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Delivery of partial denture

‫رؤية الكليه‬
‫كلية طب األسنان في جامعة أكتوبر للعلوم الحديثة واآلدابرائدة في‬
‫ ومركزا للتميز في التعليم والبحث العلمي‬،‫مجال صحة الفم واألسنان‬
.ً ‫ محليا ً وإقليميا ً ودوليا‬،‫وخدمة المجتمع‬
Faculty Vision
Faculty of Dentistry at October University for Modern
Sciences and Arts leading in the field of oral health and
center of excellence in education, scientific research and
community services; locally, regionally and internationally.
‫رسالة الكليه‬
‫كلية طب األسنان بجامعة أكتوبر للعلوم الحديثة واآلداب تقدم برامج تعليمية‬
‫للبكالوريوس والدراسات العليا تسهم في إعداد أطباء أسنان ذ<وي كفاءة عالية يلبون‬
‫ وتشارك في‬،‫ وتقوم بالبحث العلمي‬،‫متطلبات سوق العمل ويطبقون المعايير األخالقية‬
‫خدمة المجتمع وتنمية البيئة‬
Faculty Mission
Faculty of Dentistry October University for Modern Sciences and
Arts offers educational programs for bachelor and graduate
studies contribute to the preparation of dentists with high
efficiency meet the requirements of the job market and apply
ethical standards, and conduct scientific research and
participate in community service.
‫‪Core values‬‬ ‫ل<قيم< لا<<حاكمه< ل<لكليه<‬ ‫ا‬
‫‪ ‬‬
‫‪Honesty‬‬ ‫األمانة‬
‫التميز< ‪Excellency‬‬
‫المصداق<ية ‪Credibility‬‬
‫‪Innovation‬‬ ‫االبتكار‬
‫‪Integrity‬‬ ‫النزاهة‬
‫‪Team Work‬‬ ‫العمل الجماعي‬
‫‪ ‬‬
‫‪ ‬‬
‫‪ As a Student‬ما هو دورك‬
‫فى الحصول على االعتماد‬
‫هو معرفتك بحقوقك لدى الكلية مثل‪:‬‬
‫• االستفادة من الساعات المكتبية ‪Office Hours‬‬
‫المعلنة ألعضاء هيئة التدريس فى االستفسار عن كل ما يتعثر عليك فى‬
‫المقررات العلمية‪.‬‬
‫• االستفادة من اإلرشاد األكاديمي‪Academic Advising‬‬
‫عن طريق االتصال بمكتب شئون الطلبة لتعرف المرشد االكاديمي‬
‫المسئول عنك طبقا للقوائم المعلنة للتغلب على أى معوقات تصادفها فى‬
‫العملية التعليمية‬
‫‪ As a Student‬ما هو دورك‬
‫فى الحصول على االعتماد‬
‫*معرفة توصيف المقررات في أول محاضره في بداية كل فصل‬
‫‪Course Specification‬‬
‫“– ‪Content – Grading – Methods of Teaching‬‬
‫‪”Methods of Examinations‬‬
‫* المشاركه ف<ي تقييم المقرر والمحاضرين والهيئه المعاونه‬
‫والفنيين ‪Student Evaluation Questionnaire‬‬
1. The borders should be rounded and smooth
2. The impression surface should not have any sharp
edges which are commonly found in the area of the
rugae and at the borders of a relief area
3. The inner aspect of clasps, bars and saddles are
inspected for any deficiencies. Acrylic nodules
should be removed.
4. The outer surface should be highly polished
All components should have been checked in
previous visits, except for the denture base and
the occlusal adjustment with the artificial teeth
Clinical adjustment

 Examination of the bearing surface of the denture

base to be in harmony with the supporting soft
 Adjustment of occlusal interference to be in
harmony with the opposing
 The patient comfort and esthetics
 The denture should be retentive and stable. The
denture should exhibit no movement when
applying pressure anteriorly and posteriorly
 Once the denture is seated and is comfortable, the
fit of all its components is checked.
 If the denture cannot be fitted, no attempt should
be made to force it into place. Any interference
should be detected and removed.
 If free-end saddles rock about their most distal
occlusal rests this should be corrected by relining
the saddles.
Fitting surface examination

 Pressure indicating paste is applied to the fitting surface

of the denture with a brush in thin layer.
 The denture is placed in the patients mouth
 The PIP will be removed from areas of heavy contact
with the tissue while other areas will not be affected
Occlusal adjustment

With metallic Framework

 Occlusal interference from occlusal rests or other parts of the

denture framework should have been eliminated in the try-in of
the framework before final jaw relation is established
Occlusal adjustment

With opposing dentition in centric

 If a cusp interferes in centric and in eccentric therefore

reduction from the cusp height guided by articulating paper
 If the cusp interferes in centric only, the fossa is deepened
 Once even occlusal contact is achieved at the centric occlusion,
further adjustment of the supporting cusps should be avoided
Occlusal adjustment

With opposing dentition in eccentric

 If a premature contact occurs between a buccal upper cusp

and a buccal lower cusp on the working side in lateral
excursion, only the buccal upper cusp is adjusted
 If premature contact occurs between the upper palatal and
lower lingual cusps, the lingual lower (LL) cusp are reduced
 This method of adjusting tooth contact on the working side is
called the BULL rule
Occlusal adjustment

With opposing dentition in protrusive

 In protrusive movement, premature contacts are eliminated by
grinding the distal inclines of upper teeth and mesial inclines
of lower teeth.
 After adjustments of the dentures have been completed, areas
that have been ground are repolished

Esthetics should have been finalized at the try in stage The

patient's opinion of the esthetics should be ascertained
When the practitioner and patient are both satisfied, the
dentist should demonstrate to the patient how to insert and
remove the partial denture in the correct manner

Patient comfort
The patient's opinion regarding the comfort of the denture
should be evaluated at this stage. Any inconveniences
should be adjusted
Patients instructions
1. Expected difficulties and limitations of the dentures
2. The possibility of soreness and phonetic problems
3. The possibility of gagging or foreign body reaction
4. Cleaning the denture and the remaining natural teeth
5. The dentures should be removed at night to give rest
to the oral tissues. They should be placed in a
container and covered with water to prevent its
dehydration and subsequent dimensional changes
6. Avoid careless handling of the denture that causes
distortion or breakage
7. Proper oral and denture hygiene
8. Periodic dental examination is important to do any
necessary adjustments.
Periodic Recall

 Free-end saddles may need to be relined to

compensate future bone resorption that may lead to
torque on abutments
 It must also be made clear that dentures have a
limited life
 The patient must be seen weekly for the first month

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