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Class rules

General norms
Math & Geometry

Mr. Cesar C. Gonzalez

Class rules
• Respect is at the core of our classes;
Please respect to all the community.
• Your presentation is very important;
you have to respect the uniform´s Schedule.
• Copying and/or plagiarism in any evaluative activity will be
severely sanctioned. Be honest with yourself
• Avoid going to the bathroom during class hours.
• Be responsible with your academic duties, delivering it
before of the deadline.
• Work with your own tools and implements

Mr. Cesar C. Gonzalez

Evaluation criteria
Math & Geometry

Mr. Cesar C. Gonzalez


• You will have 5 main grades, it can be visible through control

academic (Exam 1, Exam2, Quiz 1, Quiz 2 & stamps)
• Depending on your behavior, could be a “change” with the Quiz #
2 or the exam # 2 (Especially in the subject of geometry). Instead
of a quiz or exam, we could solve a workshop or a mini-proyect.
However, remember that it depends on your behavior and it’s not
an obligation of the teacher.
• You can fill the evaluations with pencil or pen (and corrector pen
or liquid paper), however, if you do this, you can’t make a
complaint about erased or modified numbers or procedures.

Mr. Cesar C. Gonzalez


• If you feel that there may have been an error in the grade you received on
the evaluation, you may approach the teacher to review the matter, always
maintaining due respect.
• It’s mandatory to mark all work and evaluations. Work and exams that are
not marked will automatically have a grade of zero (0.0).
• Students can access extra points if they make a contribution to the
conceptual development of the class. The conditions for acquiring it are as
• The uniform of the respective day must be worn in its entirety or
except for an excuse signed by parents and coordinator of coexistence.
• Each student may have at most one extra point per class.
• Each extra point is worth 0,1 units of some graded activity.
• At the end of the term, each student may decide to which grades
he/she wishes to add the extra points acquired.
Mr. Cesar C. Gonzalez

• Extra points are an additional grade in addition to the five term grades
and are dependent on individual and overall class behavior. If one
student or a minority of the class misbehaves, the points of such
students will be cancelled; on the other hand, if the majority of the
students in the class (half plus one) misbehave, the extra points of the
entire course will be cancelled.
• Extra points are personal and non-transferable.
• Extra points are valid for the term in which they are earned.
• a student makes a presentation to his/her classmates about a different
method that he/she has discovered and that serves to solve exercises
and problems related to the topics being discussed in class, he/she may
request extra points from the teacher; in such a case, the bonus will
depend on the quality of the presentation and the effectiveness of the
method presented.
Mr. Cesar C. Gonzalez
Math & Geometry

Mr. Cesar C. Gonzalez

Math (6th)
& Geometry (5th)
Grade (in
Type of
control Description Percentage
Short evaluation about the first topic
Quiz 1 Procedural 13%
of the term
Exam 1 Evaluation on the topics seen to date Conceptual 24%
Short evaluation about the first topic
Quiz 2 Procedural 13%
of the term after the Exam 1
Exam 2 Evaluation on the topics seen to date Conceptual 30%
Compilation of all class work and
Stamps Procedural 10%
homework completed during the term
Mr. Cesar C. Gonzalez

Geometry (6th)
Grade (in
Type of
control Description Percentage
Short evaluation about the first topic
Quiz 1 Procedural 15%
of the term
Exam 1 Evaluation on the topics seen to date Conceptual 22%
Short evaluation about the first topic
Quiz 2 Procedural 20%
of the term after the Exam 1
Exam 2 Evaluation on the topics seen to date Conceptual 23%
Compilation of all class work and
Stamps Procedural 10%
homework completed during the term
Mr. Cesar C. Gonzalez

Keep in mind:
• The sum of the five grades is equal to 90% due to the 10%
obtained in co-evaluation and self-evaluation (in sessions of ethics
and mentoring) with help of the JUCOA team in each Community
of life.
• If some student misses a class in which an assessment is being
made, is his/her responsibility to talk with the teacher, present the
excuse signed by the coordinator and then arrange a date for the
presentation of such evaluation, which may be in the break of
some day of the week in which the teacher is discussed with the
student, or in a class hour.
• The maximum term to present the excuse is three working days
after the community of life has presented the evaluation, after
which it cannot be presented and an automatic grade of 0.0 will be
Mr. Cesar C. Gonzalez

Keep in mind:
• Any attempt to plagiarize, copy or disregard the protocol of
presentation of exams and class work will be sanctioned according
to what is stipulated in the coexistence manual, that is:
• The evaluation will have a grade of 0.0.
• Low performance of coexistence.
• Meeting with parents.
• Annotation in the observer as a very serious offense.

Mr. Cesar C. Gonzalez

Thanks so much for
your attention

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