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Translation is when we go from one
language to another in writing.
Interpreting is going from one language to
another in speech
Translation is written; interpreting is
Source text is the original text that you're
going to translate from.
The source language is the language of the
original text or the source text so these are
often abbreviated as ST (source text) and SL
(source language) .

The source language is English: the source text

is in English source [language is English]

The flip side of that is the target text and the

target language.

The target text is the document that the

translator produces, or the product.

While the target language (TL) is the language

of the target text (TT).
Using the same source text, the target text
would be another term or concept.
Genre and genre conventions - types or categories of texts
or films or songs but in translation class they are types of
texts, a kind of text.
Genres have conventions or rules that texts must adhere to.
The language is always used in a certain way the images
are always used.
Adhere to the conventions of that genre or it doesn't belong
to that genre.
Genre is a key concept.
How do we analyze source texts before we translate them?

Three basic language functions the (a) informative (b) the

vocative and the (c) expressive functions

This was introduced by a language theorist named Carl

Buehler back in the early 20th century and he said that all
language use can boil down to three primary or basic language

Anytime language is used, one of the three ways used may be

the three basic functions
(a) the informative This is also the same intention in translation. Are
function is when w the translated words informative? Is it trying to
use language to persuade to change the target language’s behavior?
provide Or does it try to express thoughts and emotions?
information to
present facts

(b) the vocative or a

(c) the expressive function is to use
function is when we
ppellative or persua
sive language to express experiences
influence the reader
're using language t
o emotions our attitude right what's inside
's behavior to make
request to try to con a the person’s thoughts and emotions. It
vince the reader to d
something think ab o is also called the artistic function (a
out an advertisemen
maybe a warning la t or personal, letter or a poem or a song
bel or something lik
that and finally
e lyric).
Equivalence is important in translation.

1.Cognitive equivalence 2.formal equivalence 3. Dynamic

means they are equivalent in means that the forms and equivalence
structures of the language or is the idea that the reader
content. The idea is that the
content of the target text the language of the target text experience of the target
should be the same or matches that of the source text. text should be the same as
correspond to the content of If the words are put side by the reader experience of
the source text. In side, they would look very the source text in other
translation the source similar. On the surface, they words the target text
language needs to be would have formal or should have the equivalent
communicated in the same structural equivalence. It is effect.
content and message. ideal to attain.
The different types of equivalents may be used to emphasize or
prioritize what to translate.
1. Literal translations mean that the
translator was faithful to the source text
and tried to reproduce it as closely as
possible in this in the target language.

Descriptions of In other words, the translator used

source text bias, when compared to the
source text in in terms of form and

content, it tries to stay as close to the
source text as possible. It shows that the
form over content or source text bias
has been chosen as technique in
translation. Example of literal
translation is the Bible.
2. Free translation means that the
translator focused on expressing the
message in the source text in a way
that would be natural sounding to

Descriptions of target language readers. This can often

mean taking lots of liberties with the
target language itself, the target text.

In this sense, the naturalness of content
over form, the liberty with the source
text and source language has been used
in translation targeting language

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