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Group 4
• Ayu Ambarwati
• Hilma Ayu Indah Sari
• Putri Nur Salsabilah
• Siti Nur Hofifah
• Yuli Laras Setia Wati
What is boba??

Bobas are small balls of topping in tea drinks.

The one made from tapioca flour is flour from

Tapioca itself doesn't have much flavor. So that

the sweetness of the boba mostly comes from
the sugar or honey soaked before serving.
Boba Tea is currently one of the favorite drinks
of many people, especially among young
people. Boba Tea is a drink that contains and
milk. usually also available a variety of flavors.

02 .

The business is not difficult to run, the

presentation method is easy. All raw
materials are easy to buy from suppliers.
Xi No Na Boba's business product is a drink
similar to Thai Tea. Using milk and as the
main raw material added with bubble (boba)
as a complement. Boba tea is a product that
is rich in protein and nutrients, both in terms
of health because it is made from natural
Boba Tea is made by the following process:

01 The first stage, make a boba or bubble first. add starch, jelly powder, and chocolate paste.

Pour just a little water, while continuing to stir and the dough can be rolled. Do not be too runny,
continue to knead until the dough is finished.

03 Shape the dough into small balls the size of a crab or smaller.

Shape the dough into small balls the size of a crab or smaller.

05 While waiting, prepare the milk.

Enter only half a glass of hot water, then add the dip, sugar and milk. Stir until dissolved. Then
add a tablespoon of brown sugar

07 Once
the boba or bubble is ready, mix it into the milk and add the ice cubes.
The Marketing Strategy is

1. Share flyers
2. Paste the potser in various places
3. Word of mouth is the delivery of
information from person to person
through oral communication.
SWOT analysis
A. Boba Tea can be consumed by all ages.
B. Few produce Boba Tea in a variety of unique and delicious flavors at
an affordable price.

2. Weaknesses
C. The number of competitors using boba operating in the same area.
D. Price competition is not good
E. Having diabetes

F. Raw materials are easy to get.
G. The processing is quite young.
H. Bringing quite a lot of profit.

4. Threats
I. The emergence of competitor products of Boba Tea with other brands.
J. Competitors operating in the same location.

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