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What is integumentary system?

What are the parts of integumentary

system and their function?

How to take care your integumentary


What makes this system whole?

Your integumentary system is your body’s
outer layer. It’s made up of your skin, nails,
hair and the glands and nerves on your skin.
Your integumentary system acts as a physical
barrier — protecting your body from bacteria,
infection, injury and sunlight. It also helps
regulate your body temperature and allows
you to feel skin sensations like hot and cold.
Parts of integumentary system and their
Skin Provides a protective barrier against
mechanical, thermal and physical
injury and hazardous substances.
Prevents loss of moisture. Reduces
harmful effects of UV radiation. Acts as a
sensory organ (touch, detects
Layer of the skin
Epidermis Outer layer of the skin.
Layer found below the epidermis.
Dermis It contains the sweat glands, oil
glands, hair follicles, and blood
Is a layer fat below the dermis. It is a
Subcutaneous storage for food and energy, and the fat
layer serves as an insulator of heat. It also
contains larger blood vessels and nerves.
Hair hair serves many functions such as;
a. Hair in the nose and ears – filter dust particles
b. Eyebrows – deflect sweat to protect the eyes

c. Facial hair – reduces the skin’s exposure to UV

d. Hair in the scalp – protects the head and the skull
Nails Protect the sensitive fingertips and toes
from injury. It also help in sensing
environment. And under the nails is the
nerve endings that function in the sense
of touch.
Glands Releases substances through the pores.
The main glands of the skin are:
a.Sweat gland – help in the excretion of wastes by
releasing the excess water and salts produces by
the body.
b. Oil glands – also called sebaceous glands,
secretes an oily substance called sebum.
Sebum lubricates and waterproofs the
surface of the skin and hair. Too much
production of sebum may clog the pores
and produce micro organisms that may
lead to infection. This may result to
Skin – is the major organ of the system
and acts as the barriers between the
internal and external environment.

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