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Fluids(Liquids + Gases)
No Shape
Molecules are loosely bonded
Cannot with stand shear stress
Fluid Properties

Specific Volume

Specific Weight/Weight density

Specific Gravity

For Liquids : Std. Fluid is water

For Gases: Std. Fluid is Air
Specific gravity of mercury is 13.6
Density of water is 1000 kg/m3
Density of air is 1 kg/m3
Viscosity -resistance to the movement of one
layer of fluid over an adjacent layer of fluid.
Viscosity in a fluid is due to
1. Cohesive forces between fluid molecules

2. Molecular momentum exchange due to collision

 ‘µ’ - coefficient of viscosity or absolute viscosity
or dynamic viscosity
SI unit is N-s/m2. The dimension of dynamic
viscosity is ML-1T-1.
C.G.S unit of viscosity is dyne-sec /cm 2 or poise.
1 Poise = 0.1 N-s/m2
Kinematic Viscosity:

Its SI unit is m2/sec.

 In C.G.S, the unit of kinematic viscosity is
1 stokes = 10-4 m2/sec
Variation of Viscosity with temperature

In liquids, the intermolecular distance is small and hence

cohesive forces (forces of attraction between same nature
molecules) are large and dominate over molecular
momentum exchange.
With increase in temperature, the cohesive forces decrease
and hence the resistance to the flow also decreases.
Therefore in case of liquids with increase in temperature,
viscosity of the liquids decreases.
In case of gases, intermolecular distance is very large and
hence cohesive forces are negligible.
In gases, molecular momentum exchange dominates over
cohesive forces. With increase in temperature, molecular
disturbance increases which in turn increases vicosity.
Classification of fluid based on viscosity
KONVEX Edu Focus
A Complete Training institute for Technical Exam Coaching
Ph:7593012450, 9847161478

Objective Questions
The weight per unit volume of a liquid at a standard temperature and
pressure is called
a) specific weight
b) mass density
c) specific gravity
d) none of these
Answer: Option A
The specific weight of water in S.I. units is taken as
a) 9.81 kN/m3
b) 9.81 x 103 kN/m3
c) 9.81 x 10-6 N/mm3
d) any one of these
Answer: Option A
The specific gravity of an oil whose specific weight is 7.85
kN/m3, is
a) 0.8
b) 1
c) 1.2
d) 1.6
Answer: Option A
The ratio of specific weight of a liquid to the specific weight
of pure water at a standard temperature is called
a) density of liquid
b) specific gravity of liquid
c) compressibility of liquid
d) surface tension of liquid
Answer: Option B
The specific gravity of water is taken as
a) 0.001
b) 0.01
c) 0.1
d) 1
Answer: Option D
A vessel of 4 m3 contains an oil which weighs 30 kN.
The specific weight of the oil is
a) 4.5 kN/m3
b) 6 kN/m3
c) 7.5 kN/m3
d) 10 kN/m3
Answer: Option C
Newton's law of viscosity is a relationship between
A. pressure, velocity and temperature
B.shear stress and rate of shear strain
C.shear stress and velocity
D.rate of shear strain and temperature
Answer: Option B
The property of a liquid which offers resistance to the
movement of one layer of liquid over another adjacent
layer of liquid, is called
A. surface tension
B. compressibility
C. capillarity
D. viscosity
Answer: Option D
The dynamic viscosity of gases __________ with rise in
A.remain unaffected
D.None of these
Answer: Option B
The kinematic viscosity of an oil (in stokes) whose
specific gravity is 0.95 and viscosity 0.011 poise, is
A. 0.0116 stoke
B. 0.116 stoke
C. 0.0611 stoke
D. 0.611 stoke
Answer: Option A
Water is a __________ fluid.
Answer: Option C
Stoke is the unit of
A. kinematic viscosity in C. G. S. units
B. kinematic viscosity in M. K. S. units
C. dynamic viscosity in M. K. S. units
D. dynamic viscosity in S. I. units
Answer: Option A
Surface Tension: Formation of surface
Surface tension is a property of
liquids that arises from unbalanced
molecular cohesive forces at or
near a surface
Examples of surface tension in
action include the following:
1) formation of liquid droplets,

2) the ability of a needle to float on


3) why bubbles are round

Surface tension has the dimension

of force per unit length, or of
energy per unit area.

The rise or fall of

liquid with respect to
adjacent liquid level
Capillary due to both
adhesion and
Ex: rising of sap in a
Θ= angle of contact
The curved surface of a
For glass and water 0O
fluid in a tube is called
For glass and Mercury 140o a meniscus.
ˠ =surface tension The tendency of surface

r=radius of tube tension is always to

reduce the surface area.
Surface tension thus
flattens the curved liquid
surface in a capillary tube.
This results in a downward
force in mercury and an
upward force in water
Other properties
Vapour Pressure: the pressure at which a liquid
begins to boil
Fluid pressure and its measurement
The term ‘pressure’ is used to indicate the normal
force per unit area at a point acting on a given
plane within the fluid mass of interest.
Pascal’s law which states that the pressure at a
point in a static fluid at rest or in motion is
independent of directions.

Unit of pressure
Measurement of fluid pressure
the pressure difference Δp can be expressed
using the equation
Hydrostatic force or Total Pressure
Total pressure The force in all cases
-the force acting on the
surface due to fluid
Centre of Pressure-The
point at which total
pressure is acting
For horizontal plate
CG and CP are at same
For vertical Plate and
inclined plate
CP is always below CG
Sample questions
The variation in the volume of a liquid with the variation of
pressure is called its
A. surface tension
B. compressibility
C. capillarity
D. viscosity
Answer: Option B
• Falling drops of water become spheres due to the property of
A. surface tension of water
B. compressibility of water
C. capillarity of water
D. viscosity of water
Answer: Option A
The mercury does not wet the glass. This is due to the
property of the liquid known as
A. cohesion
B. adhesion
C. viscosity
D. surface tension
Answer: Option D
Bulk modulus of a fluid is the ratio of
A. shear stress to shear strain
B. increase in volume to the viscosity of fluid
C. increase in pressure to the volumetric strain
D. critical velocity to the viscosity of fluid
Answer: Option C
Bulk modulus of a fluid __________ as the pressure increases.
A. remains same
B. decreases
C. Increases
D. None of these
Answer: Option C

With an increase in size of tube, the rise or depression of liquid in

the tube due to surface tension will

A. decrease
B. increase
C. remain unchanged
D. depend upon the characteristics of liquid
Answer: Option A
The centre of pressure for a vertically immersed surface
lies at a distance equal to __________ the centre of gravity.

Answer: Option A
 The total pressure on a horizontally immersed surface is (where w =
Specific weight of the liquid, A = Area of the immersed surface, and x =
Depth of the centre of gravity of the immersed surface from the liquid
A. w.A
B. wx
C. wAx
D. wA/x
Answer: Option C
 When a vertical wall is subjected to pressures due to liquid on both
sides, the resultant pressure is the __________ of the two pressures.
A. sum
B. difference
C. arithmatic mean
D. geometric mean
Answer: Option B
The pressure at a point 4 m below the free surface
of water is
A. 19.24 kPa
B. 29.24 kPa
C. 39.24 kPa
D. 49.24 kPa
Answer: Option C
 A vertical wall is subjected to a pressure due to one kind of liquid, on
one of its sides. Which of the following statement is correct?
A. The pressure on the wall at the liquid level is minimum.
B. The pressure on the bottom of the wall is maximum.
C. The pressure on the wall at the liquid level is zero, and on the bottom
of the wall is maximum
D. The pressure on the bottom of the wall is zero.
Answer: Option C
 The intensity of pressure at any point, in a liquid, is
A. directly proportional to the area of the vessel containing liquid
B. directly proportional to the depth of liquid from the surface
C. directly proportional to the length of the vessel containing liquid
D. inversely proportional to the depth of liquid from the surface
Answer: Option B
The absolute pressure is equal to
A. gauge pressure + atmospheric pressure
B. gauge pressure - atmospheric pressure
C. atmospheric pressure - gauge pressure
D. gauge pressure - vacuum pressure
Answer: Option A
A differential manometer is used to measure
A. atmospheric pressure
B. pressure in pipes and channels
C. pressure in venturimeter
D. difference of pressures between two points in a pipe
Answer: Option D
The pressure of a liquid measured with the help of a piezometer
tube is

A. vacuum pressure
B. gauge pressure
C. absolute pressure
D. atmospheric pressure
Answer: Option B
The height of a water column equivalent to a pressure of 0.15
MPa is

A. 15.3 m
B. 25.3 m
C. 35.3 m
D. 45.3 m
Answer: Option A
When a body is either
wholly or partially immersed
in a fluid, a lift is generated
due to the net vertical
component of hydrostatic
pressure forces
experienced by the body.
This lift is called the buoyant
force and the phenomenon
is called buoyancy
The point of application of
buoyant force is known as
centre of buoyancy, B
The buoyant force on a submerged body
The Archimedes principle states that the buoyant
force on a submerged body is equal to the weight
of liquid displaced by the body, and acts vertically
upward through the centroid of the displaced
The buoyant force on a partially immersed
According to Archimedes principle, the buoyant
force of a partially immersed body is equal to the
weight of the displaced liquid.
Therefore the buoyant force depends upon the
density of the fluid and the submerged volume of
the body.
Stability of Unconstrained Submerged
Bodies in Fluid

The equilibrium of a
body submerged in a
liquid requires that the
weight of the body
acting through its centre
of gravity should be
collinear with an equal
hydrostatic lift acting
through the centre of
Depending upon the relative locations of G and B, a floating or
submerged body attains three different states of equilibrium-
Let us suppose that a body is given a small angular
displacement and then released. Then it will be said to be in
Stable Equilibrium: If the body  returns to its original
position by retaining the originally vertical axis as vertical.

Unstable Equilibrium: If the body does not return to its

original position but moves further from it.

Neutral Equilibrium: If the body  neither returns to its

original position nor increases its displacement further, it
will simply adopt its new position.
Important points to note here are
The force of buoyancy FB is equal to the weight of the body W

Centre of gravity G is above the centre of buoyancy in the same vertical line.

The centre of gravity G remains unchanged relative to the body (This is not
always true for ships where some of the cargo may shift during an angular
Stability of Floating Bodies in
During the movement, the volume immersed on the
right hand side increases while that on the left hand
side decreases. Therefore the centre of buoyancy
moves towards the right to its new position B'.
Metacentre: New line of action of the buoyant
force (which is always vertical) through B' intersects
the axis BG (the old vertical line containing the centre
of gravity G and the old centre of buoyancy B) at M.
A point of oscillation of a floating body
For a floating body, the stability is determined not
simply by the relative position of B and G, rather
by the relative position of M and G.

The distance of metacentre above G along the line

BG is known as metacentric height GM which can be
written as
Hence the condition of stable equilibrium for a
floating body can be expressed in terms of
metacentric height as follows:

GM > 0 (M is above G)                                      Stable

GM = 0 (M coinciding with G)                          
Neutral equilibrium
GM < 0 (M is below G)                                     
 Unstable equilibrium

The angular displacement of a boat or ship about its

longitudinal axis is known as 'rolling' while that about its
transverse axis is known as "pitching".
• The body will float if the force of buoyancy is __________
the weight of the liquid displaced.
A. equal to
B. less than
C. more than
D. None of these
Answer: Option C
• A body floating in a liquid is said to be in neutral equilibrium,
if its metacentre

A. coincides with its centre of gravity

B. lies above its centre of gravity
C. lies below its centre of gravity
D. lies between the centre of buoyancy and centre of gravity
Answer: Option A
The metacentric height is the distance between the
A. centre of gravity of the floating body and the centre of
B. centre of gravity of the floating body and the metacentre
C. metacentre and centre of buoyancy
D. original centre of buoyancy and new centre of buoyancy
Answer: Option B
When a body, floating in a liquid, is given a small angular
displacement, it starts oscillating about a point known as
A. centre of pressure
B. centre of gravity
C. centre of buoyancy
D. metacentre
Answer: Option D
When a body is immersed wholly or partially in a liquid, it is lifted up by a
force equal to the weight of liquid displaced by the body. This statement is

A. Pascal's law
B. Archimede's principle
C. principle of floatation
D. Bernoulli's theorem
Answer: Option B
The force of buoyancy is always __________ the weight of the liquid
displaced by the body.

A. equal to
B. less than
C. more than
D. None of these
Answer: Option A
The buoyancy depends upon the
A. weight of the liquid displaced
B. pressure with which the liquid is displaced
C. viscosity of the liquid
D. compressibility of the liquid
Answer: Option A
A uniform body 3 m long, 2 m wide and 1 m deep floats in water.
If the depth of immersion is 0.6 m, then the weight of the body is

A. 3.53 kN
B. 33.3 kN
C. 35.3 kN
D. None of these
Answer: Option C
Malabar cements -Tracer
The capillary rise is due to:
(A) Cohesion (B) Adhesion (C) Both of the above (D) None of the above
The law related to transmission of pressure is:
(A) Faraday’s law (B) Pascal’s law (C) Stevin’s law (D) None of the
The centre of pressure on any surface immersed in a liquid is the point
through which the ––––––––––––– acts?
(A) Resultant pressure (B) Weight of surface (C) Buoyant force (D) Total
Barometer is used to measure :
(A) Atmospheric pressure (B) Vacuum pressure (C) Absolute pressure
(D) Gauge pressure
The property of liquid used in the manufacturing of lead shots is :
(A) Viscosity (B) Capillarity (C) Surface tension (D) Density
Junior Instructor Pump Operator
Fluid is a substance which offers no resistance to change of
(A) Pressure (B) Flow (C) Shape (D) Volume
Surface tension has the unit of
(A) N/m2 (B) N/m (C) N (D) Nm
The ratio of absolute viscosity to mass density is known as
(A) Kinematic viscosity (B) Specific viscosity (C) Viscosity index (D)
Coefficient of viscosity
The centre of gravity of the volume of the liquid displaced by an
immersed body is called
(A) Meta-centre (B) Centre of buoyancy (C) Centre of pressure (D)
Centre of gravity
Manometer is used to measure
(A) Velocity of the fluid (B) Discharge of the fluid
(C) Density of the fluid (D) Pressure of the fluid

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