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Solving Equations

• When we say that we want to "solve an equation", we mean that we

want to find all solutions of the equation.

• Equations that have the same solutions are called equivalent

equations. For example, 3x – 1 = 5 and 3x = 6 are equivalent
equations since both have x = 2 as a solution.

• A given equation may be transformed to an equivalent equation by:

1. addition (or subtraction ) of the same number or expression
on both sides of the given equation 2. multiplication
(or division) by the same number or expression,
different from 0, on both sides of the given equation.
Solving Equations Continued
5 4 3
• Solve for x: x   x  1.
6 3 5
5 4 3 
 x  30   x  130, multiply by LCD
6 3 5 
25 x  40  18 x  30, add 40 to both sides
25 x  18 x  70, subtract 18x from both sides

7 x  70, divide both sides by 7

x  10 is the solution.
• It is good practice to substitute the solution into the original
equation to verify that it is correct.
An Equation with No Solution
• Solve for x: 8x  1 7x  3
4 .
x2 x2
 8x  1   7x  3 
  4  ( x  2)   ( x  2), multiply by LCD
 x2   x2 

8 x  1  4( x  2)  7x  3, apply distributive law

8 x  1  4 x  8  7x  3, add terms on left side

12 x  7  7x  3, add 7 and subtract 7x on both sides

5 x  10, divide both sides by 5

x  2 is the " solution" but it doesn' t check! Why?

Solving Equations; We discussed

• Equivalent equations

• Transformations which produce equivalent equations

• Checking solutions in the original equation

Solving Word Problems
• 1. Read the problem and assign symbols to the quantities in
the problem.

2. Form an equation using the symbols from Step 1.

Include a symbol for the unknown quantity (usually x, but
other symbols are also used).

3. Solve the equation from Step 2 for the

unknown quantity.

• Of course, the only way to learn to solve word problems is

through practice. This is calisthenics for the brain!
Prices and Discounts
• If you pay $66 for a car radio after receiving a 25% discount,
what was the price of the radio before the discount?

Let p be the price before discount. 0.25p is the amount of the

discount. The price of the radio after the discount is p – 0.25p.

The equation to be solved is: p – 0.25p = 66.

0.75 p  66
p  88.

• It is easily checked that $88 is the correct solution.

A Coin Problem
• A purse contains $3.20 in quarters and dimes. If there are 3 more
quarters than dimes, how many coins of each type are there?

Let q be the number of quarters. Then q – 3 is the number of


We know that: total value = (value of quarters) +(value of dimes).

320  25q  10(q  3)
320  25q  10q  30
350  35q
10  q  number of quarters
7  q  3  number of dimes.
A Simple Interest Problem
• A part of $7000 was borrowed at 6% simple annual interest and the
remainder at 8%. If the total amount due after 3 years is $1380,
how much was borrowed at each rate? Let s be the
amount borrowed at 6%. Then 7000 – s is the amount borrowed at
8%. Using I = Prt, we have:
interest on 6% portion = s0.063 = 0.18s interest on 8%
portion = (7000 – s)0.083 = 0.24(7000– s)

• The equation to be solved is: and the solution is s =

$5000, 7000 – s = $2000.

1380  0.18s  0.24(7000  s )

A Distance/Rate/Time Problem
• Two trains leave New York for Chicago. The first train travels
at an average speed of 60 mph. The second train, which leaves
an hour later, travels at an average speed of 80 mph. How long
will it take the second train to overtake the first train?

• Let t be the time required for the second train to overtake the
first train. Then the first train will travel t+1 hours.

• Using d= rt, we have

distance traveled by first train = 60(t + 1)

distance traveled by second train = 80t

• The equation to be solved: 60(t + 1) = 80t. The solution is t =3.

A Mixture Problem
• How many pounds of Brazilian coffee worth $5 per pound
must be mixed with 20 pounds of Columbian coffee worth $4
per pound to produce a mixture worth $4.20 per pound?

• Let B = number of pounds of Brazilian coffee. We use the

equation: (Price per pound)(Number of pounds) = Value.

• The value of Brazilian: 5B.

The value of Columbian: 4(20).
The value of the mixture: 4.20(B+20).

• The equation to be solved: 4.20(B+20) = 5B+80. The solution

is B = 5. We must add 5 pounds of Brazilian coffee.
A Work Problem
• For this type of problem, the secret is to figure out the rate of
work per unit time.

• Using a small mower, at 12 noon a student begins to mow a

lawn, a job that would take 9 hours working alone. At 1pm,
another student, using a tractor, joins the first student, and they
complete the job together at 3pm. How many hours would it
take to do the job using only the tractor?

• Let t be the number of hours to do the job using only the tractor.

• Using Rate  Time = Portion of Lawn Mowed, we have Small

Mower: (1/9)(3) = 1/3 of lawn Tractor: (1/t)(2) = 2/t of lawn

• The equation is: 1/3 + 2/t = 1 whole lawn. Solution is: t = 3.

Manipulation of Formulas
• It is sometimes convenient to turn a formula around and solve
for a different variable.

• If an amount P is borrowed at the simple annual interest rate r,

then the amount S due at the end of t years is:
S  P  P  r  t.

• Suppose we know S, r, and t. Solve for P.

P  P  r t  S
P (1  rt )  S
P .
1  rt
Solving Word Problems; We discussed
• Forming an equation for a word problem
• Prices and discounts
• Coin problems
• Simple interest problems
• Distance/rate/time problems
• Mixture problems
• Work problems
• Manipulation of formulas

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