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Career Exploration

By: Ahmed Elafandi

Things of interest
Im interested in math
I am interested in space
I am also interested in technology
The last thing I am interested in is help making
the world a more educated place
Why Did I Choose This
I chose Aerospace Engineering
because it fits my skills and interests.
This job is also really interesting to
me. I also want to know how to build
rockets and planes because it really
interests me how the Engineers build
them. Another thing is I want to learn
about space and what other things out
there instead of Earth.
What do They Do?
What I will do in this occupation is designing
aircraft, spacecraft, satellites, and Missiles.
Education / Training
The necessary education for being an
Aerospace Engineer is to have a bachelors
Current Jobs
The current jobs there are in
Aerospace Engineering are
72,500 jobs.
How much does this job
This job pays about $107,830
per year
$51.84 per hour.
Top 10% Earnings
The top 10% earnings an
Aerospace Engineer makes are
Bottom 10% Earnings
The bottom 10% earnings an
Aerospace Engineer makes are
Work Environment
Aerospace engineers typically work full time.
There are many things I will do now to
prepare to become an Aerospace Engineer.
One thing I will do to become an Aerospace
Engineer is to study harder in the work
required for the job. Another thing is to be
more serious with my work than I already am.
The last but not least thing I will do of
becoming an Aerospace Engineer is try to get
even more education than I already get.

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