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Check your progress:1

1. Mention any two occasions in which lecture method becomes more

Lecture methods become effective in the following occasions:
 introducing a new topic
 summarising the lesson
 providing additional information or the topic concerted.
 explaining abstract concepts.
Check your progress:1

2. List out the steps involved in demonstration method.

Steps for effective demonstration are given here under.
1. Planning the demonstration.
2. Introduction of the content on which the demonstration is to be formed.
3. Experimentation and teaching, steps consists of actual demonstration and explanation of
related concept.
4. Tabulation of the results obtained during demonstration and summarization are done
through eliciting the points from the students.
5. Conclusion
Check your progress:2

3. Mention any two ways of grouping the pupils for laboratory work.
There are two ways in which laboratory work can be organized.
1. Even front system –the class do the same identical experiments during
particular time.

2. Group rotation system –students are divided into convenient batches,

about six to eight experiments in science can be done for a single cycle. Students
will be asked to perform the experiments in groups or single, each of the
experiments in the cycle for rotation.
Check your progress:3

4. If block periods are not available, what are the two approaches will you prefer
for having the discussion in your class?
1. The teacher gives a brief introduction of the topic for discussion, the
students are allowed to prepare individually for an hour or so. After the scheduled
time, the teacher initiates the discussion by probing the students by some question
or problems
2. The teacher gives the introduction earlier (couple of days ago) and the
students are divided into groups. In the next days the students would collect data.
On the day of discussion the teacher initiates discussion, in this way students
actively engaged in the discussion as they are already prepared.
Check your progress:4

5. State the basic principles on which the project method is based.


Project method is based on the following principles.

i. Learning by doing.
ii. Learning by living.
iii. Children learn better through association, cooperation and activity.
Check your progress:5

6. Briefly explain the importance of scientific method.

Scientific method is a well sequenced ad structured method for finding the
results through experiments. Scientific method helps to develop the power of
reasoning, application of scientific knowledge, critical thinking and positive
attitude in the learner. It develops a habit of logical thinking in the students as
they are required to interpret data and observation.
Check your progress: 6

7. Define hypothesis. How should a hypothesis be?

A hypothesis is an educated guess or a tentative result about the problem. A
hypothesis should be free from bias and self-inclination.
Check your progress:7

8. In instructional process, computers can be used for…

d. (both b and c)
Simulations and Drill & Practice.

9. Providing programmed instruction through the computer is called CAI.

Group VI


 Salvador, Novy R.
 Sarno, Lovely Joy
 Perez, Shiella Mae
 Salas, Meah

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