rudz Danielle L. Cerrudo
Myke Luther M. De Chavez
Empres Aileen L. Flores
Maria Jesusa Remo

April 2024




The importance of food storage in preserving quality and maintaining a balanced

food supply is undeniable. Proper food storage helps prevent spoilage and contamination,

ultimately reducing food waste and saving money. Additionally, it ensures that nutritious

food is readily available for consumption, promoting overall health and well-being.

However, as the focus on sustainability grows, there is a pressing need to develop eco-

friendly food storage solutions that do not harm the environment while keeping food fresh.

In the fishing industry, the use of expanded polystyrene foam, commonly known as

Styrofoam, has become the traditional food storage method to keep seafood fresh and

maintain its needed temperature. However, as this non-biodegradable food storage comes

to the end of its useful lifetime, the search for alternative insulation materials becomes

necessary. The benefits that Styrofoam can bring cannot be attested over time, as this

becomes a complete waste and leads to polluting the environment. Therefore, the urgent

need to become resourceful and to utilize natural resources as food storage has become an

important step to lessen the threat that non-biodegradable materials can cause to the


As mentioned by Sruti et al. (2021), the degree of freshness is one of the elements

that determines the selling price of fish. Fresh fish should be handled as soon as it is

harvested, using a low-temperature treatment, and paying careful attention to hygiene and

sanitation. A cool box is a temporary container that is required to store fresh fish. To

maintain temperature, traditional fishermen still frequently utilize Styrofoam coolers.

Nevertheless, Styrofoam boxes are readily destroyed because they are brittle and unable to

support large loads. When Styrofoam boxes reach the end of their useful lives, their use

could also contaminate the environment since they cannot naturally degrade. In connection

with this, Chandra et al. (2016) noted that Styrofoam is naturally endowed with several

special qualities that seem to make it beneficial for consumer use. Nevertheless, Styrofoam

goods have certain disadvantages in addition to their desirable qualities. As a matter of

fact, Styrofoam is thought to be among the waste materials that harm the ecosystem of our

world the most adversely.

The coconut, often hailed as the "tree of life," has been a fundamental pillar of the

Philippine agricultural landscape for centuries. It sustains livelihoods, provides versatile

products, and contributes significantly to the country's economy. Aside from that, fibers

from coconut husk, the ones that are often considered waste, have shown their potential to

replace the traditional materials that are most likely to contribute to environmental issues.

A study by Latif and Sambu (2019) entitled “Study on the Dynamic Characteristics of

Coconut Fiber Reinforced Composites” noted that coconut fiber, sometimes referred to as

coir fiber, was mixed with composite material in pursuit of such a novel material. The

naturally occurring, thick, coarse, and long-lasting fiber found in coconut husks is called

coir. It is resistant to microbiological deterioration and seawater damage, and it is

comparatively waterproof. Determining the mechanical attributes and dynamic features of

composites reinforced with coir fibers is crucial as well, since these materials can be used

in specific applications that require properties like strength, stiffness, light weight,

environmental friendliness, and so on, provided they have the right stiffness and damping


Background of the Study

The Philippines boasts a thriving fishing industry, providing nutritious food,

contributing to global food security, and driving the local economy, particularly for small-

scale fishermen. However, a significant challenge arises in preserving their catch, as

traditional storage methods often have limitations. Investing in research and innovation for

sustainable food storage solutions can help address this challenge and support the long-

term viability of the fishing industry in the Philippines. By adopting eco-friendly practices,

fishermen can reduce waste, increase efficiency, and contribute to a healthier environment

for future generations.

According to fishermen and those who utilize a product for storing seafood, the

Styrofoam product as a storage medium is the best one, as it has the capability to hold up

ice and to maintain the temperature compared to other products. However, they added that

despite its quality and characteristics, they often face difficulties as time passes. The

problem they encountered included a shortening of the shelf life of the product, which led

them to buy a new one and incur additional costs that would lessen their supposed income.

This situation necessitates a sustainable and effective solution for seafood storage.

Through this, the concept of a coconut-husk-based cooler emerges. As it was seen,

coconut husk can be a potential solution to address the challenges. The coconut husk, which

has the following characteristics: a readily available and renewable resource in the

Philippines, offer a sustainable alternative to traditional materials. The fibrous nature of

coconut husk possesses inherent insulating properties, potentially creating a natural cooling

effect. Coconut husks are biodegradable, minimizing environmental impact after their

lifespan as coolers.

By exploring the potential of coconut husk, this study seeks to contribute to a more

sustainable and efficient seafood industry in the Philippines, benefiting both fishermen and

the environment.

Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this study is to develop and evaluate the performance of the

Coconut Husk based Cooler for Sustainable Seafood Storage.

Specifically, it aims to accomplish the following:

1. Identify the key challenges in using traditional seafood storage.

2. Develop the coconut husk-based cooler for sustainable seafood storage.

3. Evaluate the level of effectiveness of the coconut husk-based coolers in terms of:

2.1 Efficiency;

2.2 Functionality;

2.3 Portability; and

2.4 Durability.

4. Propose the Coconut Husk-Based Cooler for sustainable seafood storage in Fish

Landing Area.

Conceptual Framework

The researchers aimed to conduct a study on the feasibility and benefits of using

the coconut husk-based cooler. The study was motivated by the potential advantages that

this innovation can bring to fishermen and to those who utilize traditional products for

seafood storage. In addition, the use of sustainable materials, mainly those often-

considered waste, could contribute more to the environment.

According to Mascariñas et al. (2019), natural thermal insulators made from fiber

agricultural wastes can be applied safely and have a significant impact on solid waste

management, their usage is becoming increasingly important. For thermal insulation, fiber-

based materials are now the most promising because of their low cost and year-round

availability. Because of their low heat conductivity, coconuts are one of the natural

resources utilized to make insulating materials that satisfy environmental and economic


As stated by Mahmud et al. (2023), coir is a natural fiber with useful qualities that

is made from the abundant coconut husk. Coir, a lignocellulosic material, provides

resilience in abrasive conditions. It is resistant to substantial effects as well as microbial

and saltwater damage. Its thermal qualities, however, are the most important aspect for

construction applications. Because of its low thermal conductivity, coir is an excellent


According to Mekler & Cutler (2021), the structure of coconut fiber is what gives

it its insulating properties. Coconut fibers are full of numerous small air pockets, which

theoretically is no different to insulation made of polystyrene. The conduction of heat is

slowed down by these air pockets acting as a barrier. This unique structure allows coconut

fiber to effectively regulate temperature and provide insulation in various applications.

Additionally, coconut fiber is a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to traditional

insulation materials.

Significance of the Study

This study will develop a coconut husk-based cooler and evaluate its effectiveness.

It will be beneficial to the following groups of people:

To the fishermen, this study is specifically designed to help fishermen streamline

their seafood storage procedures in the future. The ability of natural resources to act as heat

insulators can assist them in preserving the quality of their catch without harming the

environment and potentially lowering costs.

To the consumer, this study will be helpful for them to have additional knowledge

about the utilization of the waste products that might be available in their area and turn it

into something useful. By understanding how waste products can be repurposed,

consumers can make more informed decisions about reducing their environmental impact

and contributing to a more sustainable future. This study may also inspire individuals to

explore creative ways to upcycle waste materials in their own lives.

To the researchers, this study will provide valuable insights for developing new

coconut-husk-based products for the fishing industry in the future. By focusing on natural

resources, this research encourages the creation of sustainable products. Additionally, the

study will identify areas for improvement, allowing researchers to refine these products for

maximum positive impact.


To the future researchers, this study can be used as reference data for conducting

new research in the future. The outcomes of the study will serve as a beneficial resource

for both current and future researchers for cross-referencing purposes, providing them with

background information and an overview of the field. This study has the potential to be

one of the foundations upon which new theories in this field of study will emerge.

Scope and Limitation

The aim of this study was to develop a cooler for seafood storage using the coconut

husk, which was often considered waste, to offer a more sustainable and eco-friendlier

version of the seafood storage that is currently available on the market. This alternative

product is intended for fishermen and consumers who utilize products that can have a

negative impact on our environment. The design prioritizes sustainability, making use of

natural materials to lower production and maintenance costs.

The product can perform its function, but natural materials such as coconut husk

are not naturally waterproof, and exposure to rain or moisture can reduce their insulating

effectiveness. Also, in creating coolers from coconut husk, it will take as many materials

as needed to create a big cooler that can accommodate a large quantity of seafood.

The coconut husk-based cooler will be developed using reliable materials such as

coconut husk as the insulator, burlap canvas to hold the coconut husk, twine for tying, food-

grade rigid plastic sheet to be water resistant, and straps or handles to allow portability.

This study aimed to test the efficiency, functionality, portability, and durability of the


This was a descriptive-developmental type of research. The researchers used self-

made questionnaires to gather and support the needed data and associated them with a 4-

point Likert scale. In gathering the data, two sets of questionnaires will be employed: one

for identifying the key challenges in developing a coconut husk-based cooler, which

consists of ten (10) statements, and another for evaluating the level of effectiveness of the

fish cooler, which consists of five (5) statements per parameter: efficiency, functionality,

portability, and durability, resulting in a total of 20 statements. The effectiveness of the

coconut-husk-based cooler will be determined using the GWM formula. The researchers

will conduct the survey using the purposive sampling method, which involved thirty (30)

fishermen at Brgy. Castañas, Sariaya, Quezon, fish landing area. The time frame of this

study was from January to April 2024.

Definition of Terms

To have a knowledge and better understanding of the study, the following terminologies

are defined:

Coconut Husk. It refers to a versatile material that can be used in a variety of ways. They

are ideal for sustainable seafood storage, like in fish coolers, because of their unique

properties. (Selamat et al., 2022). In this study, it refers to a material well-suited for

its insulating properties to create a seafood storage solution that prioritizes

sustainability, cost-effectiveness, and environmental responsibility.

Cooler. It refers to a product designed to keep ice frozen for an extended period, surpassing

many plastic alternatives available. It is known to outlast various high-end and

conventional coolers that rely on plastic foam insulation. (Kart, 2021). In this study,

it refers to a functional seafood storage unit to ensure the seafood stays fresh and

maintains its high quality.

Durability. It pertains to their capacity to endure and uphold their efficacy in preserving

the quality of seafood over an extended period (Li & Ueda, 2023). In this study, it

refers to the product's effectiveness in preserving seafood freshness for an extended


Efficiency. It refers to the ability of utilizing coconut husk as an effective material for

maintaining the quality and freshness of fish during storage (Hanafiah, et al., 2020).

In this study, it refers to the overall effectiveness of the storage unit in preserving

seafood quality.

Functionality. It refers to the ability of the cooler in maintaining low temperatures in

preserving the freshness and quality of the stored fish. Moreover, the functionality

of coolers is of utmost importance when it comes to sustainable seafood storage, as

it directly influences the fish's market value and overall quality (Wardhana, et al.,

2020). In this study, it refers to how effectively the cooler made of coconut husk


Polystyrene. It refers to a commonly used plastic in numerous aspects of human life and

industry because of its helpful properties of low cost, light weight, ease of

manufacture, adaptability, thermal efficiency, durability, and moisture resistance

(Ho, 2018). In this study, it refers to a petroleum-based material with environmental


Portability. It pertains to the convenience of moving the cooler containers and attaching

them to vehicles. (Lee & Lee, 2015). In this study, it refers to the ease with which

the unit can be moved from one place to another.

Storage. It refers to the preservation of fish quality and freshness through innovative

materials such as coconut husk-based coolers is known as storage (Dambrosio, et

al., 2023). In this study, it refers to a product whose primary function is to extend

the shelf life and maintain the quality of seafood for as long as possible.



This part consists of related literature and studies to provide the readers with an

overview of the significant researchers related to the problem and the contextual

background information for the researcher problem based on the extensive review made by

the researchers.


Seafood is a vital source of protein for many communities around the world.

However, its high-water content makes it highly perishable. Maintaining the freshness and

quality of fish, shellfish, and squid throughout the supply chain, from catch to consumption,

is crucial for both food safety and economic reasons. This requires careful attention to

storage and handling practices at every stage.

According to the study by Fitri et al., (2018), fish storage, fleets, equipment, and

fishing gear are among the items needed for the fishing operation. When they arrive at the

fish landing location to maintain fresh, the old-time traditional fishermen of their fishing

days typically just bring ice blocks due to variations in boat handling of fish-to-fish quality.

The quality of the heat-insulating material (insulator) utilized has a significant impact on

the quality of fish storage.

As cited by Laorenza et. al. (2022), seafoods like fish, shellfish, and squid are prone

to spoilage because of their high-water content. This creates a breeding ground for

microorganisms that cause the breakdown of the seafood. Improper handling before and

after catching the seafood can worsen this process by introducing more microorganisms.

These tiny organisms then trigger chemical reactions that lead to the deterioration of the

seafood, making it look, smell, and taste unpleasant. To prevent this from happening

quickly, several factors need to be controlled. These include maintaining proper water

activity in the seafood, using appropriate packaging to minimize air and moisture exposure,

storing it at a cold temperature, and ensuring hygienic handling throughout the process. By

carefully managing these external factors, we can significantly extend the shelf life and

quality of seafood products.

As stated in the study by Tavares et. al. (2021) fresh fish spoils quickly and has a

limited time for safe consumption. The deterioration of fresh fish during storage is

attributed to different damage mechanisms, like microbiological spoilage, autolytic

degradation, and lipid oxidation. To address this challenge, proper handling and storage

are essential to slow down spoilage and maintain safety for consumers.

Moreover, according to the findings of Sruti et al. (2021) the degree of freshness is

one of the elements that affects the selling price of fish. Fresh fish should be handled as

soon as it is harvested, using a low temperature treatment and careful attention to hygiene

and sanitation. The primary issue with fish handling is the quick deterioration of a fish's

quality brought on by incorrect handling. A cool box is a temporary container that is

required to store fresh fish. Up until now, traditional fishermen have frequently used a foam

cold box to keep their temperature stable. The use of styrofoam boxes also has the potential

to pollute the environment at the end of its useful life because it cannot decompose

naturally and the basic material for its manufacture comes from petroleum, whose supplies

are running low. However, styrofoam boxes tend to break easily and cannot withstand

heavy loads so they are easily damaged.

As indicated in the paragraphs above, seafood, especially fish, shellfish, and squid,

spoils quickly due to their high-water content. This attracts microorganisms that break

down the flesh, causing unpleasant changes in smell, taste, and appearance. To prevent this

spoilage, several key factors need to be controlled, such as temperature, packaging, water

activity, and proper handling. By effectively managing these factors, it can extend the shelf

life and ensure the safety and quality of seafood products for consumers. Additionally, the

study highlights the importance of proper handling for maintaining fish freshness, which

directly affects its market value. Traditional methods like Styrofoam boxes, while

providing temporary cold storage, have drawbacks like environmental impact due to non-

biodegradability and limited durability. Future solutions for maintaining fish freshness

during transport should consider both effectiveness and environmental sustainability.


Styrofoam is recognized as a typical commodity utilized as a storage due to its

ability and quality. It is lightweight and provides insulation, making it excellent for keeping

objects at an even temperature. Furthermore, Styrofoam is widely accessible and

reasonably priced. Knowing how beneficial it is in every aspect, it is important to also be

aware of the environmental impact it has. Styrofoam is not biodegradable and can

contribute to pollution if not disposed of correctly.

As stated by Oushabi et al., (2015), Styrofoam is one kind of polystyrene with the

following thermal properties: high thermal stability, light, and rather easy to be

manufactured. Nevertheless, it has a negative impact both for the environment and the

consumers. Styrene is raw material for styrofoam which is carcinogenic agent for human

being, can only be degraded after hundreds of years, and unrenewable petroleum derived


As mentioned by Mekler & Cutler (2021), styrofoam (expanded polystyrene) is

commonly used for food transport coolers, especially in Southeast Asia's massive fish

trade. This region produces hundreds of millions of these coolers annually, leading to a

significant amount of plastic waste. In the Philippines alone, research shows that about a

third of this plastic ends up in the ocean.

In addition, Nature Foundation (2019) stated that the widespread use of Styrofoam

for food packaging and temperature control raises environmental concerns. Composed of

polystyrene, a petroleum-based plastic, Styrofoam may contain potentially harmful

materials. Additionally, its non-biodegradable nature signifies a long-term presence in the

environment. Since Styrofoam is lightweight, floats, and can be blown from disposal sites,

it ends up along coasts and waterways all around the world. It is easy for Styrofoam to

wind up in our oceans and rivers. It has been shown that the second most common type of

beach litter is Styrofoam.

Chandra et al. (2016) claim that Styrofoam has several special qualities by nature

that make it look advantageous for consumer use. First, Styrofoam is a low-cost choice for

consumer use because its production has relatively minimal direct expenses. EPS is a good

insulator because it is light and mostly made of air (approximately 95%). Because of its

inexpensive cost and insulating qualities, Styrofoam is a widely used solution for hygienic

single-use food packaging. Additionally, Styrofoam is thought to be unsinkable and form-

retaining. Because it is an inert substance, hazardous elements are less likely to leak into

the atmosphere or groundwater from landfills because it does not easily deteriorate or break

down over time. But the same qualities that make Styrofoam goods beneficial to consumers

also come at a price. Styrofoam is thought to be among the waste materials that have the

greatest negative effects on the ecosystem of our world today.

Furthermore, according to Global Seafood Alliance (2022), expanded polystrene,

sometimes known as Styrofoam, is a common form of plastic pollution in the ocean and

other bodies of water due to its light weight, decomposition potential, and ease of transport.

The presence of foamed polystyrene (from all sources) has been extensively documented

as a typical component of marine litter, including fragments that have made their way to

the Arctic Ocean. Research indicates that foamed polystyrene pollution in the ocean poses

harm to human health and marine life, causing it to disintegrate into thousands of puffed

fragments. Annkathrin Sharp, a program officer with Fauna & Flora International, the

oldest international wildlife conservation organization in the world, stated that "the

problem is extremely widespread."

As mentioned in the preceding paragraphs, Styrofoam, a particular kind of

polystyrene, has several benefits that draw in customers. It is inexpensive to make,

lightweight, and an effective food transport insulator. But these very characteristics add to

its major detrimental effects on the environment. It is critical to find substitute packaging

materials to guarantee safe food consumption and a clean environment.


A coconut is a tree whose every part may be transformed into something beneficial.

Coconuts are a multipurpose plant that may be used for food, shelter, and materials to make

a variety of goods. But there are times that one of each part or the coconut husk is not

utilized, as it is often considered trash or discarded. It was always seen being in the landfill

and ended up contributing to the untidiness of the landfill. Additionally, it was being

burned, which depletes the ozone layer.

According to Castillo (2021), one of the most significant crops in the Philippines is

the coconut, commonly referred to as the "tree of life". Regarded as a significant export, it

accounts for 3.6% of the nation's gross value added (GVA) in rice, corn, bananas, and

agricultural products. In fact, the nation continues to be one of the world's leading

producers and exporters of coconuts.

As mentioned by Robert et. al. (2019), coconuts are a crop that is farmed

extensively, spanning 92 countries, and covering about 10 million hectares of land. It's

interesting to note that each coconut provides about 40% husk, of which 30% contains

important fiber and the remainder is dust. The fact that coconut is a tree which inculcates

all the resources required by man for his survival, thus qualifying it to be a must-grow for

many countries. The fact that trees are planted mainly for various economic and medicinal

values of the fruits results in less value placed on the husks. Consequently, the husks are

simply thrown away or subjected to direct combustion.

As noted by Stelte et al., (2023) about 35% of the weight of a coconut is made up

of its husk, of which 30% is made up of coir. Global coconut production in 2019 was

estimated to be 62 million tonnes, yielding 20 million tonnes of husks and, theoretically, 6


million tonnes of coir. Global coir output in 2019 was projected by the Food and

Agriculture Organization of the United Nations to reach approximately 1.26 million tons.

Given that coir mills handle just a small portion of the available husks, it indicates that

significant amounts of coir are unused. Many of the husks are wasted and disposed of as

garbage rather than being turned into useful products, while some are burned or used to

make charcoal.

As indicated in the study by Wahab et al. (2023), the output of coconut shells and

husks has increased due to the growing demand for coconut goods such as coconut water

and coconut fruit pulp. This has a negative influence on society, the economy, and the

environment. Many people are unaware that coconut husks, a substantial amount of waste,

are produced during the production of coconut products. Approximately 85 percent of the

husks from the roughly 50 billion coconuts that are farmed worldwide are thrown away as

garbage, adding to the already dire situation of global pollution. Millions of tons of coconut

husk are produced annually during the processing of the coconut.

In addition, as stated in the study by Tooy et al. (2022), the disposal of coconut

husks in the field was a common occurrence in the areas where coconuts were grown in

large quantities. On the other hand, if it persists, it may even cause the fields to become

untidy and unclean. However, when coconut husk is burned, the resulting smoke can be

extremely irritating and unsettling to the surrounding area. Using leftover coconut husk to

create a useful product is one way to lessen the negative effects.

The Philippines is a major producer and exporter of coconuts, as mentioned in the

paragraphs above; however, a large percentage of the coconut, called the husk, is discarded.

In addition to its negative effects on the environment, millions of tons of wasted coconut

husk are thrown away annually, which adds to global pollution. Economic loss because the

husk's potential for producing coir fiber is not being used. Finally, health concerns since

burning coconut husks produces toxic smoke. Additionally, addressing these problems and

developing valuable products out of coconut husk can help to build a more sustainable

coconut economy.


Coconut husk was considered a potential material in the search for something new.

Because it is durable and biodegradable, coconut husk has the potential to be a sustainable

substitute for conventional materials. It shares traits with conventional materials as well.

Furthermore, it is a widely available material for a variety of applications due to its

abundance in tropical climates.

As noted in the study by Mohammed et al. (2023) a tropical fruit that grows along

the coast is the coconut. Unlike rice husk, which has annual seasons, coconut fruit provides

year-round availability of fiber. Because coconut fiber contains a high amount of cellulose

(26.6%), lignin (29.4%), and other components, it is always employed in studies for new

packaging materials. When exposed to typical conditions, the material utilized to make

numerous fiber applications, including woven carpets and ropes, demonstrated its


As mentioned by Khalid et al. (2023), due to their numerous benefits, natural fibers

have drawn more attention as a means of reinforcing plastic materials in recent years.

Conversely, man-made synthetic fibers are detrimental to the environment because they

cannot decompose naturally or be recycled. Because natural fiber composites combine

strength with plastic compatibility, they can be employed for weight-bearing applications.

In addition, they are less expensive, lightweight, and naturally decompose over time. Using

natural fibers in composites has additional advantages as well, such as their rigidity, high

strength-to-weight ratio, and vibration-absorbing capacity. All of this contributes to the

final composite material's increased strength and improved heat tolerance.

As stated by Mascariñas et al., because of their wide range of applications and

significant impact on solid waste management, natural thermal insulators made from

fibrous agricultural wastes are becoming increasingly important. These fiber agricultural

wastes come from a variety of sources, including bagasse, coconut husk, corn byproducts,

cotton wool, sheep wool, etc. For thermal insulation, fiber-based materials are now the

most promising because of their low cost and year-round availability. Because of their low

heat conductivity, coconuts are one of the natural resources utilized to make insulating

materials that satisfy environmental and economic requirements.

As noted in the study by Dauda et al., (2014), the physical characteristics of thermal

insulation materials must include low heat conductivity, moisture protection, and resistance

to fire and mold. The effects on the environment and human health must also be considered.

The quest for substitute insulation materials becomes essential since the widely used

insulation materials of today have unfavorable side effects from the point of manufacturing

to the end of their useful lives. Since alternative materials can offer cheaper costs and have

the same or greater features as traditional materials, they must be extensively researched.

One such material that is now receiving a lot of attention is natural fiber, which is readily

available and inexpensive.

In connection with this, in the study by Oushabi et. al. (2015) driven by factors like

our growing need for comfort, industrialization, and population expansion. Maintaining the

proper temperature for food, medication, and other objects becomes difficult as a result.

Keeping temperatures constant is hampered by heat transfer via container walls. Good

insulation is crucial in the fight against this. Conventional insulating materials such as

fiberglass and polystyrene are effective, but they have drawbacks such as being costly,

possibly dangerous for health, and bad for the environment. These disadvantages have also

stimulated research into substitute insulation options. Because they are inexpensive, easily

available, biodegradable, and non-toxic, natural materials are becoming more and more

appealing. For building insulation, plant-based alternatives like flax, cotton, and hemp have

already been investigated; their effectiveness is on par with that of conventional materials.

Latif & Sambu (2019) mentioned that coconut fiber, commonly referred to as coir

fiber, is combined with composite material to find this kind of new material. The naturally

occurring, thick, coarse, and long-lasting fiber found in coconut husks is called coir. It is

resistant to microbiological deterioration and sea water damage, and it is comparatively

waterproof. Determining the mechanical attributes and dynamic features of composites

reinforced with coir fibers is crucial as well, since these materials can be used in specific

applications that require properties like strength, stiffness, light weight, environmental

friendliness, and so on, provided they have the right stiffness and damping coefficient. In

addition, the history of natural fiber reinforced composites started in the past 20 years,

during which time there has been a huge surge in interest in using natural fibers to create

polymer-bonded composites. These materials are eco-friendly and have demonstrated their

ability to rival glass fiber/polyester in terms of cost and strength performance.

As mentioned in the previous paragraph, there is increasing interest in natural fibers

made from agricultural waste because of the hunt for efficient and sustainable thermal

insulation materials. To maximize the qualities of natural fiber composites for use in

insulation, more study is required. But it's evident that they have what it takes to have a

successful and long-lasting career in this field.

According to Cascone et al. (2020), coconut palms are a useful material since they

thrive close to the coast in warm climates. Because coconuts contain a lot of lignin, a

natural glue, they can be used to make panels without the need for additional chemicals.

The panels become eco-friendly as a result. The scientists also tested the material by

crushing and pressing coconut husks together at a high temperature. The resultant panels

possessed strength equivalent to that of medium-density fiberboard (MDF), a widely used

wood product.

According to Mekler & Cutler (2021), the structure of coconut fiber is what gives

it its insulating properties. Coconut fibers are full of numerous small air pockets, which

theoretically is no different to insulation made of polystyrene. The conduction of heat is

slowed down by these air pockets acting as a barrier. This unique structure allows coconut

fiber to effectively regulate temperature and provide insulation in various applications.

Additionally, coconut fiber is a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to traditional

insulation materials.

As stated by Y. Yan (2016) states that the thick middle layer of a coconut husk

contains valuable insulating fibers. The coconut is first chopped in half to extract them.

After that, a procedure known as retting occurs. Retting is the process of immersing the

shells in moist soil to enable microorganisms to decompose the softer portions. To make it

easier to separate the coir fibers, the shells are battered and cleaned after retting.

According to Abdullah et al. Altogether, cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin make

up most of the fiber found in coconut husks. Due to the significant risk they provide to our

climate, the effects of several synthetic and biodegradable polymers, including agar, starch,

cellulose, chitin, chitosan, and carrageenin, are currently receiving a lot of attention. These

polymers are inexpensive, readily available, and biodegradable. A common, naturally

occurring substance with strong mechanical qualities is cellulose. In its natural state,

cellulose is not soluble in water.

As stated by Mahmud et al. (2023) in the study coir is a natural fiber with useful

qualities that is made from the abundant coconut husk. Coir, a lignocellulosic material,

provides resilience in abrasive conditions. It is resistant to substantial effects as well as

microbial and saltwater damage. Its thermal qualities, however, are the most important

aspect for construction applications. Because of its low thermal conductivity, coir is an

excellent insulator.

In conclusion, coconut husks are a sustainable and versatile material with the

potential to replace less eco-friendly options in construction, packaging, and other

industries. Their abundance, natural insulating properties, biodegradability, and inherent

strength make them a valuable resource for a greener future.


Research Paradigm

The research paradigm illustrates the study, showcasing the researcher's goals and potential

outcomes of the research study.


• Coconut husk
• Burlap canvas • Development of
• Twine the product Coconut Husk-
• Food-grade • Testing of the Based Cooler for
rigid plastic product Sustainable
sheet • Data Gathering Seafood Storage
• Straps or • Data Analysis

Figure 1. IPO Model of the Coconut Husk-Based Cooler.

Figure 1 shows the Input-Process-Output (IPO) of the study. Shown in the

input is intent of the research and the materials needed to create the coconut husk-based

cooler for sustainable seafood storage such as coconut husk, burlap canvas, twine, food-

grade rigid plastic sheet, and straps or handles. In the process, the researchers start the

development of the product, also the testing, the data gathering and the data analysis.

Finally, the coconut husk-based cooler is the output of the study.




This chapter presents the methods and procedures used in conducting the research

to utilize and provide the readers an essential view on how the research was made and how

the data was collected to develop conclusion. Included in this chapter are research design

used by the researcher in completing the study, research locale, the population and sample,

research instrument, data gathering procedure, statistical treatments of data and other

procedure needed to complete the study.

Research Design

The researchers will utilize a descriptive developmental method to systematically

design, develop, and evaluate the performance of a coconut husk-based Cooler for

sustainable seafood storage. Descriptive developmental research involves observing and

describing the characteristics, behaviors, and developmental trajectories of individuals or

groups over time. In this study, it will be applied to the design and development of the

Cooler to ensure its internal consistency and effectiveness in the future.

Research Locale

The researchers will conduct a study in Brgy. Castañas, Sariaya, Quezon,

specifically in the fish landing area. This location will be chosen due to its suitability for

studying the challenges faced by fishermen with regards to using traditional seafood

storage methods, such as Styrofoam coolers. In the future, the study will explore how using

traditional coolers for extended periods negatively impacts functionality, necessitating

frequent replacements and potentially decreasing fishermen's projected income. By


conducting this research, the researchers aim to develop practical solutions to these

problems and improve fish storage procedures for fishermen.

Research Population and Sample

The researchers will select fishermen at the Fish Landing Area in Barangay

Castañas, Sariaya, Quezon, as the respondents for this future study. Purposive sampling

will be employed to target individuals with characteristics most relevant to the research

questions, specifically those who can provide accurate information. A total of thirty (30)

fishermen will be chosen to participate in the study. These fishermen will be selected

because they are the primary users of traditional Styrofoam coolers for seafood storage.

Research Instrument

The researchers will utilize a survey method to gather in-depth explanations of

answers relevant to the study. A self-made questionnaire will be developed to collect and

support the necessary data. The questionnaire will consist of statements that directly align

with the objectives and goals of this study. The researchers will construct an instrument to

evaluate the effectiveness of the coconut husk-based fish cooler. The data will be gathered

using a printed checklist survey questionnaire consisting of viewpoints related to coconut

husk-based coolers for sustainable seafood storage. The questions that will be used for the

printed checklist survey questionnaire are intended to further improve the research output.

Two sets of questionnaires will be employed: one for identifying the key challenges in

developing a coconut husk-based cooler, which consists of ten (10) statements, and another

for evaluating the level of effectiveness of the fish cooler, which consists of five (5)

statements per parameter: efficiency, functionality, portability, and durability, resulting in


a total of 20 statements. The questionnaire could be answered through a 4-point Likert

scale with a verbal description of (4) strongly agree, (3) agree, (2) disagree, and (1) strongly

disagree. The two sets of questionnaires have the same respondents, who were the

fishermen at Barangay Castañas, Sariaya, Quezon, fish landing area. The respondents will

answer in accordance with their own experiences and perspectives.

Data-Gathering Procedures

The researchers will obtain data from various sources, including articles, the

internet, and printed materials. They will follow these steps to gather and analyze the data:

1. The researchers will identify the topic by brainstorming different feasible topics

and problems that can be addressed by the study.

2. The researchers will gather different information regarding the topic of the study

from the internet and published materials, such as journals, books, and unpublished studies.

3. The researchers will determine the research locale and respondents by choosing the

efficient and convenient setting and population of the study in which they can conduct the


4. The researchers will gather information and plan how to create the output of the


5. The researchers will create a coconut husk-based cooler for seafood storage.

6. The researchers will create questionnaires related to the research problem and

consult with experts to validate the content. The research advisor will review the

questionnaires before use.


7. The researchers will prepare a letter to administer the questionnaires, which will

also be reviewed by the research advisor and the relevant parties in the research location.

8. The researchers will ensure they have enough copies of the questionnaire to conduct

the research.

9. The researchers will distribute the questionnaires to the respondents after the letter

is signed.

10. The researchers will tally the results.

11. The researchers will evaluate all the data gathered from the respondents.

12. The researchers will present, analyze, and interpret the data.

13. The researchers will conceptualize the findings, conclusions, and recommendations

of the study.

Statistical Treatment of Data

To have a considerable and accurate result, General Weighted Mean Will be by the

researchers to evaluate the result of the survey.

𝑓(4) + 𝑓 (3) + 𝑓 (2) + 𝑓(1)



WM= Weighted Mean

∑ 𝑓(𝑥) = sum of all the frequencies multiplied by the numerical value of every choice

𝑁 = total of population

A table is presented below and was used to achieve a definite interpretation of the

results for research using the GWM range.


Point Score Range Interval Verbal Description

4 3.26 – 4.00 Strongly Agree (SA)

3 2.51 – 3.25 Agree (A)

2 1.76 – 2.50 Disagree (D)

1 1.00 – 1.75 Strongly Disagree (SD)



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