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Little raccoon «Smoky»

The designer of the pattern Oksana Berejshik

VK site
Etsy shop

This pattern does not contain the basics of crocheting, but rather requires certain crochet skills. The complexity
of the description is medium+.
This pattern is for personal use only. Please do not distribute, reproduce, share or sell this pattern.

You may publish (on the network) and sell finished items made with this pattern, but only in small quantities,
provided you credit me as the original designer.
- Yarn:
You can use any yarn that is comfortable and/or suitable for you.
I used Alize Kid Royal (mohair/polyamid, 50g ~ 500m, in 2 threads!!, 32sс = 4 inches). Colors: grey, black, white.
Sweater: «Slonim» yarn (acrylic, 50g ~ 200m, Belarus, thin the thread in a half, 45sс = 4 inches) or «Iris» (cotton,
10g ~ 82m). Colors – light blue, white. Black and white yarn (eg. floss) to embroider elements of face.
The size of the raccoon is about 11cm (when seated 9.5cm).
- Hook №1.5, sweater: hook №1
- Mount (can be replaced with any type of mount you are used to):
legs - buttons size 16mm 2pcs (paste into leg side), 16mm 2pcs (paste into body side)
neck - buttons size 14mm 1pc (paste into body side), 16mm 1pc (paste into head side)
- 13cm one piece of wire (for arms), 11cm one piece of wire (for tail)
- Fiberfill (to stuff)
- Glue or sewn eyes (7mm)
- Safety nose (12x8mm)
- Needle, safety pins, scissors, glue (Moment Crystal), thin stick (for the convenience of stuffing small parts).

MR - magic ring;
in BL - work in the back loops;
ch - chain stitch;
slst - slip stitch;
sc - single crochet;
hdc - half double crochet;
dc - double crochet;
dec - decrease;
inc - increase;
hdc-inc – half double crochet increase;
dc-inc – double crochet increase;
(sc, inc) х N - repeat instructions ‘N’ times;
(sc+hdc) – crochet sc and hdc in the same ch base (in one ch);
– additional actions and / or explanations; for example ‘move the marker’;
*in base of ‘ch to climb’*
sc – crochet additional single crochet at the end of the row into base loop of ‘chain to climb’;
[N] - the number of stitches in this row (if the row with ‘chain to climb’ this count includes it)
continuous round - crochet all followed, without closing the rounds;
joined round - go closing every rounds and climb to the next turn with a chain (chain to climb);

Working in continuous rounds, unless otherwise specified in the recommendations. The chain to climb is
considered one single crochet.

The designer of the pattern Oksana Berejshik 2

Black color.
Pick up: 2ch + 1ch to climb (mark as ‘А’).
1r. – we work around both sides of the chain, begin into the 2nd stitch from the hook:
sc, 3sc in one, continue crochet on the other side of the chain: sc
2r. – inc in ‘А’, inc, sc, 2inc, sc [10]
3-5r. – 10sc
6r. – sc, dec, 2sc, dec, sc, dec [7]
7r. – 7sc
8r. – sc, inc, 3sc, inc, sc [9]
*to align the edge a li ttle*
9r. – 4sc, inc, 2sc, 2slst [10]
Black part is finished. Fasten off, hide the end. Change your yarn color to grey.
10-15r. – 10sc
Leave a tail (of the yarn) for sewing. Brush.


! Crochet in back-and-forth rows.

Each ear consists of 2 parts (front and back).

Front part. Black color. Pick up: 1ch (‘А’) + 2ch to climb
1r. – 6hdc in ‘А’
2r. – ch to climb, sc, inc, 2hdc-inc, inc, sc
Change your yarn color to white.
3r. – ch to climb, 4sc, 2inc, 4sc [front part – crochet this row in BL]

Also crochet the back part, only completely in grey.

Attach 2 parts together, use white color crochet along the edge (use one loop from back side and both loops from
front side):
4r. – ch to climb, 5sc, 2inc, 5sc
Leave tails of the yarns (in white and grey color!!) for sewing. Brush.

back and front parts use one loop from back side result, then brush
and both loops from front side

The designer of the pattern Oksana Berejshik 3

Black color. Crochet a foot.
Pick up: 2ch + 1ch to climb (mark as ‘А’).
1r. – we work around both sides of the chain, begin into the 2nd stitch from the hook:
sc, 3sc in one, continue crochet on the other side of the chain: sc
2r. – inc in ‘А’, inc, sc, 2inc, sc [10]
3r. – 10sc
*foot curve is formed*
4-6r. – 4sc, 3slst , 3sc [10]
*to correct ma rker position* *in BL, pa rt О1*
7r. – 5sc , 2sc, dec, 3sc , dec, sc [8]
*i n BL, pa rt О2*
8r. – sc, dec, 3sc , dec [6]
Stuff a foot with a filler. Close the hole, fasten and cut off.

foot curve
Grey color.
1r. – starting from the middle of the heel, (sc, inc) along O2, (inc, sc, inc) along O1, inc along О2 [10]

right left

2r. – 6sc, 4inc [14] 2r. – sc, 4inc, 5sc [14]

3r. – 5sc, (2sc, inc)х3 [17] 3r. – sc, (inc,2sc)х3, 4sc [17]

4-6r. – 17sc

7r. – 8sc, (sc, dec)х3 [14] 7r. – 4sc, (dec, sc)х3, 4sc [14]

Put leg mount between 6th and 7th rows.

*to correct ma rker position* *to correct ma rker position*
8r. – 7sc , 7dec [7] 8r. – 4sc , 7dec [7]

Finish stuffing. Close the hole, fasten and cut off. Brush.

The designer of the pattern Oksana Berejshik 4

Black color.
1r. – 6sc in MR
2r. – (sc, inc)х3 [9]
3r. – (inc, 2sc)х3 [12]
4r. – (3sc, inc)х3 [15]
Change your yarn color to grey.
5-7r. – 15sc
Change your yarn color to black.
8-10r. – 15sc
Change your yarn color to grey.
11r. – dec, 13sc [14]
12-13r. – 14sc
Change your yarn color to black.
14r. – 6sc, dec, 6sc [13]
15-16r. – 13sc
Change your yarn color to grey.
17r. – dec, 11sc [12]
18-19r. – 12sc
Change your yarn color to black.
20r. – (4sc, dec)x2 [10]
21-22r. – 10sc
Change your yarn color to grey.
23r. – (dec, 3sc)x2 [8]
24-25r. – 8sc
Leave a tail (of the yarn) for sewing. Brush.

- make small loops at the ends of the wire then wrap it with adhesive tape
(in this way sharp end of the wire does not come out and the wire cannot
slip inside the tail).

- put the tail on the wire, stuff a little.

The designer of the pattern Oksana Berejshik 5

Grey color.
1r. – 6sc in MR
2r. – 6inc [12]
3r. – (sc, inc)х6 [18]
4r. – (inc, 2sc)х6 [24]
5r. – (3sc, inc)х6 [30]
6r. – sc, (inc, 4sc)х5, inc, 3sc [36]
7-11r. – 36sc
form the tummy

12r. – 2sc, dec, 6sc, dec, 2sc, dec, 3sc, dec, 2sc, dec, 6sc, dec, 3sc [30]
Place the legs between 6th and 7th rows side by side. The legs must be visually at the
same distance from the center (and a little closer to the back).
Stuff with a filler (only bottom part of the body).
13r. – 30sc
14r. – 2sc, dec, 5sc, dec, sc, dec, 2sc, dec, sc, dec, 5sc, dec, 2sc [24]
15r. – 6sc, dec, 8sc, dec, 6sc [22]
16-17r. – 22sc
Attach hands and body together.
Attach and sew, 4sc long (6sc of every hand is free, pay attention to the scheme and photo).
*to correct ma rker position*
18r. – sc ,
2sc, dec, 4sc, dec, 4sc, dec, 4sc, dec, 2sc, dec [21]

These decs use one loop from the

body and the second from the a rm
18th row start,
mid back

19r. – 4sc, dec, 3sc, dec, 3sc, dec, 5sc [18]

20r. – 4sc, dec, 6sc, dec, 4sc [16]

The designer of the pattern Oksana Berejshik 6

Arms mount.
- make a loop at one end of the wire then wrap it with adhesive tape
(in this way sharp end of the wire does not come out and the wire
cannot slip inside the arm)

- insert the wire into the hand, stuff arm a little

- try on the second arm, if necessary shorten the wire;

- make a loop at second end of the wire then wrap it with adhesive

- curve the wire, insert the second end of the wire into the second
hand, stuff arm a little (to make it easier to stuff, bend the arm, then
you can push the filler through the top using a thin stick)

- finish stuffing the body

Place a head mount.

21r. – In BL: (dec, sc)х5, sc [11]
22r. – sc, 5dec [6]
Close the hole, fasten and cut off.

Neck: work in the front loops of the 20th row – 16sc

Tail: insert the end of the wire between 5th and 6th rows. Sew.

Brush the body.

The designer of the pattern Oksana Berejshik 7


! Use joined round for white muzzle (climb to the next turn with a chain). - here put safety nose

White color, muzzle.

Pick up: 5ch + 1ch to climb
1r. – we work around both sides of the chain, begin into the 2nd stitch from the hook:
4sc, 3sc in one, continue crochet on the other side of the chain: 3sc, inc [13]
*in base of ‘ch to climb’*
2r. – 2ch to climb, hdc-inc, 3hdc, 2hdc-inc, inc, 4sc, inc, hdc [19] 5 row
*i n base of ‘ch to climb’*
3r. – ch to climb, 18sc, sc [20]
4r. – ch to climb, 19sc [20]
White part is finished. Fasten off, hide the end. Change your yarn color to grey.
Now you can use continuous rounds. Example: crochet additional s c
a t the end of the row
5r. – in BL: sc, inc, 4sc, inc, sc, inc, 9sc, inc, sc [24]
ch to climb
6r. – inc, 8sc, inc, 14sc [26]
7r. – 3sc, inc, 5sc, inc, 3sc, inc, 11sc, inc [30]
8r. – 3sc, inc, 7sc, inc, 6sc, hdc-inc, 2hdc, hdc-inc, hdc, hdc-inc, 2hdc, hdc-inc, 3sc [36]
9r. – 3sc, (inc, 5sc)x5, inc, 2sc [42]
base of ch to climb
10r. – 2sc, (inc, 7sc)x3, (hdc-inc, 4hdc)x2, hdc-inc, 5sc [48] (sls t from closing
previous rnd)
11-16r. – 48sc
17r. – 5sc, dec, 14sc, dec, 14sc, dec, 9sc [45]
18r. – 3sc, (dec, 7sc)x4, dec, 4sc [40]
*to correct ma rker position*
19r. – sc , (6sc, dec)x5 [35]
20r. – 2sc, (dec, 5sc)x4, dec, 3sc [30]
Brush the muzzle and bottom part of the head.
Place the safety nose.
Put head mount between 12th and 13th rows. Begin stuffing.
21r. – 2sc, (dec, 3sc)x5, dec, sc [24]
22r. – (dec, 2sc)x6 [18]
23r. – (sc, dec)x6 [12]
24r. – 6dec
Finish stuffing. Close the hole, fasten and cut off. Brush the head (DON’T brush the places where the eyes will be).

The designer of the pattern Oksana Berejshik 8

Make face (sculpting)

- make sculpting;
top points are between 4th and 5th rows (distance between them ~6sc) 2 3

bottom point is between 9th and 10th rows (near the neck)

Sculpting steps:

begin from point 1 from point 1 to point 2 from point 2 back to point 1 from point 1 to point 3

from point 3 back to point 1 result

The designer of the pattern Oksana Berejshik 9

Make face
Parts near eyes.

Black color. Crochet in back-and-forth rows. Make 2pcs.

Pick up: 4ch + 1ch to climb.
1r. – begin into the 2nd stitch from the hook: slst, 2sc, inc
2r. – ch to climb, 4sc, inc
3r. – ch to climb, 2sc, 3hdc, inc, (inc , slst) along sidepiece
Leave a tail (of the yarn) for sewing.

White color.
Begin from the 2nd hdc of the 3rd row (red color on the scheme).
1r. – ch to climb, sc, inc, 2hdc-inc, sc, slst
Leave a tail (of the yarn) for sewing.

sew white part with white yarn, black part with black yarn, glue eyes, embroider the semicircle beside the eyes with white yarn
correct the brushing



8sc 14-15

distance between them 8sc rows, between which sew white corners with white yarn, other parts with grey yarn,
the points are located correct the brushing

The designer of the pattern Oksana Berejshik 10


White color.
Pick up: 1ch (‘А’) + ch to climb;
1r. – 6sc in ‘А’. Don’t close the row. Underlip looks like semicircle.
Leave a tail (of the yarn) for sewing. Brush (a little).

Part (line) on the nose.

thread №1
Black color. Crochet in back-and-forth rows.
Pick up: 2ch
1-4r. – ch to climb, 2sc
5r. – ch to climb, dec
Leave a tail (of the yarn) for sewing (thread №1). Brush. thread №2

Attach another thread (№2) to the bottom (use more stronger smooth yarn, eg. floss).

stretch the ends of the thread №2 tie the ends of the thread to a knot sew top part using thread №1
behind the nose correct the brushing

embroider the mouth with thread №2 sew the underlip, result

correct the brushing

The designer of the pattern Oksana Berejshik 11

Elastic part. White color.
Pick up: 5ch.
1r. – ch to climb, working in the back loops of the previous row - 5slst, turn.

Be careful with reading the BACK loops of the previous row. If you crochet
correctly, the rubber band will begin to form segments.

Repeat until your elastic part is as long as you need it.

Loops along
I have - 30 segments (60 rows). Elastic part is finished – connect (sew) the edges. the edge

! On the next page you can see the lesson how to calculate the number of
loops and rows for a sweater)

Change your yarn color to light blue. Now you can use continuous rounds.

1r. – You have 30 segments elastic part = 30 loops.

Crochet along the edge: (sc, inc)x15 [45]
2r. – 45sc
3r. – (2sc, inc)x15 [60]
4r. – 60sc
5r. – (3sc, inc)x15 [75]
6r. – 75sc
slot for a future sleeve slot for a future sleeve

*O1* *O2*
7r. – 23sc, pick up 3ch skip 15sc, 22sc, pick up 3ch skip 15sc

begin to crochet the 7 th row 7 th row - form the slots for future sleeves

8r. – 23sc, 3sc along O1, 22sc, 3sc along O2 [51]

9-12r. – 51sc
13r. – Change your yarn color to white, in BL: 51sc

1r. – 15sc, 3sc along O1 (or along O2 for the 2nd sleeve) [18]
2-7r. – 18sc
8r. – Change your yarn color to white, in BL: 18sc

The designer of the pattern Oksana Berejshik 12

Lesson. How to calculate the number of loops and rows for a sweater.

If you crochet a toy and/or a sweater using another yarn, then of course the size can be different.
How to choose the size of the sweater for your finished toy?

1. - Crochet the elastic part to the size you need (the sweater will be put on through the legs, crochet the elastic
part until length is enough for the toy body to push through, do not make it too free, the elastic part stretches
over time).
In my case, I crocheted 30 segments (not so free, but the body can push through, this is what we need).
2. - Crochet a pattern to know the yarn gauge (for example, a piece size 20sc x 10rows).
In my case, the gauge is: 20sc ~ 4.5cm, 10rows ~ 2cm.
3. - Carry out the following measurements and transfer them to the number of sc and rows:
In my case:
arm girth A 4cm (~ 18sc)
tummy girth B 11.5cm (~ 51sc)
sleeve length C 3cm (~ 15rows)
sweater length D 2.6cm (~ 13rows)
armpit distance E 1.4cm (~ 7rows)

Now we have all the necessary measurements and based on them we can build a sweater scheme.
For armpits I picked up 3 loops (this is enough for a small toy, if you have a larger toy, take more loops).

We think like this:

Tummy girth should be 51sc (B = 3 loops for the left armpit + 3 loops for the
right armpit + 45sc, but the number 45 is not divided by 2, so for the back I take


23sc and for the front 22sc), the girth of each sleeve is 18sc (A = 3loops armpit
+ 15sc).
So before separation into sleeves and body our crochet canvas should be 75sc 23sc
long (23+15+22+15=75).

Now about the rows.

Before we separate the whole canvas into the parts we should crochet 6rows (E = 7rows, that’s why the
separation will be in 7th row, in 7th row we will crochet 3 additional loops for each armpit). For 6 rows we need to
increase the number of sc from 30 to 75. I choose the way to add 15sc through a row (1st row I add evenly 15sc =
45sc, 2nd row I crochet 45sc, 3rd row again I add evenly 15sc = 60sc …).
Additional number of rows after 7th row for a body part is 13-7 = 6rows (D - E), additional number of rows after 7th
row for a sleeve part is 15-7 = 8rows (C - E).

! Do not forget to constantly try on a sweater on a toy.

If you see that the sweater is a little tight - add a few more sc, too big - reduce some.

The designer of the pattern Oksana Berejshik 13

Put on a sweater.
Our charming raccoon is ready!

The designer of the pattern Oksana Berejshik 14

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