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Tindak Balas Pengoksidaan dan Penurunan (REDOKS)

NOTA Pengekstrakan logam daripada bijihnya dalam industri Logam Kalium Natrium Kalsium Magnesium Aluminium Zink Besi Stanum Plumbum Kuprum Merkuri Argentum Emas Pemanasan sulfida logam dalam udara Wujud sebagai unsur logam dalam kerak bumi Jadual 1 Penurunan oksida logam oleh karbon Logam-logam yang kurangreaktif Elektrolisis aluminium oksida lebur Elektrolisis klorida logam lebur Kaedah Pengekstrakan Catatan

Logam-logam yang sangat reaktif

1. Jadual 1 menunjukkan kaedah yang digunakan di dalam industri bagi mengekstrak logam daripada bijihnya. 2. (a) Pengekstrakan timah( stanum) dalam industri - Bijih timah yang dilombong dipanggil kasiterit, iaitu stanum(IV) oksida. - Bijih timah dibersihkan dan dipekatkan melalui proses pengapungan dan kemudian dipanggang untuk mengeluarkan kotoran seperti sulfur. - Stanum (IV) oksida yang tulen dicampur dengan kok( karbon ) dan

dimasukkan kedalam sebuah relau kemudian dipanaskan kepada suhu 1350oC. - Tindak balas berikut menghasilkan timah lebur SnO2 (p) + C (p) Sn (ce) + CO2 (g) SnO2 (p) + 2C (p) Sn (ce) + 2CO (g) SnO2 (p) + 2CO (g) Sn (ce) + 2CO2 (g) - Timah lebur dialirkan ke dalam acuan untuk dibekukan. (b) Pengekstrakan besi( ferum ) dalam industri - Bijih besi yang dilombong dipanggil hematit ( Fe2O3) dan magnetit (Fe3O4). - Bijih besi bersama batu kapur dan kok( karbon ), dimasukkan ke dalam sebuah relau bagas. - Udara panas yang memanaskan relau bagas itu akan menguraikan kasium karbonat dan menghasilkan gas karbon dioksida. Kok juga bertindak balas dengan udara panas menghasilkan gas karbon dioksida. - Bijih besi kemudian diturunkan kepada besi oleh karbon monoksida dan kok ( karbon ). Fe2O3(p) + 3CO(g) 2Fe(ce) + 3CO2(g) 2Fe2O3(p) + 3C(p) 4Fe(ce) + 3CO2(g) Fe3O4(p) + 4CO(g) 3Fe(ce) + 4CO2(g) Fe2O3(p) + 2C (p) 3Fe(ce) + 2CO2(g) - Besi lebur yang terhasil membentuk suatu lapisan di bahagian bawah relau. (c) Pengekstrakan aluminium dalam industri - Bijih aluminium yang dilombong dipanggil bauksit ( Al2O3.2H2O). - Bauksit ditulenkan untuk menghasilkan aluminium oksida tulen. - Bauksit dicampurkan dengan kriolit dan dipanaskan sehingga lebur di dalam sel elektrolis menggunakan grafit( karbon ) sebagai katod dan anod. - Tindak balas di anod: Tindak balas di katod 2O2- (ce) O2 (g) + 4e Al3+(ce) + 3e Al (ce)

- Aluminium lebur terbentuk di bahagian bawah sel


Extraction of Tin and Lead

The chief ore of tin is cassiterite or tinstone, SnO2. This ore contains about 10% of tin. Tin is extracted from cassiterite through the following steps: 1. The crushed ore is washed with water to remove lighter impurities. 2. The ore is then roasted to remove arsenic and sulphur as volatile oxides. 3. Tin is obtained by reducing it with coal in a reverberatory furnace; Limestone is added to produce a slag with the impurities, which can be removed.

Crude tin so obtained is contaminated with iron, lead and other metals. It is, therefore, remelted on an inclined furnace. The process is called liquation. The easily fusible tin melts away and the less fusible impurities are left behind. Molten tin is finally stirred with green poles of wood in contact with air. In this process any remaining metal impurities are oxidized forming a scum, which rises to the surface and is removed. This process is called poling.

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The ores of lead are: (i) Galena, PbS (ii) Cerussite, PbCO3 (iii) Anglesite, PbSO4. In India, small quantities of lead ores are found in Rajasthan. Bijih utama yang terdapat pada plumbum ialah galena. Untuk mengestrakkan plumbum daripada galena, bijih tersebut terlebih dahulu perlu ditepuan melalui proses pengapungan buih.The chief ore of lead is galena. In order to extract lead from galena, the ore is first concentrated by froth floatation process.

Bijih yang tepu dipanggang di udara untuk ditukarkn kepada plumbum oksida (PbO) dan plmbum sulfat (PbSO 4). Sebahagian galena yang tinggal juga tidak berubah. Jika bekalan udara dikurangkan, PbS yang tidak bertindakbalas akn bertindakbalas dengan PbO dan PbSO4 untuk menghasilkan logam plumbum (kaeedah penurunan sendiri) The concentrated ore is roasted in air to convert it into lead oxide (PbO) and lead sulphate (PbSO4). Some galena is also left unchanged. If the air supply is now reduced; the unreacted PbS reacts with PbO and PbSO4 to produce lead metal (self-reduction method).

Dalam keadah yang lain, campuran sulfida (PbS and ZnS) dipanggang untuk mendapatkan oksida. Campuran oksida tersebut diturunkan kepada logam masing-masing dengan menggunakan arang kok di dalam relau bagas. The mixed oxides are reduced to their respective metals with coke by heating in blast furnace.

Leburan plumbum dikikis daripada bawah relau. Wap zink yang muncul daripada bahagian atas relau. Dikondesasikan. Molten lead is tapped from the bottom of the furnace. Zinc vapors, which come out from the top of the furnace, are condensed Rujukan:


Extraction of Lead from its Ore

Lead is mainly extracted from the sulfide ore galena. Galena contains Zinc sulfide and small quantity of Silver.

Introduction to Extraction of lead from its ore

The extraction of element lead from its ore takes place in two steps. They are 1.Concentration: The ore is concentrated by froth flotation process in which the ore is mixed with water and pine oil and is continuously agitated which produces forth. Zinc sulfide ore is preferentially wetted by the froth where as the impurities remain in the solution. 2. Smelting in a Reverberatory furnace: The concentrated ore is roasted in a reverberatory furnace at a moderate temperature. The temperature of furnace is controlled by regulating the air supply. During roasting, lead is partly oxidized to lead monoxide and partly to lead sulfate.

3PbS +3O2---->2PbO +2SO2 PbS + 2O2---->PbSO4 More of galena is then added. The temperature is raised and simultaneously the air supply is reduced. Lead sulfide reacts with two oxidized products giving lead. PbS + 2PbO ----->3Pb +SO2 PbS + PbSO4 ------> 2Pb + 2SO2 Thus in this process of extraction of lead roasting and smelting are carried out in the same furnace, at two different temperatures. About 90% of lead is obtained as metal, the rest passes into slag. Lead is recovered from the slag by heating with powdered coke and lime.

Purification of Lead Extraction

Lead extraction from the above process contains impurities such as silver, copper, tin, bismuth, gold and iron. It is refined by the following process
1. 2. 3.

Liquation: The impure metal is heated on a sloping hearth. Lead melts and flows down the slope. The infusible impurities remain in the hearth. Desilverization: Silver is removed by Pattinsons process or Parks process. Electrolytic refining: Very pure lead is obtained by this process in which the impure lead is made as anode and pure lead is made as cathode and the electrolyte is the mixture of lead fluorosilicate and hydrofluorosilicic acid. The metallic impurities which are more electropositive than lead, such as iron and tin, go into the solution while the rest of the impurities are thrown down as anode mud.


Title Publisher

Bilingual CHEMISTRY Arah Pendidikan Sdn Bhd

Author Tan Pek Soo.

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