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Blended Learning - STEM

June 2021

Mr. Spingler
An Introduction to How Students
Can Add a Science Graph or other
Picture into the answer for a
Schoology Assessment
When the student reaches a question that requires a picture or image or graph to be
inserted, they see what is pictured above. The student needs to click on the image
option at this point.
Inserting and image file into a Schoology
Assessment question
When you click on
the image option a
pop-up window
provides the
directory for the
digital device. You
will need to find the
graph file and select
it and then click on
the “Open” button.
• When you select
the file with the
graph or picture,
a new pop-up
window appears.
It will have an
icon of the file.
You then click on
the blue “upload”
button to insert
the picture of
the graph or
other picture
into the answer
space for the
The picture of the graph or other picture is now
inserted in the answer space. The student can also
write any additional information that has been asked
for, if necessary. The whole picture may not be
directly visible, but the slide bar on the right-hand side
shows that it is all there.
• The student may now continue to answer the rest of
the items on the assessment. Once he/she is done,
the student just submits the assessment and does not
have to do anything else.
• This works for any image the student has created.
Schoology indicates that up to 12 pictures can be
submitted by the student for one assessment item.
• There are a wide variety of ways this technique can be
used by teachers for your assessments.
Graphical Analysis Images
• If you are using
Vernier’s Graphical
Analysis program, after
you have completed
the graph and saved it,
you need to click on
the name of the file in
the upper left-hand
• The student then needs to
click on the “Export” option
• This will produce a pop-up
window – you will need to
select “Graph Image”
• The student will now
see a new pop-up
window that asks
them to decide where
to save the image of
the graph and to
provide the image a
• Once the graph has
been saved, it can
now be used as an
answer in the
Schoology assessment
• I would like to acknowledge Shawn Downs Boggs for assisting me
in figuring out how to insert graphs into my lab report
assessments on Schoology. Her insight was what I needed to
develop this hack.
• If you use Excel or Google Sheets in this situation, you can use a
screen capture program/appto take an image of the graph and
save image that as a picture file and then insert the image into
the assessment.
• Don’t worry if you make mistakes, we are all in this together. If
you have any questions concerning how to add graphs or other
picture images in assessments in Schoology, please contact Kevin

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