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GHOST (isim) :hayalet,hortlak,ruh He looked as if he'd seen a ghost (=he looked very frightened). Hayalet grm gibi grnyordu.( korkmu gibi grnyordu) ok

OBEY (fiil): uymak,itaat etmek, riayet etmek Kurallara,kanuna Telaffuz : [oh-bey] /o be / The soldiers refused to obey orders . ...Askerler emirlere uymay reddettiler. Falling objects obey the law of gravity. D en nesneler yer ekimi kanununa uyar. He hated being in the army because he had to obey commands. Orduda (askerde) olmaktan nefret ediyordu nk emirlere itaat etmek /uymak zorundayd .

ROOT (isim): kk,temel These plants produce a number of thin roots. Bu bitkiler ok say da ince kk retir. ...Jazz has its roots in the folk songs of the southern states of the US. Jaz n kk Amerikan n gney eyaletlerindeki halk ark lar ndad r. The love of money is the root of all evil. Para a k tm ktlklerin kk/temelidir (sebebi) dir. RUTHLESS Telaffuz (s fat): :[rooth-lis] ac mas z / ru l s/

COMET (isim): Telaffuz:[kom-it]


y ld z / k m t/

Some people believe that to (V) succeed in this world you have to be ruthless. ...Baz insanlar bu dnyada ba ar l olmak ac mas z olmak gerekti ine iin inanmaktad r. LEAK Telaffuz Water was ...Borudan He leaked simleri (fiil): :[leek] leaking su the akmak,s zmak /lik/

Halley's comet...Halley kuyruklu y ld z

EQUITABLE (s fat): Telaffuz :[ek-wi-tuh-buhl] an equitable tax sistemi. system

adil,makul / kw t b l/ ...Adil bir vergi

from the pipe. ak yordur/s z yordu. to the press. s zd rd .

names bas na

an equitable distribution of food supplies G da kaynaklar n n e it/adil da l m The work should be shared more equitably. daha e it/adil bir ekilde da t lmal .

News of the pay cuts had somehow leaked out . deme kesintisi haberleri bir ekilde s zd . S EGE Telaffuz The siege months. Mafeking of (isim): :[seej] Mafeking lasted 8 ay ku atma /sid / for eight srd.

ku atmas

The castle was under siege for months. Kale aylarca ku atma alt ndayd .

NOMAD Tellaffuz

(isim): n md

gebe [noh-mad]

The Tuareg are the largest tribe of nomads in the desert. ...Tuareg ler ldeki gebelerin en geni kabilesiydi. APPALLING verici Telaffuz (s fat): berbat,korku,deh et / p l /



Prisoners were kept in the most appalling conditions. ...Mahkumlar korkun ko ullarda tutuluyordu. The soldiers suffered appalling injuries during the attack. Askerler sald r da korkun yaralar ald .

Partide harika zaman geirdik. NOBLE (s fat): soylu ; yce Telaffuz :[noh-buhl] / no b l/ His followers believe they are fighting for a noble cause. ...Onun yanda lar yce bir ama iin sava t klar na /mcadele ettiklerine inan yorlar. 284.ENDURE (fiil): dayanmak,katlanmak; srmek Telaffuz :[en-door, -dyoor] / n d r, - dy r/ It seemed impossible that anyone could endure such pain. ...Hi kimsenin yle bir a r ya dayanmas /katlanamaz imkans z grnyordu. He can't endure being apart from me. O benden ayr olmaya dayanamaz. The political system established in 1400 endured until about 1650. 1400 de kurulan siyasi sistem yakla k 1650 ye kadar srd.Telaffuz :[mot-oh] / m to / Live and let live. That's my motto ...Ya a ve ya at.Benim dsturum. Her motto is "Work hard, play hard". Onun ilkesi s k al ,s k oynad r WHATSOEVER (zarf): hi ( vurgu iin kullan l r.) Telaffuz :[hwuht-soh-ev-er, hwot-, wuht-, wot] /w t.s ev. r / He has no respect for authority whatsoever. ...Otoriteye hi sayg s yok. I can say that I have no interest whatsoever in the royal family. Kraliyet ailesiyle hi ilgilenmedi imi syleyebilirim FULFIL (fiil): getirmek,gerekle tirmek,kar Telaffuz :[fool-fil] /f l f l/ yerine lamak

DROUGHT Telaffuz

(isim): :[drout]

kurakl k /dra t/

This year (a) severe drought has ruined the crops ...Bu y l kurakl k rnleri mahvetti.

FED UP WITH b km ,usanm ,s k lm ,yorulmu

People are fed up with the disturbance caused by the nightclub. nsanlar gece kulbnn sebep oldu u rahats zl ktan usand /b kt . ...I'm fed up with my imden b kt m/yoruldum/s k ld m SANCTION Telaffuz job.

(isim): yapt r m,meyyide :[sangk-shuhn] / s k n/

Many nations have imposed sanctions on the country because of its attacks on its own people. ...Bir ok ulus lkeye kendi insanlar na sald r lar ndan dolay yapt r mlar uygulad . The UN security council may impose economic sanctions. Birle mi milletler gvenlik konseyi ekonomik yapt r mlar uygulayabilir. FABULOUS (s fat) : ok gzel,harika,enfes Telaffuz :[fab-yuh-luhs] / fby l s/ She looked absolutely fabulous in her dress. ...Elbisesiyle kesinlikle harika grnyordu. They've got a fabulous apartment in the centre of Paris. Paris in merkezinde harika bir apartmanlar var. We had a fabulous time at the party.

A school fails if it does not fulfil the needs of its pupils. Bir okul e er rencilerinin ihtiyalar n kar layamazsa ba ar s z olur. ... At the age of 45, she finally fulfilled her ambition to run a marathon. 45 ya nda maraton ko ma tutkusunu /arzusunu gerekle tirdi.


Zoos fulfil an important function in the protection of rare species. Hayvanat baheleri nadir trlerin korunmas na nemli bir i levi yerine getiriler. He has failed to fulfil his duties as a father. Bir baba olarak grevlerini yerine getiremedi

INDEPENDENT (s fat): ba ms z Telaffuz :[in-di-pen-duhnt] / nd p nd nt/ The study is totally independent of central government. ...Ara t rma merkezi hkmetten tamamen ba ms z. India became independent in 1947 Hindistan 1947 de ba ms z oldu. Not:Bu kelime of /from preposition lar ile kullan l r.DS yada KPDS de sorulma ihtimali ok yksektir.

ENDURE (fiil): dayanmak,katlanmak; srmek Telaffuz :[en-door, -dyoor] / n d r, - dy r/ It seemed impossible that anyone could endure such pain. ...Hi kimsenin yle bir a r ya dayanmas /katlanamaz imkans z grnyordu. He can't endure being apart from me. O benden ayr olmaya dayanamaz. The political system established in 1400 endured until about 1650. 1400 de kurulan siyasi sistem yakla k 1650 ye kadar srd.

SACK (fiil) : kovmak ,i ten atmak Telaffuz :[sak] /sk/ They sacked her for being late. ...Ge kald iin onu i ten att lar. He got sacked from his last job. Son i inden kovuldu/at ld . E anlaml : FIRE ,LAY OFF

NUTRITIOUS (s fat): besleyici Telaffuz :[noo-trish-uhs, /nu tr

s/ QUENCH (fiil) : susuzlu unu gidermek,tatmin etmek,bast rmak Telaffuz :[kwench] When it's hot, it's best to quench your thirst with water. ...Hava s cak oldu unda susuzlu unu su ile bast rmak en iyi (yoldur). Her thirst quenched. for knowledge will never be

The cookbook contains many simple yet highly nutritious meals. ...Yemek kitab basiy fakat yksek derecede/son derece besleyici yemekler iermektedir. Raw spinach is nutritious. i spanak besleyicidir.


Onun bilgiye olan al edilmeyecek/doyurulamayacak.


tatmin We always aim to give our clients personal attention. Biz herzaman m terilerimize ki isel ilgi vermeyi amalar z

301.YAWN (isim) Telaffuz :[yawn] /y n/


He yawned loudly in the middle of her speech. ...Konu man n ortas nda sesli bir ekilde esnedi. I was so tired, I couldn't help yawning. ok yorgundum.esnemekten kendimi alamad m.

VARIOUS (s fat) : e itli,farkl Telaffuz :[vair-ee-uhs] / ri s/ We had various problems on our journey, including a puncture. ...Seyahatte lastik patlamas dahil e itli sorunlar ya ad k. The author gave various reasons for having written the book. Yazar kitab yazm olmas na ili kin e itli sebepler ileri srd.

OUTSIDER (isim) : yabanc , gruba olmayan Telaffuz :[out-sahy-der] / a t sa d r/


Various people whom we weren't expecting turned up at the meeting. Gelmesini beklemedi imiz farkl insanlar toplant ya geldi.

I'm an outsider, the only foreign woman in the group. ...Ben bir yabanc y m, gruptaki tek yabanc bayan m.

CURRICULUM (isim) :mfredat Telaffuz :[kuh-rik-yuh-luhm] /k r ky l m/ Languages are an essential school curriculum. ...Diller okul mfredat n n paras d r. part of the bir

ARROGANT (s fat) :kibirli,kstah Telaffuz :/ ar g( )nt/ [ar-uh-guhnt] He's arrogant and opinionated ...O kibirli ve inat d r/dik kafal d r


Students are exempt from some classes in the curriculum for religious reasons. renciler dini sebeplerden dolay mfredattaki baz derslerden muaf .

CLIENT (isim) : m teri Telaffuz:( kla nt) He has been a client of this firm for many years. ...O bu irketin y llard r m terisidir.

~5~ TITUTION ...The right to speak freely is written into the Constitution of the United States. zgrce konu ma hakk ABD anayasas nda yaz l d r.

PRONE (s fat):e ilimli,meyilli Telaffuz :[prohn]/pro n/ I've always been prone to headaches. ...Herzaman ba a r na e ilimiyim. She's prone to exaggerate, that's for sure. O abartmaya meyillidir, bu kesin ( ad m gibi eminim)

271.WORTHLESS (s fat) :de ersiz,nemsiz Telaffuz :[wurth-lis] / w r l s/ ss ...The information was worthless to me. Bilgi benim iin de ersizdi/nemsizdi. His parents had made him feel worthless. Anne-babas ona (kendini) de ersiz hissettirmi lerdi.

MYTH (isim) :efsane Telaffuz :[mith] /m / ...The children enjoyed the stories about the gods and goddesses of Greek and Roman myth. ocuklar Yunan ve Roma tanr ve tanr alar hakk ndaki efsaneden ho land lar. Most societies have their own creation myths. o u toplumun kendi yaratt efsaneleri vard r.

270.ARTEFACT (isim) : Kat nt , eser ( insan eliyle yap lan ey) Telaffuz :[ahr-tuh-fakt] / rt fkt/ The museum's collection includes artefacts dating back to prehistoric times. ...Mzenin koleksiyonu tarih ncesine dayanan kal nt lar/eserler iermektedir.

272. CONSTITUTION ( isim) : anayasa Telaffuz :[kon-sti-too-shuhn, -tyoo-] / k nst tu n, - tyu-/

269.HOSTILITY ( isim) :d manl k Telaffuz :[ho-stil-i-tee] /h st l ti/


...They showed open (= obvious) hostility to/towards their new neighbours. Yeni kom ular na a ka d manl k gsterdiler ( d manca davrand lar ).

266.MERELY ( zarf) : sadece Telaffuz :[meer-lee] [meer-lee] ...I wasn't complaining, I merely said that I was tired. ikayet etmiyordum , sadece yoruldu umu syledim. The medicine won't cure her - it merely stops the pain. la onu tedevi etmeyecek, o sadece a r y durdurur. Benzer szckler : SIMPLY,SOLELY : sadece

267.STARE ( fiil) :bakmak ( uzun uzun bakmak, dik dik bakmak) Telaffuz :[stair] /st r/ ...Don't stare at people like that, it's rude. nsanlara yle bakma , bu kabal k / kaba. He just stared blankly at me. bana sadece bo bo bakt .

265.TENTATIVE (s fat) :geici,deneme amal Telaffuz : [ten-tuh-tiv] / t nt t v/ ...The government is taking tentative steps towards tackling the country's economic problems. Hkmet lkenin ekonomik sorunlar n zmeye ynelik geici / deneme amal ad mlar at y or.

268. ASSESS (fiil) : belirlemek,de er bimek Telaffuz :[uh-ses] / s s/ ... The insurers will need to assess the flood damage. Sigortac lar sel hasar n belirlemek zorunda kalacak. Examinations are not the only means of assessing a student's ability. S navlar rencinin kabiliyetini de erlendirmenin tek yolu de ildir.

264.GROUND-BREAKING( s fat) : r aan Telaffuz :[ground-brey-king] / gra nd bre k / ...His latest film is interesting, but not ground-breaking. Son filmi ilgin ama , r am yor (yenilik getirmiyor)


Ceketinin cebinde dzgnce katlanm mendili vard .


Will you help me to fold (up) the sheets? Bu ar aflar katlamama yard m eder misin? Z t anlaml :UNFOLD : amak

263. SEEMINGLY (zarf) :grn te, grn e bak l rsa Telaffuz :[see-ming] / sim / gly ...The new minister was faced with a seemingly impossible task. Yeni bakan grn te imkans z bir grevle kar kar yayd . The factory closure is seemingly inevitable. Fabrikan n kapanmas grn e bak l rsa ka n lmaz. Seemingly, she's gone off another man. Grn e bak l rsa ba ka ya amak iin kat . to bir live with 262. AS OF : -den sonda ,- den ba layarak As of next month, all the airline's fares will be going up. Gelecek aydan itibaren ( sonra ) hava yolu fiyatlar art yor olacak. ...As of now, there will be no more paid overtime. u andan itibaren , cretli daha fazla mesai olmayacak.

adamla 261.INVISIBLE (s fat) :grlmez,grnmez Telaffuz : [in-viz-uh-buhl] / n v z b l/ ...The aircraft is designed to be invisible to radar. Uak radara grnmez olacak ekilde tasarlan r. These bacteria are invisible unless viewed with a microscope. Bu bakteriler mikroskopla bak lmazsa grlmezl

305.FOLD ( fiil) :katlamak Telaffuz :[fohld] /fo ld/ I folded the letter (in half) and put it in an envelope. ...Mektubu yar s ndan katlad m ve bir zarfa koydum. He had a neatly folded handkerchief in his jacket pocket.

260.PROPOSAL (isim) :teklif,neri Telaffuz :[pruh-poh-zuhl] /pr po z l/ ...There has been an angry reaction to the government's proposal to reduce unemployment benefit. Hkumetin i sizlik yard mlar n azaltma nerisine sinirli bir tepki oldu.


Have you read Steve's proposals for the new project? Steve' in yeni proje iin nerilerini okudun mu?

256.COMPATIBLE ( s fat) :uyumlu elaffuz :[kuhm-pat-uh-buhl] /k m pt b l/ 259.SCHOLARSHIP ( isim) :burs Telaffuz :[skol-er-ship] / sk l r p/ ...When we just Birlikte olmad we started living together, we found weren't compatible. ya amaya ba kad m zda , uyumlu m z anlad k.

...She won a scholarship to Iowa State University. Iowa devle niversitesine burs kazand . He attended college on a drama scholarship. niversiteye drama bursu ile gitti.

This software may not be compatible with older operating systems. Bu yaz l m eski i letim sistemleri ile uyumlu olmayabilir. Such policies are not compatible with democratic government. Byle projeler/politikalar demokratik hkmete uymaz ( hkmetle ba da maz).

CONVEY ( fiil) : ta mak,iletmek,aktarmak Telaffuz:[kuhn-vey] /k n ve / ...All this information can be conveyed in a simple diagram. Btn bu bilgiler basit bir izimde aktar labilir. Ads convey the message that thin is beautiful. Reklamlar incenin gzel oldu u mesaj n iletir (yayar). CONGESTION (isim) Telaffuz :[kuhn-jes-chuhn] :t kan kl k /kndstn/

...The (traffic) congestion in the city gets worse during the summer. ehirdeki trafik t kan kl yaz boyunca daha ktle iyor. This spray helps to ease nasal congestion Bu sprey burun t kan kl n n rahatlat lmas nda yard mc olur.

ENVIOUS ( s fat) :k skan Telaffuz : [en-vee-uhs] / nvi s/ ...Colleagues were envious of her success. Meslekta lar onun ba ar s n k skan yordu. He saw the envious look in the other boy's eyes. Di er ocu un gzlerindeki k skan bak grd. TEMPLE ( isim) : tap nak, ibadethane Telaffuz :[tem-puhl] / t mp l/


Telaffuz :[dig] ...On a clear day you can see the temple in the distance. A k bir gnde ( havan n a k oldu u gnde) tap na uzakta grebilirsin ...The tunnel was dug with the aid of heavy machinery. Tnel a r makina yard m yla kaza ld . The dog was digging a hole to hide its bone in. Kpek kemi ini saklamak iin bir ukur kaz yordu biimde,ayn

. 253.LIKEWISE (zarf) : 1. ayn ekilde; 2.bilmukabele Telaffuz :[lahyk-wahyz]

...Water these plants twice a week, and likewise the ones in the bedroom. Bu bitkileri haftada iki kez sula, ve ayn ekilde yatak odas ndakileri (de sula). (informal ) "I haven't got time to spend hours preparing one dish!" "Likewise (= It's the same for me) ." Bir yemek yemek haz rlamakla harcayacak vaktim yok.Ayn ekilde ( benim iin de ayn ) The clams were delicious. Likewise, the eggplant was excellent. Midyeler lezzetliydi.Ayn ekilde, patl canlar mkemmeldi. 250.FORMERLY (zarf): eskiden,daha nce,gemi te Telaffuz :/f .m .li/ [fawr-mer-lee] ...The European Union was formerly called the European Community. Avrupa birli i eskiden/daha nce/gemi te Avrupa toplulu u olarak adland r l yordu. The position of our formerly illegal workers has now been regularized. Eskiden yasa d i ilerimizin durumu imdi dzenlendi. The building was formerly used as a bank, but is now being turned into a bar. Bina eskiden/daha nce/gemi te banka olarak kullan l yordu,ancak imdi bara dn trlyor. 252.LESSEN ( fiil) :azaltmak,hafifletmek Telaffuz :[les-uhn] ...A healthy diet can lessen the risk of heart disease. Sa l kl bir n/yemek kalp hastal riskini azaltabilir. The new project will lessen the effects of car pollution. Yeni proje ara kirlili inin etkilerini azaltacak. 249.UNEASY (s fat) :endi eli,huzursuz,kayg l Telaffuz :[uhn-ee-zee] / n izi/ ...90% of those questioned felt uneasy about nuclear power. Sorulanlar n % 90 nkleer g (enerji) hakk nda endi el/huzursuz/kayg l hissediyordu. I feel a bit uneasy about asking her to do me such a big favour. Ondan yle bym bir iyilik isteme konusunda biraz huzursuz/endi eli hissediyorum. It's the big unknowns that make insurance companies uneasy. 251.DIG (dug-dug) fiil : kazmak,de mek

~ 10 ~

Sigorta irketlerini huzursuz/endi eli byk bilinmeyenlerdir.

yapan He misses his comrades from his days in the Army. Ordudaki gnlerinden arkada lar n zlyor.

248.OBLIGATORY (s fat) :zorunlu Telaffuz:/ bl g t ri/ ...The medical examination before you start work is obligatory. e ba lamadan t bbi muayene zorunludur. It is obligatory for companies to provide details of their industrial processes. irketler iin endstriyel srelerinin detaylar vermek zorunludur. Benzer anlaml lar MANDATORY,COMPULSORY : HORRIFIC ( s fat) :korku,rktc,deh et verici Telaffuz :[haw-rif-ik, ho-] /h r f k, h ...His injuries were horrific. Yaralar korkuntu. a horrific accident/crime deh et verici/ kaza / cinayet Benzer anlaml : HORRIFYING

247.CONTENTED ( s fat) :memmun , mutlu ,halinden memmun,kanaatkar Telaffuz :[kuhn-ten-tid] /k n t nt d/ ...He won't be contented until he's upset everyone in the office. Ofisteki herkesi zene kadar mutlu/memmun olmuyacak. He was a contented man. Halinden memmun/kanaatkar bir adamd .

244.SLIPPERY ( s fat) :1.kaygan 2. gvenilmez (kaypak) (gnlk dil) Telaffuz:[slip-uh-ree, slip-ree] / sl p ri, sl pri/ ...The road was wet and slippery. Yol slak ve kaygand . Martin is a slippery customer (=someone you should not trust) so be careful what you say to him. Martin gvenilmez (kaypak) bir m teridir ,bu nedenle ona ne syledi ine dikkat et.

246.COMRADE ( isim) : arkada ,yolda Telaffuz :[kom-rad, -rid] / k mrd, -r d/

DISTANT (s fat): uzak Telaffuz :[dis-tuhnt] / d st nt/ ...The time we spent together is now a distant memory. Birlikte geirdi imiz zaman imdi uzak bir hat ra.

Many of his comrades were killed in the battle. Arkada lar n n o u sava ta ldrld.

~ 11 ~

The airport was about 20 kilometres distant. Hava liman yakla k 20 kilometre uzaktayd . The reality of independence was distant from the hopes they had had. Ba ms zl k gere i onlar n umutlar ndan ok uzakt .

VANDALIZE ( fiil) ) : etmek,y kmak,zarar vermek Telaffuz :/vn.d l.a z/ [van-dl-ahyz]


PHASE (isim) : a ama,safha,evre,sre,dnem Telaffuz:[feyz] /fe z/ ...The first phase of renovations should be finished by January. Onar m n ilk a amas ocak ay na kadar bitirilmeli. The project is only in the initial phase as yet, but it's looking quite promising. Proje sadece (daha) ba lang a amas nda henz, fakat olduka umut verici grnyor. We're entering a new phase in international relations. Uluslararas ili kilerde yeni bir dneme giriyoruz.

...When I got back, my car had been vandalized. Geri geldi imde arabam tahrip edilmi ti. They are the type of teenagers likely to vandalize phone boxes. Onlar telefon kulbelerine zarar vermesi muhtemel gen tipidir

. NEGLIGENT (s fat) ihmalci,kusurlu,sulu Telaffuz :/neg.l .d nt/ [neg-li-juhnt] ...The judge said that the teacher had been negligent in allow ing the children to swim in dangerous water. Yarg retmenin ocuklar n tehlikeli suda yzmeye izin vermede ihmalci,kusurlu,sulu oldu unu syledi.

SAVING ( isim) :birikim,tasarruf Telaffuz :[sey-ving] / se v / ...He spent all his savings on an expensive car. Btn birikimini pahal bir arabaya harcad . You can make huge savings (= save a lot of money) by buying food in bulk. G day toptan alarak byk tasarruf/birikim yapabilirsin. Buy in bulk : toptan almak By doing : yaparak IRRESISTIBLE (s fat) :kar konulmaz,dayan lmaz, ok ekici, Telaffuz :[ir-i-zis-tuh-buhl] / r z st b l/ He found the delicious-looking cakes irresistible Lezzetli gznen kekleri kar konulmaz/ ok ekici/dayan lmaz buldu.

~ 12 ~

DECAY (fiil) : rmek,bozulmak Telaffuz :[dih-key] /d ke / Her body was already starting to decay. Vcudu oktan rmeye ba lam t . Most archaeological finds are damaged, or decayed. o u arkeolojik bulgu k r lm u ram yada rm tr. broken, ,hasara OUTRAGEOUS ( s fat ) : kabul edilemez, edici, Telaffuz :[out-rey-juhs] /a t re d s/ ok

It is outrageous that these buildings remain empty while thousands of people have no homes. Binlerce insan evsiz iken bu binalar n bo kalmas kabul edilemez. These prices are just outrageous (= much too high) . Bu fiyatlar kabul edilemez/ ok edici/ lsz/ok fazla.

ADHERENT (isim) : taraftar, desteki Telaffuz :[ad-heer-uhnt, -her-] /d h - h r-/

r nt,

She has long been an adherent of the Communist Party. Uzun zamand r komunist partisi taraflar d r. Benzer Anlaml lar: SUPPORTER , FOLLOWER PRICELESS ( s fat) : ok de erli,paha biilmez Telaffuz :[prahys-lis] / pra sl s/ A priceless collection of vases was destroyed. ...Paha biilmez bir vazo koleksiyonu hasara u rad . Her knowledge and experience would make her a priceless (= extremely useful) asset to the team. Onun bilgisi ve deneyimi onu tak m iin paha biilmez bir varl k/de er yapar. E anlaml :VALUABLE ;INVALUABLE

MELT ( fiil) : erimek,eritmek Telaffuz :[melt] /m lt/ ...The snow usually melts by mid March. Kar genellikle mart ortas na kadar erir. Melt the chocolate slowly so that it doesn't burn. Yanmas n diye ikolatay yava a erit. The meat's beautifully cooked - it melts in your mouth .Et gzelce/iyice pi mi -a z nda eriyor. When the sun came out, the ice began to melt. Gne kt nda , buz erimeye ba lad . The heat melted the plastic tablecloth. S cakl k plastik masa rtsn eritti.

~ 13 ~

FOSTER (fiil) :bytmek,te vik geli tirmek Telaffuz :[faw-ster, fos-ter] / f st r,

etmek, f st r/

Daha fazla para istemek sadece agzllk m ? He's greedy for power/success. G / ba ar iin a gzl.

They were discussing the best way to foster democracy and prosperity in the former communist countries. ...Eski komnist lkelerde demokrasi ve refah geli tirmenin en iyi yolunu tart yorlard . The club's aim is to foster better relations within the community. Kulbn amac toplumda daha iyi ili kileri glendirmektir.

INCALCULABLE ( s fat) :say s z , hesap edilemez Telaffuz :[in-kal-kyuh-luh-buhl] / n klky l b l/ ...The ecological consequences of a nuclear war are incalculable. Bir nkleer sava n ekoloji sonular (zararlar ) say s zd r. Benzer anlaml ,INNUMERABL kelimeler: NUMERIOUS

EXAMINE ( fiil) : ncelemek etmek,ara t rmak Telaffuz :[ig-zam-in] / g zm n/


Scientists are examining the wreckage for clues about the cause of the explosion. ...Bilim adamlar patlaman n sebepleri hakk nda ip ular iin enkaz inceliyor. The council is to examine ways of reducing traffic in the city centre. Konsey ehir merkezinde trafi i azaltman n kollar n ara t racak. The research examined the effects of alcohol on long-term memory. Ara t rma uzun dnem sreli haf za zerine alkoln etkilerini ara t rd . REAR ( isim) :arka,arka taraf Telaffuz :/r r/ [reer] ...Always check your rear view mirror before you overtake another car. ba ka bir arac sollamadan nce her zaman arka gr aynas n kontrol et. A car usually has a driver's seat, a passenger seat and rear seats. Bir ara otomobilin genellikle bir src, bir yolcu ve arka koltuklar vard r. The horse had injured one of its rear legs . At arka ayaklar n n birinden yaralanm t .

GREEDY (s fat): a gzl Telaffuz :[gree-dee] / gridi/ ... Don't be greedy! A gzl olma ! Is it just greedy to want more money?

FRUITFUL (s fat) :verimli,retken Telaffuz :[froot-fuhl] / frutf l/ ...Today's meeting proved more fruitful than last week's.

~ 14 ~

Bugnn toplant s daha verimliydi.


toplant s ndan

O a k szl biliniyordu.



kar t


a fruitful collaboration/discussion verimli i birli i/tart ma a fruitful source of information verimli bilgi kayna The research has proved extremely fruitful. Ara t rma olduka verimliydi. Benzer kelime :PRODUCTIVE : verimli retken

She was outspoken in her criticism of the plan. Plan n ele tirisinde a k szlyd.

DECIPHER (fiil) : anlamak,zmek ( ifre vb) DE FRE etmek Telaffuz :[dih-sahy-fer] [dih-sahy-fer] ...Can you decipher the writing on this envelope? Bu zarf n stndeki yaz y zebiliyormusun/ anl yabiliyormusun? LET DOWN (phrasal Verb) :Hayal k r kl u ratmak na She tried to decipher the handwriting. El yaz s n zmeye/de ifre etmeye al t

You will be there tomorrow - you won't let me down, will you? Yar n orada olacaks nbeni hayal k r kl na u ratmayacaks n de il mi? ...When I was sent to prison, I really felt I had let my parents down. Hapishaneye gnderildi imde, gerekten anne-babam hayal k r kl na u ratt m hissettim. I don't want to let myself down in the exam. S navda kendimi hayal k r kl na u ratmak istemiyorum.

ODOUR ( Am.Eng : ODOR ) (isim) :koku Telaffuz :[oh-der] / o d r/ ...It has an unpleasant odor. Naho /kt bir kokusu var. Inside the room there was the odour of tabacco. Odan n iinde ttn kokusu vard .

OUTSPOKEN ( s fat ) : a k szl,dobra Telaffuz :out-spoh-kuhn / a t spo k n/ ...Mr Masack is an outspoken critic of the present government. Mr Masack u anki hkumetin a k szl bir ele tirmenidir (a k szl bir ekilde ele tirmektedir.) He was known as an outspoken opponent of the leadership.

STRAIGHTFORWARD ( s fat) :kolay,a k,do ru Telaffuz:[streyt-fawr-werd] / stre t f rw rd/ ...Just follow the signs to Bradford - it's very straightforward.

~ 15 ~

Sadece Bradford a (giden) i areti izle - ok basit/kolay. The instructions are fairly straightforward. Talimatlar olduka basit/kolay/a k.

BEING (isim) :ki i yada ey, varl k, yarat k Telaffuz :[bee-ing] / bi / ...A nuclear war would kill millions of living beings. Nkleer sava milyonlarca canl varl ldrrd. Strange beings from outer space are still a popular subject for sci-fi films. Uzaydan tuhaf varl klar/canl lar hala bilim kurgu filmleri iin popler bir konudur. Not : Verilen anlam isim anlam d r.Be fiili gibi d nmeyiniz. Not : BiinK eklinde de il biiNG eklinde telaffuz ediniz.

PERPLEXED ( s fat): a rm , a k n:akl kar m Telaffuz :[per-plekst] /p r pl kst/ ...The students looked perplexed, so the teacher tried to explain once again. renciler a rm / a k n grnd , bu nedenle retmen bir kez daha a klamaya al t . They were perplexed by her response. Tepkisinden dolay a rm lard . Benzer anlaml lar : BEWILDERED : a k n,afallam PUZZLED : a rm ,afallam

TEDIOUS ( s fat) : uzun ve s k c Telaffuz :[tee-dee-uhs, tee-juhs] tid s/ ...The work was tiring and tedious. yorucu ve s k c yd .

/ tidi s, WISE ( s fat) : ak ll ; ak ll ca Telaffuz :[wahyz] /wa z/ It's wise to check whether the flight times have changed before you leave for the airport. Hava liman iin ayr lmadan nce uu zamanlar n n de i ip de i medi ini kontrol kontrol etmek ak ll cad r. At the time I thought he was wonderful, but I'm older and wiser now. O zaman onun harika oldu unu d ndm, fakat imdi daha ya l (daha olgun) ve daha ak ll y m.

We had to listen to the tedious details of his operation. Ameliyat n n s k c ayr nt lar n dinlemek zorunda kald k. The journey soon became tedious. Seyahat k sa sre sonra s k c oldu.

~ 16 ~

I don't think that would be a very wise move (=not be a sensible thing to do).Bunun ak ll ca bir hareket olaca n d nmyorum. Z t anlaml : UNWISE: ak ls zca ,mant ks z FLOAT ( fiil) :batmadan yzmek, batmamak Telaffuz : [floht] /flo t/ An empty bottle will float. Bo bir i e batmaz/batmayacakt r. You can float very easily in/on the Dead Sea because it's so salty. l denizde kolayl kla yzebilirsiniz (batmadan durabilirsiniz) nk ok tuzludur. NUISANCE ( isim) belas ,s k nt ,musibet : bela,illet, ba We learnt about density, and why oil floats on water. Yo unluk ve ya n neden suda yzd n/batmad n rendik.

Telaffuz : / nus ns, nyu-/ [noo-suhns, nyooThe dogs next door are a real nuisance. Biti ikteki kpekler gerek bir ba belas ( gerekten ba belas ) It's a nuisance having to get up that early on a Sunday morning. Cumartesi sabahlar erkenten kalkmak zorunda olmak tam bir s k nt /bela. I've forgotten my umbrella - what nuisance! emsiyemi unuttum- Ne bela/ne s k nt . a

COMPLAIN (fiil) :

ikayet etmek,yak nmak

Telaffuz :[kuhm-pleyn] /k m ple n/ She often complains about not appreciated at work. S k s k i yerinde takdir hissetmemekten ikayet eder.

feeling edilmi

She complained that no one had been at the airport to meet her. Hava liman nda onu kar layacak hi kimsenin olmamas ndan ikayet etti/yak nd . Neighbours complained to the police about the dogs barking. Kom ular polise havlayan kpekler hakk nda ikayette bulundu/ ikayet etti/ yak nd . Not : Resimde COMPLAINT ( isim) : ikayet

NOTIFY ( fiil) : bildirmek,haber vermek Telaffuz : [noh-tuh-fahy] / no t fa / You will be notified of any changes in the system. Sistemde de i iklik herhangi bir de i iklikten / de i ikli konusunda bilgilenrileceksin. In August we were notified that our article had been rejected. A ustosta bize makalemizin reddedildi i bildirildi.

ERA ( isim) :devir,dnem,a Telaffuz : [eer-uh, er-uh] /

r ,

r /

~ 17 ~

They had worked for peace during the long era of conflict. ... Uzun at ma dneminde bar iin al m lard . The fall of the Berlin wall marked the end of an era. Berlin duvar n n y k l bir devrin/dnemin sorunu belirledi.

IDENTICAL (s fat) :ayn ,benzer Telaffuz :[ahy-den-ti-kuhl, /a d nt k l, d n-/ The two rooms were identical. ... ki oda benzerdi/ayn yd .


APPROVE ( fiil) :onaylamak,kabul etmek Telaffuz :[uh-proov] / pruv/ I told my mother I wanted to leave school but she didn't approve. ...Anneme okulu b rakmak istedi imi syledim fakat o onaylamad . Do you approve of my idea? Fikrimi onayl yor musun? The committee unanimously approved the plan. Komite plan oy birli i ile onaylad . Z t anlaml :DISAPPROVE

The two sisters were always dressed identically (= in the same clothes). ki k z karde her zaman benzer (ayn ) ekilde giyiniyorlard .

PECULIAR (s fat) : 1. acayip,tuhaf,garip 2. zg,hususi,mahsus Telaffuz :[pi-kyool-yer] p kyuly r/ 1. Anlam There was a peculiar smell in the kitchen. Mutfakta tuhaf/acayip/garip bir konu vard . It seems very peculiar that no one noticed Kay had gone. Kay in gitti ini kimsenin farketmemesi ok tuhaf grnyor. 2.Anlam The problem of racism is not peculiar to this country. Irk l k sorunu bu lkeye zg/mahsus de ildir.(ba ka lkelerde de grlr)

RESCUE (Fiil) :kurtarmak Telaffuz :[res-kyoo] / r skyu/ He rescued a child from drowning. ...Bir ocu u bo ulmaktan kurtard . The house was rescued from demolition. Ev y k lmaktan kurtuldu. You rescued me from an embarrassing situation. Beni utan verici bir durumdan kurtard . The bank rescued the company bankruptcy. Banka irketi iflastan kurtard . from

PLEASED ( s fat) :memmun, mutlu Telaffuz :[pleez] I could tell she was pleased about something. Onun bir eyden/bir ey hakk nda memmun/mutlu oldu unu syleyebilirim.

~ 18 ~

Gwinn was pleased with the results. Gwinn sonutan memmundu. That's wonderful! I'm really pleased for you. Bu harika senin iin sevdim/mutluyum. Her mother was pleased that she chose a college close to home. Annesi onun eve yak n bir niversite semesinden memmundu. Benzer Anlaml lar: DELIGHTED,CONTENTED,SATISFIED ANXIOUS ( s fat) : endi eli,kayg l Telaffuz :[angk-shuhs, ang-] / k / s, -

...He was a bit anxious about the safety of the machinery. Makinan n gvenli inden biraz endi eliydi. She was anxious that it might be cancer. Kanser olabilece inden endi eliydi. We were anxious for you. Senin iin endi eliydik/kayg l yd k. There was an anxious moment when the plane suddenly dropped. Uak aniden d t nde kaygl /endi eli bir an vard . We had an anxious couple of weeks waiting for the test results. Test sonular n bekleyerek kayg l /endi eli bri hafta geirdik.

OVERCHARGE (fiil) : kaz klamak, fazla para almak Telaffuz :oh-ver-chahrj They were being overcharged beer. Ucuz biraz iin kaz lan yorlard . for cheap

The shop overcharged me ( by 10 dollars). Dkkan beni 10 dolar kaz klad / fazla para ald .

OUTSTRIP ( fiil) sollamak Telaffuz :[out-strip]



We outstripped all our competitors in sales last year. ...Geen y l sat larda tm rakiplerimizi getik/sollad k. Demand for new aircraft production is outstripping supply. Yeni uak retimine talep arz (kayna ) a yor. Speeding at 90 mph, Denny outstripped police cars for an hour. Satte 90 mil h zla giderek , Denny polis aralar n bir saatli ine sollad /geti.

FED UP WITH :b kmak,usanmak Telaffuz : [fed] /f d/ I'm fed up with my job. imden b kt m. He got fed up with all the travelling he had to do. Yapmak zorunda oldu u seyahatlerden b kt .

BLANK (s fat ) :bo (ka

t vs.)

~ 19 ~

Telaffuz :[blangk] /bl k/ blank sheet of paper Bir bo ka t sayfas a blank tape/computer screen Bo kaset/ekran She left that page in her diary blank. Gnl ndeki sayfay bo b rakt . At the end of the two-hour exam, he handed in a blank sheet of paper. ki saatlik s nav n sonunda bo bir sayfa ka t verdi.

Elbette, tamir i i pahal ve bunu dikkate almak/gz nne almak zorundas n. Bear in mind that bridges freeze before roads. Kprlerin yollardan nce donaca n unutma/gr nne al/hesaba kat.

DISCREDIT itibar n ,nemini,sayg nl gzden d mek

(fiil) n

: kaybetmek;

REVENUE ( isim) : gelir ( devlet, irket/kurum vs. iin) Telaffuz :[rev-uhn-yoo, -uh-noo] / r v n yu, - nu/ advertising revenue Reklam geliri. Strikes have cost 20 million dollars in lost revenues. Grevler 20 milyon dolar gelir kayb na yol at . The company's annual revenues rose 30%. irketin y ll k geliri % 30 artt by

Telaffuz :[dis-kred-it] Evidence of links with drug dealers has discredited the President. Uyu turucu sat c lar ile ba lant lar ba kan gzden d rd/itibar n sarst . This divided and discredited government has lost the trust of the people. Bu blnm ve gzden d m /sayg nl n yitrimi hkmet halk n gvenini kaybetti.

INCLUDING (preposition ) : dahil BEAR IN MIND / KEEP IN MIND :akl nda tutmak ,unutmamak; gz nne almak,hesaba katmak Bear in mind that some children will need help. Baz ocuklar n yard ma ihtiya duyaca n gz nne al/unutma/akl nda bulundur. ...Bearing in mind how young she is, I thought she did really well. Ne kadar gen oldu unu unutma/gz nne al gerekten iyi (bir ey) yapd n d ndm. Of course, repair work is expensive and you have to keep that in mind. Eight people, including two children, were injured in the explosion. 8 nsan , ik, ocuk dail, patlamada yaraland . ... You'll need a variety of skills, including leadership and negotiating. Liderlik ve pazarl k etme dahil birok beceriye ihtiyac n olacak. Z t anlaml :EXCLUDING : hari Television is watched in 97 per cent of American homes (excluding Alaska and Hawaii). Televizyon Alaska ve Havai hari Amerikan evlerinin % 97 sinde izlenir. NOT: BU K KEL ME OK NEML D R.

~ 20 ~

Sr daha gvenli yapmak yzeyine tonlarca tuz dkyorlar.



Ellie dumped all the photos of her exhusband. Ellie eski kocas n n btn foto raflar n att .

E.G ( k saltma - latince exempli gratia ) : rne in Tefaffuz :/i d i / You should eat more food that contains a lot of fibre, e.g. fruit, vegetables and bread. ...Daha fazla lif ieren g dalar yemelisin ,rne in meyve ,sebze ve ekmek. citrus fruits, e.g. oranges and grapefruit Turungiller ,rne in portakal greyfurt The website has a variety of interactive exercises (e.g. matching games, crosswords and quizzes). Bu internet sitesi birok farkl interaktif al t rmaya sahiptir.(rne in e le tirme oyunlar ,bulmacalar ve quizler.) GIVE IN (phrasal verb) : kabul etmek,raz olmak ; teslim olmak,boyun e mek Bob's wife went on at him so much that eventually he gave in. Bob un e i okadar stne gitti ki sonun da Bob teslim oldu/kabul etti. Eventually I gave in and accepted the job on their terms. Sonunda raz oldum ve i i onlar n ko ullar yla kabul ettim. He gave in to my suggestion after I had shown him the plans. Ona planlar gsterdikten sonra nerimi kabul etti/raz oldu. The enemy troops weren't prepared to give in without a fight. D man birlikte sava madan teslim olaya haz r de ildi. The government finally gave in to the company's plea for help. Hkmet sonunda irketin yard m ba vurusuna raz oldu/kabul etti. DUMP ( fiil) : atmak,bo altmak,dkmek Telaffuz :[duhmp] /d mp/ They dump tons of salt on icy road surfaces to make driving safer.

IMPATIENT ( s fat) :sab rs z Telaffuz :[im-pey-shuhnt] / m pe nt/ He was eager to talk to Shildon and impatient for him to return from lunch. Shildon ile konu maya istekliydi ve onun le yeme inden dnmesi iin sab rs zd . He's got a lot of exciting ideas and he's impatient to get started. Bir ok ilgi fikri var ba lamaya sab rs zlan yor. Z t anlaml :PATIENT

DISCREPANCY (isim) :farkl l k ,tutars zl k,eli ki,uyu mazl k [dih-skrep-uhn-see] /d skr p nsi/ There is some discrepancy between the two accounts. ... ki hesap aras nda biraz farkl l k/eli ki var. The committee is unhappy about the discrepancy in numbers. Komite say lardaki farkl l klardan memmun de il. There are certain discrepancies between the two versions of the story. Hikayenin iki ekli aras nda uyu mazl klar/eli kiler/farkl l klar var.

~ 21 ~

SCHOLAR (isim) adam ,bilge,okumu (e itimli ) ki i [skol-er] / sk l r/


...Dr Miles was a distinguished scholar of Russian history. Dr Miles nl bir Rus tarihi bilim adam yd . FASTEN (fiil) : iliklemek,takmak Telaffuz :[fas-uhn, f s n/ THROUGHOUT (edat,zarf) :boyunca,ba tan sona,tamamen Telaffuz :[throo-out] / ru a t/ ...People throughout the country are out of work. lkenin heryerinde insanlar i siz. He yawned throughout the performance. Performans boyunca( performans n ba ndan sonuna kadar) esnedi. The school has been repainted throughout. Okul tamamen yeniden boyand . ba lamak/ba lanmak, fah-suhn] / fs n,

Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened. Emniyet kemerinin gvenlice ba land ndan emin ol. This shirt fastens at the back. Bu gmlek arkadan iliklenir. Not: UNFASTEN : zmek,amak I can't unfasten this button/belt. Bu kemeri/d meyi aam yorum/zemiyorum. This blouse unfastens (= can be unfastened) at the back.

TAKE ADVANTAGE OF faydalanmak,yararlanmak ; smrmek

I thought I'd take advantage of the sports facilities while I'm here. Buradayken spor tesislerinden faydalanaca m d ndm. ...She took advantage of his absence to meet her lover. Sevgilisiyle bulu mak iin onun yoklu undan faydaland . You are taking advantage of my good will! yi niyetimi kullan yorsun/smryorsun.

IMPECCABLE (s fat) hatas z,kusursuz,mkemmel Telaffuz : [im-pek-uh-buhl] / m p k b l/

She has taught her children impeccable manners. ocuklar na mkemmel davran lar retti. His English is impeccable. Onun ngilizcesi kusursuz/mkemmel/hatas z. E anlaml lar:FLAWLESS,FAULTLESS

.PROS AND CONS (isim) :art lar - eksileri ( iyi ve kt ynleri -olumlu ve olumsuz ynleri)

~ 22 ~

Pros :art lar

Cons :eksileri

His fate is now in the hands of the jury. Onun kaderi imdi jrinin ellerinde. When we met again by chance in Cairo, I felt it must be fate. Kahirede tekrar kar la nca, bunun kader oldu u hissettim/d ndm. Fate has brought us together. Kader bizi bir araya getirdi.

Pros and Cons of School Uniforms ...Okul niformalar n n art lar eksileri/ iyi ve kt ynleri. Pros And Cons Of Stem Cell Research Kk hcre ara t rmas n n olumlu olumsuz ynleri. Pros and Cons of Distance Learning Uzaktan e itimin olumlu ve olumsuz ynleri

PURCHASE (fiil) :sat n almak Telaffuz :[pur-chuhs] / p rt s/ She purchased her first house money. Parayla ilk evini sat n ald . Where did you purchase the car? Arabay nereden sat n ald n ? Not : CAR: ARABA HOUSE : EV :) with the

190.MAGNIFY (fiil) abartmak,art rmak Telaffuz :[mag-nuh-fahy] / mgn

:bytmek; fa /

...Although our skin looks smooth, when magnified it is full of bumps and holes. Cildimiz dz/przsz grnmesine ra men, bytl nde tmsekler ve deliklerle doludur. The dry summer has magnified the problem of water shortages. Kurak yaz su k tl sorununu art rd /bytt.

ITCH (fiil) :ka nmak ,ka Telaffuz :[ich] / t /

nd rmak

I can't wear wool - it makes me itch. Yn giyemiyorum- beni ka nd r yor. The label on this shirt itches me. Bu gmlekteki etiket beni ka nd r yor. My feet were itching terribly. Ayalar m fena ekilde ka n yordu.

DEPRIVE b rakmak Telaffuz:/d




pra v/ [dih-prahyv]

...He claimed that he had been deprived of his freedom/rights. zgrlklerinden/haklar ndna mahrum b rak ld n ileri srd. You can't deprived of Uykudan al amazs function sleep yoksun n. properly when you're dzgn

oldu unda

FATE ( isim) :kader,yazg Telaffuz :[feyt] /fe t/ ...We want to decide our own fate. Kendi kaderimize karar vermek istiyoruz.

~ 23 ~

GORGEOUS (s fat) :ok gzel,harika,grkemli Telaffuz:/ g rd s/ [gawr-juhs] ...What a gorgeous room/dress/colour! Ne harika bir oda/elbise/renk! The bride looked gorgeous. Gelin harika/ok gzel grnyordu. The weather was so gorgeous. Hava ok harikayd /ok gzeldi.

DIVERT ( fiil) :ba ka bir yne evirmek,ynlendirmek ,evrimek Telaffuz :/d v rt, da -/ [dih-vurt, dahy-] ...Canals divert water from the Truckee River into the lake. Kanal suyu Truckee nehrinden gle ynlendiriyor/eviriyor. The high street is closed and traffic is being diverted. Ana cadde kapal ve trafik ynlendiriliyor. Remember to divert your phone when you are out of the office. Ofisin d ndayken telefonunu ynlendirmeyi unutma.

DELICATE (s fat): hassas,k r lgan,nazik Telaffuz :/ d l k t/ [del-i-kit] There's about Seninle var-ok something I have to speak to you it's a delicate matter. hakk nda konu mak istedi im bir ey hassas bir konu.

STAMINA ( isim) :g,kuvvet,dayan kl l k Telaffuz :[stam-uh-nuh] / stm n / You need stamina to be a long-distance runner. Uzun mesafe ko ucusu olmak iin dayan kl l a/gce ihtiyac n var. Elaine has the stamina and the determination to succeed Elaine ba armak iin gce ve kararl l a sahiptir.

The sun can easily damage a child's delicate skin. gne ocu un hassas cildine kolayca zarar verebilir. Her wrists and ankles were slim and delicate. Onun ayak ve el bilekleri ince ve ok nazik/kr lgan/hassas.

REVOLT ( fiil ) :isyan etmek, ba Telaffuz :/r vo lt/ [ri-vohlt]

kald rmak VICIOUS CIRCLE ( isim) : k s r dng Telaffuz :/ v s/ [vish-uhs] Many people get caught in a vicious circle of dieting and weight gain. Bir ok insan diyet yapmak ve tekrar kilo alma k s r dngsne yakalan rlar. I get depressed so I eat and then I gain weight which depresses me so I eat again I'm caught in a vicious circle. Depresyona giriyorum bu nedenle yiyorum ve daha sonra kilo al yorum bu da beni zyor

The people revolted against foreign rule and established their own government. nsanlar/halk d ynetime isyan etti ve kendi hkmetini kurdu. It was feared that the army would revolt against the government. Ordunun hkmete kar isyan etmesinden korkuluyordu.

~ 24 ~

bu yzden tekrar yiyorum-Bir k s r dngye yakaland m.

Telaffuz : bre nik ' A team of brainiacs are here to answer your scientific questions. ...(Bir grup dahi bilimsel sorular n z yan tlamak iin burada.) Brainiacs from around the world take part in the contest. (Dnyan n drt bir yan ndan dahiler bu yar smada yer al r.

IMPATIENT (s fat) :sab rs z Telaffuz :[im-pey-shuhnt] / m pe


He's a good teacher, but he is a bit impatient with slow learners. ...O iyi bir retmen , fakat yava renenlere (kar ) biraz sab rs z. He's got a lot of exciting ideas and he's impatient to get started. Bir ok heyecan verici fikri var ve ba lamaya sab rs zlan yor. People are increasingly impatient for change in this country. nsanlar lkede bir de i liklik iin artarak (giderek) sab rs zlan yorlar.

NEST (isim) :yuva Telaffuz :[nest] Cuckoos are famous for laying their eggs in the nests of other birds. ...Guguk ku lar di er ku lar n yuvalar na b rakmakla/ di er ku lar n yuvalar na yumurtlamalar yla nldr. The alligators build their nests out of grass near the water's edge. Timsahlar yuvalar n suyun kenar na imden yaparlar.

REBELLION ( isim) :isyan Telaffuz :[ri-bel-yuhn] /r b ly n/ The army put down the rebellion. ...Ordu isyan bast rd . Some members are in rebellion proposed cuts in spending. Baz yeler harcamada teklif kesintilere kar isyandayd . against edilen

REIGN (isim) : saltanat, egemenlik Telafuz: 're n' Queen Mary's attempts to restore Catholism to England during her reign resulted in internal turmoil. ...(Kralie Mary'nin egemenli i/hkmdarl g sresince ngiltere'de Katolikli i yenile tirme giri imleri i alkant yla sonuland .)

SAVAGE (s fat) : Vah i,yabani Telafuz: ' sv d ' Today, there are still lots of primitive savage tribes in Afraca. ...(Gnmzde Afrika'da hala birok ilkel kabileler vard r.)

CAPITAL PUNISHMENT (isim) : idam cezas The abolition of capital punishment is another issue which has aroused widespread disagreement. ( dam cezas n n kald r lmas yayg n anla mazl k uyand ran di er bir sorun.) ...Do I believe capital punishment is a good idea? ( dam cezas n n iyi bir fikir oldu una inan r m y m?)

BRAINIAC (isim) : ok zeki ki i

~ 25 ~

Gerekten ona inanacak kadar/onu yutacak kadar aptal oldu umumuzu san yorsun?

AFFLUENT (s fat/isim) : zengin,varl kl Telafuz: flu nt' His family was more affluent than most. ...(Ailesi o undan daha zengindi.) Currently, consumers do not feel as affluent as they did in 2004. (Bugnlerde tketiciler2004'te olduklar kadar zengin de iller. )

MISGIVING :endi e,kayg , phe,vesvese Telaffuz :/m s g v /

( S M)

...Despite her misgivings about leaving the baby, she decided to accompany her husband. Bebe i b rakma konusunda kayg lar na ra men , kocas na e lik etmeye karar verdi. Some politicians have expressed their misgivings about the scheme. Baz politikac lar proje hakk nda kayg lar n ifade ettiler. Opponents of nuclear energy have deep misgivings about its safety. Nkleer enerji kar tlar nkleer enerjinin gvenli i hakk nda hpeleri/kayg lar /endi eleri var.

EVE (isim) :arife,hemen ncesinde ( the night or day before an important day eve of ) on the eve of the election Seimin hemen ncesinde ... Mr Hurd was speaking to Arab journalists in London on the eve of his visit to Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Mr hurd Londra da rdn ve Suuidi Arabistan ziyaretinin ncesinde Arab gazetecilere konu uyordu. Resim: Fethin ncesinde

SKYSCRAPER (isim) : gkdelen Telaffuz :/ ska skre p r/ [skahy-skrey-per]

VALID ( s fat) :geerli;hakl Telaffuz :/ vl d/ [val-id] SWALLOW (fiil) :1yutmak(eyemekiecek),yutkunmak,yudumlamak; 2 - yutmak (yalan) Telaffuz :/ sw lo / [swol-oh] ... He swallowed the last of his coffee and asked for the bill. Kahvesinin sonunu yudumlad ve faturay (hesab ) istedi Most snakes swallow their prey whole. o u y lan avlar n btn olarak yutar. Do they really think we are stupid enough to swallow that? Your return ticket is valid for three months. Dn biletin 3 ay geerli. Police officers must have a valid reason for stopping motorists. Polis memurunun srcleri durdurmak iin geerli/hakl bir sebebi olmal . My passport is valid for another two years. Pasaportum 2 y l daha geerli. Z t anlaml : INVALID : geersiz

~ 26 ~

creative :yarat c yielding :retken copious :retken fertile:verimli BRIBERY ( isim) : r vet Telaffuz :/ bra b ri/ Show buh-ree]


We tried everything - persuasion, bribery, threats. Her eyi denedik-ikna,r vet,tehdit. He was found guilty of bribery corruption R vet ve yolsuzluktan sulu bulundu. and

UNLESS (ba la) :-mad ka,-medike -mezse Telaffuz :/ n l s, n-/ Unless some extra money is found, the theatre will close. Fazladan para bulunmazsa , tiyatro kapanacak. He won't go to sleep unless you tell him a story. Ona hikayeyi anlatmazsan uyumayacak.

VOLATILE (s fat) :de i ken,istikrars z 2.uucu Telaffuz :/ v l. .ta l/ Food and fuel prices are very volatile in a war situation. G da ve yak t (petrol) fiyatlar sava durumda ok de i kendir/istikrars zd r. He had a rather volatile temper and was not easy to live with. ok de i ken /istikrars z bir mizaa/yap ya/huya sahipti ve onunla ya amak kolay de ildi.

I can't leave her unless I know she's all right. Onun iyi oldu unu bilmedike onu b rakamam. You can't get a job unless you've got experience Deneyimin olmad ka/yoksa i i alamazs n.

TRIUMPH (isim) :zafer , ba ar Telaffuz :/ tra mf, - mf/ Winning the championship is a personal triumph. ampiyonay kazanmak byk bir zafer/ baa r . great ki isel

PROLIFIC (s fat) :retken,verimli Telaffuz :/pr l f k/ [pruh-lif-ik] ...He was probably the most prolific songwriter of his generation. O belki ku a n n en retken ark yazar d r. Picasso was extremely prolific during his Cubist years. Picasso kubist y llar s ras nda olduka retkendi. Benzer anlaml lar : bountiful :bol,ok abundant :bol,ok

a tremendous diplomatic triumph for Turkey Trkiye iin byk bir diplomatic ba ar triumph over hardship Glk zerine zafer/ba ar

MIGRATE (fiil): gmek (=immigrate=emigrate=travel=move)

~ 27 ~

Telafuz: ma re t In September,these birds migrate 2000 miles south to a warmer climate. ...(Eyllde bu ku lar 2000 mil gneye daha l man bir iklime g eder.) Mexican farm workers migrate into the USA each year to find work at harvest time. (Meksikal iftlik i ileri hasat zaman i bulmak iin her y l Amerika'ya gerler. Millions of Germans emigrated from Europe to America in the nineteenth century. (Milyonlarca Alman 19.yzy lda Avrupa'dan Amerikaya g etti.) About 6.6 million people immigrated to the United States in the 1970s. (Yakla k 6.6 milyon insan 1970lerde Amerika'ya g etti.) NOT: migrate,immigrate ve emigrate hepsi de g etmek anlam na gelse de, 'migrate' daha ok hayvanlar iin kullan l r. nsanlar iin kullan ld g nda 'geri gelme' anlam katar. 'immigrate ve emigrate' kelimeleri ise kal c gleri simgeler.

MOMENTOUS (s fat) :nemli (=significant=substantial=important) Telafuz: m ment s a momentous decision/event/occasion ...(nemli bir karar/olay/i ) INNOVATION (isim) : yenilik,bulu invention=discovery Telafuz: n ve recent innovations in steel-making technology ...(elik yap m teknolojisindeki son yenilikler) The company is very interested in product design and innovation. ( irket, rn tasar m ve icad konusunda ok ilgili.)

WORSHIP (fiil) : inanmak,ibadet etmek (=believe in=pray) Telafuz: w p The religion of the Hittites was based upon worship of a sun goddess and a storm god.(Hititlerin inanc gne tanr as ve f rt na tanr s n n inanc na dayan yordu.) ...We need a place to worship. ( badet etmek iin bir yere ihtiyac m z var.)

EXPECTATION (isim) : umut,beklenti (=hoping=hopefulness) Telaffuz: [ek-spek-tey-shuhn] ekspek te n Great Expectations is a novel by Charles Dickens. ...(Byk Umutlar, Charles Dickens' n bir roman d r.) There was a general expectation that he would win. (Onun kazanaca na dair genel bir beklenti vard .)

SOPHISTICATED (s fat) : bilgili, gelismi Telafuz : s f st ke t d Mark is a smart and sophisticated young man. (Mark becerikli ve bilgili gen bir adam.) ...These are among the most sophisticated weapons in the world. (Bunlar dnyadaki en geli mi silahlar aras nda.)

SUPERSTITION ( isim) : bat l inan Telafuz: [soo-per-stish-uh n] su p st n According to superstition, breaking a mirror brings bad luck. (Bat l inanca gre, ayna k r lmas kt ans getirir.) ... Most cultures have their superstitions. (ogu kltrn bat l inanc vard r.)

~ 28 ~

IRRIGATION (isim): sulama (=watering) Telafuz: r e Irrigation has increased the area of cultivable land. ...(Sulama, i lenebilir toprak alanlar nda artt .) Irrigation is an artificial application of water to the soil. (Sulama, suyun topra a yapay uygulamas d r.)

TRADE (isim/fiil): ticaret,ticaret yapmak (buying and selling) Telaffuz: [treyd] tre d The two countries have signed a trade agreement for one year only. ...( ki lke sadece bir y ll na ticaret anla mas imzalad .) Trade between the countries has increased since 2009. (lkeler aras ticaret 2009 y l ndan beri artt .)

PROOF ( isim): delil,kan t (=evidence) Telafuz: pru f There is no proof that the knife belonged to her. ...(B a n ona ait olduguna dair hi kan t yok.) Do they have any proof that it was Hampson who stole the goods? ( Mallar alan n Hampson oldu una dair delilleri var m ?)

PASS AWAY (Phrasal verb) : vefat etmek, lmek (=pass on =die) His mother passed away last year. (Annesi geen y l vefat etti.) ...Georgia's uncle PASSED AWAY yesterday after a short illness. (George' un amcas k sa bir hastal ktan sonra vefat etti.) NOT: 'pass away' kelimesi 'die' kelimesine gre daha kibard r. 'pass out' ise bay lmak anlam ndad r. I was hit on the head and passed out. (Ba m vurdum ve bay ld m.)

MARINE (s fat/isim): deniz/denizcilikle ilgili, bahriyeli (= maritime=nautical) Telaffuz: [muh-reen] m ri n The Central harbour area will be closed to all marine traffic from 3.45pm. to 4.30pm. (Merkez liman blgesi tm deniz trafi ine 3.45 den 4.30a ...kapat lacak.) The oil slick seriously threatens marine life around the islands. (Petrol s z nt s adalar civar ndaki deniz ya am n ciddi ekilde tehdit ediyor.) a marine biologist (= a scientist who studies life in the sea) NOT: marine/marine life/marine biologist Ayr ca sailor (deniz mrettabat veya bahriyeli) olarak da kullan m vard r. Mermaid (denizk z ) yine marine kelimesini ca r m yapar.

TURMOIL (isim) : karga a, alkant (= confusion =chaos) Telafuz: t m l The whole region is in turmoil. ...(Tm blge karga a iinde.) His attempts resulted in inner turmoil. (Onun abalar i alkant yla sonuland .)

ABANDON (fiil): terk etmek,vazgemek (=give up=leave )beklenmedik anda Telaffuz: [uh-ban-duh n] bnd n Snow caused many drivers to abandon their vehicles. (Kar birok srcnn aralar n terketmesine neden oldu.) He gave the order to abandon ship. ( Gemiyi terketmeleri iin emir verdi.) FORERUNNER: (isim): nc,haberci (=antecedent,preceding) Telaffuz: [fawr-ruhn-er] f r n (r) Germanys Green party was said to be the forerunner of environmental parties throughout Europe.

~ 29 ~

...(Almanyan n Ye iller partisi, Avrupada evreci partilerin ncs oldu u sylendi.) The drop in share prices in March was a forerunner of the financial crash that followed in June. (Mart ay ndaki hisse senedi fiyatlar ndaki d haziran ay n takip eden finansal krizin habercisiydi.)

...(Sana le yeme i smarlar m sen ise bigisayar m tamir edersin.Bu adil bir takas m ?) Would you like my old TV in exchange for this camera? (Eski televizyonumu bu kamerayla de i tirmek ister misin?)

GET OVER (phrasal verb): iyile mek,dzelmek (recovering from illness) Telaffuz: get v (r) He was disappointed at not getting the job, but he'll get over it. ...( i alamad iin hayal k r kl na u rad fakat dzelecek/atlatacak.) I think the problem can be got over without too much difficulty. (San r m problem ok fazla zorlamaks z n dzeltilebilir.)

VERDICT (isim): karar (=adjudication=decision) Telaffuz: [vur-dikt] v d kt Protestors gathered outside the court to await the verdict. ...(Protestocular karar beklemek iin mahkemenin d nda topland lar.) After five days of deliberations, the jury decided on a verdict of not quilty. (Be gnlk mzakereden sonra, jri sulu olmad n n karar n verdi.)

COLLAPSE ( fiil): kmek (= fall in ) Telaffuz: [kuh-laps] k lps Thousands of buildings collapsed in the eartquake. ...(Binlerce bina depremde kt.) The buildings foundations are rather shaky, and it could collapse at any time. (Binan n temelleri olduka gsz, her an kebilir.)

VETERAN (isim): gazi, tecrbeli ki i (=experienced= vet) Telaffuz: [vet-er-uh n] vet r n Thousands of veterans will take part in a commemoration of the battle. ...(Binlerce gazi sava anma treninde yer alacak.) A Vietnam veteran told his memories in the lecture. (Bir Vietnam gazisi an lar n konferansta anlatt .) NOT: vet kelimesi informal veterananlam nda kullan l r. veteriner anlam da vard r. olarak Ayr ca

EXCHANGE (isim/fiil): takas etmek, de i tirmek,para bozdurmak (=change, interchange) Telaffuz: [iks-cheynj] ks I buy you lunch and you fix my computer. Is that a fair exchange?

TREATY (isim): anla ma (=accord=pact) Telaffuz: [tree-tee] The whole country celebrated the signing of the peace treaty. ...(Tm lke bar anla mas n n imzalanmas n kutlad .) The treaty was abrogated in 1929. (Anla ma 1929da yrrlkten kald r ld .)

~ 30 ~

The train is scheduled to arrive at 8.45. (Trenin 8.45te gelmesi planland .) NOT: 'schedule' kelimesinin fiil ve isim hali ayn d r. FAMINE (isim) : K tl k,yokluk (=dearth= shortage) Telaffuz : [fam-in] fm n Thousands of people emigrated during the Irish potato famine of 1845-46. ...(Binlerce insan, 1845-46 rlanda patates k tl s ras nda g etti.) NOT: dearth ve shortage kelimeleri yeteri kadar olmama,eksiklik anlamlar nda da kullan l r. The dearth of new homes in the region is an important matter. (Blgedeki yeni evlerin eksikli i nemli bir mesele.)

INTERSECTION (isim): kesi me, kav ak (=crossroads= junction) Telaffuz : [in-ter-sek-shuh n] nt sek n Traffic lights have been placed at all major intersections. ...(Trafik klar tm ana kav aklarda bulunur.) You should slow down as you approach the junction. (Kav a a yakla t nda yava lamal s n.) Turn right at the next intersection. (Bir sonraki kav aktan sa a dn.)

DISTRICT (isim) : blge (=area=territory=zone=region) Telaffuz: d str kt People who live in this district were not allowed to vote until 1960. ...(Bu blgede ya ayan insanlar n 1960a kadar oy kullanmas na izin verilmezdi.) Manhattan is the financial district of New York. (Manhattan, New Yorkun finansal blgesidir.)

UNANIMOUSLY (zarf) : oy birli iyle (=agreeing= accepting) Telaffuz: ju nn m sli The resolution was unanimously rejected. ...(Teklif/ karar oy birli iyle reddedildi.) The committee unanimously approved the plan. (Komite plan oy birli i ile onaylad .)

PRETENTIOUS (s fat) : gsteri li (=impressive=bombastic=showy) Telaffuz: [pri-ten-shuh s] pr ten s It was just an ordinary house nothing pretentious. ...(O sadece s radan bir ev, hibir ey gsteri li de il.) The novel deals with grand themes, but is never pretentious. (Roman nemli konular ele al yor, fakat hi gsteri li degil.)

EXPLOIT ( fiil) : kullanmak (kendi kar iin) , smrmek , i letmek Telaffuz :/ k spl t/ The new TV companies are fully exploiting the potential of satellite transmission. Yeni televizyon irketleri uydu yay n n n gcn/potansiyelini tamamen kullan yor. We have a lot of knowledge and experience in this department that we are not currently exploiting fully. Bu blmde u anda tamamen kullanmad m z bir ok bilgi ve deneyime sahibiz.

SCHEDULE (isim/fiil): plan, program, izelge (timetable=agenda=diary) Telaffuz: edju l / sked u l Whats our schedule for this evening? ...( Bu ak am iin program m z nedir?) Chinese will be on the school schedule from next year. (ince gelecek y ldan itibaren okul program nda olacak.)

~ 31 ~

Laws exist to stop companies exploiting their employees. cilerini smren irketleri durdurmak iin kanunlar vard r.

Acil durum aramas n n oldu u ortaya kt .

sahte/ aka/i letme

hoax bomb call : sahte bomba ihbar hoax call : telefon akas hoax e-mail :sahte e-posta

CITIZEN ( isim) :yurtta ,vatanda GRASP (fiil) :tutmak,kapmak - kavramak ( anlamak) Telaffuz : /grsp, gr sp/ Rosie suddenly grasped my hand. Rosie aniden elimi tuttu/kavrad . At that time, we did not fully grasp the significance of what had happened. O zamanlarda, olan eyin nemini tamamen anl yamad k. Some people find the idea of relativity difficult to grasp. Baz insanlar grecelik/izafiyet fikrini anlamay g bulur. We must grasp every opportunity to strengthen economic ties with other countries. Di er lkelerle ekonomik ba lar glerdirmek ii her f rsat kapmal y z. Telaffuz : / s t z n, -s n/ We need our schools to teach students to be good citizens. rencilere iyi yurtta lar olmay retmesi iin okullara ihtiyac m z var. At the time, there were over 2000 British citizens living in Iraq. O dnemde , Irak ta ya ayan 2000 den fazla gliliz yurtta /vatanda vard r.

COME ACROSS (Phrsal kar la mak,rastlamak


I came across an old diary in her desk. Masas nda eski bir gnl e rastalad m. ...I've never come across anyone quite like her before. Daha nce onun gibi birine hi rastlamad m. AMBIGUOUS (s fat) : unclear in meaning, confusing, capable of being interpreted in different ways ( belirsiz , mphem, a k de il ) We listened to the weather report, but the forecast was ambiguous. We couldn't tell if the day was going to be rainy or sunny. ... The Poem we read in English class was ambiguous. No one had any idea what the poet was trying to say. HOAX :i letme,kand rma,aldatmaca, aka Telaffuz :/ho ks/ [hohks] The Piltdown man was a scientific hoax. Piltdown adam bilimsel kand rmaca/aldatmacayd . (isim) I CAME ACROSS my old school reports when I was clearing out my desk. Masam temizlerken eski okul raporlar m buldum/rastlad m. Benzer anlaml lar: RUN ACROSS RUN INTO BUMP INTO


RESUME (fiil) : yeniden ba lamak,yeniden ba latmak,srdrmek Telaffuz :/r zum/ She hopes to resume work after the baby is born.

The emergency call turned out to be a hoax.

~ 32 ~

Bebe i do duktan ba lamay umuyor.


i e


He will resume training as soon as the injury is better. Yaras iyile ir iyile mez e itime yeniden ba layacak. Peace talks will resume tomorrow. Bar gr meleri yar n yeniden ba layacak. tekrar

She asked the doctor to speak to her parents on her behalf. Doktordan kendi ad na anne-babas yla konu man s istedi. On behalf of the entire company, I would like to thank you for all your work. Tm irket ad na, tm al man z iin size te ekkr etmek istiyorum. Unfortunately, George cannot be with us today so I am pleased to accept this award on his behalf. Malesef,George bu gece bizimle olam yor, bu nedenle onun ad na bu dl almaktan mutluyum

SPECTATOR (isim) : zleyici,seyirci Telaffuz :/ sp kte t r, sp k te -/ The match attracted over 40,000 spectators. ...Ma 40 binden fazla izleyici / seyirci ekti. E anlaml :AUDIENCE Not : DS,KPDS ,LYS gibi s navlarda do ru cevap olabilecek bir kelimedir.

. ARREST ( fiil) : tutuklamak Tellaffuz : \ - rest\ He was arrested and charged with murder. Tutukland ve cinayetle suland . Five youths were arrested in connection with the attack. Be gen sald r yla ba lant l olarak tutukland .

BREAK OUT ( phrasal verb) : (sava ,yang n,salg n)Patlak vermek , kmak Telaffuz :/bre k/ [breyk] I was still living in London when the war broke out. Sava patlak verdi inde/ kt nda hala Londra da ya yordum. Does everyone know what to do if a fire breaks out? Bir yang n karsa ne yap laca n herkes biliyor mu? Fighting broke out between demonstrators and the police. Gstericiler ve polis aras nda kavga/at ma kt /patlak verdi.

HARSH ( s fat) : sert,ac mas z, iddetli,zor Telaffuz :[hahrsh] The hostages are being held in harsh conditions. Rehineler sert/ iddetli ko ullarda tutuluyor. His theory met with harsh criticism from colleagues. Teorisi meslekta lar ndan sert ele tiri ile kar la t .

ON BEHALF OF :ad na, temsilen Telaffuz :/b


phrase) HILARIOUS ( s fat) : komik, e lenceli, Telaffuz :/h l ri s, - lr-, ha -/

hf, - h f/

~ 33 ~

He didn't like the film at all - I thought it was hilarious. O filmi hi sevmedi- Ben e enceki oldu unu d ndm. Benzer kelimeler : amusing,humorous, witty

INDIFFERENT (s fat) : ilgisiz,kay ts z, umursamaz Telaffuz :/ n d f r nt, - d fr nt/ Sarah was absolutely indifferent TO him, and it hurt. Sarah ona tamamen ilgisizdi ve bu incitti. Why don't you vote - how can you be so indifferent ( to what is going on)! Neden oy vermiyorsun-Neler oldu unu nas l bukadar duyars z olabilirsin. He found it very hard teaching a class full of indifferent teenagers. lgisiz genlerle dolu bir s n fa retmeyi ok g buldu.

ABOLISH (fiil): yrrlkten kald rmak (=do away with) Telaffuz: [uh-bol-ish] b l The government ought to abolish the tax altogether. ...(Hkmet vergiyi tamamen yrrlkten kald rmal .) Is monarchy relevant in the modern world or should it be abolished? (Monar i modern dnyada uygun mudur ya da yrrlkten kald r lmal m ?)

YIELD (to) (fiil): teslim olmak,boyun e mek (=give way=give up) Telaffuz: [yeeld] ji ld After a long siege, the town was forced to yield. ...(Uzun bir ku atmadan sonra, ehir teslim olmaya zorland .) He reluctantly yielded to their demands. (Onlar n isteklerine gnlszce boyun e di.)

CURRENCY (isim) :para birimi,para ; yayg nl k Telaffuz:/ k r nsi, k r-/ There are moves towards a single currency in Europe. Avrupada tek bir para birimine do ru hareketler var.

EXTRAVAGANT (s fat) a r ,lsz,msrif,tutumsuz Telaffuz :/ k strv g nt/

...Would it would be too extravagant to buy both? kisinide almak ok a r /lsz/msrifce olmaz m ? He rarely used taxis, which he regarded as extravagant. Msriflik olarak grd taksiyi nadiren kullan rd .

DETERMINE (fiil): belirlemek,saptamak (=decide,discover) Telaffuz: [dih-tur-min] d t m n Eye colour is genetically determined. ...(Gz rengi genetik olarak saptanm /belirlenmi tir.) People want to determine their own destinies. ( nsanlar kendi kaderlerini belirlemek isterler.) NOT: determined kelimesi ise (s fat) olup kararl anlam ndad r. He was determined to find out the truth. ( Gerekleri renmeye kararl yd .)

~ 34 ~

WITHDRAW (fiil) : geri ekilmek,ayr lmak,bankadan para ekmek (=remove=depart) Telaffuz : [with-draw] w dr Government troops were forced to withdraw. ...(Hkmet birlikleri geri ekilmeye zorland .) He withdrew his support for our campaign. ( Bizim kampanyam z iin deste ini geri ekti.)

SPARSELY (zarf) : seyrek olarak (yay lm bitki rts vb) sparsely populated: seyrek nfslu sparse (s fat) Telaffuz: sp sli A sparsely populated area. (Seyrek nfslu blge.) Vegetation becomes sparse higher up the mountains.(Bitki rts da lar n tepelerinde seyrek olur.)

RECOVER (fiil): iyile mek,dzelmek,toparlanmak (retrieve) Telaffuz: r k v (r) President Barack Obama told Japanese Prime Minister in a call on Wednesday the United States will do all it can to help Japan recover from an earthquake and tsunami. ...(Ba kan Barack Obama, Japon ba bakan na arsamba gn telefon konu mas nda Japonyan n deprem ve tusunamiden toparlanmas icin gereken her eyi yapacaklar n syledi.) The doctors say that it will take him a few weeks to recover. (Doktorlar iyile mesinin birka hafta alaca n sylyor.) NOT:recover kelimesi bilgisayardaki bilgileri geri almak/kurtarmak anlam nda da kullan l r.

ABBREVIATION (isim): K saltma,zet Telaffuz : [uh-bree-vee-ey-shuh n] bri vi e n What does the abbreviation WHO stand for? (WHOun k saltmas neyi temsil eder/simgeler?) ...Chief Executive Officer is abbreviated as CEO.(Ba ynetici sorumlusu CEO olarak k salt l r.)

INFANT (isim): bebek,ocuk Telaffuz: [in-fuh nt] nf nt She has five children, the youngest of whom is still an infant. (Be ocu u var,en k henz bir bebek.) ...An infant's skin is very sensitive. (Bir bebe in cildi ok hassast r.)

SATELLITE (isim): uydu Telaffuz: [sat-l-ahyt] st la t DEVASTATE (fiil) : Harap etmek,y kmak (=destroy=damage) Telaffuz: [dev-uh-steyt] dev ste t It took only minutes for the earthquake and tsunami to devastate Japans northeast. (Deprem ve tusunaminin Japonyan n kuzeydo usunu harap etmesi sadece birka dakika ald .) ...The bomb devastated much of the old part of the city. (Bomba ehrin eski k sm n n o unu harap etti.) A satellite photo taken Friday shows damage to the buildings. (Cuma gn ekilen uydu foto raf binalar n hasar n gsteriyor.) The World Cup was transmitted around the world by satellite. ...(Dnya Kupas tm dnyaya uydu arac l yla iletildi.)

LAUNCH (fiil) : ba lamak,ba latmak (embark on/upon=begin)

~ 35 ~

The scheme was launched a year ago. (Plan/taslak bir y l nce ba lat ld .) ...The airline will launch its new transatlantic service next month. (Havayolu yeni transatlantik seferine gelecek ay ba layacak.) NOT:launch kelimesi UDS,KPDS gibi s navlarda ba lamak/ba latmak anlam yla kullan lsa da roket f rlatmak anlam da vard r.

...It would cause a tremendous upheaval to install a different computer system. (Farkl bir bilgisayar sistemi yklemek byk bir kar kl a sebep olabilir.) NOT: upheaval yeryzndeki de i iklikler icin de kullan lan bir kelimedir.325.rnekte verdi imiz turmoil kelimesinden biraz daha farkl d r,rne i incelemenizde fayda var.Ayr ca bu kelimeyi de tekrar hat rlam olal m.

WITHSTAND koymak,direnmek,dayanmak (=resist=stand up to) Telaffuz: [with-stand] w stnd


The materials used have to be able to withstand high temperatures. ...(Kullan lan materyalller yksek s cakl a dayanmak zorunda.) They had withstood siege, hunger and deprivation. (Ku atmaya,al a ve mahrumiyete kar koydular.) NOT: withstandkelimesi genelde withdraw kelimesiyle kar abilmektedir.withdraw (geri ekilmek) anlam ndad r. Ayr nt l bilgi iin 350.kelime rnegini inceleyebilirsiniz.

BARGAIN (isim/fiil): pazarl k,pazarl k etmek (deal) Telaffuz: b nThere are no bargains in the clothes shops at the moment. ( u anda giyim ma azalar nda hi pazarl k yok.) He and his friend had made a bargain to tell each other everything. (O ve arkada birbirlerine her eyi syleyeceklerine anla t lar/pazarl k yapt lar.)

FABRIC (isim) :kuma , tekstil,dokuma (cloth,material,textile) Telaffuz: [fab-rik] fbr k This fabric is similar to wool, only cheaper. (Bu dokuma/kuma yne benzer,sadece daha ucuz.) ARTIFICIAL (s fat): yapay (not naturally/real) Telaffuz: [ahr-tuh-fish-uh l]

The match will be played on an artificial surface. (Ma yapay bir yzey/zeminde oynanacak.) ...Some studies have suggested a link between certain types of artificial sweetener and cancer. (Birtak m al malar, yapay tatland r c lar n baz e itleri ve kanser aras nda ba lant oldu unu gsteriyor.)

UPHEAVAL (isim) : kar kl k, alkant (=disruption=disorder) Telaffuz: [uhp-hee-vuh l] p hi vl I can't face the upheaval of moving house again. (Tekrar ev ta man n kar kl na gelemem.)

STRIKE (isim/fiil): 1.grev,2.vurgun,vurmak,arpmak (stop work,hit,bump,knock) Telaffuz: stra k The exact number of people who died in the cyclone that struck Bangladesh last year will probably never be known. (Geen y l Banglade i vuran hortumda len insanlar n kesin say s muhtemelen hi bilinemeyecek.) They are threatening to strike if their demands are not met. (Talepleri kar lanmazsa grev yapacaklar n tehdit ediyorlar.)

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Telaffuz: [dih-spyoot] d spju t http://www.oxfordadvancedlearn His theories are open to dispute. (Teorileri tart maya a k.) The family wanted to dispute the will. (Aile vasiyetnameyi tart mak istedi.)

UNDERESTIMATE (fiil/isim): kmsemek,hafife almak (=undervalue=underrate xoverestimate) Telaffuz: [uhn-der-es-tuh-meyt] nd r est me t http://www.oxfordadvancedlearn The influence of the media should never be underestimated. (Medyan n etkisi asla hafife al nmamal .) Never underestimate your opponent. (Rakiplerini asla kmseme.)

PESTICIDE (isim): kimyasal ila,zararl ila (herbicide, insecticidal) Telaffuz: pest sa d http://www.oxfordadvancedlearn The pesticides that farmers spray on their crops kill pests but they can also damage peoples health. (iftilerin rnleri zerine pskrttkleri kimyasal ilalar ha ereleri ldrr ayr ca insanlar n sa l na da zarar verir.) Several organ systems can be affected as a result of pesticide poisoning. (Birok organ sistemi kimyasal ila zehirlenmesinin sonucu olarak etkilenir.)

ANNIVERSARY (isim): y ldnm (day of remembrance) Telaffuz: n v http://www.oxfordadvancedlearn

s ri

We are celebrating our first anniversary in facebook. (Facebookta ilk y ldnmmz kutluyoruz.)

RIVAL (isim/fiil): rakip, rekabet etmek. (=opponent x ally) Telaffuz: ra vl [rahy-vuh http://www.oxfordadvancedlearn The two teams have always been rivals. ( ki tak m daima rakiptir.) This latest design has no rivals. (Bu son tasar m n rakibi yok.)


ODORLESS/ ODOURLESS (s fat): kokusuz (=inodorous = odour-free) Telaffuz: d l s http://www.oxfordadvancedlearn Carbon monoxide is an odorless gas . (Karbon monoksit kokusuz bir gazd r.) Why is the atmosphere odorless ? (Niin atmosfer kokusuzdur?) NOT: 'odorless' kelimesi zellikle ds fen bilimlerinde kar m za kan bir kelimedir.

TRAIN (fiil): e itmek (=educate) Telaffuz: http://www.oxfordadvancedlearn

tre n

All members of the team have been trained in first aid. (Tak m n btn yeleri ilk yard mda e itildi.) Doctors are trained to recognize the symptoms of different diseases. (Doktorlar farkl hastal klar n belirtilerini te his etmek iin e itilirler.) DISPUTE (fiil/isim): tart ma,tart mak (argue=discuss)

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HAMPER (fiil): engellemek (=prevent =hinder) Telaffuz: hmp (r) http://www.oxfordadvancedlearn Our efforts were severely hampered by a lack of money. ( abalar m z/giri imlerimiz paras zl k nedeniyle ciddi ekilde engellendi/aksat ld .) Fierce storms have been hampered rescue efforts. ( iddetli f rt nalar kurtarma al malar n engelledi.)

GOODS (isim): mal, e ya, rn (product, commodity) Telaffuz: dz http://www.oxfordadvancedlearn The house insurance will not cover your personal goods. (Ev sigortas ki isel rn/e yalar n z kapsamayacak/kar lamayacak.) We collected up our goods and left. ( E yalar m z toplad k ve ayr ld k.)

CORRESPOND (fiil): haberle mek, yaz mak (communicate) Telaffuz: k r sp nd http://www.oxfordadvancedlearn Ive been corresponding with several experts in the field. (Alandaki birok uzmanla haberle iyorum/ yaz yorum.) She stopped corresponding with him after the death of her mother. (Annesinin lmnden sonra onunla haberle meyi kesti.)

TITANIC ( s fat ) : muazzam, devasa (impressive, gigantic, huge, enormous) Telaffuz: [tahy-tan-ik] ta tn k http://www.oxfordadvancedlearn He has set himself a titanic task: to revive the country's economy. (Kendine muazzam bir grev ykledi: lke ekonomisini canland rmak.) The post- war government had the titanic task of reconstructing the city. (Sava sonras hkmeti ehri yeniden yap land rmak iin muazzam grev ald .) ADVERTISEMENT (isim): reklam, ilan (ad, advertising) Telaffuz: UK: d v t sm nt US: dv r ta zm nt http://www.oxfordadvancedlearn She scanned the job/property advertisements in the paper. (Gazetedeki i nitelikleri/zellikleri ilanlar na bakt .) Put an advertisement in the local paper to sell your car. (Araban satmak iin yerel gazeteye reklam/ilan ver.) NOT: advertisement kelimesi British ve American aksanlar farkl olan kelimelerden biridir. PENETRATE (fiil): delip gemek,iine s zmak,aras ndan gemek (= move into/through =cross) Telaffuz: [pen-i-treyt] pen tre t http://www.oxfordadvancedlearn The troops had penetrated deep into enemy lines. (Birlikler d man hatlar n n iine s zd /girdi.) The cold seemed to penetrate his bones. (So uk kemiklerine i lemi grnyordu.)

HIBERNATE (fiil): k uykusuna yatmak (deep sleep) Telaffuz: ha b ne t http://www.oxfordadvancedlearn If an animal hibernates, it sleeps for whole winter. (Bir hayvan k uykusuna yatarsa, tm uyur.) The turtle hibernates in a shallow burrow six months of the year. (Kaplumba a y l n alt ay s ukur/oyukta k uykusuna yatar.) the k for bir

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Abby Waner attempted to penetrate the Maryland defense. (Abby Waner Maryland savunmas n delmek iin al t /mcadele etti.) NOT: 3.rnekte oldu u gibi penetrate kelimesi basketbolda (delip gemek) anlam nda olduka s k kullan l r.

A plebiscite is a popular vote on a proposal which includes the entire populace. (Referandum tm halk ilgilendiren/ieren bir teklif zerine halk oylamas d r.) A plebiscite should not be confused with a general election or regular voting. (Halk oylamas genel seim veya normal oy vermeyle kar t r lmamal d r.) NOT: plebiscite kelimesi iki farkl ekilde telaffuz edilen bir kelimedir.

JUNGLE (isim): orman (=forest) Telaffuz: [juhng-guh l] http://www.oxfordadvancedlearn

The Yanomami people live in the South American jungle. (Yanomami halk Gney Amerika orman nda ya ar.) Either side of the river is dense, impenetrable jungle. ( Nehrin iki taraf s k, girilmesi imkans z ormand r.) INJUSTICE ( haks zl k, adaletsizlik ): isim (= unfairness) Telaffuz: [in-juhs-tis] n d st s http://www.oxfordadvancedlearn The movie deals with injustices suffered by Native Americans. (Film, yerli Amerikal lar n ekti i adaletsizlikleri/haks zl klar ele al yor.) He was fighting against poverty and injustice. (Yoksullu a ve haks zl a kar sava yordu.)

TWINKLE (fiil): ldamak, par ldamak ( sparkle=shine) Telaffuz: tw kl [twing-kuh http://www.oxfordadvancedlearn The lights of the town twinkled in distance. ( ehrin klar uzakta parl yordu.) The stars twinkle in the clear sky. (Y ld zlar a k gkyznde parlar.)

l] the

MASS-PRODUCE (fiil): toplu/seri olarak retmek Mass-production (isim): seri retim (batch production) Telaffuz: [mas-pruh-doos, -dyoos] http://www.oxfordadvancedlearn They started the sales of mass-produced goods. (Seri retilmi mallar n sat na ba lad lar.) Mass production is the creation of many products in a short period of time using time-saving techniques. (Seri retim, zaman kazand ran teknikler kullanarak k sa bir sre ierisinde birok rnn olu turulmas d r/retilmesidir.) PLEBISCITE (isim): halkoylamas , referandum (= referendum) Telaffuz: UK: pleb s t pleb sa t [plebuh-sahyt, -sit] http://www.oxfordadvancedlearn

SPY (isim): ajan, casus (agent) Telaffuz: spa [spahy] http://www.oxfordadvancedlearn In the film, he plays a spy whose mission is to confirm the verity of a secret military document. (Filmde, grevi gizli askeri bir belgenin do rulu unu kan tlama olan bir ajan oynuyor.) He was denounced as a foreign spy. (Yabanc bir casus olarak suland /ihbar edildi.)

STARVATION (isim ): al k, al ktan lme (famished= hunger) Telaffuz: st ve n [stahr-vey-shuh n] http://www.oxfordadvancedlearn Millions will face starvation next year as a result of the drought. (Milyonlar kurakl n sonucu olarak gelecek y l al kla kar kar ya gelecekler.)

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Starvation is one of the most deadly conditions on the planet. (Al k gezegendeki en lmcl ko ullardan biridir.)

His boss is a complete tyrant. (Patronu tam bir despot.) The kings of Sparta would not serve under the tyrants of Syracuse. (Sparta krallar Sirakuzan n despot hkmdarlar alt nda al mad /hizmet etmedi.)

KIDNAP (fiil /isim): ka rmak, fidye iin al koymak (=abduct=seize) Telaffuz: [kid-nap] k dnp http://www.oxfordadvancedlearn Two businessmen have been kidnapped by terrorists. ( ki i adam terristler taraf ndan ka r ld .) He admitted the charge of kidnap. (Fidye cretini kabul etti.)

SNEEZE (fiil/isim): hap rmak (sternutation) Telaffuz: sni z http://www.oxfordadvancedlearn She started coughing and sneezing. (ksrmeye ve hap rmaya ba lad .) The dust was making him sneeze. (Toz onu hap rt yordu.) NOT: sneeze at yap s hor grmek,kmsemek anlam ndad r. In those days 5 an hour was not to be sneezed at. (O zamanlarda saatte 5 yabana at lmazd /kmsenmezdi.)

NAVY (isim): donanma, filo (armada,naval forces) Telaffuz: ne vi [ney-vee] http://www.oxfordadvancedlearn The navy is considering buying six new warships. (Donanma alt yeni sava gemisi almay d nyor.) The navys largest ship was destroyed in the attack. (Donanman n en byk gemisi sald r da zarar grd.)

FORTUNE TELLER (isim): falc Telaffuz: [fawr-chuh n-tel-er] f r t n t l r/ http://www.oxfordadvancedlearn A fortune teller tells people what will happen to them in the future. (Bir falc gelecekte insanlara ne olaca n syler.) What is the difference between a palmist and a fortune teller? (El falc s ve falc aras ndaki fark nedir?)

AMBASSADOR (isim): bykeli, temsilci (embassador) Telaffuz: m bs d (r) http://www.oxfordadvancedlearn As an ambassador, she enjoys a very privileged status. ( Bir bykeli olarak ok ayr cal kl statye sahip.) He is a former ambassador to the United States. (O, Birle ik Devletlerin nceki/eski bykelisi.) TYRANT (isim): y k c , zalim ,despot,zorba hkmdar (dictator, autocratic) Telaffuz: ta r nt [tahy-ruh nt] http://www.oxfordadvancedlearn

HECTORING (s fat): gz korkutucu,sindirici (daunting) Telaffuz: hek.t r. / http://www.oxfordadvancedlearn He told the news about him in a hectoring tone of voice. (Gz korkutucu/sindirici ses tonuyla onun hakk ndaki haberleri anlatt .) He had a loud, hectoring manner. (Kaba, gz korkutucu tavr var.) BURGLARY (isim): soygun, h rs zl k (robbery, theft, housebreaking)

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Telaffuz: b l ri [bur-gluh-ree] http://www.oxfordadvancedlearn Several men were questioned by police yesterday about the burglary. (Birka adam soygun hakk nda polis taraf ndan dn sorguland .) Police are investigating a spate of burglaries in the Kingsland Road area. (Polisler Kingsland Road blgesinde pek ok soygunu soru turuyor.)

BLUSH (fiil): utanmak, k zarmak (go red, flush) Telaffuz: bl [bluhsh] http://www.oxfordadvancedlearn I always blush when I speak in public. (Halk n nnde konu tu umda herzaman k zar r m/utan r m.) She blushed with embarrassment. (Utanla k zard .)

BILATERAL (s fat): kar l kl , ift ynl (multiple, double) Telaffuz: ba lt r l http://www.oxfordadvancedlearn France and Germany have signed a bilateral agreement to help prevent drug smuggling. (Fransa ve Almanya uyu turucu kaak l n nlemek iin kar l kl anla ma imzalad lar.) He meets with Russian President during their bilateral meeting at Winfield House in London today. (O, bugn Rusya ba bakan yla Londradaki Winfield Houseda kar l kl /iki tarafl toplant da bulu uyor.)

SUBURB (isim): varo , kenar mahalle, banliyo (ghetto, outskirt, country) Telaffuz: s b b [suhb-urb] http://www.oxfordadvancedlearn They live in the suburbs. (Onlar kenar mahallelerde ya yor.) Slumdog Millionaire tells the story of Indians suburbs. (Slumdog Millionaire Hindistan varo lar n n hikayesini anlat yor.)

PAL (isim): arkada , dost (friend, buddy, acquaintance ) Telaffuz: pl http://www.oxfordadvancedlearn We've been pals for years. (Biz y llard r arkada z.) Ive got a pen pal in Australia. (Avustralyada mektup arkada m var.)


BILINGUAL (isim): iki dilli, iki dil bilen ( x monolingual ) Telaffuz: ba l w l [bahy-ling-gwuhl http://www.oxfordadvancedlearn The report proposed bilingual education in schools. (Rapor okullarda ift dillili i neriyor/tasarl yor.) She works as a bilingual secretary for an insurance company. (Bir sigorta irketinde iki dil bilen bir sekreter olarak al yor.)

TARIFF (isim): vergi, gmrk vergisi, tarife (tax, duty) Telaffuz: tr f [tar-if] http://www.oxfordadvancedlearn A general tariff was imposed on foreign imports. (Genel gmrk tarifesi yabanc ithallere (mallara) koyuldu.) The best policy of a tariff would be allowing a "trade without a tariff". (En iyi vergi politikas vergisiz ticarete izin verendir.) SEVERE (s fat): iddetli,g, zor,ciddi (harsh, hard, rigid,heavy,serious) Telaffuz: s v (r) [suh-veer] http://www.oxfordadvancedlearn In some parts of Africa there is a severe food/water shortage. (Afrikan n baz blgelerinde iddetli yiyecek/su k tl var.)

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This is a school for children with severe learning difficulties. (Bu, ciddi renme zorlu u olan ocuklar iin bir okul.)

Bu grevler(devler) ortalama okul cocu unun alan n n tesinde ( stnde). Scott's equipment was damaged beyond repair. Scott un ekipman tamirin tesinde ( tamir edilemeyecek ekild) zarar grd. The town centre had changed beyond recognition. ehir merkezi tan man n tesinde (tan nmayacak ekilde ) de i ti. PREVIOUSLY (zarf) :daha nce , evvelden Telaffuz :/ privi s/ m/browse/previously Almost half the group had previously been heavy smokers. Grubun neredeyse yar s daha nceden yo un sigara iicisiydi. She was previously employed as a tour guide. Eskiden/daha nce tur rehberi olarak al t r l yordu.

.UNDUE (s fat): gereksiz, a r , lzmsuz (excessive,unnecessary, too much) Telaffuz: n dju [uhn-doo,-dyoo] http://www.oxfordadvancedlearn We did not want to put any undue pressure on them. (zerlerine a r /gereksiz bask yapmak istemedik.) De Gaulle felt that America had undue influence in Europe. (De Gaulle, Amerikan n Avrupada a r etkisi oldu unu sezdi/d nd.)

AVOID ( fiil) :sak nmak,ka nmak,nlemek,uzak durmak Telaffuz: / v d/ Road safety is taught to young children to avoid road accidents. ocuklara yol kazalar n nlemek iin yol gvenli i retilir. It is important to take measures to avoid the risk of fire. Yang n riskini nlemek iin nlem almak nemlidir.

REMEDY ( isim) :are ,zm,ila Telaffuz :/ r m di/ m/browse/remedy The problems in our schools do not have a simple remedy. Okulumuzdaki sorunlar n basit bir zm/aresi yok. The program is one remedy for discrimination. Program ayr mc l k iin bir zmdr. BEYOND ( preposition) : tesinde,ilerisinde Telaffuz :/bi nd, b y nd/ What changes await us in the coming year and beyond? Gelecek y l ve ilerisinde (tesinde) hangi de i iklikler bizi bekliyor? More people are choosing to work beyond retirement age. Daha fazla insan emeklilik ya n n stnde (tesinde) al may tercih ediyor. Inflation has risen beyond the 5% level. Enflasyon % 5 in tesinde (stnde) ykseldi. Such tasks are far beyond the scope of the average schoolkid.

ERUPT (fiil) : Patlamak( yanarda ) ; Patlak vermek (sava , iddet ) Telaffuz :/ r pt/

~ 42 ~

Violence erupted after police shot a student during the demonstration. Polis gsteri s ras nda bir renciyi vurduktan sonra iddet patlak verdi. To understand how volcanoes erupt, you have to consider the structure of the Earth. Yanarda lar n nas l patlad n anlamak iin , dnyan n yap s n d nmek/gz nne almak zorundas n

SURVEILLANCE (isim) gzeltleme,gzetim,denetleme Telaffuz: /s r ve l ns, - ve ly ns/ tionary/surveillance

ALIEN (s fat ) : yabanc ,tuhaf ; uzayl Telaffuz :/ e ly n, e li n/

They were under constant close surveillance day and night. Onlar gece gndz srekli yak n gzetim alt ndayd . The suspects were kept under surveillance. pheliler gzetim alt nda tutuldu. electronic surveillance equipment Elektronik gzetleme ekipman an alien culture Yabac bir kltr When I first went to New York, it all felt very alien to me. lk defa New York a gitti imde her ey bana ok yabanc hissettirdi.

COLLIDE ( fiil) :arp mak,arpmak Telaffuz :/k la d m/browse/collide It was predicted that a comet would collide with one of the planets. Bir kuyruklu y ld z n gezegenlerin biriyle arp aca tahmin edilmekteydi.

FLEE -FLED-FLED :kamak,tymek,s v mak Telaffuz : /fli/


Many German artists fled to America at the beginning of World War II. Alman sanatc lar 2.dnya sava n n ba nda Amerika ya kat lar.

LOSS (isim) : kay p,hasar, ziyan,zarar Telaffuz :/l s, l s/ Many parents feel a sense of loss when their children leave home. Ebeveynler ocuklar evden ayr ld nda bir kaybetme hissi duyar. He suffered a gradual loss of memory. A amal bri haf za kayb ekti There will be substantial job losses if the factory closes down. Fabrika kapan rsa nemli i kayb olacakt r.

OUTNUMBER (fiil) say ca a mak

Say ca



Telaffuz :/ a t n mb r/ m/browse/outnumber In nursing, women still outnumber men by four to one. Hasta bak c l kta kad nlar hala erkekelrden 4 de 1 say ca fazlad r.

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Flats outnumber houses in this area. Bu bglede daireler evlerden say ca fazlad r.

You should keep practising until you're fully competent. Tamamen yetenekli/yeterli olana kadar pratik yapmal s n. Benzer anlaml lar : GOOD SKILLED TALENTED CAPABLE GIFTED SKILFUL PROFICIENT ACCOMPLISHED PROFESSIONAL

OWE (fiil) :Borlu olmak Telaffuz : /o / I owe my brother $50. Karde ime 50 dolar borluyum.

SLIGHTLY (zarf) :biraz I still owe you for the taxi. Taksi iin sana hala borluyum. How much do I owe you ? Sana ne kadar borluyum? Telaffuz :/sla t/ - [slahyt] m/browse/slightly+ She's slightly taller than her sister. K z karde inden biraz daha uzun. I'm slightly upset she forgot my birthday. Biraz zgnm do um gnm unuttu. I'm slightly worried that she'll get lost on the way. Yolda kaybolmas ndna biraz endi eliyim. DISPOSE OF ( phrasal verb) : ba ndan atmak, kurtulmak, elden karmak Telaffuz :/d spo z/ [dih-spohz] m/browse/dispose Markets such as these are often used by thieves to dispose of stolen property. Bunlar gibi pazarlar genellikle h rs zlar taraf ndan al nt mallar elden karmak iin kullan l r. Benzer anlam : GET RID OF I can't get rid of this headache. Bu ba a r s ndan kurtulam yorum. We got rid of all the old furniture. Btn eski mobilyalar ba m zdan att k/ kurtulduk/ elden kard k.

IN THE WAKE OF sth. : bir (ve onun yznden )

eyin ard ndan

Airport security was extra tight in the wake of yesterday's bomb attacks. Havaalan gvenli i dnk bombal sald r lar n ard ndan ok s k yd . Famine followed in the wake of the drought. Kurakl n ard ndan k tl k izledi.


(s fat)

:Yenenekli,becerikli,i i GIVEN 1 ( preposition ) : gr nnene alarak GIVEN 2 ( s fat) : belli,belirlenmi ,kararla t r lm Telaffuz :/ g v. n/ 1.Given his age, he's a remarkably fast runner.

Telaffuz : / k mp t nt/ [kom-pi-tuhnt] m/browse/competent He's very competent in all his work. Tm i inde ok bererikli/i inin ehli.

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Ya n gz nne alarak , olduka h zl ko ucu.


Given (the fact) that he's had six months to do this, he hasn't made much progress. Bunu yapmak iin 6 ay oldu u gz nne al n rsa , ok fazla ilerleme yapamad . a given zamanda time : belli/kararla t r lm

( Give : fiili ile kar t rmay n z.)


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