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Wongs 7 Things Students Want to Know

Mr. Andre Fields | 6th Grade Math

5. How will I be graded?

1: Am I in the right room?

A sign will be hanging
near the door in the
hallway facing both
ends of the hallway
with my name on it. I
will also stand in the
hallway to greet them
as they enter!
2. Where am I supposed to sit?
A seating chart will be
projected on the screen from
the overhead projector with
their names printed showing
where they will sit.

3. What are the rules in this

There are 5
classroom rules. They
will be posted in three
places within the
classroom, and we
will discuss and
demonstrate the
classroom rules and
their importance.

I will discuss with the

students on the first day
the concept of how I will
grade them, but not the
specifics until I determine
how they best learn and
the best type of activities
to present.

6. Who is this teacher person?

4. What will I be doing this year?

I will give the students a

brief overview of my
background and when I
decided I wanted to be a
teacher. I will also have a
collage on one of the
bulletin boards with
random facts/pictures
that describe me and who
I am.

7. Will the teacher treat me as a

human being?

MATH! Focus towards Algebra and

Geometry. The first day of class will
be going over most of the classroom
procedures, getting to know each
other, and a glimpse of the type of
work we will be doing. I will also give
them a list of the topics we will be
covering and give brief overviews.

I will treat my
students with
respect and let them
know that it is safe
to learn in my class.
I will also let them
know and see that I
am stern but fair

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