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Villegas, Leriel Nichole


Success Stories

1. I have been struggling during my high school journey. I failed one of our
subject when I was in 8th grade and I once tried to do summer classes. On my
10th grade, everything became harder though it was the most fun of my high
school days. I work and make an effort so that I can be on of the top in our
classes. I became the president in all of our subjects and class representative.
It was hard managing a class and keeping up with my grades and
requirements, but it was all worth it. Every grading that ends, it gives me
satisfaction whenever I receive a certification recognizing my efforts. This is
one of the successful stories that I can consider.

2. After I finished high school, this is the part where I am afraid to fail. I took my
shot to enroll in my dream school and choose my desired course, but
unfortunately I did not met their requirements. Though, life goes on. It was
hard for me because it is not just the fact that I was not able to study on my
dream school and my desired course, I am also thinking of the financial
struggle that my mother will face in case I failed to get a scholarship. I thought
it is the end of my college dream, but in the hardest time, I received an email
from PUP saying that I have the chance to enroll in their university. It made
me cry because after nights of crying and praying to get accepted on one of
the universities in the Philippines, here it is.

3. When I turned 18, I applied to five known companies in BPO so I could get a
job. Among the five companies I have applied for, I failed four of them. The
only company that allowed me almost have to reject my application for some
reason. It was night that day, a very tiring day because I applied on their site
and it took about seven to eight hours because it is a one day process. It was
so frustrating because they inform me that they had to reevaluate my
application, I lose hope that time. I went home sorrowful. Just when I thought
it is the end for me, few days after I received a text message from the same
company saying that I got accepted on one of their programs. Now, I am one
of their employee.

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