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Your blood travels cross-country (and back).
The circulatory system is your body’s blood-
pumping machine. Blood quickly courses through
the body, making its rounds three times in a minute.
In a day, your blood travels a total of
12,000 miles. That’s a longer route than driving the
entire perimeter of the United States.
Ancient Egyptians studied the circulatory system.
Humans examined the circulatory system all the way
back in ancient times. Ancient Egyptians published
notes in an Egyptian medical journal called the
Ebers Papyrus, which dates back
to 16th century BC. In “a treatise on the heart,” the
medical document dons the heart as the chief blood-
supplying organ.
A broken heart is real. (BONGCAC)
Traumatic life events like death of a loved one and
divorce can actually cause a broken heart. “Broken
heart syndrome,” clinically referred to as stress-
induced cardiomyopathy, mirrors
the symptoms of a heart attack. While not as severe
as a heart attack, broken heart syndrome can lead to
short-term heart failure.
Your heart pumps enough blood to fill three
supertankers. (ALARCON)
An average human heart pumps 1 million barrels of
blood in a lifetime. To meet this quota, the heart
pumps blood at a rate of five liters per minute. And it
takes hard work to do so.
Your heart, despite its size, is the hardest working
muscle in your body..
Your circulatory system is intricate and delicate.
Though strong and efficient, your circulatory system
is also quite fragile. Your heart, veins, capillaries and
arteries all rely on one another to function properly.
If one valve fails,
the whole system falls into a funk. Because the
circulatory system powers your entire body, it’s
important to keep your heart and blood vessels safe
from harm.

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