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Claims in Written text

Four types of claims

1. Claims of Fact- or definition are inferences made based on data, documents, and scientific
observation result, and research.

2. Claims of Value- are value judgment made based on morals, standards and norms.

3. Claims of Policy- are specific and measurable actions that need to be done in order to address
issues or concerns presented in an argument or proposition.
4. Claims of Cause and effect-argue that persons, things, and circumstances could produce a

Important terminologies in the study of claims

1. Fact- refers to information that is certain and can be proven based on documents, historical
data, research and observation.
2. Opinion- refers to judgment or belief formed about something using language.
3. Argument-refers to presentation of opinion about something using language.
4. Persuasion- refer to an emotional state wherein the intended reader is moved to agree with a
belief or position through argument , appeal or course of action.

5. Debatable Claims- refers to an opinion that is based on personal experience and values that
should be supported with evidence.
6. Evidence- refers to details, facts, reasons, statistics, expert research, and personal experience
that directly relate to and support a debatable claim.

7. Credible sources-refers to cited and properly attributed websites, reports and articles
developed by experts.
Your claim must conform to the following
1. The thesis statement or the claim must be
2. The thesis statement or claim must be
3. It must have a credible source.
4. Resource must be properly cited.
1. Logos or logical appeal is focused on the message content transmitted.
2. Pathos or emotional appeal is focused on the audience reception of the message transmitted.
3. Ethos or ethical appeal is focused on the readers perception on the credibility and reputation
of the writer

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