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Group 5

Shofiyah Putri Z
Rizky Nugraha
Afifah Khoiriah
Rizqi Nabilla
Fia Nurtiara A
Procedures of translation based of the
book “Peter Newmark -Textbook Of
Translation-Pearson Education (1998)”
The procedures of translation are;
1. Transference 
Transference is the process of transferring a SL word to a TL text as a translation procedure. It is
the same as Catford’s transference and includes transliteration, which relates to the conversion of
different alphabets
Example :
• Fudschijama (German) as Fujiyama (Indonesia)
• Serious (Inggris) as Serius (Indonesia)

2. Naturalization 
This procedure succeeds transference and adapts the SL word first to the normal
pronunciation, then- to the normal morphology (word-forms) of the TL
Example :
• Estate (bahasa Inggris) as estat (bahasa Indonesia)
• Television (bahasa Inggris) as Televisi ( bahasa Indonesia)
3. Cultural equivalence 
This is an approximate translation where a SL cultural word is translated by a TL cultural word.
Example :
• Pajamas party  as menginap bersama
• Bachelor party  as pesta bersama sebelum pernikahan

4. Functional equivalent: it requires the use of a culture-neutral word. (Newmark, 1988b:83)

Example :
• Contractor’ translated into Persian is ‘Moghatekar’ (kontraktor diterjemahkan dalam
bahasa Persia sebagai Moghatekar.
• Common-law wife’ (concubine) adalah selir
5.  Descriptive equivalent: 
In this procedure the meaning of the CBT is explained in several words. ( Newmark, 1988b:83)
Example :
• J-dag could be translated into the first day that Christmas brews are released in Denmark.
• Samurai translated into the sword of Japanese aristocracy from the eleventh to the nineteenth century.
6. Synonymy
It is a "near TL equivalent." Here economy trumps accuracy. ( Newmark, 1988b:84)
Example :
• High price can be translated into harga mahal
•  Short pant translated as celana pendek

7. Through translation
Through Translation is literal translation of collocations and combinations,
where the most obvious example is the name of organizations. For example:
Example :
SL : United Nations (UN)
TL : Perserikatan Bangsa - Bangsa (PBB)
8.  Shift or Transposition 
Shift or transposition is a translation technique that changes a grammatical category
from SL to TL. There are four types of shift aor transposition in this procedure :
a. The change from singular to plural
SL: a pair of glasses ( plural)
TL: sepasang kacamata (singular)
b. Transposition occurs because a SL grammatical structure does not exist in the TL
Placement of objects in the front of a sentence (as the subjects) in Indonesian language which is not exists in the concept of the English
grammatical structure, except in the passive voice. So that the structure of the sentence remains a regular sentence. 
SL: We must bring the book. 
TL: Buku itu harus kita bawa
c. Transposition occurs because the one where literal translation is grammatically possible but may not accord with natural usage in the
Adjective + noun/noun phrase in the SL into noun + noun in the TL. 
SL: medical student 
TL: mahasiswa kedokteran
d. The replacement of a lexical gap with the grammatical structure.
Words ---> phrase
SL: adept 
TL: sangat terampil
9. Modulation
Modulation appears when the original text of message which the translator
reproduces in the TL text with the norms of the TL, considering the source
language and the target language is contradict in perspective. This procedure deals
with larger units of translation and a change of viewpoints.
SL : The dog bites the cat
TL : kucing itu digigit seekor anjing
The English sentence is active but translated into Indonesian is passive, the translation is
different in viewpoint.

10. Recognize Translation 

it occurs when the translator "normally uses the official or the generally accepted translation of any institutional
SL : Rechtsstaat
TL : Constitutional
11. Translation Label
a provisional translation, usually of a new institutional term, which should be made by inverted commas, which can later be
discreetly withdrawn
SL : Heritage language
TL : Erbschafisspracke, tangue dy

12. Compensation 
it occurs when loss of meaning in one part of a sentence is compensated in another part.
SL : A piece of
TL : sedikit

13. Componential Analysis 

it means "comparing an SL word with a TL word which has a similar meaning but is not an obvious one-to-one equivalent, by
demonstrating first their common and then their differing sense components."
SL : Stiirzen
TL : to fair
14. According to newmark that reduction and expansion can be practiced intuitively when the translator
is conducting the work since it is the translator’s job to transfer the message from SL into TL accurately.
In this case, the translator needs to make some adjustments either by reducing or expanding the
translation. In reduction procedure, the translator is more likely to reduce in the number of elements that
form the SL. When applying this procedure, translator needs to make sure that no crucial information is
dropped in translation.
Example : SL : People in the exhaustion stage are very prone to developing autoimmune diseases
such as Hashimoto’s tyroiditis
TL : Orang-orang dalam tahap kelelahan sangat mudah menderita penyakit-penyakit yang
berhubungan dengan kekebalan tubuh, seperti radang kelenjar tiroid.
On the other hand, expansion procedure refers to the case where the translator exceeds the number of
words of the SL in translation.
Example : SL: Side effects from Provera include blood clots, depression, nausea, insomnia, breast
cancer, fluid retention, breast tenderness, as well as other symptoms.
TL: Akibat samping dari Provera termasuk gumpalan darah, depresi, mual, kesulitan tidur,
kanker payudara, penyimpanan cairan tubuh, payudara melunak, maupun gejala-gejala lainnya.
15 Paraphrase
This technique appears when the cultural words meaning is explained more detailed. The definition of
paraphrase is to express the meaning using different words to achieve greater clarity. It can also be
rephrasing or rewording the translated words.
Golden Gate (English) is translated into Golden Gate adalah selat yang menghubungkan teluk
San Fransisco dan Samudra Pasifik, terletak di pesisir barat Amerika Utara.
16. Couplets
This technique appears when two different procedures combined in one translation. It can be triplets or
quadruplets, with combination of three or four procedures.
trout (English) are translated into ikan trout (Indonesian) there are two translation procedures:
transference and descriptive equivalent. Ikan using descriptive equivalent, trout using the
17. Notes appear in the translation as the additional information especially for the
cultural words. This procedure will make the readers clearly understand with the
additional information about the translated words.
The word doublet is given a note by the translator in the bottom of page;
pakaian pria berupa jaket pendek pas badan berlapis bantalan.
Thank you for your attention !!
-Group 5

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