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POLYGON: A Polygon is a curved surface formed by straight lines

No of Sides(n) Polygon Names The Number of diagonals of a polygon = n*(n-3) / 2
Three Sides Triangle n – Number of sides of the polygon
Four Sides Quadrilateral Example: 1. Pentagon  Number of sides = 5
No of diagonals of Pentagon = 5*(5-3)/2 = 5
Five Sides Pentagon Example: 2. Octagon  Number of sides = 8
Six Sides Hexagon No of diagonals of Octagon = 8*(8-3)/2 = 20
Seven Sides Heptagon Sum of the Interior angles of a polygon = (n-2)*180
Eight Sides Octagon n – Number of sides of the polygon

Nine Sides Nanogon Example: 1. Quadrilateral  Number of sides = 4

Sum of the interior angles = (4-2)*180 = 360
Ten Sides Decagon Example: 2. Triangle  Number of sides = 3
Sum of the interior angles = (3-2)*180 = 180

Sum of the Exterior angles of any polygon = 360

All the exterior angles of a polygon(n sided) are equal = 360/n

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