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Christine Apriyani, S.Pd

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
- Yulista Trias R - Rido Sigit W - Inovira R
- Dita Perdana - Ridadyah W - Regia Ilmahani
- Aisyatur Robia - Asma’ul Khusna - Nor Azizah
- M. Taufik Aji F - Najatul Ubadati - Maya Agustin
- Lelly Luckitasari - Bidari Intan R - Siti Nurhalizah
■ Conventional Biotechnology : a number of ancient ways of
using living organisms to make new products of modify
existing ones.

■ Products of conventional biotechnology

– Nata de Coco - Beer and Wine
– Tapai - Cheese
– Yoghurt - Soy sauce
– Tempe - etc
Carry out experimental activities

Analyze experiment data

Make a report

1. Title
5. Discussion
2. Purpose
6. Conclusions
3. Tools and materials
7. References
4. Procedure

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