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The Pictorialist

May 2014 Newsletter of the Photo Pictorialists of Milwaukee Established 1904 Affiliated with the Photographic ociety of A!erica "isco#si# Area $a!era $lubs %rga#i&atio# A#d the "isco#si# Pri#t $ircuit 'ichard (ehl) Preside#t* +athy ,rau#) -ice Preside#t .i/ie 0owi#) Treasurer* ,ert 1arti#ger) ecretary2Editor Meeti#gs are held the first Thursday of each !o#th fro! epte!ber thru May at 3p! i# the 0uther Ma#or $o#fere#ce 'oo!) 4444 N5 92#d t5) "auwatosa) "isco#si# May 1 Competition Night 'e!e!ber that our co!petitio# #ight !eeti#g starts early) at 6780 rather tha# 3p!5 ,ri#g your ow# be9erage a#d a#y s#acks to sustai# you through the e9e#i#g5 :udges will be ,ill Meyer) Peter ;u&ga) :oh# Ehlerts) a#d :a#e 1irst5 <f you wa#t to e#ter pri#ts i# the "A$$% co!petitio#) which takes place i# Appleto#) a#d do#=t pla# to go up there) bri#g your pri#ts to this !eeti#g a#d +athy ,rau# will take the! for you5 Pauli#e ,eck se#t a #ote about future 0uther Ma#or e/hibitio#s5 After ,ert 1arti#ger has his e/hibitio# i# May) we will ha9e a# e/hibitio# of 1arley pri#ts) such as was prese#ted i# $ity 1all5 Please bri#g those 1arley pri#ts to this May 1 !eeti#g5 After that we will ha9e a# e/hibitio# of pri#ts fro! our co!petitio#5 'ather tha# taki#g pri#ts ho!e after >udgi#g) co#sider lea9i#g the! with the club5 Results of our Business Meeting %fficers will stay the sa!e5 'ichard (ehl agreed to be Preside#t ?for the 6th year ru##i#g@A but i#stead of hi! doi#g practically e9erythi#g hi!self) respo#sibilities will be assig#ed to others to keep the club fu#ctio#i#g5 +athy pro!ised to acti9ely assist the Preside#t5 he also k#ows how to ru# the co!petitio# a#d scori#g5 'ichard) Pauli#e) a#d Phil ,lock !et April B to docu!e#t how the club is orga#i&ed a#d the >ob descriptio#s for the respo#sible perso#s who are officers) co!!ittee chair!e#) 9olu#teers) etc5 Pauli#e will co#ti#ue to look for photo opportu#ities) orga#i&e outi#gs) a#d help with co!!u#icatio#s5 a#dra "eber will co#ti#ue editi#g our web site a#d !a#agi#g our Clickr accou#t) recei9e digital photos to show at !eeti#gs) a#d ru# the co!puter a#d pro>ector to show the!5 Michael :eske 9olu#teered to coordi#ate the photo displays at the 0uther Ma#or "elco!e $e#ter5 +arre# :eske 9olu#teered to be the seco#d "A$$% delegate) to replace :eff Ta!!s5 +athy ,rau# is a#d will be our other delegate5 Treasurer .i/ie 0owi# reported i#co!e this year of D610 fro! dues) a#d e/pe#ditures totali#g D441520 for such thi#gs as pri#ti#g brochures) do#atio#s to 0uther Ma#or) a#d di##ers for co!petitio# >udges5 "e ha9e D31500 i# cash) a#d D1906523 i# the ba#k5

"e 9oted to keep dues at D20 for a si#gle !e!bership) a#d D80500 for a couple) a#d also to write a check of D34500 to 0uther Ma#or5 Club Banquet %ur e#d of progra! year ba#Euet will be May 145 The ba#Euet will be held i# the 0M $o#fere#ce 'oo!) i#stead of at Mayer=s 'estaura#t5 This will be a potluck affair with e9eryo#e bri#gi#g a dish to share) a#d bri#gi#g their ow# be9erage5 $o!e at 6p! to sociali&e) a#d we will eat at 3p!5 $o!petitio# awards will be distributed a#d wi##i#g i!ages show#5 Prints Needed for the PSA Council Challenge


Spring Competition

The "A$$% pri#g co!petitio# this year will be i# Appleto# May 8) a#d the locatio# is .5 :5 ,ordi#i $e#ter) 5 N5 yste!s .ri9e) Appleto#) "< 449145 !"hibit Schedule at #uther Manor The e/hibitors #ow at 0uther Ma#or are :erry 1arders a#d Fe#e Newli#5 "he# their >oi#t e/hibit co!es dow#) after about a !o#th) +arre# a#d Michael :eske will e/hibit) a#d after that ,ert 1arti#ger will take a tur#5 The# will follow our e/hibit of 1arley pri#ts) a#d followi#g that a# e/hibit of pri#ts fro! our co!petitio#5 $reat Schedule

,ri#g o#e u#2!ou#ted pri#t B/10 to the May !eeti#g5 .igital i!ages for the $ou#cil $halle#ge ha9e already bee# selected5

May 1 G Treat yourself5 (ear2e#d co!petitio# ?bri#g your ow# s#acks a#d be9erageA5

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