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• Cells in the human body number in trillions and come in all
shapes and sizes

• These structures are the basic unit of living organisms

• Cells form tissues, tissues form organ, organs form organ

system, and organ systems work together in an organism
Types of cell based
on tissue formation
Bone cells ( Osteocytes)
• They are the toughest body cells as they are bound together by
calcium and phosphate

• They give strength, support and framework to the body by

enclosing organs in the skeletal system
Bone cells ( Osteocytes)
• They are similar to bone cells but the surrounding material is
just loose and flexible compare to those of the bone cell
• They are freely bendable
• They are present in ear bone, in between large bones to help
them bend and move freely like in the ribs, spinal bones, joints
Nerve Cells
• Very long and many branching in at either ends
• They never multiply in one’s lifetime
• Thy are present all over the body and sometimes a
few meters long
• They are found plenty in brain and the spinal cord
and form the nervous tissue
Nerve Cells
Epithelial Cells
• Very simple cells which form coverings of other cells
• They form covering layers of all the organs and hence are pre-
set in skin, scalp and respiratory tract, in the buccal cavity
among others.
• They serves as barrier for pathogens, fluid loss and mechanical
injuries such as the skin cell and mucous cells
• They differ in shape, some are cuboidal, others are thin
and flat known as squamous and the rest are tall and
narrow called columnar.
• Simple ephithelium – single layer
• Stratified epithelium - if made up of several layers
Epithelial Cells
Muscle Cells
•Cells of muscle tissue that are mostly
long, large and have the ability to contract
and relax providing movements
3 Types of Muscle cells
• Skeletal Muscle Cells
• Attached to long bones
and assist in their
movement (by muscle
3 Types of Muscle cells
• Cardiac Muscle Cells
• Present ONLY in heart
muscle and are
responsible for heart beats
3 Types of Muscle cells
• Smooth Muscle Cells
• Flexible yet they can
contract and relax and are
present in stomach,
intestine, blood vessel
Secretory Cells
• As the name indicates, they are secretory in nature
• They form glands and secrete something important e.g. –
• pancreatic cells which secrete insulin, glucagon,
• salivary gland which secrete salivary amylase
• sebaceous gland which secrete oil on the skin

• They are found in all secretory gland

Adipose Cells
• Fat cells
• They are storage by
nature to store fats
• They reduce friction to
the body
Blood Cells
• Always motile and never stay in
one place
• RBC, WBC & thrombocytes
• They have limited life span and
they never multiple to form new
cells. Instead new cells are formed
from other cells
Types of Cell
Based on their
Conductive Cells
• Nerve cells and muscle cells come under this category

• They have internal ability to conduct an electric impulse

from one regions to other distant region in the body
Connective cells
• Blood cells
• Bone cells

• They help connect other cells and tissues

Glandular Cells
•Secretory Cells
•They form glands like pancreas, salivary
glands and help in the production of
enzymes, hormones
Storage Cells
• Adipose Cells

• Some liver cells act to store materials like fat for later

• This fat is consumed in time of starvation and also in

excess cold temperatures
Supportive Cells
• Cells that act as support to
adjacent cell
• Example: Glial cells in the
brain and spinal cord help
provide nourishment to the
nerve cells and also protect
them from shocks and trauma
Special Type of Cells
• Sperms
• Haploid
• Present only in males after puberty
• Have tails which enable them to
swim and move in the uterus
• Hayaluronidase- enzyme that
enables them to penetrate the uterine
tissue and reach the oocytes
Special Type of Cells
• Oocytes
• Haploid
• Present only in females after puberty
• Start to form after puberty and
continue until the stage of
• It accept sperm cell to form zygote,
which grows further in the uterus to
form baby
Special Type of Cells
• Stem Cells
• Basic cell or parent cell which can
differentiate into any cell based on
the requirement
• These stem cells in the human
body because of their role in
treating disorders in the future
Special Type of Cells
• Rods and cones
• Special cells in the eyes and
have the capacity to capture
image color and light
Special Type of Cells
• Ciliated cells
• Are present as lining of the
respiratory tract and esophagus
• Have pointed thread-like cilia
which move in one particular
direction to pass material
Special Type of Cells
• Blood cells
• They are never attached to one another. They freely flow in the liquid
• RBC’s are not alive while WBC’s are varied in shape, platelets (spindle
• Macrophages – WBC’s that has the ability to eat any foreign particle like
1. They are the toughest body cells
and are bounded together by
calcium and phosphate.
2. They are found in the brain and
spinal cord and form the nervous
3. These cells form covering
layers of all the organs.
4. These cells have the ability to
contract and relax providing
5. These are fat cells and are
storage of fats for future use of
during starvation.
6. The muscle cell that are attached to
lone bones and assists in their
movement for muscle contraction.
7. The cells that are present only in
heart muscle and are responsible for
heart beat.
8. Cells that are secretory in
9. Muscle cells that are flexible
and present in stomach and
10. They are usually seen in the
soles and palms which reduce
friction to the body.

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