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Unit 1 Reading 1

Skills for Success 4

Today’s class
• 1. 팀 구성
• 1 팀 - 김태호 남상수 남정수 (1-1 Who is your role model?)
• 2 팀 - 류준하 변지훈 서지완 (1-2)
• 3 팀 - 서하영 선종현 성문규 (2-1)
• 4 팀 - 신재훈 여인혁 윤상현 (2-2)
• 5 팀 - 윤석찬 윤한빈 이건웅 (3-1)
• 6 팀 - 이수현 이수형 이주연 이환희 (4-1)
• 7 팀 - 임상준 임아정 장성준 전미현 (5-1)
• 8 팀 - 정재헌 정형민 최대림 최동진 (5-2)
• 9 팀 - 최원우 최유정 최재혁 최진욱 (6-1)
• 10 팀 - 표진영 한강희 한원탁 한채연 (6-2)
• 11 팀 - 허무성 홍민규 홍진우 홍창우 (7-1)
• 12 팀 - 황윤지 황태종 황호성 (7-2)
• ( 팀 발표 주제는 리딩 시작할 때 공지할 예정임 )

• 2. Reading Unit 1 Reading 1

• 3. About next class
Getting to know each other
• Getting to know each other
• A: Hello, my name is . Nice to meet you.
• B: Hi, my name is . Nice to meet you, too.
• 1. What's your major?
• 2. What year are you in?
• 3. Do you live in the dormitory on campus? If not, where do you live?
• 4. What did you do last winter vacation?
• (Did you visit any places in Korea or any countries?/ Did you watch any movies? /Did you read any books? Did you work part-tim
e? Did you take any classes? Did you study English?)
• 5. How many classes do you take this semester? How many mandatory courses? How many elective courses?
• 6. Do you have any plans for this semester? What are they?
• 7. What do you expect of (from) this class? Which skills of English do you want to improve this semester? (listening skills, speakin
g skills, reading skills, writing skills) What are you going to do to improve your English? What are your goals of learning English?
• 8. What do you like to do in your free time? = What are your hobbies?
• 9. Can you talk about anything special about you? What are you really good at?
• 10. Is there anything else you want to talk about yourself?
• 11. A: Nice meeting you.
• B: Nice talking to you. See you next class.

• 1. turn to = rely on
• 2. trait = quality/ characteristic
1. 설정 = 의존
• 3. embody = represent 2. 특성 = 품질 / 특성
• 4. inherently = basically 3. 구현 = 대표
4. 본질적으로 = 기본적으로
• 5. candidate = prospect/applicant
5. 후보자 = 잠재 고객 / 신청자
• 6. sibling =brother or sister 6. 형제 = 형제 또는 자매
• 7. generosity = kindness/ magnanimity 7. 관대함 = 친절 / 관대 한
• 8. resolve = determination
8. 결심 = 결심
9. 버전 = 양식
• 9. version = form 10. . 유능함 = 유능함
• 10. competent = capable 11. 동정심 = 동정심
• 11. compassionate = sympathetic 12. 제한됨 = 제한됨
• 12. constrained = limited
• 13. aspire = desire = long for 13. 갈망 = 욕망 = 갈망
14. 인정 = 인정
• 14. acknowledge = recognize
15. 역경 = 어려움
• 15. adversity = difficulty 16. 대결 = 만남 = 얼굴
• 16. confront = encounter =face 17. 경사 = 처분
• 17. inclined = disposed
18. 직업 = 직업 참조 )
전문 조정 / 명사
• 18. profession = job cf.) professional adj./noun
19. 내재화 = 자신 안에
• 19. internalize = incorporate within oneself 통합
• 20. soothe = calm adj. soothing 20. 진정 = 진정 조정 .
• 21. amend(s) = n. reparation cf. amendment
21. 수정 = n. 배상 cf.
• 22. alternative = substitute n. 개정
• 23. appropriate = proper adj. 22. 대안 = 대체 n.
• 24. predicament = hardship 23. 적절한 = 적절한
조정 . 24. 곤경 = 고난
• We All Need a Role Model
• 1 Who do you turn to when you have a problem or don't know h
ow to do something? If you have someone to help you, you are l
ucky. If you have someone who takes a personal interest in helpin
g you, you are luckier still. You have a role model.

• A. turn to - go to somebody/something for help or information, t

o ask somebody for sympathy or advice – 에 의지하다
• B. interest in v+ing (gerund; 동명사 )
• C. still – adv. 비교급 강조하는 부사 . 훨씬
• Definition of a role model
• 2 Just what is a role model? First, let's recognize what it is not. It is not necess
arily the smartest, strongest, or most successful person (that) you know—altho
ugh it could be. A role model is a person who has the characteristics (that/whi
ch) you want for yourself and who can help you develop those traits. In other
words, a role model both embodies positive qualities and teaches others direc
tly or through example.

• A. definition of a role model

• B. it refers to (a role model)
• C. characteristics=traits
• D. embody=represent
• Who Can Be a Role Model?
• 3 For (- 에게 ) most of us, our parents are our first role models. From (- 부터 )
when we are young children, they help us learn how to interact with other pe
ople— (=that is) how to share, how to ask for what we need, and how to disa
gree without hurting (=offending) someone. They (=our parents) are inherent
ly interested in us and want us to do well. Furthermore, our parents teach us
how to be adults in our society. A mother demonstrates (=embody) to her da
ughters how to be a daughter, a woman, a wife, and a mother. Lessons (whic
h are) learned from our parents / will stay with us throughout our lives.
• A. examples of role models- parents
• B. inherently - basically
• 4 Other family members also serve(=function/work) as role m
odels. Grandparents, uncles and aunts, cousins, and even sibli
ngs can show us how to manage our daily lives. Other obviou
s candidates include teachers and community leaders.

• A. examples of role models- family members, teachers, comm

unity leaders
• B. sibling – a brother or sister
• C. candidate - prospect
• 5 Sometimes we find role models in unexpected places. A family story might ins
pire us to have the same generosity as our grandfather had. We might see a you
ng child fall, pick herself up, fall again, and pick herself up again. Her resolve mi
ght inspire us to continue in our own struggles, just as (= - 처럼 ) she learns to st
and, keep her balance, and take a step. We might even find a model within ours
elves, remembering (participle 현재분사 되돌아 보면서 ) back to a time when (relat
ive adverb 관계부사 ) we were brave, or imagining a different version of ourselve
s who has the quality (that) we desire.

• A. examples of role models- anyone around us (family story about our grandfath
er/ a young child who is trying to learn to walk), ourselves
• B. resolve n. determination, decision, resolution
• C. version = a particular form or variant of something
• What Role Models Do?
• 6 Besides showing us how to do different (=various 여러 ) things, a good role model also inspire
s us to pursue our dreams and achievements. A wise lawyer may inspire one person to study la
w, while a competent, compassionate physician (=doctor) may lead another person to the medic
al profession. Role models should empower (=motivate=inspire=enable) others (1) to become g
ood parents, leaders, and members of society, and (2) to internalize the qualities that they (=oth
ers) value. Therefore, role models must do the right thing, even when no one is watching, even
when they (=role models) won't be acknowledged(=recognized) for(- 에 대해서 ) what they (=r
ole models) have done.

• A. What role models do for us – showing us how to do different things / inspiring us to pursue
our dreams and achievements
• B. profession=job/ occupation
• C. internalize = incorporate within oneself
• Cf.) physics -> physicist 물리학자
• 7 It is easy to be a role model when everything is going well, but it is
perhaps more important to be a role model when things ( 상황 / 사정 )
go wrong. A role model can show us how to handle (=deal with/cope
with) adversity. For instance, we all make mistakes, but what do we d
o when we realize that we have made one (=a mistake)? Do we try to
hide it (=one/a mistake) or pretend that it never happened? Are we i
nclined to look for someone to blame? Do we get angry?

A. Things go wrong – 상황이 안 좋아지다

B. adversity=difficulty/ hardship
C. Inclined to=tend to
• 8 A role model can show us how to deal with mistakes. A parent or tea
cher can help us repair any damage that was done /or soothe (=calm)
any feelings that were hurt. He or she can listen to us, advise us on alt
ernative courses of action, and support us as (=when) we make amend
s. The example of a community leader might serve (=function) to guid
e us toward appropriate action, encouraging us to imagine what he (=c
ommunity leader) would ( 가정법 과거 ) do in our circumstances.
• What role models do – (3) showing us how to deal with mistakes (pare
nts, teachers, community leaders)
• A. do damage
• B. make amends = change/ reform
• 9 Other situations that we might find ourselves in / include dealing with stress, illn
ess, or other misfortunes. Confronting (gerund 동명사 ) these predicaments and o
vercoming (gerund 동명사 ) them (=predicaments)/ is made easier by the knowled
ge that people (whom) we admire and respect/ have faced (=confronted 직면하다 )
similar conditions. Asking (=gerund) ourselves what they would do/ might help us
be brave for a little while longer ( 조금 더 오래 ) or figure out (=understand/ find) h
ow to deal with life when we feel constrained (=limited) by difficulties.

• What role models do – (4) dealing with stress, illness, or other misfortunes
• A. Other situations that we might find ourselves in – 우리가 처할 수 있는 다른
상황들로는 스트레스나 병 , 혹은 다른 불행에 대처하는 것이 있다 .

• B. predicament=adversity/ hardship
• 10 We need role models throughout our lives, and we only n
eed to look around us to find someone who has experienced
what we are going through(=experiencing), who has faced di
fficult decisions, or who has accomplished something (that) w
e aspire (=desire) to do. Sometimes we only have to look as
far as the mirror to see a role model for our children, our nei
ghbors, or even ourselves. Who is your role model? Maybe it
is time to say thank you.
• A. Who do you see in the mirror? It’s you. You can be a role
model for your children, your neighbors, or even yourselves.
About homework and next class
• 1. Homework
• P. 7-9 문제 풀어서 3 월 10 일 밤 11 시 59 분까지 정답을 아주 BB 과제에 올려 주세요 .
정답에 동그라미 친 다음 사진 찍어서 올리면 안됩니다 . 동영상 수업은 과제로 출석
체크합니다 . 과제를 제출하면 출석 , 지각 제출하면 지각 , 제출하지 않으면 결석입니다 .

• 2. Next class
a. 1 팀 ( 김태호 남상수 남정수 발표 -Who is your role model?)
- 발표는 영어로 합니다 . PPT 도 영어로 만들어 주세요 . 발표 시간은 한 학생당 5 분을
초과하지 않게 해주세요 .
b. 발표 후 문제 해답 체크하고 Unit 1 Reading 2 단어 게임 있습니다 . 리딩 2 읽고 모르는
단어들 체크해서 공부해 오기 바랍니다 .

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