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A single server retrial G-line along

preemptive resume priority & non-

continuous server as per Bernoulli vacation
Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 2385, 130052 (2022);
Published Online: 06 January 2022

K. Geetha Priya and L. Francis Raj

AIP Conference Proceedings 2385, 130052 (2022); 2385, 130052

© 2022 Author(s).
A Single Server Retrial G-Line $long Preemptive
Resume Priority & NonContinuous Server as Per
Bernoulli Vacation

K.GeethaPriya1, a) and L. Francis Raj2

Department of Mathematics, D.K.M College for women (Autonomous), Vellore – 632 001,Tamil Nadu, India.
PG & Research Department of Mathematics, Voorhees College, Vellore – 632 001, Tamil Nadu, India.

Corresponding author:

Abstract. Here, queue is considered for service with only one server with time break. A customer gets serviced when
queue is empty at rate p, else waits for probability (1-p). On finding a non patient customer, server works with new
rate p1 else goes for a breakdown time q.The solution for this complexity is discussed using Auxiliary Changeable


The not positive client opens the system, with the patron creature in service. The number of repair, an
incoming lesser order on going toward the line up to originate its own service. In queuing assumption,
rest and retrial be active study topics designed for a extensive occasion. This queues through constant
defense specify the information to appear person discover the sommelier forwards the facility sector and
attach a succession termed path (Fig. 1).

FIGURE 1. Succession termed path


Here in Bernoulli System, we study the behavior of the individual in an unique & Ordinary Line. Preemptive have

International Conference on Advances in Materials, Computing and Communication Technologies

AIP Conf. Proc. 2385, 130052-1–130052-6;
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-4161-3/$30.00

more priorities over common customers and they have 2 Poisson rules.

Not in order-S, Uncertainity-S(t), Laplace Stieltijes Transform S*(v)
x Rp(t) and Rb(t) are preemptive and ordinary customers.
x Length V is the notation for server vacation. All through laplacestieltjes transform A *Ȟ(V) and
the first exponential distribution with parameter ߠ A*'Ȟ(ߠ) = ‫׬‬0 ‫ ݁ ݔ‬െߠ‫ ݔ‬dAȞ.(x).
x Regular service process: Every occasion a non negative client comes & Marked: Service
period - Sb
x Service time of priority customers are mentioned with B(t).


Considering, { S(0), Rp(0), Rb(0), AV(0), Q(0) = 0} and

{ Rb(’), AV(’), Q(’), Rp(’) = 1 }

dS (x) dR p(x) dR b(x) dA V((x)
i.e b(x) dx = ; ȝp(x) = ; ȝb(x) = ; Ȗv(x) =
1െS(x) 1െR(x) 1െR(x) 1െA(x)

C1(t) = zero, empty

= 1 important customer
= 2 ordinary customer
= 3, regular
= 4, vacation
= 5, repair.

we establish the random variable,

P0 =log ‫ݐ‬՜λ ‫݌‬0(t) ;
(ߣ + ߜ) p0 =‫׬‬0 ܳ n(x)ᐭ(x)dx (1)
dP n(X)
+ ((ߣ + ߜ + b(x)) Pn(X) = 0, (2)
dߖ1,0(x) +
+ (ߣ + ߚ 1 ȝp(x)) ߖ 1,0(x) = 0 (3)
+ (ɉ + Ⱦ1 + ȝp(Y)) ߖ 1,n(Y) = ɉߖ 1,n-1(Y) (4)
dߖ2,0(x) +
= - (ɉ + Ⱦ2 ȝb(x)) ߖ 2,0(x) (5)

+ (ߣ + ߠ+,ȝV(x))Qi,0(x) = 0, n=0,(i =1,2) (6)
+ (ߣ + ߠ+ ȝV(x)) Qi,n(x) = ߣQi,,n-1(x), n ൒ 1, i= 1,2… (7)
+ (ߣ + ᐭɌ( (x))Sn(x) = 0, n = 0 (8)
݀Rn (x)
+ (ߣ + ᐭɌ( (x))Sn(x) = ߣQn-1(x), n൒1 (9)

(2) – (10) ,the steady position limit circumstances at x = 0 are followed.
ߖ1,0(0) = ߙ(ߜp0) (10)
λ λ
Qi,n(0) = [‫׬‬0 ߖ1,0(Y) ȝb(Y))dY + ‫׬‬0 ߖ2,0(X) ȝp(X))dX (11)
λ λ
Rn(0) = ߜ σ1 (‫׬‬0 ߖb, is zero. (12)
The Result arrived is 1.

To explain exceeding equations, the Partial generating functions are distinct

|‫ |ݖ‬൑ 1 be fond of near by
Multiplying equation (2) – (12) into z power n

dP n(x)
(ߣ + ߜ + b(x)) Pn(x) = 0 (13)
n (1) +
z = σλ
݊=1 ( ɉ + Ⱦ ȝp(x)) ߖ 1,n(x) zn (14)
݀ n (1) +
[σλ λ
݊=1 ߖ1, n(x)z + ߖ 1,0(x) ] = - σ݊=1 ( ɉ + Ⱦ ȝp(x)) ߖ 1,n(x) zn (15)
݀ λ
ߖ 1(x,z) = - (ɉ + Ⱦ(1) + ȝp(x)) ߖ 1(x,z) + ‫׬‬0 R1,n(x,y) Ɍ(y)dy (16)
ߖ 2 +R1,n(x,z) Ɍ(y)dy = 0 (17)

Eq:(13) – Eq (17)
[ + py = Q The solution is y݁ ‫ ݔ݀݌ ׬ ݁ ܳ ׬ = ݔ݀݌ ׬‬dx + c ] (18)
െ(ߣ+ߜ)log ༌

‫׵‬p(x,z) = p(0,z) ݁ െ(ߣ‫ ݔ‬༌(1െ‫)ݔ(ܤ‬ (19)
ߖ1(x,z) = ߖ 1(0,z)[1-RP(x)]݁ െɊp(z)x (20)
ߖ 2(x,z) = ߖ 2(0,z)[1-Rb(x)]݁ െɊb(z)x (21)
AV(x,z) = AV(0,z)[1-AV (x)]݁ െA(z)x (22)

As per Partial Generating Functions, the above conclusions are obtained.

TABLE 1. Example for Preemptive Priority Scheduling

ORDER Arrival Burst Priority
O1 2 2 2
O2 0 1 3
O3 1 3 4
O4 3 5 1
05 4 4 5

Here, we study the order in how an customer arrives in a system. Assuming that there are five customers in a
system, the second customer whose arrival time is 0 is first considered. Average waiting time and Turn around time
can be obtained correctly upon successful formulation of GANTT CHART using Ready Queue. Burst time is time
taken to complete a single process. Lower the priority value, more the importance.

Ready Queue
At 0, O2 enters the system. Hence Its burst is written within brackets(1) with arrival(0) before the rectangle box and
its priority beneath the box(3). Likewise for all the customers.
1, O3 whose burst is 3 enters the system with priority 4.
2, O3 who have burst 3 have already completed 1 is retained with burst 2, along with new arrival 01 whose burst is
3, O4 who have burst 5, connect the system.

4, 05 joins the system based on finite order p1 and p3.
Also here the TA time is calculated as the difference between completion and arrival time and the average waiting
time is derived as the difference of burst time. Significantly, the average of turn around and waiting is found by the
value divided by number of process. Likewise, sum and mean of the process is derived ready Queue.


O2 O3 O1 O4 O1 O3 O5

0 1 2 3 8 9 11 15

FIGURE 2. Gantt chart

TABLE 2. Gantt chart variables


O1 9 7 5
O2 1 1 0
O3 11 10 7
O4 8 5 0
O5 15 11 7
SUM 34 19
MEAN 6.8 ms 3.8 ms


FIGURE 3. Preventative planning order

The above diagram (Fig. 3) explains the Arrivals, Customer in Service and their exit as per our studied
system in a preventative planning order using the method . The Departure order follows the pattern of arrival time
and Lower the priority value more the importance.

Here Customer & Bernoulli system using variable methods were studied. Additional information of customers of the
system when demanded by previous client were busy with important client. The present topic discusses features
such as,
x preventive priority
x unconstructive customer
The above discussions finds wide application in the area of Banking, Hospitals, ATM, Super Market and have given
a great relief up on its implementation.

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4. S. Gao, European Journal of Operation Research, 236, 561–572 (2014).
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