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The Implementation of Tongue Twister in Pronunciation Teaching and Learning Processes in Eighth Grad

e of SMP Negeri 24 Banjarmasin


Lily Nabila Amar

1. Background
1. Approach and Type
2. Statement of the SUGGESTION
of Research
Problem 2. Subject of research
3. Objectives of the 3. Instruments
problem 4. The validationof the 1. Conclusion
4. Scope of the study data 2. suggestion
5. Significances of the 5. Data collection
study 6. Data analysis
6. Definition of key


1. The nature of
pronunciation 1. RESEARCH
2. Teaching and
pronunciation 2. DISCUSSION
3. Tongue twister
4. The procedure of
tongue twister
5. Previous Study

Why is School
Pronunciation is one of the
Some Problems Tongue Twister
In fact, the researcher chose
components in English which 1. The students do not use Tongue twisters have
SMP Negeri 24 Banjarmasin
have important function as a English as their primary been used in scientific
as the place of taking the
communication purpose. In language. research as part of the effort
research because it is
addition, pronunciation is very 2. The material of English to prove reading silently
considered as one of good and
essential thing in helping learned is not focused on still requires speech
qualified schools in
students to be able to speak in pronunciation but it is in articulation as if the words
Banjarmasin. Based on the
English. So, It is important for general. were
preliminary study, the
teachers to convince their 3. Teacher uses monotone being read aloud.
researcher observed and the
students that having a better technique or style in
asked the students before
pronunciation will not lose teaching English so that
taking the research, it is found
them, otherwise it will give makes students do not pay
that the students in SMP
them benefits in learning a lot of attention to the
Negeri 24 Banjarmasin find it
English. teacher and also the class
difficult to pronounce some
words. The lack of would be a bit boring.
pronunciation can give an 4. In syllabus 2013, for
impact on their learning eighth grade, the students
English skills, but sometimes are expected to express
it is being ignored by the their feelings through oral
teachers. communication.
Statement of the Problem Objectives of the Study

1.How does the teacher 1. To describe how the

implement the Tongue Twister teacher implements the
in teaching pronunciation to Tongue Twister in
eighth grade students? teaching pronunciation to
eighth grade students.
2.What are the students'
perceptions toward the 2. To investigate students'
implementation of Tongue perceptions toward the
Twister in learning implementation of
pronunciation? Tongue Twister in
learning pronunciation.
Scope of the study Significances of the Study

1. Contribute to the body of

knowledge about the
technique that can be used by
teacher to teach English
The main focus of this study is pronunciation for eighth
grade students.
the implementation of tongue 2. Can give the idea of how
twister in teaching and learning pronunciation
learning pronunciation for activities.
3. Motivate English teachers to
eighth grade students. improve their skill and
knowledge in teaching
pronunciation to students to
be more professional and
4. Can be a useful source in
terms of making a better
contribution for the
advancement of education.
Definition of Key Terms
1.Tongue twister is a sentence or phrase that is intended to be difficult to say, especially when repeated quickly
and often (Stuckey, 2009).
2.Pronunciation is the act or result of producing the sounds of speech, including stress, intonation, rhythm,
and articulation, often with reference to some standard of correctness or acceptability. (Schaetzel, 2009).
3.Phoneme is the differences in how the individuals articulate the sounds of the language (Kelly, 2000).
4.Phonetic is the study in dealing with the physical reality of speech sounds (Roach, 2009).
5.Phonology is the study the study of the pattern and systems of the speech sounds concerned in vowels,
consonants, and also suprasegmental features and dealing with the organizations and interpretation of sounds
that might apply across the languages (Kelly, 2000).
6.Teaching is an activity involving guiding and facilitating learning, enabling learners to learn and also setting
the conditions for learning (Brown, 2007).
7.Learning is a product of interaction, a complex process that happens in the brain ( Rossum, 2010).
1. The Nature of Pronunciation

Teaching and Learning Pronunciation

Tongue Twister and The Procedure of Implementing
3. Tongue Twister

Previous Study
Lailatul Maulida : The implementation of tongue twisters to improve the students’ ability to pronounce

4. fricative consonants and long vowels (A Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade of SMP Ma’arif 1
Ponorogo in the Academic Year of 2014/2015).
Tri Iriani (2015) : Improving Fifth Graders’ Pronunciation of ‘/th/’ by using Tongue Twister
Validation Approach and Type
Expert’s Validation. Peer
debriefing/external audit. Qualitative and
Descriptive study

Subject of the Research Instruments

One English Teacher and one
Observation Sheet, Questionnaire,
class (VIII B) consisted of 28
eighth grade students

Data collection Data Analysis

Observation was taken three times
Data Reduction, Data Display, and
Questionnaire and Interview were
Conclusion Drawing.
taken on 15th May 2018


The Implementation of Tongue Twister in
Pronunciation Teaching and Learning

Observation is conducted on May 3rd, 8th, 15th 2018

1. Implemented based on Lesson Plan
2. Listen and repeat
3. Doing two steps in listen and repeat
4. Teacher used Bahasa Indonesia too often.
5. teacher rarely provides guidance on certain sounds
that are different from Bahasa Indonesia or sounds
that are difficult to pronounce.
6. The implementation is well done by the teacher
even though there are some lacks.
Students’ Perceptions toward the Implication Tongue Twister in Pronunciation Teaching Learning Process
From 26 questions – divided into 13 questions

 Tongue Twister’s weakness is how to pronounce

 82,1 % students occasionally learn it is difficult, and few of them stated that the
pronunciation. Only few of them barely learn words are difficult to be used, and the rhythm is
pronunciation by themselves. too fast while they read it.
 Most of the students like teaching and  Tongue Twister helps them to remember and
learning pronunciation in English pronounce the word easily, and some stated that
 Students worried about their pronunciation tongue twister made the learning process more
in English enjoyable and it also helped them to add new
 Most of the students like and feel joyful with words in English.
Tongue Twister in teaching and learning  The teacher is very facilitative in pronunciation
pronunciation. teaching learning process using Tongue Twister
 96% students states that tongue twister is in the classroom.
useful for them in teaching and learning  Teacher highly motivates the students to
pronunciation. participate actively in teaching learning
 Most of the students rarely listen to or use pronunciation through Tongue Twister.
the words contained in Tongue Twister, and  The teacher stimulates students to actively
few of them never listen to or use the words participate to do reading aloud exercise.
contained in Tongue Twister, only a very  Teacher rarely or sometimes correct their
small part of the students who frequently mispronunciation during the classroom, it could
listen to or use the words contained in lead them to have pronunciation problem in
Tongue Twister. English, they will mispronounce the word that
 Tongue Twister is really helpful in their lead them to misunderstand the words.
learning pronunciation in English.
Students’ Perceptions toward the Implication Tongue Twister in Pronunciation Teaching Learning Process

 Tongue Twister also helps the students to

 They are worried because they think
know how to pronounce the words
pronunciation is important for their correctly, it enriches their vocabularies.
English learning in school, and also for Furthermore the students are enthusiastic
communicating. Since they think that if in learning pronunciation using tongue
they pronounce the words incorrectly, it twister.
will lead misunderstanding conversation
between the speakers and the listeners  Tongue Twister is really helpful in their
 Some students has known tongue
learning process.
twister on the Internet, some have
known nothing at all. They are not  There are some words that difficult to
familiar because when the teacher pronounce.
pronounced the words, they sounded
similar to each other, so that the
students barely recognized the words
very well.
 Tongue Twister is very enjoyable, fun,
and challenging, also a bit confusing.
The teacher encouraged them and
motivated the students in teaching
learning pronunciation through the
game on implementing Tongue Twister.
The Implementation of Tongue Twister in Pronunciation Teaching and Learning Processes

Implemented based
on Lesson Plan

Lesson plan (Brown Three parts in lesson

(2007: 164)) plan (Stringer (2010))

There are five steps in

scientific approach for
curriculum 2013 (Susilana
and Ihsan (2014))
The Implementation of Tongue Twister in Pronunciation Teaching and Learning Processes

Listen and

Total Physical
Response method

The Implementation of Tongue Twister in Pronunciation Teaching and Learning Processes

Teacher did two

There are three repeti ti on forms that
teacher must do in the classroom when
the teacher wants to do listen and repeat
steps in listen
(Mu’in 2018:239) 1. whole class
repeti ti on; 2. hal f class repeti ti on; 3.

and repeat
gender based repeti ti on/ i ndivi dual
repeti ti on.

ld do
s in
at to
on of
The Implementation of Tongue Twister in Pronunciation Teaching and Learning Processes

Not only do the listen and repeat, Teacher should use more English so
but also teacher shows the written that students are familiar with the
form of the words, phrases, or English language and there may be
sentences. Furthermore, the teacher the same word or word that has the
can show the students the same sound as the Twister Tongue. It
phonetic transcriptions, and then the is to familiarize students with
teacher has students to write the pronunciation in English which also
helps to familiarize their hearing with
phonetic transcription, so that the
the English language.
students can learn it not only in the
classroom but also outside the
Students’ Perceptions toward the Implication Tongue Twister in Pronunciation Teaching Learning Process

(Muin, 2017:375) tongue twisters According to Smith (2012) tongue twister

are useful, helpful, enjoyable and has several advantage and
interesting. disadvantages.
The statement is compatible with
Disadvantages based on Data
the students’ answer in
questionnaire and interview which  the students still find it difficult to
says that the Tongue Twister is pronounce the words in tongue
really helpful for them to learn how twisters several times quicky
to pronounce the words, it made  the rhythm is very fast for them. It is
their lesson is interesting in the still hard for them to move their
classroom. mouth and tongue appropriately
since they do not get enough
exposure on pronunciation in their
According to Lindawati (2013:39) Tongue previous lessons.
Twisters are either words or phrases that
Advantages based on Data
are difficult to pronounce because they
contain many difficult sounds, especially  Tongue Twister helps them to
ones that are very similar. Based on the remember and pronounce the word
data, students find it difficult to pronounce easily
some words especially when it repeated  Tongue Twister makes the learning
quickly. Besides, the students want to process more enjoyable and it also
practice pronunciation using Tongue helps them to add new words in
Twister in their daily lesson because of that; English. It makes them aware that
they can have a better pronunciation in they have some problems in
pronouncing some words, so then
they try to correct their
Teacher has implemented tongue twister
very well even though there are some
insufficiencies. It has the teacher do ideal
processes in teaching. Furthermore, the
phonetics form should have introduced to
students by teacher for the long-term
improvement or learning that students
can have.
The students give good perception
towards teaching and learning
pronunciation through tongue twister, they
enjoyed the process and they might find
an obstacle but tongue twister has
students rectify their pronunciation.
For Teacher
Teacher can implement Tongue
Twister in the classroom during For Researchers
the lesson, to make classroom
more fun and make the students
It can be a reference
easier to learn. The teacher can study. The next
develop Tongue Twister with other researchers are
techniques such as drilling,
repetition (listen and repeat),
encouraged to
dictation or even games. conduct Tongue
Twister teaching and
learning pronunciation
For Students in the English
The students can be able to
learn English pronunciation in classroom with some
easier and fun way. They can other improvements.
also learn it anywhere, not
only in the classroom.They
need to practice more so it
can be easy for them.
Thank you

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