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French and Indian War

Graphic Novel Project

Dispute over the French allying with British troops winning over Signing the peace treaty French ceding Canada
Ohio River Valley the Natives the Ohio River Valley of the Seven Years’ War to the British

The French will The cession of Canada marks a

honor any It is a painful turning point, and it is up to each
agreements they I understand that decision, but of us to contribute to the shaping
What can make with us, and it seems the
May the Ohio River this negotiation of this new world. May we do so
the French together, they can only path to
Valley be a comes at a great with wisdom, compassion, and
give us that push back the peace.
Mon ami, testament to the cost to France. We the spirit of unity that has brought
the British British and secure Canada will
this is strength and resolve must discuss the us this far.
cannot? the Ohio River be ceded to
French of the British terms regarding the
Hold there, Valley for both our cession of Canada Great Britain.
territory, Empire. Long live
Frenchman! peoples. to Great Britain.
claimed by the King!
This land
Louis XV.
belongs to His
We were
Majesty King
here first.

The French trying to The British won control over the

When the Treaty of Paris was signed George Washington
The French and in 1763, it marked the end of the
ally to the Natives for Ohio River Valley through a foreshadowing the
British soldiers combination of military campaigns,
French and Indian War and resulted
the need to win the such as the capture of key French
in significant territorial changes, events that would up to
having a dispute over with France ceding Canada and
French and Indian forts like Fort Duquesne (renamed the American Revolution
the Ohio River Valley Fort Pitt), diplomatic efforts that
much of its North American territory
War over the Ohio secured alliances with some Native
to Great Britain, while Spain ceded since the creation of the
Florida to Britain and acquired
River Valley dispute American tribes who then fought
Louisiana from France. Royal Proclamation.
alongside the British.

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