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Exit Test Review
1. Which of the following characteristics DOES
NOT contribute to the survival of life on Earth?

A. Presence of an atmosphere
B. Significant asteroid impact
C. Stable magnetic field of planet Earth
D. Presence of the long-lived sun in the
solar system
2. Which of the following statements is CORRECT?

A. Fossil fuels have energy stored in them because the

animals that became fossils ran around a lot.
B. Coal has energy stored in it because it is warm inside
the Earth.
C. The plants that formed coal got their energy from the
D. Coal has energy stored in it because it is black.
Fossil Fuel
◦ Fossil fuels are made from decomposing plants and
◦ These fuels are found in the Earth’s crust and contain
carbon and hydrogen, which can be burned for energy.
◦ Coal, oil, and natural gas are examples of fossil fuels.
◦ Coal is a sedimentary deposit composed predominantly
of carbon that is readily combustible.
3. Heart Evangelista is fascinated by mineral gems
because of their sparkling colors, which make a
woman appear elegant and divine. What mineral
property refers to the gleaming colors seen on jewels?

A. Luster
B. Streak
C. Hardness
D. Crystalline Structure
Characteristics of Minerals to Identify
1. Hardness - the ability to resist being scratched is one of the most useful properties for
identifying minerals. Hardness is determined by the ability of one mineral to scratch another.
2. Luster - is how a mineral reflects light. The terms metallic and nonmetallic describe the basic
types of luster. Some minerals that don't exhibit luster are referred to as "earthy," "chalky," or
3. Color - One of the most obvious properties of a mineral is color. Color should be considered
when identifying a mineral, but should never be used as the major identifying characteristic.
4. Which of the following statements
about geothermal energy is TRUE?
A.Geothermal energy is gentle on the environment.
B.A geothermal power plant can operate almost
C.The construction of a geothermal power plant is
inexpensive and cost-effective.
D.Geothermal energy does not emit any harmful
substances that could harm the environment.
Geothermal energy
◦ Geothermal energy is heat energy from the earth
◦ Geo (earth) + thermal (heat).
◦ Geothermal resources are reservoirs of hot water that exist or are
human made at varying temperatures and depths below the Earth's
◦ Benefits of Geothermal Energy: Renewable, Domestic, Small
footprint, Clean
5. What happens after the magma
I. Magma formed an intrusion, which occurs when magma moves up into a
volcano but does not erupt.
II. Magma formed into an extrusion, which is an eruption of magmatic materials
that results in the formation of land on the Earth's surface.
III.Magma forms and infiltrates the Earth's crust, but fails to reach the Earth's
surface, resulting in magma differentiation.

A. I only
B. I and II
C. II and III
D. III only
6. Delrose is having fun with a polymer clay bar. She
moves the clay bar's two sides toward the center. What
kind of pressure did she put on the clay?

A. Compressional stress
B. Tensional stress  
C. Shear stress
D. Direct stress
7. Which is the CORRECT order of geologic time
divisions from largest to smallest?

A. Era > Eon > Period > Epoch

B. Epoch > Period > Era > Eon
C. Eon > Era > Period > Epoch
D. Era > Eon > Epoch > Period
8. Which type of plate boundary would result
in the formation of folded mountains?

C. Subduction
D. Transform
Plate Boundaries Types
◦ Divergent (Spreading):This is where two plates move away from each other. Molten rock
from the mantle erupts along the opening, forming new crust. The earthquakes that occur
along these zones, called spreading centers, are relatively small. The Great Rift Valley in
Africa, the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden all formed as a result of divergent plate motion.
◦ Convergent (Colliding): This occurs when plates move towards each other and collide.
When a continental plate meets an oceanic plate, the thinner, denser, and more flexible
oceanic plate sinks beneath the thicker, more rigid continental plate. This is called
subduction. Subduction causes deep ocean trenches to form, such as the one along the west
coast of South America. The rocks pulled down under the continent begin to melt. Sometimes
the molten rock rises to the surface, through the continent, forming a line of volcanoes. About
80% of earthquakes occur where plates are pushed together, called convergent boundaries.
Plate Boundaries Types
◦ When two tectonic plates slide past each other, the place where they meet is a transform or lateral
fault. The San Andreas Fault is one of the best examples of lateral plate motion.
9. When using radiometric dating to determine the
absolute age of a rock, which quantities does a geologist
compare in a sample?

A.The half-lives of different isotopes.

B.The concentrations of various minerals.
C.The total number of radioactive isotopes.
D.The concentrations of daughter and
parent isotopes.
Radioactive Dating
◦  Radioactive dating is a method of dating rocks
and minerals using radioactive isotopes.
◦ the unstable isotope is referred to as the parent
and the element produced by the decay
reaction is called the daughter.
10. How does the movement of tectonic
plates affect the Earth's surface?
I. It has the potential to cause the formation and deformation of landforms.
II.Rising and falling plate movement may result in the formation of mountain
ranges and volcanoes.
III.It has the potential to cause earthquakes along fault lines far from the source.
IV.Mountain ranges were formed when the plates moved past each other

A. I only
B. I and II
C. I, II, and III
D. I, II, III, and IV

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