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Understanding the Self

Success Stories

Nebres, Cathleen Mae

Here are my success
Way back when I was in junior high school, I earned
the title of being one of the All Star President in the
whole District 3780 under the sponsoring club of
Rotary Club of Loyola Heights. As I earned the title, I
was elected also as the District Interact Secretary for
the academic year 2019-2020.
This is one of my success story because this opens
another opportunity for me to take in the present time.
I was able to distinguish how will I act, serve and be
responsible to things that I will do in the future.
The story behind the
I did not really expect that I will be having the position of being the
president of the said club in our school. It is one of most precious
club I really do treasure as it taught me how to be brave enough to
face challenges while leading different people with their different
beliefs. I was not sure about the thought that I will be good enough
and I will be suitable with that kind of position. I was challenged
that time as I experienced many problems just like sabotaging
elections because someone does not want me to be their president.
As she keeps on pulling down, I did my very best to not just show
her that I am capable to do things like leading but to prove myself
that I deserve the spot. In addition, to earn their trust and support is
not that easy that is why it is really important for me to earn the
spot and played my role as president of the club.
What does this say about who you
are and what is important to you?

This only shows that I am really

determined to do and prove things
not just for everyone but also for
myself who wants not just to be
recognized but also to grow as an
This success is really important for
me because it somehow dictate what
is my present and my future will be.
Filikula 2019 Champion
Best in Cinematography
Best in Musical Scoring
Best in Editor
Best Actress

The success of

The story behind...
I chose this story of success because I have been through different trials that time.
I was not able to figure out where will I belong. I was thorn between poetry or be part
of the production team.
In addition, I had exprience things that literaly ruined my life during the shooting.
As I thought that I would mess the shooting because my boyfriend that time was
trying to broke up with me as he told me that I lose time for him and it was the toxic
trait of him. Aside from this, the production team thought that we would not make it
because we lack time in editing and rendering also we had encountered corrupted
files so we need to retake it all over again.
It is really challenging as it measured our competence and determination to ace the
To cut it short, trials are made that time for us to prove what we can do. To prove that
A1 is limitless. That we can do impossible things, possible.
What does this say about who you are and what
is important to you?

This simply elucidates that no matter how hard to take risks, I

am now ready to take it. I am brave enough to face those trials
and circumstances.
This is one of the important story of my succes as this enlighten
me for what I really wanted to take in college.
This seems like a great path for me to take those challenges into
opportunities as the production team taught me that no matter
how hard the obstacle I am into, there are people who are
ready to be your guide and support you.
This team builds me into a fearless woman of today.
Thank you!
You can watch the short film here


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