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‘What if?’ Metropolis.

‘Art Of’.
By Jasmine Masters.
Baucis Travelogue.
You don’t simply stumble across the city of Baucis upon a whim, it takes a seven day trek through the Baucisian woodland in search for the city on slender
flamingo leg stilts; hidden within the troposphere of the earth’s atmosphere where the cloud fog your vision to what lies above. To surface the city there is an
unsteady climb through its exiguous supports as it twists and turns like a spiral up through the centre shaft, and when you feel like you finally reach the peak of
your climb you have yet to go further still. With curved ladders running up the body of the city to the opening, be sure to take every step with a bit of caution as
one wrong misstep may cause you reach your demise sooner than you would like.
Baucis structural position is so that that earth below can grow and prosper; as if it was never touched by mankind alike. The Baucisians love the earth; they adore
it through telescopes and spyglasses with much to observe but never to touch as it is believed humankind is separate from the earth and should a Baucisian
touch the ground they’ll be stripped of their right to study the earth from the city hidden in the clouds. There are many myths and rumours that revolve around
the city of Baucis, myths so ridiculous the Baucisian will just tut and shake their head at the gossip earth goers come up with. Absurd myths and rumours on why
they built their city on stilts; some believe that the Baucisians hate the earth and want no part of it, but that is not the case they respect the land and therefore
admire it from afar in their masses. Due to its geographical position Baucis is quite a numbing city, Baucisians will often wrap themselves to the nines to keep
warm while out and about in the city as they meander their way from one building to the next. Trying to obtain as much body heat as possible, you will often see
the Baucisians move in masses like a colony of penguins as they migrate from one location to the next.
It may appear that there is little to do in Baucis; but to the Baucisians there are many. You can visit the observatory bunkers for easy viewing of the land below
and learn about the how Baucis came to be so far above the ground, with the latest intel for the earths goings from the observatory lab Baucisians can expect to
be kept up to date of the land below. The Observational Tower is built to look over the city and see far and wide across the vast horizon of the acres of woodland
and shrubbery below. Through the big spyglass it all becomes clear how insignificant the mankind really is; all life as they know it has been built from the ground
up. Without the earth the Baucisians believe they would not be here today, so they are indebted to the earth for it has allowed them to be what they are today.
Other ways to look over the land below is by taking a stroll around the perimeter of the city and looking down over the valley through the Speculo-walls as the
sun rises and sets on the horizon. The Speculo-domes are open for a variety of foods, activities and shows. From savoury goods to zingy sensations that will liven
up your taste buds, not to forget the activities that take place within the heart of the dome, ranging from crafts to inventions of making the next best observer
finder to marvel at the earths grace; even inventing new and wonderful gadgets to capture the earths essence in its primitive state.
There are plenty of places to reside in within Baucis. Including rooms at the heart of the city in the observational tower, with spacious open plan living deceasing
in size the further up the tower it goes with built in lavatories, kitchenets and bedsides built for the elite within city who are in charge of the day-to-day running
of the observatories and city. There is also the Oval Centre housing that surrounds the tower as a protective cage from the harsh winds that hit the city at full
throttle. There is even a third building known as the Spire Lodge; where rooms range in size and are built for the essential necessities of daily life. With the
Speculo-domes only a short walk away for hot morning and evening meals, community value is at its peak. You will find strangers converse with other strangers,
talking about the earth’s goings. Their plans for the day. What they hope to bear witness to. If you were to sit quietly and listen you would even hear the faint
murmurs of rumours and speculations on the latest earth goer to surface within the city, or a Baucisian gone rouge and is making the treacherous journey down
the ladder and through the ever winding spiral to the earths bed.
Refined 16:9 Concept Art.
Key Assets - Colour Sketches with Refined Details 1.
Key Assets - Colour
Sketches with Refined
Details 2.
Final Matte Painting.

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