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Knowing me, knowing you:
One person will start the game by singing
“Knowing me and knowing you” Say any
characteristic that is true about that person for
1 minute.
1. What Characteristics have you identified
during the activity?
2. How do we able to recognize our
characteristics as individuals?
 Socialization is learning.
Socialization refers to all
learning regardless of setting
What is or age of the individual.
 Socialization is the process by

which we learn the ways of a
particular group.
 Socialization is the process
whereby people acquire
personality and learn the way
of life of their society.
Essentially, one has to learn
Types of socialization

b. Anticipatory of Socialization
a.Primary Socialization
Refers to the processes of
Is the process whereby people learn the socialization in which person
“Rehearses” for future positions,
attitudes, values and actions appropriate
occupations and social relationships.
to individual as members of a particular The example of a high school student
who, upon hearing he had been
accepted to a university, began to
wear college students- type cloths.
School Family

Agent of Socialization Religion


ENCULTURATION It is basically the process
 Is the process of being satisfied into
of learning to behave in a
a certain culture.
way what is acceptable to
2. Acculturation
Modes of acquiring  Learning other culture through long
Culture  Process in which an individual adopts,
acquires and adjust to a new cultural
1. Enculturation.
 Learnings one Culture for necessity
 Is the process by which people learn
the dynamics of their surrounding
culture and acquire values and norms
appropriate or necessary in that culture
and worldviews.
 Influence of the individual include
parents, other adults and peers.
Identity Formation
 Identity formation, also known as individuation, is the
development of the distinct personality of an individual,
regarded as a persisting entity (Known as personal
Continuity) in a particular stage of life in which individual
characteristics are possessed and by which a person is
recognized or known. This Process define individual to
others and themselves. Pieces of the persons actual
identity include a sense of continuity, a sense of
uniqueness from others and a sense of affiliation.
 Hughes and Kroehler(2009) define norms as social
rules that specify appropriate and inappropriate behavior
in a given situations. It dictates what one “should”, and
“must” do as well as what he/she “Should not”, “Could
not” and “must not to do”
 Schaefer (2012) defines cultural values as collective
conceptions of what is considered good, desirable and
proper or bad, undesirable and improper, what they find
important and morally right or wrong.
Statuses and roles
 Status described the position a person occupies in a
particular setting; we all occupy several statuses and play
the roles that may be associated with them. A Role is the
set of norms, values, behaviors and personality
characteristics attached to a status. An individual may
occupy the statuses of students, employee, and club
president and play one or more roles with each one.
Conformity- Involves the acceptance of the cultural goals and means of
attaining those goals.


Deviance- Is a behaviour that violates the standards of conduct or

expectations or social norms of a group or society. Alcoholic, gamblers, sex
deviants, drug addicts or late comers in the class are all classified as deviants or
deviant acts.
TWO TYPES OF Informal social norms, norms
DEVIANT that have not been codified into
ACTIVITIES Examples; Picking one’s nose,
1. FORMAL DEVIANCE- Belching loudly, standing too close
Crime that Violates formally to another unnecessarily (again,in
enacted laws. some cultures).
Examples; robbery, theft, rape,
murder, and assault, just to name
a few.
Four functions of deviance
a. Deviance affirms b. Responding to
cultural values and norms.
deviance clarifies moral
There can be no good
without evil and no justice boundaries. People draw
without crime.
a boundary between right
and wrong.
c. Responding to deviance
d. Deviance encourages
brings people together.
social change. Deviant people
People typically react to
push society’s moral
serious deviance with
shared outrage.
5 forms of Origins of Deviance: Merton-Strain theory
(Gap between cultural Goals and means).
1. Conformity- Believe both established cultural goals of
society and normative means for attaining those goals.
Follows the process of pursuing a person’s goal through
traditional means like education and hard work.
They Follow the rules of the society.
Goal=+ Means=+
5 forms of Origins of Deviance: Merton-Strain theory
(Gap between cultural Goals and means).
2. Innovations- Accept Cultural Goals but reject conventional
methods of attaining those goals. Use of non-traditional way of
approach to reach a socially acceptable goal like earning money
by stealing or through investment scam. Generally regarded as
Goal=+ Means=-
5 forms of Origins of Deviance: Merton-Strain theory
(Gap between cultural Goals and means).
3. Ritualism- Does not believe in established cultural goals of
society but believe in and abide by the means for attaining those
goals. The person rejects a certain cultural goal like the
acquisition of money, but still continues to act conventionally to
project a level of dignity.
Goal=- Means=+
5 forms of Origins of Deviance: Merton-Strain theory
(Gap between cultural Goals and means).
4. Retreatism- Reject both cultural goals and accepted means
of attaining those goals. The individual is similar to be apathetic,
as shown by alcoholics and drug addicts. Acceptance of their
current situations is evident by not doing anything to change or
improve it. Avoid both goals and means, replacing those norms
with their own countercultural forces.
Goal=- Means=-
5 forms of Origins of Deviance: Merton-Strain theory
(Gap between cultural Goals and means).
5. Rebellion- Where an individual rejects both the cultural goal
and the acceptable way of reaching it. They also substitute new
goals and new means of attaining those goals.
Goal0=+- Means=+-
Social control
 The idea of criminal
 Social control behavior is learned:
involves teaching, criminals are
persuading, and or considered In other words, one may
forcing members and conformists when
non members of a learn deviant behavior
they tend to conform
group to comply with to the groups in based on their
and not deviate from which they associate association.
its norms and themselves.
The Ultimate Goal of Social Control is

2. Obedience-
1. Submission- Compliance with an
The action or fact of order, request or Law
accepting or yielding or submission to 3. Conformity
to a superior force or another’s authority
to the will or
authority of another

Gossip for social control in natural and artificial

societies. In this work, we propose a theory of gossip
as a means for social control. Exercising social control
roughly means to isolate and to punish cheaters.

Social Ostracism Increases social susceptibility.

Ostracism, the act of ignoring and excluding, is a
universally applied tactic of social ontrol. Individuals
who detect ostracism often change their behaviors to
be readmitted into a group, even if it means becoming
excessively socially susceptible to influence.
Reward and Punishment, Informal controls
reward or punish acceptable or unacceptable
behavior. (i.e.,deviance)and are varied from
individual to individual, group to group and society
to society. For example, at a women’s institute
meeting, a disapproving look might convey the
message that is inappropriate to flirt with the
minister. In a criminal gang, on the ither hand, a
stronger sanction applies in the case of someone
threatening to inform the police of illegal activity.
Law, Social control entails rules of
behavior that should be followed by the
members of society. Some of the rules of
conduct fall into the realm of good
manners as the culture define them. Other
rules of conduct are not optional and are
enforced by laws.
Social control by the use of reward is
known as Positive reinforcement. In
society and the laws and regulations
implemented by the government tend to
focus on punishment or enforcing
negative sanctions to act as a deterrent
as a means of social control.
Social Control is imposed to protect the

Human Dignity refers to an individual or

group’s sense of self-respect and self-worth,
physical and psychological integrity and

Bill of rights, civil rights, political rights,

economic rights as well as rights of the
accused before during and after trial.
Social Control is imposed to protect the

Common Good which benefits society as a

whole, in contrast to the private good of
individuals and sections of society. In effect,
The notion of the common good is a denial that
society is and should be composed of
atomized individuals living in isolation from one
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