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Past Perfect Simple

& Past Perfect

Past Perfect
 Form: Sub + had + V3ed

Sub + hadn`t + V3ed

Had + sub + V3ed ?

We use PPS for…
 Для действия, произошедшего перед другим прошедшим действием или до
указанного времени в прошлом.
They had already reserved the table when they went to the restaurant.
They had already sat for dinner by 8 pm.
 Для действия, завершившегося в прошлом, чьи результаты видны в прошлом.

Bill had injured his legs in a car accident, so he had to use a wheelchair for 6
Past Perfect Simple = Present Perfect Simple
Мы можем использовать Past Perfect и Past Simple с before/after без изменения
Before, after, already, for, since, just, till/until,
when, by, by the time, never.
Past Perfect Continuous
 Form: Sub + had + been + Ving

Sub + hadn`t + been + Ving

Had + sub + been + Ving?

We use PPC for…
 Для действия, начавшегося и закончившегося перед другим прошедшим
действием или до указанного времени в прошлом, подчеркивая его
длительность (обычно с since/for).
They had been skating together for 5 years before they entered the competition.
 Для действия, длившегося некоторое время в прошлом, чьи результаты видны в
She had been working hard that day, so she was tired.
Past Perfect Continuous = Present Perfect Continuous

Before, for, since, just, until, how long.
had been eating

had been trying had been reading

had been watching

had been screaming
had been trying

had been sitting After she had hung out the washing, it began to rain.

By the time the children arrived at home,

Fiona had tidied the house.

had just started She started cleaning when the guests had left.

had only been playing

had already rung
had started
were working
Difference in tenses
Past Simple Past Continuous Past Perfect
Для действий, Для действия в прошлом, Для действия,
происходивших одно за бывшего процессом, когда произошедшего до другого
другим. другое действие его действия в прошлом.
Last Monday, Lisa and Ben fed Last Tuesday, Lisa was Last Wednesday, Lisa had
the children when he came feeding the children when Ben already fed the children when
home. came home. her husband came home.
did you see

has made

were you doing

was watching

had already eaten

had been snowing

had been working

In other words

since Monica got

has never visited

had fallen asleep before she

have not been to

bring up

have brought about


has brought round

brought up

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 фразовый глагол
№19  подготовиться к
 №20 (4-6)
 №19 (5-6)
 №18 (В)
 №21 (5-7)
 №24 (6-10)
 №25 (6-9)



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