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Course Design and

Theories of Learning
Group Members
1. Ersi Adwitya Ayu S (1621600023)
2. Latania Farda (1621600033)
3. Alfu Kartika M (1619500067)
In the context of ESP, course design is a process of data collection in preparing effective
tasks, activities, and creating the collecting data to prepare effective tasks, activities, and to
create the most suitable setting for ESP learners to achieve their goals (Richards, 2001).
The Types of ESP Course Design
Three types of ESP course design Two types of ESP courses
(Hutchinson and Waters, 1987) (Dudley-Evans and St John, 1998)

language-centered: identify linguistic features of target in an intensive course, the learners are immersed in the
situations in order to create syllabi and to design course for a specific period of time. An extensive course
instructional materials runs in conjunction with other course and takes up a small
proportion of learner’s schedule.

Skills-Centered : focus on learner performance and

competence, and language skills needed most ESP courses are run intensively either to prepare
students with language and skills needed for a specific
content area study or to train company staff for specific
Learning-centered : the learners as well as the whole workforce tasks. However, in most university contexts, ESP
learning context (e.g., the learning process and all courses are offered along with other content courses and
interactions among the learners and with the teacher, the therefore can be considered extensive in nature
material, and learning activities
Principles of ESP Course Design
1. Content difficulty should approximate 5. Communication gaps should be
the level in their normal courses. massively exploited.

6. Method should draw inspiration from

2. Content should lead language.
content teachers.

7. Speed up learning by drawing on

3. The exercise on the material should be
the research.
authentic as well as the material itself.

8. Consider using translation as a

4. There should be massive exposure to
scaffolding for weak students.
content and language.
The Main Elements of Course Design

Need analysis 01 02 Assessments

Learning or course Delivery method and

03 04 strategies

Learning objectives
05 06 Activities
Important of ESP
Course Design
The importance of designing ESP course aims to make the
language specifically taught fulfill the language needed in
the field to be studied by the learners. Therefore,
implementation of ESP is crucial in order to equip students
with appropriate language skill.
Example of ESP
Course Design
Language Description
The language description is the way in which the language system is broken
down and described for the purposes of learning Terms such as structural,
functional notional properly belong to this area. They refer to ways of analyzing
and describing language. They say nothing about how the language items
described can or should be taught it is, therefore appropriate to use these terms
in conjunction with approach or method, since these latter terms indicate a way
of or attitude to teaching, An approach or method derives not from a view of
language, but from a view of learning We can identify six main stages of
Theories of Learning
What is theories of learning?
"Learning is defined as a process that brings together personal and
environmental experiences and influences for acquiring, enriching or
modifying one’s knowledge, skills, values, attitudes, behavior and
worldviews," notes the International Bureau of Education. "Learning
theories develop hypotheses that describe how this process takes
Types of learning theories
01 02 03 04 05

Behaviorism Cognitive Constructivism Humanism Connectives

The Example of Learning Theory
Theory Explanation Application

1. Behaviorism As Simply Psychology puts it: Learning is based on a system of

"Behaviorism is only concerned routines that "drill" information into a
with observable stimulus-response student’s memory bank, as well as
behaviors, as they can be studied in a positive feedback from teachers and
systematic and observable manner." an educational institution itself. If
students do an excellent job, they
receive positive reinforcement and are
signaled out for recognition.

2. Ognitivism Learning relies on both external Developed in the 1950s, this theory
factors (like information or data) and moves away from behaviorism to
the internal thought process. focus on the mind’s role in learning.
According to the International Bureau
of Education: "In cognitive psychology,
learning is understood as the
acquisition of knowledge: the learner
is an information-processor who
absorbs information, undertakes
cognitive operations on it and stocks it
in memory."
3. Constructivism The learner builds upon his or her "The passive view of teaching views
previous experience and the learner as ‘an empty vessel’ to be
understanding to "construct" a new filled with knowledge," explains Simply
understanding. Psychology, "whereas constructivism
states that learners construct
meaning only through active
engagement with the world (such as
experiments or real-world problem

4. Humanism A "learner-centric approach" in which With the understanding that people

the potential is the focus rather than are inherently good, humanism
the method or materials. focuses on creating an environment
conducive to self-actualization. In
doing so, learners’ needs are met and
they are then free to determine their
own goals while the teacher assists in
meeting those learning goals.
5. Connectivism Informed by the digital age, Strongly influenced by
connectivism departs from technology, connectivism
constructivism by identifying focuses on a learner’s ability to
and remediating gaps in frequently source and update
knowledge. accurate information. Knowing
how and where to find the best
information is as important as
the information itself.
Why are Learning Theories Important?

It is for this reason that teacher colleges or educator

preparation programs spend so much time having teacher
candidates study human development and multiple
learning theories. Foundational knowledge of how
humans learn, and specifically how a child learns and
develops cognitively, is essential for all educators to be
their most effective instructors in the classroom.
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