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The following are the three kinds of

muscles in the body:
1. Skeletal Muscles
Muscles that are connected to the bones and
are responsible for movement are called skeletal
muscles. The movement of skeletal muscles is
voluntary, Voluntary muscles move when they
are consciously controlled.
Aside from movement, these muscles also give
the body shape.
Skeletal muscles can be found largely in the
arms, legs, chest, abdomen, face, and neck.
Their size and shape depend on their function.
The skeletal muscles work in pairs. This means
when one contrast, the other relaxes. When you
bend your arm, the upper muscles shortens
while the lower muscle lengthens.
2. Smooth Muscles
Smooth muscles are not attached to the bones.
They are involuntary muscles because they work
automatically. You cannot consciously control the
action of smooth muscles.
Smooth muscles are found in the walls of
blood vessels, helping the blood flow. They are
also in the walls of internal organs such as the
esophagus and stomach. When you eat , the
chewed food is pushed by the rhythmic
movement, called peristalsis, of the smooth muscles of
the digestive canal.

3. Cardiac Muscles
Cardiac muscles are involuntary muscles
Present only in the heart. They move rhythmically,
contracting and relaxing alternately to generate force to
pump blood throughout the body. The heart beats at the
rate of 70 times per minute or more than
100, 000 times a day.

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