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By: Moch Firman Asmianto

Atis Tiara
The syllabus is a learning plan for a particular
subject and/or group of subjects or themes which
includes Competency Standards, Basic
Competencies, learning activities, indicators,
competencies, time allocation, and learning
resources (Trianto, 2010:96)
The Step for
Developing a
1. Review Competency Standars and
Basic Competencies
2. Identifying Main/Learning Material
3. Developing Learning Activities
4. Formulating Competency Achievement
5. Determining the Type of Assesment
6. Determining Time Allocation
7. Determining Learning Resources
Benefits of the
● The syllabus is useful as a
guide for further development
of learning tools, starting from
planning, managing learning
activities and developing
Contents Of the Syllabus
1. Subject identity
2. School identity includes the name of the education unit and class;
3. Core competencies,
4. Basic competencies
5. Theme (for SD/MI/SDLB/Package A/etc);
6. Subject matter, contains relevant facts, concepts, principles, and procedures, and is written in the form
of points in accordance with the formulation of competency achievement indicators;
7. Learning, namely activities carried out by educators and students to achieve the expected
8. Assessment, is the process of collecting and processing information to determine the achievement of
learning outcomes
9. Time Allocation
10. Learning resources, can be in the form of books, print and electronic media, natural surroundings or
other relevant learning resources.
Principles of Syllabus
1. Scientific
2. Relevant
3. Systematic
4. Adequacy
5. Actual and
6. Flexible
7. Comprehensive
Purposes and Function of RPP
The function of the lesson plan is as a reference for teachers to carry out
teaching and learning activities (learning activities) so that they are more
directed and run effectively and efficiently (Kunandar, 2011: 264).
Step to Prepare RPP
1. Writing Subject Identity
2. Writing Competency Standards
3. Writing Basic Competencies
4. Writing Competency Achievement Indicators
5. Formulating Learning Objectives.
6. Teaching Materials.
7. Time Allocation.
8. Determine the learning method.
9. Assessment of Learning Outcomes.
10. Determining Media Tools/Materials/Learning

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