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Unit 4: Creative Media Production Management Project Project Log 07/05/13 Today I wrote up my 2 ideas in a brainstorm, I then went

into further detail in the analysis. That then led to selecting my final idea and justifying my choice. 08/05/13 Today I have put together a mood board and I have drawn my mock-up of the idea so I can then receive feedback from my peers and my survey. 09/05/13 Today I have received all my peer feedback on my survey and I have also analysed my feedback and made adaptations to my idea. I have now moved onto my audience research specifying on my audiences age gender socio-economics and demographics. 13/05/13 Today I finished off my audience research and I specified my exact target audience and researched into them in detail. 14/05/13 Today I looked into my market and my competitors, equipment, skills, project management, content base and the codes and constraints towards my production. 17/05/13 Today I have started writing my pitch for a chance of someone investing into my production. I will go into the idea and then consider all the costs that could come out of my production. 7/6/13 Today I presented my pitch. I thought it went very well seeing that I am not experienced in presenting. I feel that my pitch caught the investors eye and interested her in investing her money into my project. I am now going to start my pre-production for my production and get filming! 14/6/13 Today I have written up my storyboards and pre production booklet and I have arranged with my actor to film next week on Wednesday 19th June. 19/6/13 So filming today went very well, I had good weather and my actor couldnt have done a better job. Everything went to plan and I couldnt be happier. Now to edit over the week finished for Monday 24th.

24/6/13 The editing of my production also went very well. I managed to edit it in time to get feedback from my client and also make the changes to meet the audiences needs.

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