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Public Speaking

■ Is when you stand before an auidience and

deliver a speech in a formal an informal
occasion. For many people,speaking in front of
a large audience is a daunting task so it is
quite natural to become very nervous.
Speaking to Inform

■ When a person gives a speech before an

auidience to impart information on a
particular topic or issue it said to be an
informative speech,
Speaking to Persuade

■ Persuasive speeches are those where one tries to

persuade or convince a group of people these
speeches aim to influence and change the opinions
of the audience.
■ However, you must remember that you are not there
to wage a war and should talk without hurting others
Speaking to Actuate

■ Speaking to actuate is a higher level of persuasive

speaking. Here, the speaker goes a step beyond
persuasion and convincing.
■ Very few people have achieved this level of mastery
of the art of persuasion where they could so deeply
convince people that they move into action.
Speaking of Entertain

Ceremonial speeches are another form of public

speaking usually given at weddings, funerals,
graduation parties, retirement parties etc, one very
important factor to make these speeches effective is
to add a personal touch

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