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Reporter: Beligan, Stephanie L. BSOA 3C

The nanoworld of Science and technology is great interest to

government, industries and academia. The prefix “nano” denotes sizes
of the order of one billionth of a meter. “Nano structure science and
technology is a broad and interdisciplinary area of research and
development activity that has been growing explosively worldwide in
the past few years. It has been potential for revolutionizing the way in
which materials and products are created and the range and nature of
functionalities that can be accessed”
(Siegel, 1999)
The history of Nanotechnology traces development of the concept and
experimental work falling under the broad category of Nanotechnology.
Although nano technology is relatively recent development in scientific
research, that development of its central concept happened over a
longer period of time. The emergency of nano technology in the 1980s
was cost by convergence of experimental advances such as the invention
of the scanning tunneling Microsoft in 1981 and the discovery of
fullerenes in 1985, with that elucidation and popularization of conceptual
framework for the goal of nano technology.
The two terms often used in leather tour with a reference to the world of nano
materials are nanoscience and nanotechnology. Nano materials denotes divide
that matter.

✓ Nano materials exhibit properties entirely different from both material and
constitute materials of the future.
✓nano science refers to scientific study of materials of nanometer size one
billionth of a meter (The Royal Society, 1984).
✓nano technology refers too far use technology to produce materials of extra
high position and dimensions on the scale of one billionth of a meter
• The global market leader for tips for scanning probe
microscopy and atomic force microscopy.
• sphere of influence of Nanotechnology
FEYNMAN The retroactive rediscovery of Ferynman’s
nanotechnology a packaged history that
provided an early date of December 1959, plus
a connection to the charisma and genius of
Richard Feynman. Feyrman’s stature as a
Nobel laureate and as an Iconic figure in 20th
century science surely helped advocates of
nanotechnology and provided a valuable
intellectual link to the past.
His paper on the nano system. Molecular
Machinery, Manufacturing and computation,
received the Association of American
Publishers award for Best Computer Science
Book of 1992. Drexier founded the foresight
Institute in 1986 with the mission of
“Preparing for nanotechnology”
The scanning tunneling microscope and
instrument for imaging surfaces at the atomic
level, was developed in 1981 by GERD
BINNIG and Heinrich ROHRER at IBM
Zurich research laboratory, for which they
were awarded The Nobel prize Physics in
BINNIG, Calven Quare and Christoph
Gelber invented the first atomic force
microscope in 1986. The first commercial
available atomic force microscope was
introduced in 1989.
Potential Uses

The join Center for Bioethics in Canada ranked potential Uses of

nanoscience and nano technologies with respect to the development. Top 10
uses follow (BBC, News, 2005)
•Energy production, conservation and storage
•Enhancement of agricultural productivity
•treatment and remediation of water
•screening and diagnosing diseases
•system for drug delivery
• Processing and storing food
• Controlling air pollution
• Construction
• Monitoring health
• Detecting and controlling pests

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