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James Harper 7 things

7 Things Students Want to Know on

the 1 Day of School st

1. Am I in the right room?

I will post my name on the door and stand by as the students enter the
class to introduce myself. I will also have my name on the board.
2. Where am I supposed to sit?
Explain as they walk in that it is an open seating classroom and repeat it
in the first few minutes of class. Its a privilege!
3. What are the rules in the classroom?
The rules will be posted in 2 locations, I will hand out a student/parent
copy to be signed and returned to me. I will discuss all rules repeatedly
and enforce them consistently.
4. What will I be doing this year?
I will spend most of the class explaining rules, procedures, expectations,
and what we will be learning this year.
5. How will I be graded?
I will address grading when I hand out first assignment. I will explain that
its most important to complete and turn in the work and the grade is the
bi-product of the completion of the assignment.
6. Who is the teacher as a person?
I will create a power point presentation, detailing certain aspects of my
childhood, adult-life, professional life, and my goals. I will answer any
questions that are within reason.
7. Will the teacher treat me as a human being?
I will greet each student and shake their hand and ask for their names. I
will have them fill out an information sheet with simple details: name,
hobbies, extra-curricular activities.

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