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James Harper 3 Goals

Goal 1: I will create engaging lesson plans that will keep students
interested and actively involved.
Dimension: Planning Dimension1.1 Standards and Alignment.
Actions: Blooms Taxonomy, confer with fellow teachers, personal
Targeted Completion Date: weekly
Evidence of Goal Attainment: increased classroom participation
during lessons which will increase grades by 10%
Goal 2: I will maintain an organized classroom to better serve my
Dimensions: 3.1 Classroom environment, routines, and procedures
Actions: clean daily, try different classroom layouts, ask for feedback
from students
Targeted Completion Date: daily
Evidence of Goal Attainment: Access to materials will increase
entrance and exiting procedure by 20%.
Goal 3: I will continue to improve upon classroom control and
Dimensions: Classroom Culture 3.3
Actions: seek advice from tenured teachers, learn from outside
resources, reiterate classroom policies and expectations routinely.
Targeted Completion Date: daily
Evidence of Goal Attainment: Students will be respectful to each toher
and be actively engaged in the lesson, lowering office visits, letters
home, and parent conferences by 15%

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