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Nhóm chủ đề miêu

tả đồ vật
1. Miêu tả đồ
1. Speaking Part 2 – Describe a product
1.1. Sample Question:

Describe a popular product made in your region

You should say:
• What it is?
• How it is made?
• Why it is popular?
• And explain what you think of it?
1. Speaking Part 2 – Describe a product

1.2. Language Input

 Question Analysis:
• A product
• Made in your region
1. Speaking Part 2 – Describe a product
1.2. Language Input
 What it is
 Nếu chọn sản phẩm nông sản:
 To gain soil quality (chất lượng đất tốt)
 Temperature (nhiệt độ)
 Humidity /hjuːˈmɪd.ɪ.ti/ (độ ẩm)
 Precipitation /prɪˌsɪp.ɪˈteɪ.ʃ ə n/ (lượng mưa)

1. Speaking Part 2 – Describe a product
1.2. Language Input
 What it is
 Nếu chọn Sản phẩm thủ công mỹ nghệ:
 Traditional craft village (làng nghề truyền thống)
 feudal /ˈfjuː.d ə l/ Era (thời phong kiến)
 world-famous Vietnamese folk painting :

1. Speaking Part 2 – Describe a product
What it is- Thủ công mỹ nghệ

Well, I am going to talk about Dong Ho painting, which is

a world-famous Vietnamese folk painting. The paintings
originated from Dong Ho village, which is a traditional
craft village located only around 30 kms to the North East
of Hanoi.

1. Speaking Part 2 – Describe a product
 How it is made
 Thức ăn: ingredients - Sản phẩm: materials
Sử dụng mệnh đề quan hệ rút gọn: There are many different
materials/ ingredients needed to make this product, including ...
and ...
 Sản phẩm truyền thống:
Skilled artisans /ˈɑːtɪ.zæn/ = craftsmen with decades of
experience (nghệ nhân có tay nghề cao và nhiều năm kinh nghiệm)
1. Speaking Part 2 – Describe a product
 How it is made
 Sản phẩm truyền thống:
Skilled artisans /ˈɑːtɪ.zæn/ = craftsmen with decades of experience
(nghệ nhân có tay nghề cao và nhiều năm kinh nghiệm)
painstaking process

1. Speaking Part 2 – Describe a product
 How it is made
 These paintings are traditionally made from a special type of paper
and some natural colors. First, the skilled craftsmen would
carefully paint each color on a woodblock which has already been
engraved /ɪnˈgreɪv/ by hand and then in the next step the paper is
pressed onto it to produce a finished picture.

1. Speaking Part 2 – Describe a product

 Why it is popular

 Unique functions (công dụng độc đáo)

 Decorative /ˈdek. ə r.ə.tɪv/ product (mang tính trang
 Trong các dịp đặc biệt: special occasions such as
national holidays or anniversaries
1. Speaking Part 2 – Describe a product
 Why it is popular

• Trong cuộc sống hàng ngày: on a daily basis /ˈbeɪ.sɪs/, used for
daily tasks.
• Lưu ý các bạn nên sử dụng cấu trúc “the main reason why I
think this product is popular is that...” để tăng điểm ngữ pháp.

1. Speaking Part 2 – Describe a product

 Explain what you think of it

• Economic benefit (lợi ích kinh tế)
• To bring reputation to not only the local area but also

 reflect traditional Vietnamese culture
 Submitted
 recognition of intangible cultural heritage
 economic and reputational benefits
 eye-catching paintings.

1. Speaking Part 2 – Describe a product
 Why it is popular
Even though they are made from only some basic
materials in a quite simple process, they could still reflect
traditional Vietnamese culture. That is one of the reasons
why I believe the paintings have always been so popular
in Vietnam.
1. Speaking Part 2 – Describe a product
 Why it is popular
As I know, Dong Ho painting has been submitted to
UNESCO by the Ministry of Culture for the recognition of
intangible cultural heritage and I believe that it will bring
both economic and reputational benefits to not only the
locals but also the whole country. If I were to give my
foreign friends anything as a souvenir, I would definitely
give them one of these eye-catching paintings.

Describe a product

1. Speaking Part 2 – Describe a product

Sample Answer:
Well, I am going to talk about Dong Ho painting,
which is a world-famous Vietnamese folk painting.
The paintings originated from Dong Ho village, which
is a traditional craft village located only around 30
kms to the Nortth East of Hanoi.
1. Speaking Part 2 – Describe a product

These paintings are traditionally made from a special type of

paper and some natural colors. First, the skilled craftsmen would
carefully paint each color on a woodblock which has already been
engraved /ɪnˈgreɪv/ by hand and then in the next step the paper is
pressed onto it to produce a finished picture.

1. Speaking Part 2 – Describe a product
Even though they are made from only some basic
materials in a quite simple process, they could still
reflect traditional Vietnamese culture. That is one of
the reasons why I believe the paintings have always
been so popular in Vietnam.

1. Speaking Part 2 – Describe a product
As I know, Dong Ho painting has been submitted to UNESCO by the
Ministry of Culture for the recognition of intangible cultural heritage
and I believe that it will bring both economic and reputational
benefits to not only the locals but also the whole country. If I were to
give my foreign friends anything as a souvenir, I would definitely
give them one of these eye-catching paintings.

Topic 2: Describe a toy you liked in your childhood

 My biggest dream when I was a boy is to have a

toy submarine. I searched everyday shop in Hanoi
but there was no toy submarine on sale at that
time. But I didn’t gave up and came up with a
marvelous decision: to build my own one.
Describe a toy you liked in your childhood

 At first it seemed fairly straightforward when I was looking

for an aluminium box to make the hull of the toy
submarine. Then I managed to find other parts, from the
turbine, some electric wires, to a pair of batteries. But I
was nearly stuck when I couldn’t find a mininature engine,
It was like looking for a needl in a haystack.

Describe a toy you liked in your childhood

 Only after few day, did I come up with an

extraordinary idea of opening up my toy car, the one
my Dad gave me in my birthday, to take the motor,
the final and most important part for my toy
submarine. Then I put all necessary parts into the
aluminium box, and connected everything together.
Describe a toy you liked in your childhood
 And finally it worked! The toy submarine could move fairly quickly
under the water. I felt overjoyed when I finished this seemingly
impossible job.
 From my perspective, my decision to create my own toy submarine
has a massive influence on my life. It showed me the value of
creativity and determination, which are both essential to my career. It
is also taught me that sometimes we have to sacrifice something for
something else, like what I did with the toy car for the toy
submarine. 25
1. Speaking Part 2 – Describe a product

• A traditional craft village: làng nghề truyền thống

• To be engraved by hand: được khắc bằng tay
• Intangible cultural heritage: di sản phi vật thể
• Reputational benefits: lợi ích về mặt danh tiếng
• Eye-catching: bắt mắt

1. Speaking Part 2 – Describe a product
Other topics with similar ideas: “Đông Hồ painting “ – Cốt
 Describe a gift that you received on a special occasion.
 Describe a gift that you took a long time to prepare.
 Describe an item that you brought back from a tourist attraction.

1. Speaking Part 2 – Describe a product
 Describe an item that your family has kept and used for a long time.
 Describe a painting that you like.
 Describe something that you received that made you happy.
 Describe an advertisement of a special product that you remember well.

1. Speaking Part 2 – Describe a product
 Describe an item that your family has kept and used for a long time.
 Describe a painting that you like.
 Describe something that you received that made you happy.
 Describe an advertisement of a special product that you remember well.

1. Speaking Part 2 – Describe a product
 Describe an art or craft activity that you had
 Describe a toy that you liked in your childhood
 Describe a thing that you bought and felt pleased about

2. Speaking Part 3 – Imported Products

2.1. What kinds of products are mostly imported into your country?
 General Statement (Câu khái quát chung):
Well, I would say that the most common type of imported goods into Vietnam is definitely food products,
especially different types of meat and fruits.

2. Speaking Part 3 – Imported Products
 Idea 1: Different types of meat
For meat, the meat consumption in Vietnam has increased significantly for the last decades and the
domestic supply is usually not enough, especially for pork. In 2020, under the severe damage of
African swine fever, the Vietnamese government needs to find meat supplies from foreign countries.

2. Speaking Part 3 – Imported Products

 Idea 1: Different types of meat

• Domestic supply: nguồn cung trong nước
• African swine fever: dịch tả lợn châu Phi

2. Speaking Part 3 – Imported Products
• Idea 2: Different types of fruits
Also, imported fruits are now quite ubiquitous in Vietnam. It is not hard to find a fruit stall at every
corner of the city selling types of fruits from foreign countries such as American cherries, South
African grapes, and Korean strawberries.
(Fruit stall: gian hàng bán hoa quả)

2. Speaking Part 3 – Imported Products
2.2. Why do many people prefer using imported products to using local products?
• Generally speaking, importing different types of products from other countries will give the
consumers access to items that are unavailable in the domestic market and also more
choices in terms of quality.

2. Speaking Part 3 – Imported Products
 Idea 1: Discuss about consequences
Obviously, humans love trying new things in their life, so some bizarre and exotic items will
draw the attention of the public. If they like the new products more than the ones that they
already have, it is quite certain that they would switch to those.

2. Speaking Part 3 – Imported Products

 Idea 1: Discuss about consequences

 Bizarre or exotic: kì lạ hoặc ngoại lai
 Draw the attention of: thu hút sự chú ý của ai đó

2. Speaking Part 3 – Imported Products
 Idea 2: Discuss about reasons and examples
Another reason why imported products are preferred is that they sometimes come with better
qualities. Many of those high-quality products are only produced and sold in certain countries and
when people want to use them, they have to use the imported ones.

2. Speaking Part 3 – Imported Products
 Idea 2: Discuss about reasons and examples
For example, for kitchenware, Germany is very famous for extremely durable items, and that's the
reason why people from other countries including Vietnam are willing to pay more money to have
them in their kitchens.

2. Miêu tả đồ công
1. Speaking Part 2 – Describe a household appliance
1.1. Sample Question:

Describe a household appliance that you find useful

You should say:

• What it is?
• How you learned to use it?
• How long have you have had it?
• Explain why you find this household appliance useful?
1. Speaking Part 2 – Describe a household appliance

1.2. Language Input

 Question Analysis: Describe a household appliance

that you find useful
 Answer the prompts + vocabulary

What is this?

Well, I am going to talk about the ………….(air fryer) that I

bought around 2 years ago when I was going shopping in
Vincom Megamall with my friends.

1. Speaking Part 2 – Describe a household appliance
 What it is

 Passers-by: người qua đường, người đi qua

 To be blown /bləʊn/ away by: bị ấn tượng mạnh về một
cái gì đó
 To be on the spot: ngay tại chỗ
 Sử dụng When + Quá khứ tiếp diễn để mô tả hành
động diễn ra tại một thời điểm nhất định.
1. Speaking Part 2 – Describe a household appliance
We came across a booth where the saleswomen there were trying to give
the shoppers/passers-by some free food samples made from an air fryer.
At first, I didn't expect much from these foods because they weren't
made with oil. However, I was so surprised at the quality of them. They
were so crispy /krɪs.pi/ and tasted even better than the deep-fried ones. I
was blown away by how smart IT was and purchased one on the spot
with only around $50 and I never regret my decision.

1. Speaking Part 2 – Describe a household appliance
 How you learned to use it and how long you have had it
 Sản phẩm dễ sử dụng:

 Easy or simple to use

 User friendly (adj)
 Straightforward
 To read the instruction
 is running like clockwork : =  working perfectly
 I’m far from an expert, but as I see…
 Do wonder for = be good for
1. Speaking Part 2 – Describe a household appliance
The fryer was quite straightforward with only 3 buttons, so after
around 5 minutes looking at the instruction manual /ˈmæn.ju.əl/, I
already knew how to operate this product. I’m far from an
expert, but as I see it is simple to use and the fryer is running like
clockwork /ˈklɒk.wɜːk/. I have been using it daily since then and it has
done wonders for my healthy diet.

1. Speaking Part 2 – Describe a household appliance

 Why you find this household appliance useful

 Sử dụng cụm: The reason why I find this equipment extremely

useful is that
 Quality (chất lượng)
 Speed (tốc độ)
 Durability (độ bền sản phẩm)
 feel brain dead : can no longer focus
 to get my brain in gear : to start focussing and concentrating  48
1. Speaking Part 2 – Describe a household appliance
Since I cut down on the level of cooking oil consumption, I have become a lot
healthier than before. Also, the air fryer could reduce the amount of time I use
on preparing meals every day. This really motivates me to cook at home more
instead of eating out in restaurants. Moreover, when I feel brain dead, I
would use the fryer to cook some food then enjoy those with a cup of black
tea. I have to say that it is one of the best way to get my brain in gear to
complete my work.


1. Speaking Part 2 – Describe a household appliance


Well, I am going to talk about the air fryer that I bought

around 2 years ago when I was going shopping in Vincom
Megamall with my friends. As I can recall, it was during the
Black Friday event, so most items available in the mall at
that moment were on sale.

1. Speaking Part 2 – Describe a household appliance
We came across a booth where the saleswomen there were trying to give
the shoppers/passers-by some free food samples made from an air fryer.
At first, I didn't expect much from these foods because they weren't
made with oil. However, I was so surprised at the quality of them. They
were so crispy /krɪs.pi/ and tasted even better than the deep-fried ones. I
was blown away by how smart IT was and purchased one on the spot
with only around $50 and I never regret my decision.

1. Speaking Part 2 – Describe a household appliance
The fryer was quite straightforward with only 3 buttons, so after
around 5 minutes looking at the instruction manual /ˈmæn.ju.əl/, I
already knew how to operate this product. I’m far from an
expert, but as I see it is simple to use and the fryer is running like
clockwork /ˈklɒk.wɜːk/. I have been using it daily since then and it has
done wonders for my healthy diet.

1. Speaking Part 2 – Describe a household appliance

Since I cut down on the level of cooking oil consumption, I have become a lot
healthier than before. Also, the air fryer could reduce the amount of time I use
on preparing meals every day. This really motivates me to cook at home more
instead of eating out in restaurants. Moreover, when I feel brain dead, I would use the
fryer to cook some food then enjoy those with a cup of black tea. I have to say that it is one of the best way to
get my brain in gear.

1. Speaking Part 2 – Describe a public building
Other topics with similar ideas:
 Describe an item of technology that you find useful.
 Describe an item of technology that has a big impact on your life.
 Describe an item that your family has kept and been using for a long time.

1. Speaking Part 2 – Describe a public building
 Describe something you bought but difficult to use at first.
 Describe something you own which has improved your life.
 Describe something useful you borrow from others.
 Describe something own which is very important to you.

2. Speaking Part 3 – Technology

2.1. Which programs or apps are most popular in your country?

 Young people
 Old people

2. Speaking Part 3 – Technology
• Idea 1: Young people

For young people in Vietnam, I believe that they tend to

use social media applications the most, especially the
teenagers. It is quite common in Vietnam for students from
a very young age of around 7-8 years old to high school
students to have a Facebook or Instagram account and I am
quite sure they spend several hours a day on these apps.

2. Speaking Part 3 – Technology

• Idea 1: Young people

I think this is because these websites have everything that they need for entertainment, such as
chatting with their friends or watching funny videos.

2. Speaking Part 3 – Technology
• Idea 2: Old people

However, social networking sites are not very popular

among older people. I suppose that in Vietnam, older
people prefer using apps to update local and global news.
In the last few decades, these online newspapers have
gradually replaced the traditional printed ones and the
adults or even senior citizens in Vietnam now have a habit
of using the news apps nearly every morning.
2. Speaking Part 3 – Technology

 Senior citizens = older people: người già, người cao tuổi

 To have a habit of: có thói quen làm gì đó

2. Speaking Part 3 – Technology

2.2. Should parents limit the time that their children spent on mobile phones?
• Agree with the statement
• Give advice

2. Speaking Part 3 – Technology
Idea 1: Agree with the statement

Yes, definitely. I have to say that it is extremely necessary

that parents should put restrictions on the amount of time that
their children spent on mobile phone applications every day
so that their children won't be distracted from studying. This
is because young children can barely manage their time and
they would be on their phones for several hours once they
get addicted.
2. Speaking Part 3 – Technology
Idea 2: Give advice

However, if the parents try to force their children too hard to

reduce the time used on mobile devices, the children would
try many different ways to use their phones. I think that even
though setting a limit is important, the parents should
patiently explain to their children about the drawbacks of
using their phones for too long so that their children could
willingly listen to what they say.
2. Speaking Part 3 – Technology

• Put restrictions on: đặt ra giới hạn cho việc gì đó

• To be distracted from: bị xao nhãng khỏi việc gì đó
• Set a limit: đặt ra giới hạn
• The drawbacks of: những hạn chế

Any questions?


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