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By Michele Silvani 4°TA
Physical activity, if practiced regularly and continuously, will help keep
your weight active or reduce it if excessive, the risk of developing
diabetes trains the cardiovascular system e to be; the increase in muscle
mass and strength has a protective effect on the bones in how much it
increases the mineral content and this will allow to reach a good
adulthood osteopathy in the process of preventing the onset of diseases
such as osteoporosis.
In school age, rapid growth or bad postures can often cause
paramorphisms to the spine. The wrong position in the school desk or
carrying the backpack (often a lot heavy) always on one shoulder or
with too long shoulder straps that make the weight fall on the lumbar
area instead of on the upper part of the back, cause anomalous
curvatures of the spine over time with the ossification process they
remain  irreversible.
Being overweight, often seen as a aesthetic problem, can cause serious
damage to health such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease due to
excessive accumulation of fat in the cells. Regular motor activity favors
a correct relationship between fat mass and mass slim.
Man lives relationships not only in the family but has a more or less
active social life during the period of childhood but even more of
adolescence, sport becomes an important vehicle for relationships.
The benefits are also found in the improvement of mood (reducing
states of stress and anxiety), self-esteem, emotional control and
increasing self-awareness. Sport and motor skills also facilitate
socialization and contribute to the formation of citizen of tomorrow also
through the transmission of values ​and ethical principles.
Teenagers often experience existential crises that lead them to withdraw
into themselves and not relate with peers also because they are
sometimes isolated or "bullied". The approach to sport sometimes it
creates noticeable and positive changes, the boy / girl is part of a group
where not there is discrimination because the rules of sport are the same
for everyone and those who do not respect them pays the consequences.
Then in team sport, where the goal is common, the spirit of
sacrifice, altruism and total contribution to the cause reinforce important
human qualities.
When a person is a little stressed, he finds an excellent relief valve in
motor activity or in sports, a jog, the gym, a game of tennis ... often help
to relieve tension

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