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Periodic Table and Periodic

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Similar chemical properties showing Element are in a same
Vishwanath Maheshwary
By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Dobereiner ’ s Law

The atomic weight of the middle element is

Nearly the same as average of the atomic
weights of other two elements

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
NewLand Octave Rule : If the chemical elements are arranged according to
increasing Atomic weight , those with similar physical and chemical properties occur
after each Interval of seven elements

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
The Periodic Table and the Elements
• What is the periodic table ?
• What information is obtained from the table ?
• How can elemental properties be predicted base on the  PT ?

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Dmitri Mendeleev (1869)
In 1869 Mendeleev and Lothar Meyer (Germany)
published nearly identical classification schemes for
elements known to date. The periodic table is base on
the similarity of properties and reactivities exhibited by
certain elements. Later, Henri Moseley
( England,1887-1915) established that each elements
has a unique atomic number, which is how the current
periodic table is organized.
By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Mendeleev Periodic Law

The physical and Chemical properties of elements are periodic

Function of their atomic masses

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
The Periodic Table
• A map of the building block of matter.

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Periodic Table Expanded View

•The way the periodic table usually seen is

a compress view, placing the Lanthanides
and actinides at the bottom of the stable.
•The Periodic Table can be arrange by subshells.
The s-block is Group IA and & IIA, the p-block is
Group IIIA - VIIIA. The d-block is the transition
metals, and the f-block are the Lanthanides and
Actinide metals

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Periodic Table: Metallic arrangement
• Layout of the Periodic Table: Metals vs. nonmetals


By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Periodic Table: The three broad Classes
Main, Transition, Rare Earth
• Main (Representative), Transition metals, lanthanides and actinides (rare earth)

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Reading the Periodic Table: Classification
• Nonmetals, Metals, Metalloids, Noble gases

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Across the Periodic Table
• Periods: Are arranged horizontally across the periodic table
(rows 1-7)
• These elements have the same number of valence shells.

2nd Period

6th Period

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Down the Periodic Table
•Family: Are arranged vertically down the periodic table (columns or group, 1-
18 or 1-8 A,B)
•These elements have the same number electrons in the outer most shells, the valence shell.


77e-e- ininthe

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Infamous Families of the Periodic Table
• Notable families of the Periodic Table and some important members:
Alkali Halogen
Noble Gas
Alkaline Chalcogens
Transition Metals

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Important members - the Elements
• Individual members of selected Elements & their characteristics

H He

Li C N O F
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl

K Ca Fe Cu Zn Br
Ag I

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Periodic Table
e- configuration from the periodic periodic table
(To be covered in future chapters)

H He
1s1 1s2
Li Be B •CB N O F Ne
2s1 2s2 2p1 •2p
2p 2p 2p4
2 3 2p5 2p6
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
3s1 3s2 3p1 3p2 3p3 3p4 3p5 3p6
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Be Kr
4s1 4s2 3d1 3d2 3d3 4s13d5 3d5 3d6 3d7 3d8 4s13d10 3d10 4p1 4p2 4p3 4p4 4p5 4p6
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Ni Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
5s1 5s2 4d1 4d2 4d3 5s14d5 4d5 4d6 4d7 4d8 5s14d10 4d 10
5p1 5p2 5p3 5p4 5p5 5p6
Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Ni Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
6s1 6s2 5d1 5d2 5d3 6s15d5 5d5 5d6 5d7 5d8 6s15d10 5d 10
6p1 6p2 6p3 6p4 6p5 6p6
Fr Ra Ac Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt
7s1 7s2 6d1 6d2 6d3 7s16d5 6d5 6d6 6d7

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Periodic Table: electron behavior
• The periodic table can be classified by the behavior of their electrons

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
According to the Periodic Law of elements ,the
variation in properties of elements is related to
1)Nuclear masses
2)Atomic Numbers
3)Nuclear neutron-proton number ratios
4)Atomic masses

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
• Ans 2

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Periodic Properties
Periodic Trends in Physical Properties
Shielding effect & Effective Nuclear Charge
Atomic Radius
Ionic Radius
Ionization Enthalpy
Electron Gain Enthalpy

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Periodic Properties
Periodic Trends in Chemical Properties
 Periodicity of Valence or Oxidation States
 Anomalous Properties of Second Period
 Chemical Reactivity

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Shielding effect & Effective Nuclear Charge

The decrease in nuclear charge ( nuclear

force of attraction) on outermost shell
electrons due to repulsion caused by inner
shell electron is known as shielding effect of
inner shell or intervening electrons on outer
shell electron.

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Shielding effect & Effective Nuclear Charge

Due to shielding effect the nuclear charge is lowered

on outermost shell electrons, the net nuclear charge
acting on outermost shell electrons is known as
Effective Nuclear Charge. It is denoted by Z* or Zeff.

 Z* or Zeff. = Z - σ

 where Z = nuclear charge( = atomic No.) & σ =

shielding constant or screening constant , it is a
measure of shielding effect

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Shielding effect & Effective Nuclear Charge

Determination of ENC (Z*)

If the electron resides in s or p orbital
1. Electrons in principal shell higher than the e- in
question contribute 0 to σ .
2. Each electron in the same principal shell contribute
0.35 to σ (0.30 if it is 1S shell).
3. Electrons in (n-1) shell each contribute 0.85 to σ .
4. Eelectrons in deeper shell each contribute 1.00 to σ

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Shielding effect & Effective Nuclear Charge

Determination of ENC (Z*)

If the electron resides in d or f orbital
1. All e-s in higher principal shell contribute 0 to σ
2. Each e- in same shell contribute 0.35 to σ
3. All inner shells in (n-1) and lower contribute
1.00 to σ

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Shielding effect & Effective Nuclear Charge

Determination of ENC (Z*)

e.g. Calculate the Z* for the 2p electron Fluorine
(Z = 9) 1s2, 2s2,2p5.
Soln. Screening constant for one of the outer electron
 6 (six) (two 2s e- and four 2p e-) = 6 X 0.35 = 2.10
 2 (two)1s e- = 2 X 0.85 = 1.70
 σ = 1.70+2.10 = 3.80
 Z* = 9 - 3.80 = 5.20

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Shielding effect & Effective Nuclear Charge

Trend of ENC in Periodic Table

 In a Period - Effective nuclear charge Z*
increases increases rapidly along a
period(0.65 per next group)
Li Be B C N O F Ne

1.3 1.95 2.6 3.3 3.9 4.6 5.2 5.9

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Shielding effect & Effective Nuclear Charge

Trend of ENC in Periodic Table

 In a Group - Effective nuclear charge Z* increases
slowly along a group.
e.g. Gr-1 H Li Na K Rb Cs

Z* 1.0 1.3 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Vanderwaal Radius

It is used to define half of the distance between

the closest approach of two non bonded atoms
of a given element.

Covalent radius<Metallic Radius < Vanderwaal radius

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Sizes of Atoms By : Vishwanath Maheshwary

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Bonding atomic radius tends to…

…decrease from left to right across a row due to increasing Zeff.
…increase from top to bottom of a column due to increasing value of n
By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
In A Period-
 atomic radius decreases with increase in atomic number
(in a period left to right)
BECAUSE in a period left to right-
 1. n (number of shells) remain constant.
 2. Z increases (by one unit)
 3. Z* increases (by 0.65 unit)
 4. Electrons are pulled close to the nucleus by the increased

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
 In a group-
Atomic radius increases moving down the group
 Because, along a group top to bottom
1. n increases
2. Z increases
3. No dramatic increase in Z* - almost remains

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
 All anions are larger than their parent atoms.
because the addition of one or more electrons would result
in increased repulsion among the electrons and a decrease
in ENC.
 The cations are smaller than their parent atoms
because it has fewer electrons while its nuclear charge
remains the same & hence ENC is greater in cation than its
parent atom

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Cationic Radii

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Anionic Radii

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
 Atoms and ions which contain the same number of
electrons, are called as isoelectronic species.
For example, F–, Na+ and Mg2+ have the same number of

 The size of isoelectronic species decreases with increase in

nuclear charge. e.g.-
o2->F- >Ne>Na+>Mg2+>Al3+
---------SIZE DECREASING------

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Atomic and Ionic Radii

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Atomic Radius

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Metallic radii in the third row d-block are similar to
the second row d-block, but not larger as one would
expect given their larger number of electrons.
This is due to Lanthanide Contraction as f-orbitals
have poor shielding properties.

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Atomic radius vs. atomic number
Atomic Radius (pm)

Na Ca
150 Li Mg
Al Si
100 Be P S Cl
O F Ar
50 Ne
H He
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Element By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
The set representing the correct order of ionic
Radius is
1) Li+ >Be+2>Na+>Mg+2
2) Na+>Li+ >Mg+2> Be+2
3) Li+>Na+>Mg+2> Be+2
4) Mg+2>Be+2>Li+>Na+

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
• Ans B

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Which one of the following ions have highest
value of ionic radius

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
• Ans C

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
A reduction in atomic size with increase in
atomic number is a charcteristic of element of
3)Radioactive series
4)High atomic masses

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
• Ans B

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Atomic radii of fluorine and neon in Angstrom
units are respectively given by
A)0.72, 1.60
B)1.60, 1.60
C)0.72, 0.72
D)None of these

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Ans A

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Ionisation Energy (IE) or
Ionisation Enthalpy (ΔiH )

 Ionization: removing an electron from an atom or ion

 Ionization energy: energy required to remove an electron
from an isolated, gaseous atom or ion is called as Ionization
energy or ionisation enthalpy.
 If the atom is neutral the above defined ionisation energy
is called as first ionisation enthalpy.
 Energy required to remove an electron from an isolated,
monovalent cation is called as second Ionization energy.
 The ionization enthalpy is expressed in units of kJ /mol

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Ionisation Energy (IE) or
Ionisation Enthalpy (ΔiH )

X(g) + energy → X+(g) + e–.

1st ionisation enthalpy

X+(g) + energy → X++(g) + e–.

2nd ionisation enthalpy

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Ionisation Energy (IE) or
Ionisation Enthalpy (ΔiH )

The second ionization enthalpy will be higher than

the first ionization enthalpy because it is more
difficult to remove an electron from a positively
charged ion than from a neutral atom because a
cation has greater ENC than a neutral atom.
In the same way the third ionization enthalpy will
be higher than the second and so on.

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Factors affecting Ionisation Enthalpy (ΔiH )

(a) Size of the atom - IE decreases as the size of the

atom increases
(b) Nuclear Charge - IE increases with increase in
nuclear charge
(c) The type of electron - Shielding effect, Penetration
(e)Electronic configuration: e.g. noble gases passes
very high value of IE due to stable octet
(f) Fully filled subshell or fully half filled Subshell

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Periodic Trend of Ionisation Enthalpy (ΔiH )

On moving down a group

1. nuclear charge increases
2. Z* due to screening is almost constant
3. number of shells increases, hence atomic size
4. there is a increase in the number of inner electrons
which shield the valence electrons from the nucleus
Thus IE decreases down the group

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Trends in First Ionization Energies
• going down a
column, less
energy to
remove the first
– For atoms in the
same group, Zeff
is essentially the
same, but the
electrons are
farther from the

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Periodic Trend of Ionisation Enthalpy

On moving across a period(L--->R)

1. the atomic size decreases
2. Effective nuclear charge increases
Thus IE increases along a period
However there are some exceptions also e.g.
 IE1 of Be is higher than that of B.
 IE1 of N is higher than that of O.
 Because of fully filled and fully half filled subshells
are more stable

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Periodic Trend of Ionisation Enthalpy (ΔiH )

Explain why- (a). IE of Be is higher than that of B.

Ans. - In beryllium(1s2,2s2 ), the electron removed during the
ionization is an s-electron whereas the electron removed
during ionization of boron(1s2,2s2,2p1) is a p-electron. The
penetration of a 2s-electron to the nucleus is more than
that of a 2p-electron; hence the 2p electron of boron is more
shielded from the nucleus by the inner core of electrons
than the 2s electrons of beryllium.
Therefore, it is easier to remove the 2p-electron from boron
compared to the removal of a 2s- electron from beryllium.
Thus, boron has a smaller first ionization.

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Periodic Trend of Ionisation Enthalpy (ΔiH )

(b) Why IE of N is higher than that of O.

Ans. The first ionization enthalpy of oxygen compared to
nitrogen is smaller. This arises because in the nitrogen
atom(1s2,2s2,2p3) three 2p-electrons reside in different
atomic orbitals (Hund’s rule) whereas in the oxygen atom
(1s2,2s2,2p4), two of the four 2p-electrons must occupy the
same 2p-orbital resulting in an increased electron-electron
repulsion. Consequently, it is easier to remove the fourth 2p-
electron from oxygen than it is, to remove one of the three
2p-electrons from nitrogen.

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Ionization energy vs. atomic number
2500 He
Ionization energy (kJ/mol)

F Ar
H O Cl
Be C P S
B Mg Si
Al Ca
Li Na K
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Element By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Which of the following represents the correct
order of increasing first ionization enthalpy for
Ca ,Ba ,S, Se, Ar

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
• Ans 2

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
The increasing order of the first ionization
enthlapies of the elements B,P,S and F (Lowest
first )is

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
• Ans 4

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
The first ionization potential in electron volts of
Nitrogen and oxygen atoms are respectively
given by
a) 14.6 , 13.6
b) 13.6, 14.6
c) 13.6, 13.6
d) 14.6 , 14.6

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Ans a

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Electron Gain Enthalpy (ΔegH)
 When an electron is added to a neutral gaseous atom (X) to
convert it into a negative ion, the enthalpy change
accompanying the process is defined as the Electron
GainEnthalpy (ΔegH) or Electron Affinity.
 Electron gain enthalpy provides a measure of the ease with
which an atom adds an electron to form anion as represented
by equation –

 X(g) + e --- X- (g)+energy

(electron gain enthalpy)

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Electron Gain Enthalpy (ΔegH)
 Depending on the element, the process of
adding an electron to the atom can be either
endothermic or exothermic.

 For many elements energy is released when an

electron is added to the atom and the electron gain
enthalpy is negative.

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Factors Affecting E G E (ΔegH)
 ENC- With increase in ENC, the force of attraction exerted by
the nucleus on the electrons increases. Consequently, the
atom has a greater tendency to attract additional electron
i.e., its EGE increases i.e. become more negative.
With decrease in size ENC increases & hence EGE
The value of EGE depends effectively upon electronic
configuration of elements, elements with stable electronic
configuration posses lower (less -ve) value of EGE, e.g.-

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Factors Affecting E G E (ΔegH)

A. Noble gases have practically zero or +ve EGEs. This

is because they have no tendency to gain an
additional electron as they already have the stable
ns2np6 configuration
B. Halogens have high electron affinities. This is due
to their strong tendency to gain an additional
electron to change into the stable ns2np6

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
The EGE increases i.e. become more negative as we move
across a period because the atomic size decreases and hence
the force of attraction exerted by the nucleus on the electrons
increases. Consequently, the atom has a greater tendency to
attract additional electron i.e., its electron affinity increases
The EGE decreases (-)vely because the atomic size increases
and therefore, the effective nuclear attraction decreases and
thus electron affinity decreases

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
First Electron Affinities

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Electron Gain Enthalpy (ΔegH)
 Explain why –
(a). electron gain enthalpy of O is less than that of the S.
(b). electron gain enthalpy of F is less than that of the Cl.
 Ans:- The electron gain enthalpy of O or F is less than that
of the succeeding element. This is because when an electron
is added to O or F, the added electron goes to the smaller n =
2 quantum level and suffers significant repulsion from the
other electrons present in this level. For the n = 3 quantum
level (S or Cl ), the added electron occupies a larger region of
space and the electron-electron repulsion is much less.

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
The first ionization potential of Na is 5.1eV.The
value of electron gain enthalpy of Na+ will be
1) -5.1 eV
2) -10.2 eV
3) +2.55 eV
4) -2.55eV

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
• Ans 1

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary

 The tendency of an element in a molecule

to attract the shared pair of electrons
towards itself is known as electronegativity.
It is measured on Pauling scale in which F
(most EN element)is attributed to a value of 4

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Periodic trend of EN
In a Group- on moving down the group,
 Z increases but Z* almost remains constant
 number of shells (n) increases
 atomic radius increases
 force of attraction between added electron and
nucleus decreases
 Therefore EN decreases moving down the group

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Periodic trend of EN
In a Period- On moving across a period left to right
 Z and Z* increases
 number of shells remains constant
 atomic radius decreases
 force of attraction between shared electron and
nucleus increases
Hence EN increases along a period

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
By : Vishwanath Maheshwary

In Which of the following arrangements the order is NOT according to the property
Indicated against it?

1)Al+3 <Mg+2 <Na+ <F-

Increasing ionic Size
2)B < C < N < O
Increasing first ionization enthalpy
3) I <Br <F <Cl
Increasing electron gain enthalpy (with negative sign)
4)Li< Na < K < Rb
Increasing metallic radius

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Ans 2

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Metals versus Nonmetals

Differences between metals and nonmetals

tend to revolve around these properties.

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Metals versus Nonmetals
• Metals tend to form cations.
• Nonmetals tend to form anions.
The common elemental ions

Note ions in s and p world all result from filling or empyting

a subshell.
What about the transition metals? What’s going on there?
By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Transition Metal ions

Note: many have +2 charge.

They actually lose all their ns electrons first!
Mn --> Mn2+: [Ar]4s23d5 ---> [Ar]3d5
Cu --> Cu+ [Ar]4s23d9 ---> [Ar]3d10

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Tend to be lustrous,
malleable, ductile,
and good
conductors of heat
and electricity.

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
• Compounds formed
between metals and
nonmetals tend to
be ionic.
• Metal oxides tend to
be basic.

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
• Dull, brittle
substances that are
poor conductors of
heat and electricity.
• Tend to gain
electrons in
reactions with
metals to acquire
noble gas

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
• Substances
containing only
nonmetals are
• Most nonmetal
oxides are acidic.

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
• Have some
characteristics of
metals, some of
• For instance, silicon
looks shiny, but is
brittle and fairly poor

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Group Trends

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Alkali Metals
• Soft, metallic solids.
• Name comes from
Arabic word for

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Alkali Metals
• Found only as compounds in nature.
• Have low densities and melting points.
• Also have low ionization energies.

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Alkali Metals

Their reactions with water are famously exothermic.

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Alkali Metals
• Alkali metals (except Li) react with oxygen to
form peroxides.
• K, Rb, and Cs also form superoxides:
K + O2  KO2
• Produce bright colors when placed in flame.

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Alkaline Earth Metals

• Have higher densities and melting points than

alkali metals.
• Have low ionization energies, but not as low
as alkali metals.

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Alkaline Earth Metals
• Be does not react
with water, Mg
reacts only with
steam, but others
react readily with
• Reactivity tends to
increase as go down

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Group 6A

• Oxygen, sulfur, and selenium are nonmetals.

• Tellurium is a metalloid.
• The radioactive polonium is a metal.

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
• Two allotropes:
– O2
– O3, ozone
• Three anions:
– O2−, oxide
– O22−, peroxide
– O21−, superoxide
• Tends to take electrons
from other elements
By : Vishwanath Maheshwary

• Weaker oxidizing
agent than oxygen.
• Most stable
allotrope is S8, a
ringed molecule.

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Group VIIA: Halogens

• Prototypical nonmetals
• Name comes from the Greek halos and
gennao: “salt formers”

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Group VIIA: Halogens
• Large, negative electron
– Therefore, tend to oxidize
other elements easily
• React directly with metals
to form metal halides
• Chlorine added to water
supplies to serve as

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Group VIIIA: Noble Gases

• Astronomical ionization energies

• Positive electron affinities
– Therefore, relatively unreactive
• Monatomic gases

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Group VIIIA: Noble Gases
• Xe forms these
– XeF2
– XeF4 (at right)
– XeF6
• Kr forms only one stable
– KrF2

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Notation for IUPAC Nomenclature of Element

Digit Name A
0 nil n
1 un u
2 bi b
3 tri t
4 quad q
5 pent p
6 hex h
7 sept s
8 oct o
9 enn e

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary
Atomic number Temporary Symbol
name (IUPAC)
101 Unnilunium Unu
102 Unnilbium Unb
103 Unniltrium Unt
104 Unnilquadium Unq
105 Unnilpentium Unp
106 Unnilhexium Unh
107 Unnilseptium Uns
108 Unniloctium Uno
109 Unnilennium Une
110 Ununnilium Uun
111 Unununnium Uuu
112 Ununbium Uub
113 Ununtrium Uut
114 Ununquadium Uuq
115 Ununppentium Uup
116 Ununhexium Uuh

By : Vishwanath Maheshwary

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