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Understanding Food Insecurity

Social Sustainability 
Reliable and adequate access to affordable, nutritional foods

University of Denver Center for Sustainability

How many hours do you think a full-time student should work? 
(paid employment)

University of Denver Center for Sustainability

ACT Center for Equity in Learning: Working >15 hours a week can be
detrimental to success, more likely to drop out than peers, more likely to come
from underserved backgrounds and have less preparation for higher education
(Kyte, 2017)

Penn State Study: Working students have increased difficulty maintaining healthy

eating habits             obesity/increased chronic illness 
(Gorgulho, et al., 2012)

University of Denver Center for Sustainability

~1 in 3 college students are food insecure

University of Denver Center for Sustainability

User demographics

Students, especially graduate students,

make up most of our demographic.

University of Denver Center for Sustainability

Conceptualizing College Budgets

Factor $ Quantity
Income (30hrs/week $15/hr) after tax $1,622.26 Higher chances of adverse mental effects/dropout

Rent -$700.00 Often more expensive, especially living alone (avg. Cost of

1 bedroom in DU area is $1,300)
Utilities -$50.00 Split multiple ways, higher if living alone

Phone Bill -$50.00 With a smartphone, national average  = $70

Health Insurance -$150.00 ($1,500-2,500 annually)Increases with chronic illness

Car Insurance -$150.00 Higher without parents' policy

Books (per quarter, broken down -$70.00 Varies by major, can be much higher
Groceries -$240.00 Strict budget, costs more for dietary restrictions

Remaining Budget $53.07/week Loans, savings, fuel, dependents, emergencies, illness,

mental health, work clothes, life balance

University of Denver Center for Sustainability

Conceptualizing College Budgets

Factor $ Quantity
Income (20hrs/week $15/hr) after tax $1,081.52 At threshold for adverse side effects

Rent -$600.00 Often more expensive, especially living alone

(avg. Cost of 1 bedroom in DU area is $1,300)
Utilities -$50.00 Split multiple ways, higher if living alone

Books (broken down monthly) -$40.00 Varies by major

Groceries -$300.00 $75 per week (specialized diet)

Remaining Budget $22.88/week Loans, savings, fuel, dependents, emergencies,

illness, mental health, work clothes, life balance

University of Denver Center for Sustainability

Do you find these budgets realistic? Why or why not?

University of Denver Center for Sustainability

Food Apartheid

University of Denver Center for Sustainability

Equity and Justice

University of Denver Center for Sustainability

What are your beliefs/attitudes towards food pantries and users?
How did they change today? If they didn't, why not?

University of Denver Center for Sustainability

Want to get involved?

Contact Us: 

Share Information about the Food Support the DU Food Pantry through donating 
Pantry as a resource 

University of Denver Center for Sustainability


Gorgulho Study:

Kyte Study: 

Average Health Insurance Costs:

Average DU Area Rent: 

Average Phone Bills:

Average Car Insurance Costs: 

University of Denver Center for Sustainability

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