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;/sf/sf] sfo{If]q

(Role of Government)
k|sfz bfxfn
• The system by which a state or community is controlled
• A collective group of people that exercises executive authority
in a state (narrow perspective)
• The person or group of people exercising authority over
politically organized territory
• The means or mechanism by which state policies are
determined and enforced
• A group of people that govern a community or a territory. It
sets and administers public policy and exercises executive,
political and sovereign power through customs, institutions,
and law within a state
;/sf/sf] sfo{If]q
• klZrdL /fi6«x?df pGgfO;f}+ ;tfAbLdf cf}Bf]lus qmflGtn]
NofPsf] cfly{s ?kfGt/0f xf];\ jf k"jL{ Plzofsf] Postwar Growth
Miracles oL pknAwLx?n] l;sfPsf] dxTjk"0f{ kf7 s] xf] eg]
ljsf;sf nflu Ps k|efjsf/L ;/sf/ cfjZos x'G5 h;n] lghL If]qsf
lqmofsnfknfO{ k|f]T;fxg / kl/k"/0f ub}{ pTk|]/s tyf ;xhstf{sf]
e"ldsf lgjf{x u/f];\ .
• ;/sf/4f/ lgolGqt ljsf; k|of; c;kmn ePsf] s'/df b'O{ dt 5}g . t/,
/fHoljxLgtfsf] cj:yfdf klg ljsf; ;Dej 5}g . nfOj]l/of jf ;f]dflnof
h:tf c;kmn /fHox?sf] ljsf;sf] cj:yf o;sf lhjGt k|df0f x'g\ .
• k|efjsf/L ;/sf/ ljnfl;tf geO{ bLuf] cfly{s ;fdflhs ljsf;sf nflu
ckl/xfo{ cfjZostf xf] eGg] s'/f ljZj y'k|} cg'ejn] k|dfl0ft u/]sf
5g\ .
;/sf/sf] sfo{If]q
• ;/sf/sf] p2]Zo dflg;x?sf] cfjthfjtnfO{ ;'lglZrt ug'{ xf], a; ;]jf k|
bfg ug'{ x}g . lzIff k|bfg ug'{ xf] t/ ljBfno ;+rfng ug'{ xf]Og .
o;sf nflu lghL jf u}/gfkmfd"ns lgsfo o:tf] ;]jf lbg OR5's 5
eg] ;/sf/n] ahf/sf Aojwfg x6fP/ jf cg'bfg lbP/ k|f]T;flxt ug{ ;S5 .
• k|ToIf ;]jf k|bfg ul//x]s} lgsfon] cg'dtL kq lbg] jf cfk\mg} k|
lt:kwL{nfO{ cg'bfg lbg] sfo{ ug'{ /fd|f] x'Gg . To;}n] k|
ToIf ;]jf lbg] / To:tf] ;]jfsf] cg'udg ug]{ lgsfonfO{ cnu
ul/g'k5{ . ;/sf/sf] bfloTj ;]jfsf] ;'lglZrttfsf nflu ;xhLs/0f, k|j4{g /
lgodg tyf cg'udg ug]{ xf], cfkm}+n] ;]jf k|jfx ug]{ xf]Og .
• ;/sf/ cfly{s ;fdflhs ljsf;sf] s]Gb| x'g'k5{ t/ d"n stf{sf ?kdf
geO{ ;fem]bf/, pTk|]/s / ;xhstf{sf ?kdf .
;/sf/sf] sfo{If]q
• s:tf] ;/sf/ k|efjsf/L ;/sf/ x'G5 eGg] k|Zgsf] hjfkm d'n'sx? aLr
ltgLx?sf] ljsf;sf] cj:yf / cfjZostfsf cfwf/df leGg leGg x'G5 .
hfkfg jf gj]{sf] ;Gbe{df k|efjsf/L dflgg] lsl;dsf] ;/sf/
g]kfnsf] ;Gbe{df klg k|efjsf/L x'G5 g} eGg] x'b}g .
• ;/sf/sf sfo{x? pm;Fu pknAw Ifdtf / ;|f]t ;fwgn] wfGg ;Sg]
u/L dfq lgwf{/0f ul/g'k5{ . cyf{t\ ;/sf/n] cfk\mgf] k|efjsfl/tf
a9fpg ljsf;sf clt cfjZos Core Public Activities df dfq Wofg
lbg'{ plrt x'G5 . ;Fu;Fu} ;fj{hlgs ;+:yf Pj+ ;+oGqx?sf]
k'gM ;zQmLs/0fdfkm{t\ ;/sf/sf] Ifdtf ;'wf/ ug]{ lg/Gt/ k|of;
klg ul/g'k5{ .
;/sf/sf] sfo{If]q
• WDR !((& n] ;/sf/sf] sfo{If]qnfO{ Minimal, Intermediate /
Activist functions u/L tLg k|sf/df juL{s/0f u/]/ b]xfo cg';f/
pNn]v u/]sf]Addressing
5 M Market Failure Improving Equity
Minimal Providing pure public goods : Protecting the
Functions Defense, Law and Order, poor:
Property rights, Anti-poverty
Macro-economic management, programs,
Public health Disaster relief

Intermediate Addressing Regulating Overcoming imperfect Providing Social

Functions externalities: Monopoly : information : Insurance :
(basic education (utility (insurance, financial (redistributive
and environmental regulations) regulation, consumer pensions, family
protection) protection)

Activist Coordinating Private Activities : (Fostering markets) Redistribution

czfkm{ 3fgL / Sn]o/ nSxf6{sf cg';f/
• Establishment of rule of law,
• Administrative control,
• Efficient management of public finance,
• Investment in human capital,
• Protection of civil rights through social policy,
• Provision of infrastructure service,
• Management of public properties,
• Effective public borrowing,
• Creation of market system,
• Monopoly on the legitimate means of violence.
;/sf/sf sfo{x?
s_ cfwf/e"t sfo{ -/fHo :jo+n] ug}{ kg]{_
• sfg'gL cfwf/lznf :yfkgf ug'{,
• ;dli6ut cfly{s :yfloTj;lxtsf] :yL/ gLlt jftfj/0f sfod ug'{,
• cfwf/e"t ;fdflhs ;]jf tyf k"jf{wf/ ljsf;df nufgL ug'{,
• ;dfhsf sdhf]/ ju{÷;d'bfosf] ;+/If0f ug'{,
• jftfj/0f ;+/If0f ug'{ .
v_ cGo sfo{ -;/sf/ :jo+ Sole Provider aGg' h?/L gx'g]_
• ;fdflhs ;'/Iffsf] k|jGw ug'{M k]Gzg, :jf:Yo aLdf cflb_ .
• k|efjsf/L lgodg ug'{M pkef]Qmf, >lds, jftfj/0f cflbsf] ;+/If0f ug{, k|
lt:kwf{ Pj+ cfljisf/sf] k|j4{g ug{ / Psflwsf/nfO /f]Sg .
• pko'Qm cf}Bf]lus gLltsf] sfof{GjogM cf}Bf]lus Pj+ Jofkfl/s ljsf; / k|
j4{gsf nflu ljleGg vfn] ;x'lnot, 5'6, cg'bfg tyf ;'ljwf k|bfg ug{ .
• lghL If]qsf] ljsf; / lghLs/0fsf] Joj:yfkg
• jfXo k|lt:kwf{sf] ;fdgf / ljZjJofkL ;fem]bf/Lsf] k|j4{g .
g]kfn ;/sf/sf] sfo{If]q
• c? d'n'ssf ;/sf/x? h:t} g]kfn ;/sf/n] klg cfwf/e"t sfo{sf ?kdf
cfGtl/s zflGt ;'/Iff sfod /fVg], b]zsf] ;Ldf /Iff ug]{,
k//fi6 ;DaGw sfod ug]{, d'b|f lgZsfzg ug]{, ;dli6ut
cfly{s :yfloTj sfod ug]{, ef}lts k"jf{wf/sf] ljsf; ug]{, k|
fs[lts ;Dkbfsf] ;+/If0f ug]{, P]g sfg'g tyf gLlt lgod lgdf{0f
ug]{, Gofo ;Dkfbg ug]{, /fh:j ;+sng tyf kl/rfng ug]{,
jftfj/0f ;+/If0f ug]{, ;dfhsf sDhf]/ ju{ ;d"xsf] ;+/If0f ug]
{ h:tf sfo{x? ;Dkfbg ub}{ cfPsf] 5 .
• cf7f}+ of]hgfb]lv cfly{s pbf/Ls/0fsf] gLlt canDag ub}
{ cy{tGqsf] ljsf;df lghLIf]qsf] e"ldsfnO{ k|j4{g ul/Psf]
5 . ;/sf/ pTk|]/s, lgofds / k|j4{ssf ?kdf ;Lldt /xL lghL
If]qnfO{ cy{tGqsf] g]t[TjbfoL e"ldsf lgjf{x ug{ k|f]T;flxt
ul/Psf] 5 . kl/0ffd:j?k xfn lzIff, :jf:Yo, pBd, oftfoft, j}+ls+ª
nufotsf If]qx?df lghL If]qsf] jr{:j sfod ePsf] cj:yf 5 .
g]kfn ;/sf/sf] sfo{If]q
• k|zf;g ;'wf/ cfof]u @)$* sf] l;kmfl/z cg';f/ sd{rf/L ;+Vof /
;+u7g ;+/rgfdf pNn]Vo s6f}tL ul/;lsPsf] 5 .
• ;/sf/L ;]jfsf ;/;kmfO{, ;fjf/L rfng, sfof{no ;xof]uL h:tf
tNnf txsf ;]jfx? s/f/df lng ;'? ul/Psf] 5 .
• ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfgx?sf] lghLs/0fdf hf]8 lb+b} #) j6f eGbf
a9L ;+:yfgx? ljleGg :j?kdf lghLs/0f ul/;lsPsf] 5 .
• kl5Nnf] ;dodf cfP/ 7"nf k"jf{wf/ lgdf{0fdf ;fj{hlgs
lghL ;fem]bf/Lsf] cEof; yfngL ul/Psf] 5 .
s] ug'{ plrt x'G5 t ?
• ;/sf/n] gful/snfO{ ;]jf k|bfg ug]]{ sfo{ ;a} cfk"m :jo+n]
gu/L lghL tyf u}/ ;/sf/L If]qsf] ljsf; tyf ;Ifdtfsf] cj:yfsf
cfwf/df a9L eGbf a9L sfo{x? pgLx?nfO{ x:tfGt/0f u/]/
cfk\mgf] e"ldsfnfO{ k|j4{s, ;xhstf{ / lgofdsdf ;Lldt
/fVg] ;s] dfq ;/sf/ k|efjsf/L aGg ;S5 . o;sf nflu s/sf/sf
lhDd]jf/LnfO{ ;fj{hlgs, lghL / u}/ ;/sf/L If]qaLr b]xfo
cg';f/ ljefhg ug'{ pko'Qm x'G5 .
;fj{hlgs If]q
Public sector tends to be better at:
• policy management,
• regulation,
• ensuring equity,
• preventing discrimination or exploitation,
• ensuring continuity and stability of services, and
• ensuring social cohesion.
lghL/Joj;flos If]q
Business/Private sector tends to be better at:
• Performing economic tasks,
• Innovating,
• Replicating successful experiences,
• Adapting to rapid changes,
• Abandoning unsuccessful or obsolete activities, and
• Performing complex and technical tasks.
u}/ ;/sf/L If]q
Third sector tends to be best at performing the tasks that:
• Generate little or no profit,
• Demand compassion and commitment to individuals,
• Require extensive trust in the part of customers or clients,
• Needs hands-on personal attention, and
• Involve the enforcement of moral codes and individual
responsibility for behavior.
k|zf;g ;'wf/ cfof]u @)$* sf cg';f/ ;/sf/n] Wofg
s]lGb|t ug'{ kg]{ sfo{x?
• /fli6«o gLlt lgwf{/0f ug]{ sfo{,
• cfwf/e"t ;+/rgf (Infrastructure) ljsf; ug]{ sfo{,
• ;]jf k|bfg ug]{ sfo{df cGo If]qsf] k|j]z tyf clws ;xeflutf x'g ;Sg]
cg's'n l:ylt / jftfj/0f l;h{gf u/L tL If]qsf] k|j4{g ug]{ sfo{,
• cGo If]qaf6 ;fdfGotof ;~rfng x'g g;Sg] cTofjZos cg';Gwfg /
tflnd;DaGwL sfo{,
• lghL / u}/;/sf/L If]qaf6 k|bfg ul/g] ;]jf / j:t'x?sf] u'0f:t/ tyf
lgoldttf sfod ug{ ug'{ kg]{ lgodg;DaGwL sfo{,
• gful/sx?sf] hLp, wg tyf :jf:Yo / jftfj/0fsf] ;'/Iffsf] nflu ug'{ kg]
{ cfjZos lgodg ;DaGwL sfo{x?,
• cg'udg tyf d"Nof+sg ;DaGwL sfo{, /
• cGo If]qaf6 ;~rfng x'g g;Sg] t/ cfjZos ePsf afFsL sfo{x? .
Government Functions

Effective Government

Maching the role with Raise the state capacity by

capacity (concentrating to reinvigorating state
core functions) institutions

1. Effective rules and restrains (control)

2. Greater competitive pressure
3. Increased citizen voices and
;/sf/sf] e"ldsf
• Rondinelli / Cheema sf cg';f/ s'g} klg ;/sf/ k|efjsf/L x'g o;n]
cfk\mgf] e"ldsfnfO{ b]xfosf s'/fdf s]lGb|t ug'{ kb{5 M
 cfly{s tyf ;dflhs ljsf;df pTk|]/s (Catalyst for economic and social
 pTkfbsTj tyf bIftfsf] ;'b[9stf{ (Enabler of productivity and
 cy{tGq v'nf / ;dtfd'ns ePsf] ;'lglZrt ug]{ lgods (regulator
ensuring that economies remain open and equitable),
 lghL If]q lj:tf/sf] k|j4{s (Promoter of private sector expansion), /
 ljQLo tyf dfgj;fwg ljsf;sf] k|f]T;fxgstf{ (Stimulator of financial
and human resources development)
;/sf/sf] e"ldsf
• State should work to complement markets, not replace them. It should
work as a partner, catalyst and facilitator.
• ahf/ c;kmntf /f]Sg / ;fdflhs ;dtf sfod ug{ ;/sf/L x:tIf]k h?/L x'G5 .
• ;/sf/n] lgodg, s/f/f]k0f, cg'bfg tyf ljz]if Joj:yfåf/f Negative
Externalities -h:t}M jftfj/0f k|b'if0f_ df lgoGq0f ub}{ Positive
externalities -h:t}M k|fylds lzIff4f/f ;fIf/ hg;+Vofdf j[l4_ sf] k|j4{g
ug'{k5{ .
• Psflwsf/nfO{ lgoGq0f ug{ ;/sf/n] lgodg u/]/ jf :jo+n] j:t' tyf ;]jf k|
bfg u/]/ x:tIf]k ug'{k5{ .
• ck"0f{ ahf/ tyf ck'/f Pj+ c;dfg ;"rgfn] l;h{gf ug]{ adverse selection tyf
moral hazard h:tf ;d:osf] ;dfwfg ug{ klg ;/sf/L x:tIf]k cfjZos x'G5 .
• To;}n] Ps k|efjsf/L ;/sf/n] cfk\mgf] e"ldsfnfO{ pTk|]/s,
lgofds, ;xhstf{ / k|j4{sf ?kdf ;Lldt t'Nofpb} a9L eGbf a9L lghL
/ u}/ ;/sf/L If]qsf] kl/rfngaf6 gful/snfO{ ;/n, ;xh / ;'ne 9+un] ;]jf
k|jfxsf] ;'lglZrttf ug'{ kb{5 .
Government: Powerful or Competent ?
• zlQmzfnL ;/sf/n] cy{tGq / ;dfhsf ;a} kIfx?dfly of]hgfj4
9+un] lgoGq0f ub{5 eg] ;Ifd ;/sf/n] k|
hftflGqs, ;xeflutfd"ns, s'zn tyf k|efjsf/L / pQ/bfoL /fhgLlts
Pj+ k|zf;lgs k|0ffnLsf dfWodaf6 M
 cfly{s j[l4nfO{ lbzflgb]{z / ;xhLs/0f u5{,
 dfgjLo Ifdtf j[l4 u5{,
 ljsf;sf nflu ljQLo tyf dfgjLo ;fwgsf] kl/rfng u5{,
 lghL pBdsf] k|j4{g / k|f]T;fxg u5{,
 cfly{s tyf ;dflhs ?kn] sdhf]/ ;d'xsf] klxrfg / ;'/Iff u5{,
 ul/aL Go"gLs/0f u5{, /
 k|fs[lts jftfj/0f tyf ef}lts ;|f]tx?sf] ;+/If0f u5{ .

• To;}n] cfhsf] o'udf d'n'sx?sf] cfjZostf zlQmzfnL ;/sf/

(Powerful Government) geP/ ;Ifd ;/sf/ (Competent Government) xf] .

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